diff --git a/src/validators/between.py b/src/validators/between.py
index 2fc3a0c9..0cd79d46 100644
--- a/src/validators/between.py
+++ b/src/validators/between.py
@@ -57,42 +57,25 @@ def between(
             If `value` is not in between the given conditions.
-        ValueError: If both `min_val` and `max_val` are `None`,
-            or if `min_val` is greater than `max_val`.
-        TypeError: If there's a type mismatch before comparison.
+        (ValueError): If `min_val` is greater than `max_val`.
+        (TypeError): If there's a type mismatch during comparison.
         - `PossibleValueTypes` = `TypeVar("PossibleValueTypes", int, float, str, datetime)`
-        - Either one of `min_val` or `max_val` must be provided.
-    > *New in version 0.2.0*.
+        - If neither `min_val` nor `max_val` is provided, result will always be `True`.
     if value is None:
         return False
-    if min_val is max_val is None:
-        raise ValueError("At least one of either `min_val` or `max_val` must be specified")
     if max_val is None:
         max_val = AbsMax()
     if min_val is None:
         min_val = AbsMin()
-    if isinstance(min_val, AbsMin):
-        if type(value) is type(max_val):
-            return min_val <= value <= max_val
-        raise TypeError("`value` and `max_val` must be of same type")
-    if isinstance(max_val, AbsMax):
-        if type(value) is type(min_val):
-            return min_val <= value <= max_val
-        raise TypeError("`value` and `min_val` must be of same type")
-    if type(min_val) is type(max_val):
+    try:
         if min_val > max_val:
-            raise ValueError("`min_val` cannot be more than `max_val`")
-        if type(value) is type(min_val):  # or is type(max_val)
-            return min_val <= value <= max_val
-        raise TypeError("`value` and (`min_val` or `max_val`) must be of same type")
+            raise ValueError("`min_val` cannot be greater than `max_val`")
+    except TypeError as err:
+        raise TypeError("Comparison type mismatch") from err
-    raise TypeError("`value` and `min_val` and `max_val` must be of same type")
+    return min_val <= value <= max_val
diff --git a/src/validators/length.py b/src/validators/length.py
index 92a274d3..be60d06e 100644
--- a/src/validators/length.py
+++ b/src/validators/length.py
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
+# standard
+from typing import Union
 # local
 from .between import between
 from .utils import validator
-def length(value: str, /, *, min_val: int = 0, max_val: int = 0):
+def length(value: str, /, *, min_val: Union[int, None] = None, max_val: Union[int, None] = None):
     """Return whether or not the length of given string is within a specified range.
@@ -33,6 +36,12 @@ def length(value: str, /, *, min_val: int = 0, max_val: int = 0):
             If `len(value)` is not in between the given conditions.
-    > *New in version 0.2.0*.
+    Raises:
+        (ValueError): If either `min_val` or `max_val` is negative.
-    return between(len(value), min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val) if value else False
+    if min_val is not None and min_val < 0:
+        raise ValueError("Length cannot be negative. `min_val` is less than zero.")
+    if max_val is not None and max_val < 0:
+        raise ValueError("Length cannot be negative. `max_val` is less than zero.")
+    return bool(between(len(value), min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val))
diff --git a/tests/test_between.py b/tests/test_between.py
index 6b1ccd72..bdb71551 100644
--- a/tests/test_between.py
+++ b/tests/test_between.py
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ def test_returns_true_on_valid_range(value: T, min_val: T, max_val: T):
         (None, 13, 14),
         (12, 13, 14),
         (12, None, 11),
-        (12, None, None),
         (12, 13, None),
         (12, "13.5", datetime(1970, 1, 1)),
         ("12", 20.5, "None"),
diff --git a/tests/test_length.py b/tests/test_length.py
index 65737254..c9cd1dc1 100644
--- a/tests/test_length.py
+++ b/tests/test_length.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     ("value", "min_val", "max_val"),
-    [("password", 2, 10), ("password", 0, 10), ("password", 8, 8)],
+    [("password", 2, None), ("password", None, None), ("password", 0, 10), ("password", 8, 8)],
 def test_returns_true_on_valid_length(value: str, min_val: int, max_val: int):
     """Test returns true on valid length."""