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520 lines (412 loc) · 22.4 KB

The English documentation is shown below the Chinese version.



生成器用于生成音频数据流,输出的每个值都是整数。 生成器输出值的范围 在位宽为8位时,输出值的取值范围为[0,256),也就是unsigned char类型,和wav文件内部使用的类型相同。
位宽为16位时,取值范围为[0,65536),也就是unsigned short类型。
不过位宽为16位时,wav文件的内部是有符号的short类型。由于to_raw_data函数已经实现了类型转换,为了简化生成器的实现,生成器依然使用unsigned short,这一点在pyaudio中写入生成器输出的值时需要注意。


一. 音频生成

1. generate_sine(freq, seconds, volume, samprate, sampwidth, phase=0)


  • 参数:
    • freq:正弦波的频率(赫兹)。
    • seconds:生成的音频持续时间(秒)。
    • volume:音量,范围为0到1。
    • samprate:采样频率(Hz),通常为44100。
    • sampwidth:采样宽度(比特),通常为1(8位)或2(16位)。
    • phase:正弦波的相位,范围为0到2π。

2. generate_triangular(freq, seconds, volume, samprate, sampwidth)


3. generate_square(freq, seconds, volume, samprate, sampwidth)


4. generate_white_noise(volume, seconds, samprate, sampwidth)


二. 音频处理

5. integral(generator, volume, sampwidth)


  • 参数:
    • generator:一个音频生成器,作为输入源。

6. convert(generator, from_samprate, from_sampwidth, to_samprate, to_sampwidth)


  • 参数:
    • generator:一个音频生成器,作为输入源。
    • from_samprate:源采样频率。
    • from_sampwidth:源量化位宽(1或2)。
    • to_samprate:目标采样频率。
    • to_sampwidth:目标量化位宽(1或2)。

7. adjust_volume(generator, sampwidth, volume)


  • 参数:
    • generator:一个音频生成器,作为输入源。
    • volume:音量,范围0到1。

8. concat(*generators)


  • 参数:
    • *generators:一个列表,包含多个音频生成器,作为输入源。

9. reverse(generator)


  • 参数:
    • generator:一个音频生成器,作为输入源。

10. mixer(generators)


  • 参数:
    • generators:一个列表,每个元素是一个元组,分别是输入生成器和音量振幅(0~1)。

11. wave_mixer(sounds, seconds, volume, samprate, sampwidth)




  • 参数:
    • sounds:一个列表,每个元素是一个元组,包含声波类型、频率和音量(分贝)。声波类型可以是SINE_WAVE,TRIANGULAR_WAVESQUARE_WAVE
    • seconds:每个声音的持续时间(秒)。
    • volume:输出的音量(振幅),范围为0~1。
    • samprate:输出的采样频率。
    • sampwidth:输出的采样宽度。

12. fourier_transform(generator, freq, samprate, sampwidth)


  • 参数:

    • generator:输入音频生成器的迭代器。
    • freq:目标频率。
    • samprate:采样频率。
    • sampwidth:采样宽度。
  • 返回值:

    • 该频率上的振幅和相位。

三. wav格式接口

13. get_wav_info(filename)


  • 参数:

    • filename:wav文件的路径。
  • 返回值:

    • 返回一个包含采样频率、采样宽度和持续时间(秒)的元组。

14. read_wav(filename)


  • 参数:

    • filename:wav文件的路径。
  • 返回值:

    • 一个音频生成器。如果要获取wav文件的采样率等信息,可结合get_wav_info()函数。

15. to_raw_data(generator, sampwidth, size)


  • 参数:

    • generator:输入音频生成器的迭代器。
    • sampwidth:采样宽度(比特),支持1(8位)或2(16位)。
    • size:生成的音频数据大小(字节)。
  • 返回值:

    • bytes类型的原始音频数据,不包含wav文件头。

16. to_wav_data(raw_data, samprate, sampwidth, channels=1)


  • 参数:

    • raw_data:原始音频数据的字节表示。
    • samprate:采样频率(Hz)。
    • sampwidth:采样宽度(比特)。
    • channels:声道数,默认为1(单声道)。
  • 返回值:

    • bytes类型的wav文件数据,包括文件头。

四. 杂项

17. view_wave(generator, seconds)


  • 参数:
    • generator:输入音频生成器的迭代器。
    • seconds:音频的持续时间(秒)。

18. view_freq_spectrum(generator, samprate, sampwidth, min=10, max=10000, count=100)


  • 参数:
    • generator:输入音频生成器的迭代器。
    • samprate:采样频率(Hz)。
    • sampwidth:采样宽度(比特)。
    • min:频率范围的最小值,默认为10Hz。
    • max:频率范围的最大值,默认为10000Hz。
    • count:用于频谱分析的采样数,默认为100。

19. Beep(frequency, duration, type=SINE_WAVE, use_cache=True)


  • 参数:
    • frequency:声音的频率(赫兹)。
    • duration:声音持续时间(毫秒)。
    • type:声音波形类型,支持正弦波(SINE_WAVE)、三角波(TRIANGULAR_WAVE)和方波(SQUARE_WAVE),默认为 SINE_WAVE
    • use_cache:是否使用之前调用Beep生成音频数据的缓存,默认为 True,以提高性能。






def test_white_noise(): # 生成白噪声
    # 设置采样率等参数
    samprate = 44100 # 采样频率
    sampwidth = 2 # 量化位宽(字节),现仅支持1或2
    seconds = 1.8 # 音频长度(秒)
    volume_db = -40 # 音量(db)。分贝数每降低20,振幅减小10倍,0为最大音量
    volume = 1 * 10**(volume_db/20) # 计算实际音量 (振幅)
    size = int(samprate * seconds * sampwidth)
    gen=generate_white_noise(volume,seconds,samprate,sampwidth) # 调用生成器
    data=to_raw_data(gen,sampwidth,size) # 将生成器的输出,转换为音频的原始二进制数据,为bytes类型
    wav_data=to_wav_data(data,samprate,sampwidth) # 转换为wav文件的数据,为bytes类型
    with open("white_noise.wav","wb") as f:
        f.write(wav_data) # 保存为wav文件
    PlaySound(wav_data,SND_MEMORY) # 播放

def test_red_noise(): # 生成红噪声,类似于风的声音
    samprate = 44100;sampwidth = 2
    seconds = 1.8
    volume_db = -20
    volume = 1 * 10**(volume_db/20)
    size = int(samprate * seconds * sampwidth)
    view_freq_spectrum(gen,samprate,sampwidth) # 调用matplotlib,显示音频的频谱



def test_convert(filename="test.wav"):
    samprate = 11025;sampwidth = 1
    rate,width,seconds=get_wav_info(filename) # 获取wav文件的采样率等信息
    size = int(samprate * seconds * sampwidth)
    wav=read_wav(filename) # 输出wav文件音频的生成器
    converted=convert(wav,rate,width,samprate,sampwidth) # 转换到新的采样率和量化位数
    sound=adjust_volume(converted,sampwidth,0.3) # 调节音量(振幅)为原先的0.3倍



def _instrument_sound(freq,decline=5): # 返回指定频率的乐器音色,decline为衰减的分贝数
    return [(SINE_WAVE,freq,0),
_sound2 = [(SINE_WAVE,450,0), # 混合多个正弦波

def test_mixed_sound(sounds):
    samprate = 44100;sampwidth = 2
    seconds = 1.8;volume=0.2
    size = int(samprate * seconds * sampwidth)
    gen=wave_mixer(sounds,seconds,volume,samprate,sampwidth) # 调用混音器


This module wave_generator implements a set of low-level algorithms for sound wave generation and audio synthesis, providing functions to generate sine waves, triangular waves, square waves, white noise, red noise, audio concatenation and reversal, volume adjustment, mixing, and discrete Fourier transforms.

It also provides an interface with the wave module to support the wav format. The program implements features to display waveforms and spectra using the matplotlib library.

As the generator can produce audio streams, the program internally uses generators for implementation.

0. Generator Interface Used by the Module

Generators are used to produce audio data streams, with each output value being an integer. Range of Generator Output Values: When the bit width is 8 bits, the range of output values is [0,256), which is the same as the unsigned char type used internally in wav files.
When the bit width is 16 bits, the range is [0,65536), which is the unsigned short type.
However, when the bit width is 16 bits, the internal representation in wav files is a signed short type. Since the to_raw_data function has already implemented type conversion, in order to simplify the implementation of the generator, the generator still uses unsigned short. This needs to be noted when writing the values output by the generator to pyaudio.

Documentation of Each Function

I. Audio Generation

1. generate_sine(freq, seconds, volume, samprate, sampwidth, phase=0)

Generates a segment of a sine wave, returning a generator for the sine wave.

  • Parameters:
    • freq: Frequency of the sine wave (Hertz).
    • seconds: Duration of the generated audio (seconds).
    • volume: Volume, ranging from 0 to 1.
    • samprate: Sampling frequency (Hz), usually 44100.
    • sampwidth: Sampling width (bits), usually 1 (8 bits) or 2 (16 bits).
    • phase: Phase of the sine wave, ranging from 0 to 2π.

2. generate_triangular(freq, seconds, volume, samprate, sampwidth)

Generates a segment of a triangular wave, returning a generator for the triangular wave. The parameters are used the same way as in generate_sine.

3. generate_square(freq, seconds, volume, samprate, sampwidth)

Generates a square wave, with parameters used the same way as in generate_sine.

4. generate_white_noise(volume, seconds, samprate, sampwidth)

Generates a segment of white noise.

II. Audio Processing

5. integral(generator, volume, sampwidth)

Integrates the audio signal from generator, automatically handling situations where the values reach limits. If generator is white noise, it can generate pink noise.

  • Parameters:
    • generator: An audio generator as input source.

6. convert(generator, from_samprate, from_sampwidth, to_samprate, to_sampwidth)

Converts the input generator generator to new sampling rate and bit width.

  • Parameters:
    • generator: An audio generator as input source.
    • from_samprate: Source sampling rate.
    • from_sampwidth: Source bit width (1 or 2).
    • to_samprate: Target sampling rate.
    • to_sampwidth: Target bit width (1 or 2).

7. adjust_volume(generator, sampwidth, volume)

Adjusts the volume of the input audio generator generator.

  • Parameters:
    • generator: An audio generator as input source.
    • volume: Volume, ranging from 0 to 1.

8. concat(*generators)

Concatenates the outputs of multiple audio generators in order, returning the concatenated generator.

  • Parameters:
    • *generators: A list of multiple audio generators as input source.

9. reverse(generator)

Reverses the audio signal, returning the reversed generator.

  • Parameters:
    • generator: An audio generator as input source.

10. mixer(generators)

Mixes outputs from multiple audio generators, returning the mixed generator.

  • Parameters:
    • generators: A list, each element being a tuple containing the input generator and volume amplitude (0~1).

11. wave_mixer(sounds, seconds, volume, samprate, sampwidth)

Mixes multiple audio waveforms, returning the mixed generator. Unlike mixer, wave_mixer allows specifying detailed wave parameters, such as frequency and amplitude of sine waves. For example:


However, wave_mixer can only accept basic wave types: SINE_WAVE, TRIANGULAR_WAVE, SQUARE_WAVE, and cannot accept generators.

  • Parameters:
    • sounds: A list, each element being a tuple containing wave type, frequency, and volume (in decibels). Wave types can be SINE_WAVE, TRIANGULAR_WAVE, and SQUARE_WAVE.
    • seconds: Duration (seconds) for each sound.
    • volume: Output volume (amplitude), ranging from 0 to 1.
    • samprate: Output sampling frequency.
    • sampwidth: Output sampling width.

12. fourier_transform(generator, freq, samprate, sampwidth)

Performs discrete Fourier transform at frequency freq.

  • Parameters:
    • generator: Iterator of the input audio generator.
    • freq: Target frequency.
    • samprate: Sampling frequency.
    • sampwidth: Sampling width.
  • Return Value:
    • Amplitude and phase at that frequency.

III. wav Format Interface

13. get_wav_info(filename)

Gets information about a wav file.

  • Parameters:
    • filename: Path to the wav file.
  • Return Value:
    • A tuple containing sampling frequency, sampling width, and duration (seconds).

14. read_wav(filename)

Reads audio data from a wav file (currently only supports mono).

  • Parameters:
    • filename: Path to the wav file.
  • Return Value:
    • An audio generator. To get information such as sampling rate from the wav file, it can be combined with the get_wav_info() function.

15. to_raw_data(generator, sampwidth, size)

Converts the output of the generator to raw binary audio data based on quantization bit width.

  • Parameters:
    • generator: Iterator of the input audio generator.
    • sampwidth: Sampling width (bits), supports 1 (8 bits) or 2 (16 bits).
    • size: Size of the generated audio data (bytes).
  • Return Value:
    • Raw audio data of type bytes, without wav file header.

16. to_wav_data(raw_data, samprate, sampwidth, channels=1)

Constructs binary data for a wav file based on the raw binary audio data raw_data, including the wav file header.

  • Parameters:
    • raw_data: Byte representation of the raw audio data.
    • samprate: Sampling frequency (Hz).
    • sampwidth: Sampling width (bits).
    • channels: Number of channels, default is 1 (mono).
  • Return Value:
    • Bytes type wav file data, including file header.

IV. Miscellaneous

17. view_wave(generator, seconds)

Calls matplotlib to display the waveform of the generated sound wave.

  • Parameters:
    • generator: Iterator of the input audio generator.
    • seconds: Duration of the audio (seconds).

18. view_freq_spectrum(generator, samprate, sampwidth, min=10, max=10000, count=100)

Calls matplotlib to display the Fourier transform spectrum of the generated sound wave, using DFT.

  • Parameters:
    • generator: Iterator of the input audio generator.
    • samprate: Sampling frequency (Hz).
    • sampwidth: Sampling width (bits).
    • min: Minimum value of frequency range, default is 10 Hz.
    • max: Maximum value of frequency range, default is 10000 Hz.
    • count: Number of samples used for spectrum analysis, default is 100.

19. Beep(frequency, duration, type=SINE_WAVE, use_cache=True)

Issues a beep sound, replacing the Beep function of the winsound module and the Beep API in Windows.

  • Parameters:
    • frequency: Frequency of the sound (Hertz).
    • duration: Duration of the sound (milliseconds).
    • type: Type of the sound waveform, supports sine wave (SINE_WAVE), triangular wave (TRIANGULAR_WAVE), and square wave (SQUARE_WAVE), default is SINE_WAVE.
    • use_cache: Whether to use cached audio data generated by previous calls to Beep, default is True, for performance improvement.

Usage Examples

Here are examples for playing basic sound waves like sine wave, triangular wave, square wave:


For how to invoke specific generators like generate_sine and to control volume, sampling frequency, and quantization bit width, refer to the Beep function in the source code.

Here is an example for generating and playing white noise:

def test_white_noise(): # Generate white noise
    # Set the sampling rate and other parameters
    samprate = 44100 # Sampling frequency
    sampwidth = 2 # Quantization bit width (bytes), currently only supports 1 or 2
    seconds = 1.8 # Audio length (seconds)
    volume_db = -40 # Volume (dB). Each decrease of 20 dB shrinks the amplitude by a factor of 10, 0 is maximum volume
    volume = 1 * 10**(volume_db/20) # Calculate actual volume (amplitude)
    size = int(samprate * seconds * sampwidth)
    gen=generate_white_noise(volume,seconds,samprate,sampwidth) # Call generator
    data=to_raw_data(gen,sampwidth,size) # Convert generator output to raw binary audio data of bytes type
    wav_data=to_wav_data(data,samprate,sampwidth) # Convert to wav file data of bytes type
    with open("white_noise.wav","wb") as f:
        f.write(wav_data) # Save as wav file
    PlaySound(wav_data,SND_MEMORY) # Play
def test_red_noise(): # Generate red noise, similar to wind sound
    samprate = 44100;sampwidth = 2
    seconds = 1.8
    volume_db = -20
    volume = 1 * 10**(volume_db/20)
    size = int(samprate * seconds * sampwidth)
    view_freq_spectrum(gen,samprate,sampwidth) # Call matplotlib to display audio spectrum


Additionally, here’s an example of reading a wav file, converting its format, and playing it:

def test_convert(filename="test.wav"):
    samprate = 11025;sampwidth = 1
    rate,width,seconds=get_wav_info(filename) # Get wav file sampling rate and other info
    size = int(samprate * seconds * sampwidth)
    wav=read_wav(filename) # Output wav file audio generator
    converted=convert(wav,rate,width,samprate,sampwidth) # Convert to new sampling rate and quantization width
    sound=adjust_volume(converted,sampwidth,0.3) # Adjust volume (amplitude) to 0.3 times the original


More complex examples implement a simple instrument tone by the interference of multiple sine waves:

def _instrument_sound(freq,decline=5): # Return instrument tone at specified frequency, decline is the amount of decay in decibels
    return [(SINE_WAVE,freq,0),
_sound2 = [(SINE_WAVE,450,0), # Mix multiple sine waves

def test_mixed_sound(sounds):
    samprate = 44100;sampwidth = 2
    seconds = 1.8;volume=0.2
    size = int(samprate * seconds * sampwidth)
    gen=wave_mixer(sounds,seconds,volume,samprate,sampwidth) # Call mixer
