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Roger Olivella edited this page Oct 6, 2022 · 47 revisions

Welcome to the rawocop wiki!


rawocop works in a PC with Windows. Full stop. But if you unlikely have any issue with the installation you should check that:

And that's all.



  • If your Windows version complains (especially Windows 10) that is an unrecognized program and potentially harmful, run it anyway.
  • If there's another rawocop.exe from a previous version, just delete it.


  • Fill in the "Root folders location":

    • Click to "Input folder" and select the folder where the raw files are. Could be the "C:\XCalibur\data" folder, for instance.
    • Click to "Backup folder" and select the folder where you want to move your files. Could be the "C:\backup" folder, for instance.
  • Check/Uncheck "Enable backup folders" and/or Check/Uncheck "Discard QCloud files":

    • Click to "Enable backup folders" if you want to backup your files to a set of subfolders that is automatically created by reading the RAW files. For instance, you can configure rawocop to backup the files to "C:\backup\Instrument name\YYMM", where "Instrument name" could be "orbitrap_exploris" and "YYMM" the current year and month "2207". So the final folder where the RAW files will be moved is "C:\backup\orbitrap_exploris\2207".
    • Click to "Discard QCloud files" to DO NOT backup QCloud files, that is, files with "QC01" or "QC02" in its filename. enable2
  • Review "Summary". Check in this panel the original folder (where are the original RAW files) and where are they going to be copied.

    • For instance: summary
  • Finaly click at “START backuping!”. This means that the program will monitor new raw files at your local data folder and will move them automatically.

Important note: this program needs to be always running. If you reboot your computer please reload it.

Rawocop checks

Rawocop does not perform the backup if the RAW file:

  • Is in use or locked by another program (for instance, you have it opened in the XCalibur viewer or is in acquisition process).
  • Rawocop does not have permissions to create the backup folder.
  • Has no MS data.
  • Already exists in the backup folder. If not, then performs the backup.
  • Is very big (> 10 GB).
  • Is very small (< 10 MB).
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