Version 0.31.0
Issues Closed
- Issue 1866 - Data Type of AHI NetCDF Output
- Issue 1859 - Yaml UnsafeLoader ImportErrror on (PR 1860 by @abrammer)
- Issue 1853 - ValueError: unexpected encoding for scipy backend: ['chunksizes']
- Issue 1847 - Sentinel 2 new product version (msi_safe reader) (PR 1850 by @mraspaud)
- Issue 1838 - Write NinJo tags in GeoTIFF according to newly defined interface (PR 1839 by @gerritholl)
- Issue 1836 - If satpy config path set multiple times, scene creation fails with ValueError: Satpy config option 'config_path' must be a list, not '<class 'str'>'
- Issue 1833 - Question about specific values with cloud compositor.
- Issue 1811 - error in reading HRIT file
- Issue 1742 - For group_files with multiple readers, allow user to configure behaviour if some groups have zero files for some readers (PR 1743 by @gerritholl)
- Issue 1425 - toa_bidirectional_reflectance variable allow "float" or "int" NetCDF output instead of "double"
- Issue 1345 - full list of simple_image image types
- Issue 1138 - save_datasets does not save dependencies available due to unload=False (PR 1864 by @djhoese)
In this release 12 issues were closed.
Pull Requests Merged
Bugs fixed
- PR 1868 - Fix MiRS reader not working with new versions of dask
- PR 1860 - Catch ImportError on UnsafeLoader in composites/config_loader (1859)
- PR 1855 - Fix 'acspo' reader producing non-y/x dimension names
- PR 1854 - Fix 'awips_tiled' writer doing unnecessary attribute formatting
- PR 1849 - Update AGRI reader to ensure that angles can be correctly loaded.
Features added
- PR 1850 - Adapt msi-safe to the new product format (1847)
- PR 1839 - Add ninjogeotiff writer to write GeoTIFFs including necessary NinJo tags in GDALMetadata (1838)
- PR 1743 - Add option to configure group_files behaviour on empty groups in case of multiple readers (1742)
Documentation changes
- PR 1867 - Update PDF metadata for sphinx documentation
- PR 1864 - Update Scene.save_datasets to clarify what will be saved (1138)
- PR 1862 - Correct phrasing of upside-down
- PR 1852 - Fix reference to dask distributed setup page
In this release 12 pull requests were closed.