diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml index dec5e7e9607..2acc7e0c78d 100644 --- a/.circleci/config.yml +++ b/.circleci/config.yml @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ version: 2.1 # How to test the Linux jobs: # - Install CircleCI local CLI: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/local-cli/ -# - circleci config process .circleci/config.yml > gen.yml && circleci local execute -c gen.yml --job binary_linux_wheel_py3.8 -# - Replace binary_linux_wheel_py3.8 with the name of the job you want to test. +# - circleci config process .circleci/config.yml > gen.yml && circleci local execute -c gen.yml --job binary_win_wheel_py3.8 +# - Replace binary_win_wheel_py3.8 with the name of the job you want to test. # Job names are 'name:' key. executors: @@ -99,25 +99,6 @@ commands: - brew_install: formulae: libtool - apt_install: - parameters: - args: - type: string - descr: - type: string - default: "" - update: - type: boolean - default: true - steps: - - run: - name: > - <<^ parameters.descr >> apt install << parameters.args >> <> - <<# parameters.descr >> << parameters.descr >> <> - command: | - <<# parameters.update >> sudo apt update -qy <> - sudo apt install << parameters.args >> - pip_install: parameters: args: @@ -139,55 +120,6 @@ commands: --progress-bar=off << parameters.args >> - install_torchvision: - parameters: - editable: - type: boolean - default: true - steps: - - pip_install: - args: --pre torch --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu - descr: Install PyTorch from nightly releases - - pip_install: - args: --no-build-isolation <<# parameters.editable >> --editable <> . - descr: Install torchvision <<# parameters.editable >> in editable mode <> - - # Most of the test suite is handled by the `unittest` jobs, with completely different workflow and setup. - # This command can be used if only a selection of tests need to be run, for ad-hoc files. - run_tests_selective: - parameters: - file_or_dir: - type: string - steps: - - run: - name: Install test utilities - command: pip install --progress-bar=off pytest pytest-mock - - run: - name: Run tests - command: pytest --junitxml=test-results/junit.xml -v --durations 20 <> - - store_test_results: - path: test-results - - download_model_weights: - parameters: - extract_roots: - type: string - default: "torchvision/models" - background: - type: boolean - default: true - steps: - - apt_install: - args: parallel wget - descr: Install download utilitites - - run: - name: Download model weights - background: << parameters.background >> - command: | - mkdir -p ~/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints - python scripts/collect_model_urls.py << parameters.extract_roots >> \ - | parallel -j0 'wget --no-verbose -O ~/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/`basename {}` {}\?source=ci' - binary_common: &binary_common parameters: # Edit these defaults to do a release @@ -269,50 +201,6 @@ jobs: python .circleci/regenerate.py git diff --exit-code || (echo ".circleci/config.yml not in sync with config.yml.in! Run .circleci/regenerate.py to update config"; exit 1) - binary_linux_wheel: - <<: *binary_common - docker: - - image: << parameters.wheel_docker_image >> - resource_class: 2xlarge+ - steps: - - checkout_merge - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: Build conda packages - no_output_timeout: 30m - command: | - set -ex - packaging/build_wheel.sh - - store_artifacts: - path: dist - - persist_to_workspace: - root: dist - paths: - - "*" - - binary_linux_conda: - <<: *binary_common - docker: - - image: "<< parameters.conda_docker_image >>" - resource_class: 2xlarge+ - steps: - - checkout_merge - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: Build conda packages - no_output_timeout: 30m - command: | - set -ex - packaging/build_conda.sh - - store_artifacts: - path: /opt/conda/conda-bld/linux-64 - - persist_to_workspace: - root: /opt/conda/conda-bld/linux-64 - paths: - - "*" - - store_test_results: - path: build_results/ - binary_win_conda: <<: *binary_common executor: windows-cpu @@ -524,44 +412,6 @@ jobs: aws s3 cp "$pkg" "s3://pytorch/whl/${UPLOAD_CHANNEL}/<< parameters.subfolder >>" --acl public-read done - smoke_test_linux_conda: - <<: *smoke_test_common - steps: - - attach_workspace: - at: ~/workspace - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: install binaries - command: | - set -x - source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - conda install -v -y -c pytorch-nightly pytorch - conda install -v -y $(ls ~/workspace/torchvision*.tar.bz2) - - run: - name: smoke test - command: | - source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - python -c "import torchvision" - - smoke_test_linux_pip: - <<: *smoke_test_common - steps: - - attach_workspace: - at: ~/workspace - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: install binaries - command: | - set -x - source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - - pip_install: - args: $(ls ~/workspace/torchvision*.whl) --pre -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/torch_nightly.html - - run: - name: smoke test - command: | - source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - python -c "import torchvision" - smoke_test_docker_image_build: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202104-01 @@ -583,55 +433,6 @@ jobs: docker push ${image_name}:${CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID} docker push ${image_name}:latest - smoke_test_win_conda: - <<: *binary_common - executor: - name: windows-cpu - steps: - - attach_workspace: - at: ~/workspace - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: install binaries - command: | - set -x - eval "$('/C/tools/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')" - conda env remove -n python${PYTHON_VERSION} || true - conda create -yn python${PYTHON_VERSION} python=${PYTHON_VERSION} - conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - conda install -v -y -c pytorch-nightly pytorch - conda install -v -y $(ls ~/workspace/torchvision*.tar.bz2) - - run: - name: smoke test - command: | - eval "$('/C/tools/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')" - conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - python -c "import torchvision" - - smoke_test_win_pip: - <<: *binary_common - executor: - name: windows-cpu - steps: - - attach_workspace: - at: ~/workspace - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: install binaries - command: | - set -x - eval "$('/C/tools/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')" - conda create -yn python${PYTHON_VERSION} python=${PYTHON_VERSION} - conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - - pip_install: - args: $(ls ~/workspace/torchvision*.whl) --pre -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/torch_nightly.html - - run: - name: smoke test - command: | - eval "$('/C/tools/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')" - conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - python -c "import torchvision" - unittest_windows_cpu: <<: *binary_common executor: diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml.in b/.circleci/config.yml.in index 4be70b85f37..b8d838aeed2 100644 --- a/.circleci/config.yml.in +++ b/.circleci/config.yml.in @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ version: 2.1 # How to test the Linux jobs: # - Install CircleCI local CLI: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/local-cli/ -# - circleci config process .circleci/config.yml > gen.yml && circleci local execute -c gen.yml --job binary_linux_wheel_py3.8 -# - Replace binary_linux_wheel_py3.8 with the name of the job you want to test. +# - circleci config process .circleci/config.yml > gen.yml && circleci local execute -c gen.yml --job binary_win_wheel_py3.8 +# - Replace binary_win_wheel_py3.8 with the name of the job you want to test. # Job names are 'name:' key. executors: @@ -99,25 +99,6 @@ commands: - brew_install: formulae: libtool - apt_install: - parameters: - args: - type: string - descr: - type: string - default: "" - update: - type: boolean - default: true - steps: - - run: - name: > - <<^ parameters.descr >> apt install << parameters.args >> <> - <<# parameters.descr >> << parameters.descr >> <> - command: | - <<# parameters.update >> sudo apt update -qy <> - sudo apt install << parameters.args >> - pip_install: parameters: args: @@ -139,55 +120,6 @@ commands: --progress-bar=off << parameters.args >> - install_torchvision: - parameters: - editable: - type: boolean - default: true - steps: - - pip_install: - args: --pre torch --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu - descr: Install PyTorch from nightly releases - - pip_install: - args: --no-build-isolation <<# parameters.editable >> --editable <> . - descr: Install torchvision <<# parameters.editable >> in editable mode <> - - # Most of the test suite is handled by the `unittest` jobs, with completely different workflow and setup. - # This command can be used if only a selection of tests need to be run, for ad-hoc files. - run_tests_selective: - parameters: - file_or_dir: - type: string - steps: - - run: - name: Install test utilities - command: pip install --progress-bar=off pytest pytest-mock - - run: - name: Run tests - command: pytest --junitxml=test-results/junit.xml -v --durations 20 <> - - store_test_results: - path: test-results - - download_model_weights: - parameters: - extract_roots: - type: string - default: "torchvision/models" - background: - type: boolean - default: true - steps: - - apt_install: - args: parallel wget - descr: Install download utilitites - - run: - name: Download model weights - background: << parameters.background >> - command: | - mkdir -p ~/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints - python scripts/collect_model_urls.py << parameters.extract_roots >> \ - | parallel -j0 'wget --no-verbose -O ~/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/`basename {}` {}\?source=ci' - binary_common: &binary_common parameters: # Edit these defaults to do a release @@ -269,50 +201,6 @@ jobs: python .circleci/regenerate.py git diff --exit-code || (echo ".circleci/config.yml not in sync with config.yml.in! Run .circleci/regenerate.py to update config"; exit 1) - binary_linux_wheel: - <<: *binary_common - docker: - - image: << parameters.wheel_docker_image >> - resource_class: 2xlarge+ - steps: - - checkout_merge - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: Build conda packages - no_output_timeout: 30m - command: | - set -ex - packaging/build_wheel.sh - - store_artifacts: - path: dist - - persist_to_workspace: - root: dist - paths: - - "*" - - binary_linux_conda: - <<: *binary_common - docker: - - image: "<< parameters.conda_docker_image >>" - resource_class: 2xlarge+ - steps: - - checkout_merge - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: Build conda packages - no_output_timeout: 30m - command: | - set -ex - packaging/build_conda.sh - - store_artifacts: - path: /opt/conda/conda-bld/linux-64 - - persist_to_workspace: - root: /opt/conda/conda-bld/linux-64 - paths: - - "*" - - store_test_results: - path: build_results/ - binary_win_conda: <<: *binary_common executor: windows-cpu @@ -524,44 +412,6 @@ jobs: aws s3 cp "$pkg" "s3://pytorch/whl/${UPLOAD_CHANNEL}/<< parameters.subfolder >>" --acl public-read done - smoke_test_linux_conda: - <<: *smoke_test_common - steps: - - attach_workspace: - at: ~/workspace - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: install binaries - command: | - set -x - source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - conda install -v -y -c pytorch-nightly pytorch - conda install -v -y $(ls ~/workspace/torchvision*.tar.bz2) - - run: - name: smoke test - command: | - source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - python -c "import torchvision" - - smoke_test_linux_pip: - <<: *smoke_test_common - steps: - - attach_workspace: - at: ~/workspace - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: install binaries - command: | - set -x - source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - - pip_install: - args: $(ls ~/workspace/torchvision*.whl) --pre -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/torch_nightly.html - - run: - name: smoke test - command: | - source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - python -c "import torchvision" - smoke_test_docker_image_build: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202104-01 @@ -583,55 +433,6 @@ jobs: docker push ${image_name}:${CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID} docker push ${image_name}:latest - smoke_test_win_conda: - <<: *binary_common - executor: - name: windows-cpu - steps: - - attach_workspace: - at: ~/workspace - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: install binaries - command: | - set -x - eval "$('/C/tools/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')" - conda env remove -n python${PYTHON_VERSION} || true - conda create -yn python${PYTHON_VERSION} python=${PYTHON_VERSION} - conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - conda install -v -y -c pytorch-nightly pytorch - conda install -v -y $(ls ~/workspace/torchvision*.tar.bz2) - - run: - name: smoke test - command: | - eval "$('/C/tools/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')" - conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - python -c "import torchvision" - - smoke_test_win_pip: - <<: *binary_common - executor: - name: windows-cpu - steps: - - attach_workspace: - at: ~/workspace - - designate_upload_channel - - run: - name: install binaries - command: | - set -x - eval "$('/C/tools/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')" - conda create -yn python${PYTHON_VERSION} python=${PYTHON_VERSION} - conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - - pip_install: - args: $(ls ~/workspace/torchvision*.whl) --pre -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/torch_nightly.html - - run: - name: smoke test - command: | - eval "$('/C/tools/miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')" - conda activate python${PYTHON_VERSION} - python -c "import torchvision" - unittest_windows_cpu: <<: *binary_common executor: