Each user should only have a single password and NOT NULL
Password must be hashed (Argon2)
User name is NOT NULL
Email is used as username and must be unique
Pet owner and caretaker can share the same user account(with overlap)
User can only be pet owner and caretaker (with covering)
Pet owner
Each Pet owner must be uniquely identified by their email address
Pet owner must own at least one pet
Caretaker (full time)
- Max 5 pets at a time
- Should not take care of pets that they cannot take care of
- Must work for a minimum of 2x150 consecutive days
- Cannot apply leave when there is at least one pet under their care
Caretaker (part time)
Max 2 pets at a time (for low rating)
Max 5 pets at a time (for good rating)
Should not take care of pets that they cannot take care of
A pet can only be taken care of by one care taker at a time.
A pet can only be owned by one pet owner
A pet is unique identified by pet ID
Pet name is NOT NULL
PCS Admin
Each admin should only has a single password and not null
Each admin is identified by a unique Admin ID
- Charge amount cannot be negative integer or null
Bidding price cannot be negative integer or null
Subsequent bidding amounts must be higher than the previous one by a minimum fixed integer amount.
Start date must be before end date
There are 2 transfers for each transaction
There are only 3 transferring method
Pet owner deliver
Caretaker pick up
Transfer through the physical building of PCS
Rating can be from 1-5 stars (integer) and optional
Rating comment can be optional (NULL)
- Start date must be before end date
- Pet category is uniquely identified by CategoryID