连线杂志(WIRED)的个人专栏中,Noam Cohen 和 Steven Levy 分别发表了评论,用于评论 RMS 辞职事件对于技术领域的影响。
Steven Levy 使用的标题是:
Richard Stallman and the Fall of the Clueless Nerd
The controversial pioneer of free software resigned from MIT over his remarks on Jeffrey Epstein and Marvin Minsky. Stallman won’t be the last.
Noam Cohen 的文章是:
Richard Stallman’s Exit Heralds a New Era in Tech
Accused of minimizing the harms from sexual assault and child sex slavery, the free-software icon has been banished. Now begins the hard work of making tech welcoming and inclusive.
我个人比较担心的一点是,现在的美国及西方世界已经变得越来越强调一个人的政治观点的正确性,并且逐渐具有了需要自身表态的要求(本次RMS并不是,他是自发出来为明斯基辩护的)。国内的工程师,绝大部分在出国的时候,既没有在文化上经历过国内的革命,也没有对于美国正在进行的运动有所了解。大陆同胞最常用的防御方法,是沉默和漠视。而沉默要承受的压力也很大(前不久Facebook美国办公室跳楼自杀的中国工程师案件仍在调查)。我们 OSDT Weekly 后续会尝试提供一些社会关系等方面的应对技巧的书籍,希望对于我们的读者有所帮助。
知乎上小乖他爹依然在坚持每天一更他的【方舟编译器学习笔记】,目前已经开始对比 LLVM 和 Open64 的 IR 跟方舟编译器的 Maple IR 的异同。
围观学习地址: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/openarkcompiler
By Ritu Kothari, Yan Or
现在是8周一趟班车模式,2020开始变成四周。这飙版本的速度,可以上秋名山了 😂
Today’s announcement
And today we’re excited to announce that we’re moving to a four-week release cycle! We’re adjusting our cadence to increase our agility, and bring you new features more quickly. In recent quarters, we’ve had many requests to take features to market sooner. Feature teams are increasingly working in sprints that align better with shorter release cycles. Considering these factors, it is time we changed our release cadence.
Starting Q1 2020, we plan to ship a major Firefox release every 4 weeks. Firefox ESR release cadence (Extended Support Release for the enterprise) will remain the same. In the years to come, we anticipate a major ESR release every 12 months with 3 months support overlap between new ESR and end-of-life of previous ESR. The next two major ESR releases will be ~June 2020 and ~June 2021.
arm: Enable code hoisting with -Os richard sandiford: 简化gcc的实现,Reduce the amount of global ABI state, Make HARD_REG_SETs easier to use
[ARM/FDPIC v6 00/24] FDPIC ABI for ARM, 这个set ping了两年左右了,应该快进去了
Martin Jambor 继续推进IPA优化的改进,包括 [PATCH 0/4] True IPA reimplementation of IPA-SRA (v4) 等。
提交了 1000+ patches 的国内开发者
国内活跃的开发者 @MaskRay 的 commits 提交数量达到了 1k+ (这是很厉害的数字,小编还在为了突破个位数挣扎)。LLVM 家族在国内的活跃度惊人。
LLVM Weekly 即将达到300期这一里程碑时间点。300期即2100天。
彩蛋:在过去某一期中,LLVM Weekly 作者在头条位置宣布自己求婚成功。猜猜看是哪一期?
更多内容可以参考 LLVM Weekly 第299期。
LLVM 9.0.0 来了
llvm 9.0.0 is available https://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2019-September/135304.html
llvm 9.0.0 is available https://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2019-September/135304.html ←clang-9可以编译x86的linux kernel
(Thanks MaskRay and qluokai for this bagua)
Google: llvm-propeller
(Thanks qluokai for this bagua)
clang-tidy: new bugprone-infinite-loop
clang-tidy 多了新检查 bugprone-infinite-loop,检查明显的死循环 https://reviews.llvm.org/D64736
(Thanks MaskRay for this bagua)
和GNU社区的合作,llvm开发者在试图说服GNU objcopy --set-section-alignment 不要用2的幂表示alignment
(Thanks MaskRay for this bagua)
lld: fix-cortex-a8
lld终于支持 --fix-cortex-a8 (erratum 657417, Thumb-2跳转指令导致死锁) https://reviews.llvm.org/D67284
(Thanks MaskRay for this bagua)
llvm-libc: 玩真的,开始了
llvm-libc 开始搭脚手架 https://reviews.llvm.org/D67867 (邮件列表已经创建好了)
(Thanks MaskRay for this bagua)
CTF: comments
https://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2019-09/msg00222.html CTF linking patch series v4 这是我比较怀疑的东西。包括gcc要加的 -gt 生成CTF。我相当怀疑这些人根本没有仔细调优过dwarf的输出,把精力花在了搞这个Solaris hack上(小编注:我没看懂这部分,link部分不太懂;DWARF倒是还行)
(Thanks MaskRay for this bagua)
libc: When can we stop writing ChangeLogs?
My vote is next release, so we have time to update the release wiki page and get used with process meanwhile.
On 20/09/2019 11:55, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
Hello folks,
I've committed the ChangeLog auto-generation script[1] so we can stop writing ChangeLog entries any time now. What's the preferred way to do this, stop right now, or stop after the February release?
Also, I think this is a great time to start a conversation on a patch review system with CI plugs, etc. After a conversation with Gabriel at Cauldron I realized that the ChangeLog auto-generation is actually just the beginning and we could do a whole lot more with that set of scripts, on the lines of static analysis of the changes to weed out any obvious issues. That could go in as one of the CI checks.
(Thanks MaskRay for this bagua)
第一节RISC-V的论坛的邀请函已经发出来几周了。邀请函中说9月中旬会有 talk 的报名地址公开,但是到现在还没有。估计包云岗老师太忙了,再耐心等一等。同时可以直接找包云岗老师问问是否能报名😄
tvm PR3997 上 tqchen 发起了对 Yong Wu 的提名:
Please join me to welcome Yong Wu(@yongwww) as a new reviewer. He has been contributing to the TF frontends and TOPI.
see apache/tvm#3997
中国科学院软件研究所持续招聘编译器方向开发人员。请联系吴伟 w@droid.ac.cn 或 邢老师 mingjie@iscas.ac.cn。
起承转合道尽人的局限哈哈。 然后就一直在不断的扩展这个理论,总结常用的沟通模式,想着以后写本快速自我改进的指导小册子。