: Configures the report processor to send events to servicenowservicenow_reporting_integration::incident_management
: Configures the servicenow
: This class contains the common setup code for incident_management and event_management.
: This function gets the report processor version and stores in the settings_file hash
: The possible incident creation conditions. Here's what each condition means: 'always' Always create an incident for all reports 'Servicenow_reporting_integration::Severity_levels
: The valid Servicenow event severity levels. Here's what each level means: 'Clear' The alert no longer needs action. 'Critical'
: Add an event rule that will ignore Puppet events with OK status to prevent creating alerts for them.
: Install PE Serverservicenow_reporting_integration::acceptance::provision_machines
: Provisions machines
Configures the report processor to send events to servicenow
include servicenow_reporting_integration::event_management
The following parameters are available in the servicenow_reporting_integration::event_management
Data type: String[1]
The FQDN of the ServiceNow instance.
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
A user that has permission to send events
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Sensitive[String[1]]]
The password for the user
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Sensitive[String[1]]]
You can use an oauth token instead of username and password if you choose
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The url to access the PE console. Used to link users back to the console
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The name of a table to query that can be used to validate that the credentials provided will work to send events.
Default value: 'em_event'
Data type: Optional[Servicenow_reporting_integration::Severity_levels]
The severity to assign to events when the report contains errors
Default value: 'Minor'
Data type: Optional[Servicenow_reporting_integration::Severity_levels]
The severity to assign to events when the report contains corrective changes
Default value: 'Warning'
Data type: Optional[Servicenow_reporting_integration::Severity_levels]
The severity to assign to events when the report contains intentional changes
Default value: 'OK'
Data type: Optional[Servicenow_reporting_integration::Severity_levels]
The severity to assign to events when the report contains pending corrective changes
Default value: 'Warning'
Data type: Optional[Servicenow_reporting_integration::Severity_levels]
The severity to assign to events when the report contains pending intentional changes
Default value: 'OK'
Data type: Optional[Servicenow_reporting_integration::Severity_levels]
The severity to assign to events when the report contains no events
Default value: 'OK'
Data type: Optional[Array[String[1]]]
An array of fact queries to send with each event. The query can be the simple name of a top level fact like 'id', or it can be a dot notation query for nested facts like 'os.distro'
Default value: ['aio_agent_version', 'id', 'memorysize', 'memoryfree', 'ipaddress', 'ipaddress6', 'os.distro', '', 'path', 'uptime', 'rubyversion']
Data type: Optional[Array[String[1]]]
An array of the name of environments that the user wants to allow data to be sent
Default value: ['all']
Data type: Optional[Array[String[1]]]
An array of the name of environments that the user does not want data to be sent
Default value: ['none']
Data type: Enum['yaml', 'pretty_json', 'json']
The format of the facts that are included in the event description
Default value: 'yaml'
Data type: Optional[Boolean]
Turn off sending events from the report processor. This is an easier way to disable the module temporarily instead of uninstalling the module and removing the setting from puppet.conf.
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Boolean]
If your Servicenow instance uses a certificate that is not trusted by the Puppet server, you can set this parameter to 'true'. The connection will still use SSL, but the module will not perform certificate validation, which is a risk for man in the middle attacks.
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Variant[Integer[0], Float[0]]]
The read timeout parameter sets an upper limit on how long HTTP read read operations should take. For the sake simplicity, this paramter sets three different arguments to the Net::HTTP.start method: read_timeout, connect_timeout, ssl_timeout. This type is a Float because those argumants can all accept fractional seconds values. The default value of 60 seconds is also the default value for that Ruby class if no argument is passed
Default value: 60
Data type: Optional[Variant[Integer[0], Float[0]]]
Sets the write_timeout argument to the Net::HTTP.start method. The datatype is a float because it accepts fractions seconds values. The default value of 60 seconds is also the default value for that Ruby class if no argument is passed
Default value: 60
Data type: Enum['selfsigned', 'truststore', 'none']
Sets the method the settings validation script will use to validate the PE
Console certificate. The default is selfsigned
meaning the script expects
the certificate generated by the PE private CA and will validate against
that cert. If you have generated your own cert using an alternate CA, and
you have imported the CA for that cert into the OS Trust Store, then use
. If you would like to skip certificate validation use none
Default value: 'selfsigned'
Data type: Servicenow_reporting_integration::ReportCategories
Default value: ['always']
parameter to the empty string ''.
include servicenow_reporting_integration::incident_management
The following parameters are available in the servicenow_reporting_integration::incident_management
Data type: String[1]
The FQDN of the ServiceNow instance
Data type: String[1]
The sys_id of the incident's caller as specified in the sys_user table
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The username of the account with permission to query data
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Sensitive[String[1]]]
The password of the account used to query data from Servicenow
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Sensitive[String[1]]]
An OAuth access token created in Servicenow that can be used in place of a
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The PE console url username and password.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The incident's category
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The incident's subcategory
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The incident's contact type
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
The incident's state
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
The incident's impact
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
The incident's urgency
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The sys_id of the incident's assignment group as specified in the sys_user_group table
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The sys_id of the user assigned to the incident as specified in the sys_user table. Note that if assignment_group is also specified, then this must correspond to a user who is a member of the assignment_group.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Array[String[1]]]
An array of the name of environments that the user wants to allow data to be sent
Default value: ['all']
Data type: Optional[Array[String[1]]]
An array of the name of environments that the user does not want data to be sent
Default value: ['none']
Data type: Servicenow_reporting_integration::ReportCategories
The incident creation conditions. The report processor will create incidents for reports
that satisfy at least one of the specified conditions. For example, if you use the default
value (['failures', 'corrective_changes']
), then the report processor will create an
incident if the report had any failures or corrective changes.
Note: Set this parameter to ['never']
if you want to completely turn off incident creation.
If set to ['never']
, then this module will not create any incidents at all.
Default value: ['failures', 'corrective_changes']
Data type: String
The table to read for validating the provided ServiceNow credentials. You should set this to another table if the current set of credentials don't have READ access to the default 'incident' table. Note that you can turn the ServiceNow credentials validation off by setting this
Default value: 'incident'
Data type: Optional[Array[String[1]]]
An array of fact queries to send with each event. The query can be the simple name of a top level fact like 'id', or it can be a dot notation query for nested facts like 'os.distro'
Default value: ['aio_agent_version', 'id', 'memorysize', 'memoryfree', 'ipaddress', 'ipaddress6', 'os.distro', '', 'path', 'uptime', 'rubyversion']
Data type: Enum['yaml', 'pretty_json', 'json']
The format of the facts that are included in the event description
Default value: 'yaml'
Data type: Optional[Boolean]
If your Servicenow instance uses a certificate that is not trusted by the Puppet server, you can set this parameter to 'true'. The connection will still use SSL, but the module will not perform certificate validation, which is a risk for man in the middle attacks.
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Variant[Integer[0], Float[0]]]
The read timeout parameter sets an upper limit on how long HTTP read read operations should take. For the sake simplicity, this paramter sets three different arguments to the Net::HTTP.start method: read_timeout, connect_timeout, ssl_timeout. This type is a Float because those argumants can all accept fractional seconds values. The default value of 60 seconds is also the default value for that Ruby class if no argument is passed
Default value: 60
Data type: Optional[Variant[Integer[0], Float[0]]]
Sets the write_timeout argument to the Net::HTTP.start method. The datatype is a float because it accepts fractions seconds values. The default value of 60 seconds is also the default value for that Ruby class if no argument is passed
Default value: 60
Data type: Enum['selfsigned', 'truststore', 'none']
Sets the method the settings validation script will use to validate the PE
Console certificate. The default is selfsigned
meaning the script expects
the certificate generated by the PE private CA and will validate against
that cert. If you have generated your own cert using an alternate CA, and
you have imported the CA for that cert into the OS Trust Store, then use
. If you would like to skip certificate validation use none
Default value: 'selfsigned'
Type: Ruby 4.x API
This function gets the report processor version and stores in the settings_file hash
This function gets the report processor version and stores in the settings_file hash
Returns: Array
Returns an array of boolean (if the stored ver is same as current ver)
and string (current version)
Data type: String
The path to the settings file
The possible incident creation conditions. Here's what each condition means: 'always' Always create an incident for all reports 'never' Never create an incident for any report 'failures' Create an incident if the report has failures 'corrective_changes' Create an incident if the report contains at least one corrective change 'intentional_changes' Create an incident if the report contains at least one intentional change 'pending_corrective_changes' Create an incident if the report contains at least one corrective change that wasn't applied because of noop 'pending_intentional_changes' Create an incident if the report contains at least one intentional change that wasn't applied because of noop
Alias of
The valid Servicenow event severity levels. Here's what each level means: 'Clear' The alert no longer needs action. 'Critical' The resource is either not functional or critical problems are imminent. 'Major' Major functionality is severely impaired or performance has degraded. 'Minor' Partial, non-critical loss of functionality or performance degradation occurred. 'Warning' Attention is required, even though the resource is still functional. 'OK' No severity. An alert is created. The resource is still functional.
Alias of
Enum['Clear', 'Critical', 'Major', 'Minor', 'Warning', 'OK']
Add an event rule that will ignore Puppet events with OK status to prevent creating alerts for them.
Supports noop? false
Data type: Optional[String]
The name of the rule to create. Defaults to 'Puppet Node Report - Info'
Data type: Optional[String]
Description to add to the rule.
Data type: Optional[Integer]
Order of rule application. Defaults to 100.
Data type: Optional[String]
Username authorized to insert event rules.
Data type: Optional[String]
ServiceNow password
Data type: Optional[String]
ServiceNow instance. For example,
Data type: Optional[String]
ServiceNow OAuth token
Install PE Server
The following parameters are available in the servicenow_reporting_integration::acceptance::pe_server_setup
Data type: Optional[String]
PE version
Default value: '2019.8.7'
Data type: Optional[Hash]
Hash with key password
and value of PE console password for admin user
Default value: {password => 'puppetlabs'}
Provisions machines
The following parameters are available in the servicenow_reporting_integration::acceptance::provision_machines
Data type: Optional[String]
provision service
Default value: 'abs'
Data type: Optional[String]
os image
Default value: 'centos-7-x86_64'