From 1c5102733066389ec2872a8c2fd664e47a2a0cb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alessandro Candido Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 08:35:18 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] build: Rename dev group to test --- pyproject.toml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml index 7742bd8..9727f77 100644 --- a/pyproject.toml +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ python = ">=3.9,<3.12" qibo = ">=0.2.4" requests = "^2.31.0" -[] +[] pytest = "^7.4.3" pytest-cov = "^4.1.0" pylint = "^3.0.3" From 7669ac8e810cfedeab93d53a23b4bccb75f8e857 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alessandro Candido Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 08:36:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] build: Add dev deps --- poetry.lock | 270 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- pyproject.toml | 5 + 2 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock index eab1bcb..85cb421 100644 --- a/poetry.lock +++ b/poetry.lock @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.5.1 and should not be changed by hand. +# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.8.1 and should not be changed by hand. [[package]] name = "alabaster" @@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ files = [ {file = "alabaster-0.7.16.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:75a8b99c28a5dad50dd7f8ccdd447a121ddb3892da9e53d1ca5cca3106d58d65"}, ] +[[package]] +name = "appnope" +version = "0.1.4" +description = "Disable App Nap on macOS >= 10.9" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.6" +files = [ + {file = "appnope-0.1.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:502575ee11cd7a28c0205f379b525beefebab9d161b7c964670864014ed7213c"}, + {file = "appnope-0.1.4.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1de3860566df9caf38f01f86f65e0e13e379af54f9e4bee1e66b48f2efffd1ee"}, +] + [[package]] name = "astroid" version = "3.0.3" @@ -58,6 +69,17 @@ files = [ [package.extras] dev = ["freezegun (>=1.0,<2.0)", "pytest (>=6.0)", "pytest-cov"] +[[package]] +name = "backcall" +version = "0.2.0" +description = "Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" +files = [ + {file = "backcall-0.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = 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completion for Python prompt" +optional = false +python-versions = "*" +files = [ + {file = "fancycompleter-0.9.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:dd076bca7d9d524cc7f25ec8f35ef95388ffef9ef46def4d3d25e9b044ad7080"}, + {file = "fancycompleter-0.9.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:09e0feb8ae242abdfd7ef2ba55069a46f011814a80fe5476be48f51b00247272"}, +] + +[package.dependencies] +pyreadline = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""} +pyrepl = ">=0.8.2" + [[package]] name = "fastjsonschema" version = "2.19.1" @@ -563,6 +611,42 @@ files = [ {file = "iniconfig-2.0.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2d91e135bf72d31a410b17c16da610a82cb55f6b0477d1a902134b24a455b8b3"}, ] +[[package]] +name = "ipython" +version = "7.34.0" +description = "IPython: Productive Interactive Computing" +optional = false +python-versions = ">=3.7" +files = [ + {file = "ipython-7.34.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c175d2440a1caff76116eb719d40538fbb316e214eda85c5515c303aacbfb23e"}, + {file = "ipython-7.34.0.tar.gz", 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index 9727f77..9b726e9 100644 --- a/pyproject.toml +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ sphinx-copybutton = "^0.5.2" nbsphinx = "^0.9.3" furo = "^2023.9.10" + +[] +ipython = "^7" +pdbpp = "^0.10.3" + [tool.poe.tasks] test = "pytest" lint = "pylint --errors-only src" From 86e3fbdd64c59899d0563e41df39476fd4fa0a04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alessandro Candido Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 08:36:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/9] build: Add Nix files --- .envrc | 9 ++ .gitignore | 1 + flake.lock | 323 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ flake.nix | 62 ++++++++++ 4 files changed, 395 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .envrc create mode 100644 flake.lock create mode 100644 flake.nix diff --git a/.envrc b/.envrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01f5f41 --- /dev/null +++ b/.envrc @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +if ! has nix_direnv_version || ! nix_direnv_version 2.2.1; then + source_url "" "sha256-zelF0vLbEl5uaqrfIzbgNzJWGmLzCmYAkInj/LNxvKs=" +fi + +nix_direnv_watch_file flake.nix +nix_direnv_watch_file flake.lock +if ! use flake . --impure; then + echo "devenv could not be built. The devenv environment was not loaded. Make the necessary changes to devenv.nix and hit enter to try again." >&2 +fi diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index de63fdd..a48517a 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -165,3 +165,4 @@ examples/results/ # configuration variables src/tii_qrc_provider/.env +.devenv diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6972111 --- /dev/null +++ b/flake.lock @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +{ + "nodes": { + "devenv": { + "inputs": { + "flake-compat": "flake-compat", + "nix": "nix", + "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs", + "pre-commit-hooks": "pre-commit-hooks" + }, + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1709300857, + "narHash": "sha256-jkK99RiSt5YfLWj3kAQoB8OB3idxLTdT9kfo/wILbjw=", + "owner": "cachix", + "repo": "devenv", + "rev": "f0319af4f966fb8bc25c6429f4f2e097e79116c2", + "type": "github" + }, + "original": { + "owner": "cachix", + "repo": "devenv", + "type": "github" + } + }, + "flake-compat": { + "flake": false, + "locked": { + "lastModified": 1673956053, + "narHash": 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src/qibo_client/ | 11 ++++++----- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/qibo_client/ b/src/qibo_client/ index 9fd19cc..9cb38f9 100644 --- a/src/qibo_client/ +++ b/src/qibo_client/ @@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ from .qibo_client import Client -QRCCLUSTER_IP = os.environ.get("QRCCLUSTER_IP", "") -QRCCLUSTER_PORT = os.environ.get("QRCCLUSTER_PORT", "80") -BASE_URL = f"http://{QRCCLUSTER_IP}:{QRCCLUSTER_PORT}/" + +def base_url(): + qrccluster_ip = os.environ.get("QRCCLUSTER_IP", "") + qrccluster_port = os.environ.get("QRCCLUSTER_PORT", "80") + return f"http://{qrccluster_ip}:{qrccluster_port}/" def TII(token: str) -> Client: @@ -12,8 +14,7 @@ def TII(token: str) -> Client: :param token: the authentication token associated to the webapp user :type token: str - :return: the client instance connected to the TII server :rtype: Client """ - return Client(BASE_URL, token) + return Client(base_url(), token) From 7319b1b358f185271503abc5ad8497ea4249e3e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alessandro Candido Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 08:43:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 5/9] ci: Install the correct group during tests --- .github/workflows/unit_test.yml | 2 +- pyproject.toml | 15 +++++---------- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/unit_test.yml b/.github/workflows/unit_test.yml index 8e424f7..0cc5e19 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/unit_test.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/unit_test.yml @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ jobs: with: os: ${{ matrix.os }} python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - poetry-extras: "--with dev" + poetry-extras: "--with test" secrets: inherit diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml index 9b726e9..a640426 100644 --- a/pyproject.toml +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ python = ">=3.9,<3.12" qibo = ">=0.2.4" requests = "^2.31.0" +[] +ipython = "^7" +pdbpp = "^0.10.3" + [] pytest = "^7.4.3" pytest-cov = "^4.1.0" @@ -36,11 +40,6 @@ sphinx-copybutton = "^0.5.2" nbsphinx = "^0.9.3" furo = "^2023.9.10" - -[] -ipython = "^7" -pdbpp = "^0.10.3" - [tool.poe.tasks] test = "pytest" lint = "pylint --errors-only src" @@ -55,8 +54,4 @@ output-format = "colorized" [tool.pytest.ini_options] testpaths = ['tests/'] filterwarnings = ['ignore::RuntimeWarning'] -addopts = [ - '--cov=src/qibo_client', - '--cov-report=xml', - '--cov-report=html', -] +addopts = ['--cov=src/qibo_client', '--cov-report=xml', '--cov-report=html'] From f3a87d3fbea446f618e8d1796389c8ddd294c3be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alessandro Candido Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 08:44:39 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 6/9] test: Propagate the constant to function upgrade --- tests/ | 9 ++++++--- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 31096ed..1748b5c 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ from qibo_client import tii PKG = "qibo_client.tii" -FAKE_URL = "" FAKE_TOKEN = "fakeToken" -@patch(f"{PKG}.BASE_URL", FAKE_URL) +def fake_url(): + return "" + + +@patch(f"{PKG}.base_url", fake_url) @patch(f"{PKG}.Client.check_client_server_qibo_versions") def test_TII(mock_method: Mock): client = tii.TII(FAKE_TOKEN) - assert client.url == FAKE_URL + assert client.url == fake_url() From 1bbb15187606d3a75c0ef45b37993d466cb4944e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alessandro Candido Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 08:55:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 7/9] test: Add test for base url function --- tests/ | 10 ++++++++++ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 1748b5c..34bf2fd 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +import os from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from qibo_client import tii @@ -6,6 +7,15 @@ FAKE_TOKEN = "fakeToken" +def test_base_url(): + domain = os.environ["QRCCLUSTER_IP"] = "" + assert domain in tii.base_url() + port = os.environ["QRCCLUSTER_PORT"] = "82493817" + assert f":{port}" in tii.base_url() + otherdomain = os.environ["QRCCLUSTER_IP"] = "" + assert otherdomain in tii.base_url() + + def fake_url(): return "" From 76b1c6a88804ea2b91ef9b4d072e57d8467e92fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marco Rossi Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 09:16:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 8/9] update poetry lock --- poetry.lock | 138 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock index 5c2d033..9f92efa 100644 --- a/poetry.lock +++ b/poetry.lock @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.8.1 and should not be changed by hand. +# This file is automatically @generated by Poetry 1.5.1 and should not be changed by hand. 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insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/qibo_client/ b/src/qibo_client/ index a0ee347..ef282e5 100644 --- a/src/qibo_client/ +++ b/src/qibo_client/ @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ +import os + from .qibo_client import Client def base_url(): - qrccluster_ip = os.environ.get("QRCCLUSTER_IP", "") - qrccluster_port = os.environ.get("QRCCLUSTER_PORT", "80") + qrccluster_ip = os.getenv("QRCCLUSTER_IP", "") + qrccluster_port = os.getenv("QRCCLUSTER_PORT", "80") return f"http://{qrccluster_ip}:{qrccluster_port}/"