You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 31
The API handles all external calls to the system in a RESTful manner. The back-end here uses the webmachine which is written in erlang. The webmachine will receive calls on port 8000 and then reroute them to the appropriate module which will handle the call. The examples below are done with the current version of develop at the time of the creation of this page, (2013-11-05, 16:03)
##Creating a User
A user is created by doing a POST request to the API at the users tab, i.e. <API-URI>/users
, where you send along a JSON object that is the user that you want to create.
###Example (webmachine running locally):
user@host ~ $ curl -XPOST 'localhost:8000/users' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"username" : "Tomas"}'
This has now added the given user document to the system and it was assigned the id E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg
from elastic search, the document is of type user, under index sensorcloud, the post was ok and the document now have version one.
##Creating a Resource
A resource is created by doing a POST request to the API at the resources tab, i.e. <API-URI>/resources
, where you send along a JSON object that is the resource that you want to create. Creation date will soon be changed so it is generated server side so then that field should not be part of the document here.
###Example (webmachine running locally):
user@host ~ $ curl -XPOST 'localhost:8000/resources' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"user_id":"E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg","name":"Resource1","tags":"temperature,Uppsala","description":"Temperature in Uppsala","type":"Temperature","manufacturer":"Ericsson","model":"MES013","make":"23","serial":"0943123","location":"59.8581,17.6447","active":"true","uri":"http://uppsala.com","polling_freq":"20","creation_date":"2013-09-23"}'
This has now added the resource document to the system and it was assigned the id yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA
from elastic search, the document is of type resource, under index sensorcloud, the post was ok and the document now have version one.
##Creating a Stream
A stream is created by doing a POST request to the API at the stream tab, i.e. <API-URI>/streams
, where you send along a JSON object that is the stream that you want to create. You can also do requests to <API-URI>/users/<UID>/resources/<RID>/streams
and then then the field "resource_id" will be added to the document with the value "rid". Creation date will soon be changed so it is generated server side so then that field should not be part of the document here.
###Example (webmachine running locally):
user@host ~ $ curl -XPOST 'localhost:8000/streams' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"resource_id":"yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA","name":"Stream1","tags":"temperature,celsius,Norrtalje","description":"Temperature in Celsius in Norrtalje","private":"false","type":"Temperature","unit":"celsius","accuracy":0.95,"min_val":-50.0,"max_val":50.0,"active":"true","user_ranking":10.0,"subscribers":6,"last_updated":"2013-10-05T010502.0000", "creation_date":"2013-10-01","history_size": 5000,"location":"59.7667,18.7000"}'
This has now added the stream document to the system and it was assigned the id lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug
from elastic search, the document is of type stream, under index sensorcloud, the post was ok and the document now have version one.
(add example for the other URI)
##Creating a Data-Point
A data-point is created by doing a POST request to the API at the data tab of the stream it belongs to, i.e. <API-URI>/streams/<SID>/data
, where you send along a JSON object that is the data-point that you want to create. Timestamp will soon be changed so it is generated server side so then that field should not be part of the document here.
###Example (webmachine running locally):
user@host ~ $ curl -XPOST 'localhost:8000/streams/lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug/data' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"timestamp" : "20131105T114543.0000", "value" : -2.5}'
This has now added the given data-point document to the system, with the field "streamid" added with value of the given stream id, and it was assigned the id EKeFQx-FR1CyCxiL4QXpHg
from elastic search, the document is of type data-point, under index sensorcloud, the post was ok and the document now have version one.
##Creating a Virtual-Stream Not implemented yet.
##Creating a Group Not implemented yet.
A user is read by doing a GET request to the API at the users tab with the id of the user you want, i.e. <API-URI>/users/<UID>
or if you want to list all users do a GET request to the users tab, i.e. <API-URI>/users
user@host ~ $ curl -XGET 'localhost:8000/users/E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg'
This will return the user document specified by the user id.
user@host ~ $ curl -XGET 'localhost:8000/users'
This will return of all user documents currently in the system.
A resource is read by doing a GET request to the API at the resources tab with the id of the resource you want, i.e. <API-URI>/resources/<UID>
, listing all resources in the system is not allowed, if you want to list all resources belonging to a user do a get request to the same tab but before specify the user under the users tab, i.e. <API-URI>/users/<UID>/resources
user@host ~ $ curl -XGET 'localhost:8000/resources/yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA'
{"active":"true","creation_date":"2013-09-23","description":"Temperature in Uppsala","id":"yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA","location":"59.8581,17.6447","make":"23","manufacturer":"Ericsson","model":"MES013","name":"Resource1","polling_freq":"20","serial":"0943123","tags":"temperature,Uppsala","type":"Temperature","uri":"http://uppsala.com","user_id":"E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg"}
This will return the resource document specified by the resource id.
user@host ~ $ curl -XGET 'localhost:8000/users/E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg/resources'
{"hits":[{"active":"true","creation_date":"2013-09-23","description":"Temperature in Uppsala","id":"yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA","location":"59.8581,17.6447","make":"23","manufacturer":"Ericsson","model":"MES013","name":"Resource1","polling_freq":"20","serial":"0943123","tags":"temperature,Uppsala","type":"Temperature","uri":"http://uppsala.com","user_id":"E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg"}]}
This will return of all resource documents owned by user with the given user id currently in the system.
A stream is read by doing a GET request to the API at the streams tab with the id of the stream you want, i.e. <API-URI>/streams/<SID>
or if you want to list all streams do a GET request to the streams tab, i.e. <API-URI>/streams
, if you want to list all streams belonging to a resource do a get request to the same tab but before specify the user and resource, i.e. <API-URI>/users/<UID>/resources/<RID>/streams
user@host ~ $ curl -XGET 'localhost:8000/streams/lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug'
{"accuracy":0.95,"active":"true","creation_date":"2013-10-01","description":"Temperature in Celsius in Norrtalje","history_size":5000,"id":"lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug","last_updated":"2013-10-05T010502.0000","location":"59.7667,18.7000","max_val":50.0,"min_val":-50.0,"name":"Stream1","private":"false","resource_id":"yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA","subscribers":6,"tags":"temperature,celsius,Norrtalje","type":"Temperature","unit":"celsius","user_ranking":10.0}
This will return the stream document specified by the given stream id.
user@host ~ $ curl -XGET 'localhost:8000/streams'
{"hits":[{"accuracy":0.95,"active":"true","creation_date":"2013-10-01","description":"Temperature in Celsius in Norrtalje","history_size":5000,"id":"lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug","last_updated":"2013-10-05T010502.0000","location":"59.7667,18.7000","max_val":50.0,"min_val":-50.0,"name":"Stream1","private":"false","resource_id":"yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA","subscribers":6,"tags":"temperature,celsius,Norrtalje","type":"Temperature","unit":"celsius","user_ranking":10.0}]}
This will return of all stream documents currently in the system.
user@host ~ $ curl -XGET 'localhost:8000/users/E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg/resources/yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA/streams'
{"hits":[{"accuracy":0.95,"active":"true","creation_date":"2013-10-01","description":"Temperature in Celsius in Norrtalje","history_size":5000,"id":"lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug","last_updated":"2013-10-05T010502.0000","location":"59.7667,18.7000","max_val":50.0,"min_val":-50.0,"name":"Stream1","private":"false","resource_id":"yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA","subscribers":6,"tags":"temperature,celsius,Norrtalje","type":"Temperature","unit":"celsius","user_ranking":10.0}]}
This will return of all stream documents owned by resource with the given resource id currently in the system.
A data-point can not currently be read individually but you can list all the data points belonging to a stream by doing a GET request to the data tab of the stream you want the data from, i.e. <API-URI>/streams/<SID>/data
user@host ~ $ curl -XGET 'localhost:8000/streams/lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug/data'
This will return of all data-point documents owned by the stream with the given stream id currently in the system.
Not implemented yet.
Not implemented yet.
A user is updated by doing a PUT request to the API at the users tab with the id of the user you want to update, i.e. <API-URI>/users/<UID>
. This update will happen in a field by field fashion, i.e. that a field in the document in the system will only change value if the field is specified in the update document that is passed to webmachine.
user@host ~ $ curl -XPUT 'localhost:8000/users/E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"username" : "Andreas"}'
Response (now):
The Response should look like this, it will be changed soon:
This will now update the user document with the given user id to have the new username of Andreas, all the other fields will have the same values as before the update.
A resource is updated by doing a PUT request to the API at the resources tab with the id of the resource you want to update, i.e. <API-URI>/resources/<RID>
. This update will happen in a field by field fashion, i.e. that a field in the document in the system will only change value if the field is specified in the update document that is passed to webmachine.
user@host ~ $ curl -XPUT 'localhost:8000/resources/yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"name" : "Resource0","description":"Temperature in Uppsala Centrum"}'
This will now update the resource document with the given resource id to have the new name of Resource0 and the new description of Temperature in Uppsala Centrum, all the other fields will have the same values as before the update.
A stream is updated by doing a PUT request to the API at the streams tab with the id of the stream you want to update, i.e. <API-URI>/streams/<SID>
. This update will happen in a field by field fashion, i.e. that a field in the document in the system will only change value if the field is specified in the update document that is passed to webmachine.
user@host ~ $ curl -XPUT 'localhost:8000/streams/lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"name" : "Stream0","description":"Temperature in Uppsala Centrum in Celsius"}'
This will now update the stream document with the given stream id to have the new name of Stream0 and the new description of Temperature in Uppsala Centrum in Celsius, all the other fields will have the same values as before the update.
Not allowed in the system.
Not implemented yet.
Not implemented yet.
A user is deleted by doing a DELETE request to the API at the users tab with the id of the user you want to delete, i.e. <API-URI>/users/<UID>
user@host ~ $ curl -XDELETE 'localhost:8000/users/E9ECUfb3Q6eNq6e8d1pgUg'
This has now deleted the user document with the given user id from the Elastic-Search data store.This should also delete all resource documents owned by the given user id and all streams that belong to these resources and delete all the data-points belonging to those streams but this has not been merged with develop yet.
A resource is deleted by doing a DELETE request to the API at the resources tab with the id of the resource you want to delete, i.e. <API-URI>/resources/<RID>
user@host ~ $ curl -XDELETE 'localhost:8000/resources/yYiUDG6QRfiVt2ey37AuDA'
This has now deleted the resource document with the given resource id from the Elastic-Search data store. This will also delete all stream documents owned by the given resource id and should also delete all the data-points belonging to these streams but this is not implemented yet.
A stream is deleted by doing a DELETE request to the API at the stream tab with the id of the stream you want to delete, i.e. <API-URI>/streams/<SID>
user@host ~ $ curl -XDELETE 'localhost:8000/streams/lEUbrYY3RT-VY-rdffE2Ug'
This has now deleted the stream document with the given stream id from the Elastic-Search data store. This will also delete all the data-points owned by the given stream id.
You are currently not allowed to delete data-points without also deleting the stream they are owned by so there is no call for deleting just data-points.
Not implemented yet.
Not implemented yet.
Not implemented yet.
Resources are searched by doing a POST request to the API at the resources tab with the _search operation and sending the JSON with the query. <API-URI>/resources/_search
user@host ~ $ curl -XPOST 'localhost:8000/resources/_search'
This will return all the resources from the Elastic-Search data store. In the JSON you can use all the queries types avaiable in ElasticSearch.
Streams are searched by doing a POST request to the API at the streams tab with the _search operation and sending the JSON with the query. <API-URI>/streams/_search
user@host ~ $ curl -XPOST'localhost:8000/streams/_search'
This will return all the streams from the Elastic-Search data store. In the JSON you can use all the queries types avaiable in ElasticSearch.
Not implemented yet.
Not implemented yet.
Not implemented yet.
In order to do a basic search through all the data in the data store, you can use the general search. Streams, groups and users are searched by doing a POST request to the API with the _search operation and sending the JSON with the query. <API-URI>/_search
user@host ~ $ curl -XPOST'localhost:8000/_search'
This will return all the streams, users and groups from the Elastic-Search data store. In the JSON you can use all the queries types avaiable in ElasticSearch.