diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index 5ed691d..9c02166 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ eric-figs/design/ filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text eric-figs/output/data/ filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text eric-figs/packrat/bundles/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text -*.nb.html filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text -*.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +eric-figs/*.nb.html filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +eric-figs/*.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3537ae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# History files +.Rhistory +.Rapp.history + +# Session Data files +.RData + +# Example code in package build process +*-Ex.R + +# Output files from R CMD build +/*.tar.gz + +# Output files from R CMD check +/*.Rcheck/ + +# RStudio files +.Rproj.user/ + +# produced vignettes +vignettes/*.html +vignettes/*.pdf + +# OAuth2 token, see https://github.com/hadley/httr/releases/tag/v0.3 +.httr-oauth + +# knitr and R markdown default cache directories +/*_cache/ +/cache/ + +# Temporary files created by R markdown +*.utf8.md +*.knit.md + +# Packrat +eric-figs/packrat/lib*/ +eric-figs/packrat/src +tobyfigs/packrat/lib*/ +tobyfigs/packrat/src diff --git a/simulation/.dockerignore b/simulation/.dockerignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38d9849 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/.dockerignore @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +.git +./data/* +./src/* +./work*/* diff --git a/simulation/.gitignore b/simulation/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..daa8298 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +*~ +.Rhistory +work* +spaero_0.1.0* diff --git a/simulation/Dockerfile b/simulation/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f34e5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +FROM r-base +MAINTAINER Eamon O'Dea <[last name without apostrophe]35@gmail.com> + +RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y -q --no-install-recommends \ + openssh-server \ + r-cran-coda \ + r-cran-curl \ + r-cran-desolve \ + r-cran-doparallel \ + r-cran-evaluate \ + r-cran-foreach \ + r-cran-formatr \ + r-cran-ggplot2 \ + r-cran-httr \ + r-cran-igraph \ + r-cran-iterators \ + r-cran-jsonlite \ + r-cran-lazyeval \ + r-cran-memoise \ + r-cran-mime \ + r-cran-mvtnorm \ + r-cran-nloptr \ + r-cran-openssl \ + r-cran-praise \ + r-cran-rcpp \ + r-cran-r6 \ + r-cran-testthat \ + r-cran-tgp \ + r-cran-xtable \ + r-cran-yaml + +RUN install2.r --error \ + earlywarnings \ + knitr \ + lintr \ + np \ + pomp \ + rmarkdown + +COPY ./spaero_0.2.0.1.tar.gz /home/docker/spaero_0.2.0.1.tar.gz +RUN /usr/bin/R CMD check --no-build-vignettes --no-manual /home/docker/spaero_*.tar.gz > /home/docker/check.so \ +&& /usr/bin/R CMD INSTALL --build /home/docker/spaero_*.tar.gz + +RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd && echo 'docker:screencast' | chpasswd \ + && sed 's@session\s*required\s*pam_loginuid.so@session optional pam_loginuid.so@g' -i /etc/pam.d/sshd +EXPOSE 22 + +CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"] diff --git a/simulation/README.md b/simulation/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df70c8e --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +The ``simulation`` subdirectory contains: +1) simulation results used to generate the figures in the paper contained in the zip archive +``work-2017-08-29_17-29-29-light.zip``. +2) All scripts used to generate the simulation results in the directory ``src``. +3) Docker files (see below) +4) A copy of the R package spaero +5) Some additional non-essential but related scripts in ``src``. + +To facilitate reproducibility, the scripts were run within a Docker container based on an image that is available on Docker Hub. The file ``build-image`` was used to create the image based on +the ``Dockerfile``. To reproduce the results on systems with Docker installed, run the bash script ``run-scripts`` the ``simulation`` subdirectory. This script will: + +1) Pull the Docker container down from Docker Hub and create a time-stamped child directory +2) Run the Makefile in ``src`` to reproduce the full simulation results in the time-stamped child directory + +Reproducing the full output is computationally intensive and not recommended on a desktop computer. The full output comes to about 30GB and includes many intermediate results which are not needed to recreate the figures. The script ``src/make-light.sh`` is included to generate a lighter compressed zip version of the results and only includes the data necessary for figures. + +It is also possible to run the scripts without Docker, although one might have to consult the Docker image to determine the correct software versions to use. One important dependency, the spaero +R package for calculating the moving window statistics, is included in this subdirectory. The right sequence in which the scripts must be run to produce the results can be seen in ``src/Makefile``. diff --git a/simulation/build-image b/simulation/build-image new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a6ec7e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/build-image @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +docker build -t eamon/2016feasibility . diff --git a/simulation/run-scripts b/simulation/run-scripts new file mode 100755 index 0000000..35e48c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/run-scripts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -e + +topd=$(pwd) +tstamp=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S) +wkdir="${topd}/work-${tstamp}" +ddir="${topd}/data" +sdir="${topd}/src" +hdir="/home/docker" + +mkdir ${wkdir} +chmod 757 ${wkdir} +docker run -v ${ddir}:${hdir}/data:ro \ + -v ${sdir}:${hdir}/src:ro \ + -v ${wkdir}:${hdir}/work \ + --user docker -w ${hdir}/work \ + eamon/2016feasibility:v20170829 /bin/bash -c "make -f ../src/Makefile" +chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) ${wkdir} diff --git a/simulation/spaero_0.2.0.1.tar.gz b/simulation/spaero_0.2.0.1.tar.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c5cd90 Binary files /dev/null and b/simulation/spaero_0.2.0.1.tar.gz differ diff --git a/simulation/src/Makefile b/simulation/src/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..320bead --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/src/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +RS = '/usr/bin/Rscript' +WD = /home/docker/work +SD = /home/docker/src +DD = /home/docker/data +VPATH = $(SD):$(WD) + +all: checkpoint-03.rda + +checkpoint-03.rda: analyze_observations.R checkpoint-02.rda + $< >$($($($($($( 0 + df[is_snap, ] +} + +for(i in seq_len(nrow(process_des_mat))){ + simulated_procs[[i]]$test <- get_snaps(simulated_procs[[i]]$test) + simulated_procs[[i]]$null <- get_snaps(simulated_procs[[i]]$null) +} + +save(simulated_procs, process_des_mat, file="cases.RData") diff --git a/simulation/src/get-res.R b/simulation/src/get-res.R new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2e19244 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/src/get-res.R @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env Rscript +load("checkpoint-03.rda") +save(res, file = "res.RData") diff --git a/simulation/src/make-light.sh b/simulation/src/make-light.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1658e81 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/src/make-light.sh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +cd $outputdir +../src/get-res.R +../src/get-cases.R +cd .. +lightname="${outputdir}-light" +zip -r $lightname ${outputdir}/ --exclude \*.rda diff --git a/simulation/src/simulate_cases.R b/simulation/src/simulate_cases.R new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e125eb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/src/simulate_cases.R @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +#!/usr/bin/Rscript + +library(foreach) + +doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores=30) +RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") +set.seed(3234) +parallel::mc.reset.stream() + +levs <- list() +levs$external_forcing <- c(1 / 7) +levs$host_lifetime <- c(70 * 365) + + +levs$infectious_days <- c(30, 7) +levs$observation_days <- c(20) * 365 +levs$population_size <- 10^c(6) +levs$process_reps <- 1000 + +levs$scenario <- c("emergence") +process_des_mat <- do.call(expand.grid, levs) + +sample_process <- function(external_forcing, host_lifetime, infectious_days, + observation_days, population_size, process_reps, + scenario){ + stopifnot(scenario == "emergence") + + times <- seq(0, observation_days) + params <- c(gamma=1 / infectious_days, mu=1 / host_lifetime, + d=1 / host_lifetime, eta=external_forcing / population_size, + beta=0, rho=0.1, S_0=1, I_0=0, R_0=0, N_0=population_size) + covnul <- data.frame(gamma_t=c(0, 0), mu_t=c(0, 0), d_t=c(0, 0), + eta_t=c(0, 0), beta_t=c(0, 0), + time=c(0, observation_days)) + beta_final <- (params["gamma"] + params["d"]) / population_size + covalt <- data.frame(gamma_t=c(0, 0), mu_t=c(0, 0), d_t=c(0, 0), + eta_t=c(0, 0), beta_t=c(0, beta_final), + time=c(0, observation_days)) + + simtest <- spaero::create_simulator(times=times, params=params, covar=covalt) + simnull <- spaero::create_simulator(times=times, params=params, covar=covnul) + + ret <- list() + do_sim <- function(obj, nsim=process_reps){ + cols_to_delete <- c("reports", "gamma_t", "mu_t", "d_t", "eta_t") + ret <- pomp::simulate(obj, nsim=nsim, as.data.frame=TRUE) + ret[, !colnames(ret) %in% cols_to_delete] + } + ret$test <- do_sim(simtest) + ret$null <- do_sim(simnull) + ret +} + +simulated_procs <- foreach(i=seq(1, nrow(process_des_mat)), + .options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)) %dopar% + do.call(sample_process, process_des_mat[i, ]) + +save.image(file="checkpoint-01.rda") diff --git a/simulation/src/simulate_observation.R b/simulation/src/simulate_observation.R new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0ea25c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/src/simulate_observation.R @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#!/usr/bin/Rscript + +library(foreach) + +doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores=30) +RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") +set.seed(3222) +parallel::mc.reset.stream() + +load("checkpoint-01.rda") + +levs <- list() +levs$aggregation_days <- c(7, 30) +levs$neg_bin_k <- c(0.01, 1, 100) +levs$observation_multiplier <- 1 +levs$reporting_prob <- 2^(seq(-8, 0, len=21)) +observation_des_mat <- do.call(expand.grid, levs) + +sample_observation <- function(aggregation_days, neg_bin_k, + observation_multiplier, reporting_prob, + procs){ + splt <- function(x) { + split(x, x$sim) + } + aggr <- function(x, p=reporting_prob, m=observation_multiplier, + k=neg_bin_k) { + tots <- aggregate.ts(x$cases, nfrequency=1 / aggregation_days) + mu <- tots * p + n <- length(mu) + rnbinom(n=n, mu=mu, size=k) + } + transform <- function(x, n=observation_multiplier){ + sims <- splt(x) + replicate(n=n, lapply(sims, aggr), simplify=FALSE) + } + lapply(procs, transform) +} + +simulated_observations <- + foreach (i=seq(1, nrow(process_des_mat)), + .options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)) %:% + foreach (j=seq(1, nrow(observation_des_mat))) %dopar% { + do.call(sample_observation, + c(observation_des_mat[j, ], list(simulated_procs[[i]]))) + } + +save.image(file="checkpoint-02.rda") diff --git a/simulation/src/test-auc.R b/simulation/src/test-auc.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0ea529 --- /dev/null +++ b/simulation/src/test-auc.R @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +set.seed(234) + +calc_auc <- function(predictions, is_null){ + r <- rank(predictions) + r1 <- sum(r[!is_null]) + n1 <- sum(!is_null) + n2 <- sum(is_null) + (r1 - n1 * (n1 + 1) / 2) / (n1 * n2) +} + +compare_calcs <- function(){ + n <- runif(1, 10, 1000) + predictions <- rnorm(n) + is_null <- rep(TRUE, n) + is_null[seq(1, n / 2)] <- FALSE + us <- calc_auc(predictions, is_null) + pred <- ROCR::prediction(predictions, !is_null) + them <- ROCR::performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]] + stopifnot(all.equal(us, them)) +} + +invisible(replicate(100, compare_calcs())) diff --git a/simulation/work-2017-08-29_17-29-29-light.zip b/simulation/work-2017-08-29_17-29-29-light.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2412afe Binary files /dev/null and b/simulation/work-2017-08-29_17-29-29-light.zip differ diff --git a/tobyfigs/.Rprofile b/tobyfigs/.Rprofile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22ec147 --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/.Rprofile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#### -- Packrat Autoloader (version 0.4.8-1) -- #### +source("packrat/init.R") +#### -- End Packrat Autoloader -- #### diff --git a/tobyfigs/.gitignore b/tobyfigs/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d300c12 --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +packrat/lib*/ +packrat/src/* diff --git a/tobyfigs/cases.RData b/tobyfigs/cases.RData new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75c3afb Binary files /dev/null and b/tobyfigs/cases.RData differ diff --git a/tobyfigs/heat-plot.R b/tobyfigs/heat-plot.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc8e718 --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/heat-plot.R @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +#Script for heat plot +# 3-#2017-07-05 -- Toby + +library(colorspace) +library(lattice) +library(fields) +library(dplyr) + + +## Eric's AUC gradient ## +# Given error of ~0.5, set number of levels to 10. For a higher precision, use nlevels = 20 +nlevels = 100 # number of bins = number of colors +# Color scale with {colorspace} +AUC.colors <- diverge_hcl( + n=nlevels, # number of colors + h = c(45, 225), # Hues (low, hi) + c = 100, # fixed Chroma or Chroma Range (edges, center) + l = c(90, 10), # Lightness range (edges, center) + power = 1 # exponent +) +#Gray colour used in paper: +gray_colour <- rgb(0,0,0,.25) +dl <- seq(0,1,0.01) + +## AUC data ## +load("res.RData") +res <- res[which(res$reporting_prob > 0.01),] + + +heat_map_plot <- function(bw){ + + ##Filter for bandwidth Choose either 35 or 100 + res <- filter(res, bandwidth == bw) + + ## Results for 7 day recovery + res.7.wkly <- res[ which(res$infectious_days==7 + & res$aggregation_days == 7), ] + + res.7.mon <- res[ which(res$infectious_days==7 + & res$aggregation_days == 30), ] + + ## Results for 30 day recovery + res.30.wkly <- res[ which(res$infectious_days==30 + & res$aggregation_days == 7), ] + + res.30.mon <- res[ which(res$infectious_days==30 + & res$aggregation_days == 30), ] + + ## function to organize data for heat plots ## + org_data <- function(dat){ + binLevs <- 3 + ewsLevs <- ncol(dat[,14:23]) + repLevs <- length(unique(dat$reporting_prob)) + + tmpList <- list() # For each EWS + # Make each level of dispersion a new column + for(i in 1:ewsLevs){ + cl <- 13 + i + tmp <- dat[, c(1:13, cl)] + tmp=filter(tmp, neg_bin_k!=.1) + tmp=filter(tmp, neg_bin_k!=10) + tmp <- arrange(tmp, neg_bin_k) + + tmp <- matrix(tmp[,14], ncol=repLevs, byrow = T) + row.names(tmp)=c("100", "1" , ".01") + + colnames(tmp) <- round(unique(dat$reporting_prob), 5) + tmpList[[i]] <- tmp + } + + # format for heat plot + newDat <- do.call(rbind, tmpList) + newDat <- t(newDat) + + kurt=newDat[,c(28:30)] + skew=newDat[,c(25:27)] + cov =newDat[,c(22:24)] + ind =newDat[,c(19:21)] + men =newDat[,c(16:18)] + dec =newDat[,c(13:15)] + acf =newDat[,c(10:12)] + acv =newDat[,c(7:9)] + vdif =newDat[,c(4:6)] + var =newDat[,c(1:3)] + ord = cbind(men, var, vdif, + ind, acv, acf, + dec, cov, skew, + kurt) + return(ord) + } + + yLabs <- c("Mean", "Variance", "1st Diff. Var.", + "Ind. of Dis.", "Autocovar.", "Autocorr.", + "Decay time", "Coeff. Var", "Skewness", + "Kurtosis") + + # For plotting + nRepProb <- length(unique(res$reporting_prob)) + xVals <- seq(0,nRepProb-1)/(nRepProb-1) # seq(0,20)/20 + xLabVals <- xVals[seq(1, length(xVals), 6)] + xLabs <- round(unique(res$reporting_prob), 2) + xLabsNew <- xLabs[seq(1, length(xLabs), 6)] + yVals <- seq(2.5,50, by=5)/50 + + addLines <- function(clr="white", lwd=1.5){ + abline(h=18/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=39/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=59/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=79.5/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=100/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=120/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=141/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=161/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=181.5/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + } + + dispLabs3 <- function(){ + #dispersion labels + axis(4, at = seq(46.5,50, length.out = 3)/50, + labels = rep("", 3), tck=-.1, col.ticks = gray_colour,col = "white", pos = 1.05) + mtext(side=4, "less dispersed", line=.95, las=1, cex=.6, at=1.05, xpd=T) + mtext(side=4, "100", line=3, las=1, cex=.4, at=1, xpd=T) + mtext(side=4, " 1 ", line=3.1, las=1, cex=.4, at=.965, xpd=T) + mtext(side=4, "0.01", line=3, las=1, cex=.4, at=.93, xpd=T) + mtext(side=4, "more dispersed", line=.91, las=1, cex=.6, at=.88, xpd=T) + } + + addLines3 <- function(clr="white", lwd=1.5){ + abline(h=17/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=38/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=59/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=79.5/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=100/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=120/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=141/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=162/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + abline(h=182/200, col=clr, lwd=lwd) + } + + # Data for heat plots + H5 <- org_data(res.7.wkly) + H6 <- org_data(res.7.mon) + + H7 <- org_data(res.30.wkly) + H8 <- org_data(res.30.mon) + + + pdf(paste("heat-plot",bw,".pdf", sep=""), width=4.52,height=5.19) + # separate heat plots + layout(matrix(c(1, 2, + 3, 4, + 5, 5), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE), + heights = c(1,1,.25)) + + par(oma=c(3,2,2,2), mar=c(1,5,3,3)) + + image(H5, col=AUC.colors, xlab="", + ylab="", axes=F, main="", + add.expr= abline(h=5/50, col="white")) + axis(3, at=xLabVals, labels=xLabsNew, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = 1.03) + axis(3, at=xVals, labels=FALSE, tck=-0.05, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = 1.03) + axis(2, at=yVals, labels=yLabs, las=1, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = -0.05) + mtext(side=3, text="Aggregated weekly", line=3) + mtext(side=2, expression(paste(gamma, "=1/7")), line=5.5) + addLines3() + dispLabs3() + + par(mar=c(1,4,3,4)) + image(H6, col=AUC.colors, xlab="", + ylab="", axes=F) + axis(3, at=xLabVals, labels=xLabsNew, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = 1.03) + axis(3, at=xVals, labels=FALSE, tck=-0.05, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = 1.03) + mtext(side=3, text="Aggregated monthly", line=3) + axis(4, at=yVals, labels=yLabs, las=1, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = 1.05) + addLines3() + axis(2, at = seq(46.5,50,length.out = 3)/50, + labels = rep("", 3), tck=-.1,col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = -0.05) + + + par(mar=c(4,5,0,3)) + image(H7, col=AUC.colors, xlab="", + ylab="", axes=F) + axis(1, at=xLabVals, labels=xLabsNew, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = -0.03) + axis(1, at=xVals, labels=FALSE, tck=-0.05, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = -0.03) + axis(2, at=yVals, labels=yLabs, las=1, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white",pos = -0.05) + mtext(side=2, expression(paste(gamma, "=1/30")), line=5.5) + mtext(side=1, "Reporting probability", line=3) + addLines3() + dispLabs3() + + + par(mar=c(4,4,0,4)) + image(H8, col=AUC.colors, xlab="", + ylab="", axes=F) + axis(1, at=xLabVals, labels=xLabsNew, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = -0.03) + axis(1, at=xVals, labels=FALSE, tck=-0.05, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = -0.03) + axis(4, at=yVals, labels=yLabs, las=1, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = 1.05) + mtext(side=1, "Reporting probability", line=3) + addLines3() + axis(2, at = seq(46.5,50, length.out = 3)/50, + labels = rep("", 3), tck=-.1, col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = -0.05) + + + par(mar=c(1.2,7,1.2,7)) + legend_data <- matrix(dl, nrow = length(dl), ncol = 1) + image(legend_data, col=AUC.colors, xlab="", + ylab="", axes=F, useRaster = T) + axis(1, at=seq(0.0,1,0.2), labels=seq(0.0,1,0.2), col.ticks = gray_colour, col = "white", pos = -1.5) + mtext(side=1, "AUC", line=3) + dev.off() +} + +heat_map_plot(35) +heat_map_plot(100) diff --git a/tobyfigs/heat-plot100.pdf b/tobyfigs/heat-plot100.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c772e6d Binary files /dev/null and b/tobyfigs/heat-plot100.pdf differ diff --git a/tobyfigs/heat-plot35.pdf b/tobyfigs/heat-plot35.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19fe0b7 Binary files /dev/null and b/tobyfigs/heat-plot35.pdf differ diff --git a/tobyfigs/high-low-plot.R b/tobyfigs/high-low-plot.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22db66f --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/high-low-plot.R @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +library(ggplot2) +library(ggthemes) ## +library(tidyverse) +#library(plyr) +library(reshape2) +library(colorspace) + +## Eric's AUC gradient +# Color scale with {colorspace} +nlevels = 100 +AUC_colors <- diverge_hcl( + n=nlevels, # number of colors + h = c(45, 225), # Hues (low, hi) + c = 100, # fixed Chroma or Chroma Range (edges, center) + l = c(90, 10), # Lightness range (edges, center) + power = 1 # exponent +) +names(AUC_colors) <- seq(0,1,1/(nlevels-1)) + +## Load and select data to be displayed +load("res.RData") +res <- res[which(res$bandwidth==35),] +res <- res[which(res$reporting_prob > 0.04),] +rep_prob_lvls <- levels(as.factor(res$reporting_prob))[c(12,1)] +neg_bin_k_lvls <- levels(as.factor(res$neg_bin_k))[c(3,1)] +inf_days_lvls <- levels(as.factor(res$infectious_days))[1] +agg_days_lvls <- levels(as.factor(res$aggregation_days))[1] + +hl_data <- res %>% + select_(.dots = names(.)[c(3,8,9,11,14:33)]) %>% + filter(neg_bin_k %in% neg_bin_k_lvls) %>% + filter(infectious_days == inf_days_lvls) %>% + filter(aggregation_days == agg_days_lvls) %>% + filter(reporting_prob %in% rep_prob_lvls) %>% + melt(id.vars = names(.)[1:4], value.name = "AUC") %>% + mutate(variable = as.factor(variable)) + +nrows <- nrow(hl_data)/2 + +hl_data <- hl_data %>% + mutate(err = lead(variable,nrows), AUC_err = lead(AUC,nrows)) %>% + filter(!is.na(err)) %>% + mutate(reporting_prob = factor(reporting_prob, levels(as.factor(.$reporting_prob))[c(2,1)])) %>% + mutate(neg_bin_k = as.factor(neg_bin_k)) %>% + droplevels() +new_levels <- c("Mean", "Variance", "1st Diff. Var.", + "Index of Dis.", "Autocovar.", "Autocorr.", + "Decay time", "Coeff. Var", "Skewness", + "Kurtosis") +hl_data$variable <- factor(hl_data$variable,levels(hl_data$variable)[c(6,1,2,7,3,4,5,8,9,10)]) +levels(hl_data$variable) <- new_levels +levels(hl_data$reporting_prob) <- c("High reporting","Low reporting") +levels(hl_data$neg_bin_k) <- c("High overdispersion", "Low overdispersion") + +#Define plotting function +hl_plot <- function(hl_data){ + ggplot(hl_data) + + geom_bar(aes(x=variable,y=AUC-0.5, fill = AUC, color = AUC),stat="identity" ) + + facet_grid(reporting_prob~neg_bin_k) + + geom_rangeframe(colour ="black") + + scale_fill_gradientn(limits = c(0,1),colours=AUC_colors) + + scale_color_gradientn(limits = c(0,1),colours=AUC_colors) + + scale_y_continuous(name = "AUC",labels=c("0.0","0.25","0.5","0.75","1.0")) +} + + +#par(fg = "#FF6AD5", bg = "#FFFFFF", col.lab = "#94D0FF", +# col.main = "#C774E8", col.sub = "#94D0FF", col.axis = "#94D0FF", +# font.lab = 3) + +text_color <- "black" +background_color <- "white" +font_chosen <- "Helvetica" + +hl_plot(hl_data) +#theme_par() + + theme(text = element_text(color=text_color, size = 18, family=font_chosen), + title = element_text(size = 14), + line = element_line(color=text_color), + rect = element_rect(color="black"), + axis.title.x=element_blank(), + axis.title.y = element_text(color=text_color,face = "plain", + family=font_chosen, size = 14), + axis.text.x = element_text(color = text_color, angle = 45, + vjust = 1, hjust=1),#family=font_chosen, size = 14), + axis.text.y = element_text(color = text_color, family=font_chosen), + axis.ticks = element_line(color=rgb(0,0,0,.25),line), + axis.line = element_blank(), + legend.text = element_text(color = text_color, family=font_chosen), + legend.title = element_text(color = text_color, family = font_chosen), + panel.grid.major = element_blank(), + panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = rgb(0,0,0,.25)), + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + panel.border = element_blank(), + panel.background = element_rect(color=NA,fill=NA), + panel.spacing = unit(2, "lines"), + strip.text.y= element_text(color = text_color,angle = 270, family=font_chosen), + strip.text.x= element_text(color = text_color, family=font_chosen), + strip.background = element_rect(fill=NA), + plot.background = element_rect(color=NA, fill=background_color), + plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,1,1), "cm")) + +ggsave("high-low.pdf",width =1.2*8.64,height=1.2*4.20) diff --git a/tobyfigs/high-low.pdf b/tobyfigs/high-low.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f1b192 Binary files /dev/null and b/tobyfigs/high-low.pdf differ diff --git a/tobyfigs/packrat/init.R b/tobyfigs/packrat/init.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a768be5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/packrat/init.R @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +local({ + + ## Helper function to get the path to the library directory for a + ## given packrat project. + getPackratLibDir <- function(projDir = NULL) { + path <- file.path("packrat", "lib", R.version$platform, getRversion()) + + if (!is.null(projDir)) { + + ## Strip trailing slashes if necessary + projDir <- sub("/+$", "", projDir) + + ## Only prepend path if different from current working dir + if (!identical(normalizePath(projDir), normalizePath(getwd()))) + path <- file.path(projDir, path) + } + + path + } + + ## Ensure that we set the packrat library directory relative to the + ## project directory. Normally, this should be the working directory, + ## but we also use '.rs.getProjectDirectory()' if necessary (e.g. we're + ## rebuilding a project while within a separate directory) + libDir <- if (exists(".rs.getProjectDirectory")) + getPackratLibDir(.rs.getProjectDirectory()) + else + getPackratLibDir() + + ## Unload packrat in case it's loaded -- this ensures packrat _must_ be + ## loaded from the private library. Note that `requireNamespace` will + ## succeed if the package is already loaded, regardless of lib.loc! + if ("packrat" %in% loadedNamespaces()) + try(unloadNamespace("packrat"), silent = TRUE) + + if (suppressWarnings(requireNamespace("packrat", quietly = TRUE, lib.loc = libDir))) { + + # Check 'print.banner.on.startup' -- when NA and RStudio, don't print + print.banner <- packrat::get_opts("print.banner.on.startup") + if (print.banner == "auto" && is.na(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO", unset = NA))) { + print.banner <- TRUE + } else { + print.banner <- FALSE + } + return(packrat::on(print.banner = print.banner)) + } + + ## Escape hatch to allow RStudio to handle bootstrapping. This + ## enables RStudio to provide print output when automagically + ## restoring a project from a bundle on load. + if (!is.na(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO", unset = NA)) && + is.na(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PACKRAT_BOOTSTRAP", unset = NA))) { + Sys.setenv("RSTUDIO_PACKRAT_BOOTSTRAP" = "1") + setHook("rstudio.sessionInit", function(...) { + # Ensure that, on sourcing 'packrat/init.R', we are + # within the project root directory + if (exists(".rs.getProjectDirectory")) { + owd <- getwd() + setwd(.rs.getProjectDirectory()) + on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE) + } + source("packrat/init.R") + }) + return(invisible(NULL)) + } + + ## Bootstrapping -- only performed in interactive contexts, + ## or when explicitly asked for on the command line + if (interactive() || "--bootstrap-packrat" %in% commandArgs(TRUE)) { + + message("Packrat is not installed in the local library -- ", + "attempting to bootstrap an installation...") + + ## We need utils for the following to succeed -- there are calls to functions + ## in 'restore' that are contained within utils. utils gets loaded at the + ## end of start-up anyhow, so this should be fine + library("utils", character.only = TRUE) + + ## Install packrat into local project library + packratSrcPath <- list.files(full.names = TRUE, + file.path("packrat", "src", "packrat") + ) + + ## No packrat tarballs available locally -- try some other means of installation + if (!length(packratSrcPath)) { + + message("> No source tarball of packrat available locally") + + ## There are no packrat sources available -- try using a version of + ## packrat installed in the user library to bootstrap + if (requireNamespace("packrat", quietly = TRUE) && packageVersion("packrat") >= "") { + message("> Using user-library packrat (", + packageVersion("packrat"), + ") to bootstrap this project") + } + + ## Couldn't find a user-local packrat -- try finding and using devtools + ## to install + else if (requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) { + message("> Attempting to use devtools::install_github to install ", + "a temporary version of packrat") + library(stats) ## for setNames + devtools::install_github("rstudio/packrat") + } + + ## Try downloading packrat from CRAN if available + else if ("packrat" %in% rownames(available.packages())) { + message("> Installing packrat from CRAN") + install.packages("packrat") + } + + ## Fail -- couldn't find an appropriate means of installing packrat + else { + stop("Could not automatically bootstrap packrat -- try running ", + "\"'install.packages('devtools'); devtools::install_github('rstudio/packrat')\"", + "and restarting R to bootstrap packrat.") + } + + # Restore the project, unload the temporary packrat, and load the private packrat + packrat::restore(prompt = FALSE, restart = TRUE) + + ## This code path only reached if we didn't restart earlier + unloadNamespace("packrat") + requireNamespace("packrat", lib.loc = libDir, quietly = TRUE) + return(packrat::on()) + + } + + ## Multiple packrat tarballs available locally -- try to choose one + ## TODO: read lock file and infer most appropriate from there; low priority because + ## after bootstrapping packrat a restore should do the right thing + if (length(packratSrcPath) > 1) { + warning("Multiple versions of packrat available in the source directory;", + "using packrat source:\n- ", shQuote(packratSrcPath)) + packratSrcPath <- packratSrcPath[[1]] + } + + + lib <- file.path("packrat", "lib", R.version$platform, getRversion()) + if (!file.exists(lib)) { + dir.create(lib, recursive = TRUE) + } + lib <- normalizePath(lib, winslash = "/") + + message("> Installing packrat into project private library:") + message("- ", shQuote(lib)) + + surround <- function(x, with) { + if (!length(x)) return(character()) + paste0(with, x, with) + } + + ## The following is performed because a regular install.packages call can fail + peq <- function(x, y) paste(x, y, sep = " = ") + installArgs <- c( + peq("pkgs", surround(packratSrcPath, with = "'")), + peq("lib", surround(lib, with = "'")), + peq("repos", "NULL"), + peq("type", surround("source", with = "'")) + ) + installCmd <- paste(sep = "", + "utils::install.packages(", + paste(installArgs, collapse = ", "), + ")") + + fullCmd <- paste( + surround(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R"), with = "\""), + "--vanilla", + "--slave", + "-e", + surround(installCmd, with = "\"") + ) + system(fullCmd) + + ## Tag the installed packrat so we know it's managed by packrat + ## TODO: should this be taking information from the lockfile? this is a bit awkward + ## because we're taking an un-annotated packrat source tarball and simply assuming it's now + ## an 'installed from source' version + + ## -- InstallAgent -- ## + installAgent <- 'InstallAgent: packrat 0.4.8-1' + + ## -- InstallSource -- ## + installSource <- 'InstallSource: source' + + packratDescPath <- file.path(lib, "packrat", "DESCRIPTION") + DESCRIPTION <- readLines(packratDescPath) + DESCRIPTION <- c(DESCRIPTION, installAgent, installSource) + cat(DESCRIPTION, file = packratDescPath, sep = "\n") + + # Otherwise, continue on as normal + message("> Attaching packrat") + library("packrat", character.only = TRUE, lib.loc = lib) + + message("> Restoring library") + restore(restart = FALSE) + + # If the environment allows us to restart, do so with a call to restore + restart <- getOption("restart") + if (!is.null(restart)) { + message("> Packrat bootstrap successfully completed. ", + "Restarting R and entering packrat mode...") + return(restart()) + } + + # Callers (source-erers) can define this hidden variable to make sure we don't enter packrat mode + # Primarily useful for testing + if (!exists(".__DONT_ENTER_PACKRAT_MODE__.") && interactive()) { + message("> Packrat bootstrap successfully completed. Entering packrat mode...") + packrat::on() + } + + Sys.unsetenv("RSTUDIO_PACKRAT_BOOTSTRAP") + + } + +}) diff --git a/tobyfigs/packrat/packrat.lock b/tobyfigs/packrat/packrat.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0455458 --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/packrat/packrat.lock @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +PackratFormat: 1.4 +PackratVersion: +RVersion: 3.4.2 +Repos: CRAN=http://cran.us.r-project.org + +Package: BH +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.62.0-1 +Hash: 14dfb3e8ffe20996118306ff4de1fab2 + +Package: Formula +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.2-2 +Hash: 31c4658e6ae879eee45fcf7b6d109464 + +Package: Hmisc +Source: CRAN +Version: 4.0-3 +Hash: 7e93c14752acdc238561bbdf56ad9ac2 +Requires: Formula, acepack, base64enc, data.table, ggplot2, gridExtra, + gtable, htmlTable, htmltools, latticeExtra, viridis + +Package: R6 +Source: CRAN +Version: 2.2.1 +Hash: 530f0b839551f96ec991ce4f93156ee1 + +Package: RColorBrewer +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.1-2 +Hash: c0d56cd15034f395874c870141870c25 + +Package: Rcpp +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.12.13 +Hash: b9d8d89ff10ca2d8bfdaccdf83045ba1 + +Package: acepack +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.4.1 +Hash: 5ed3b04bc1fa1a934188fc6022d3ba7c + +Package: assertthat +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.2.0 +Hash: e8805df54c65ac96d50235c44a82615c + +Package: backports +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.1.0 +Hash: 3f754426ca2b7dbbf63951fe5075373b + +Package: base64enc +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.1-3 +Hash: c590d29e555926af053055e23ee79efb + +Package: bindr +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.1 +Hash: e3a02070cf705d3ad1c5af1635a515a3 + +Package: bindrcpp +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.2 +Hash: e011aef1e6b2f8ff15d833f56abcf0ba +Requires: Rcpp, bindr, plogr + +Package: broom +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.4.2 +Hash: 7ebcffa46afb467e3f3c5687946f6e1a +Requires: dplyr, plyr, psych, reshape2, stringr, tidyr + +Package: cellranger +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.1.0 +Hash: 4e1ef4d099b0c5fd531a3938cf4624bd +Requires: rematch, tibble + +Package: checkmate +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.8.4 +Hash: fa853c0684e55ece9fc2de1bdcde9230 +Requires: backports + +Package: colorspace +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.3-2 +Hash: 0bf8618b585fa98eb23414cd3ab95118 + +Package: curl +Source: CRAN +Version: 2.6 +Hash: 8162b82ca4809c0d63c30aedbd7348e0 + +Package: data.table +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.10.4 +Hash: 2c7c47ccb40d01c7b214c8eff818108d + +Package: dichromat +Source: CRAN +Version: 2.0-0 +Hash: 08eed0c80510af29bb15f840ccfe37ce + +Package: digest +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.6.12 +Hash: e53fb8c58673df868183697e39a6a4d6 + +Package: dplyr +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.7.4 +Hash: c028f5b3c279138df4ab90743ad68dc0 +Requires: BH, R6, Rcpp, assertthat, bindrcpp, glue, magrittr, + pkgconfig, plogr, rlang, tibble + +Package: evaluate +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.10.1 +Hash: 54d95f4ec6d0300100413ed0127d89ae +Requires: stringr + +Package: fields +Source: CRAN +Version: 8.15 +Hash: 0236a31d894043dc56f152847ef9884b +Requires: maps, spam + +Package: forcats +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.2.0 +Hash: e5a3b0b96a39f5581467b0c6366f7408 +Requires: magrittr, tibble + +Package: ggplot2 +Source: CRAN +Version: 2.2.1 +Hash: 46e5cb78836848aa44655e577433f54b +Requires: digest, gtable, lazyeval, plyr, reshape2, scales, tibble + +Package: ggthemes +Source: CRAN +Version: 3.4.0 +Hash: e9f85417507c5352fc05de654bb6f1ab +Requires: assertthat, colorspace, ggplot2, scales + +Package: glue +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.1.1 +Hash: dfd5a27768175ae51d08dc6beba1ef11 + +Package: gridExtra +Source: CRAN +Version: 2.3 +Hash: fa977bc1aab5588a08123b10ceb1ad3d +Requires: gtable + +Package: gtable +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.2.0 +Hash: cd78381a9d3fea966ac39bd0daaf5554 + +Package: haven +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.0.0 +Hash: 73ad91459a9d754299b3cbd2157a5f16 +Requires: BH, Rcpp, hms, readr, tibble + +Package: highr +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.6 +Hash: aa3d5b7912b5fed4b546ed5cd2a1760b + +Package: hms +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.3 +Hash: 3fca8a1c97e6cfb297fe3f4690f82c58 + +Package: htmlTable +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.9 +Hash: b2a584fec4ff8c6206b01a55bed18e55 +Requires: checkmate, htmlwidgets, knitr, magrittr, stringr + +Package: htmltools +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.3.6 +Hash: 34e5c725d3ae30a76516792edcc16f24 +Requires: Rcpp, digest + +Package: htmlwidgets +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.9 +Hash: 7514f6ea9f3bef6d9b6c945095275302 +Requires: htmltools, jsonlite, yaml + +Package: httr +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.2.1 +Hash: 7de1f8f760441881804af7c1ff324340 +Requires: R6, curl, jsonlite, mime, openssl + +Package: jsonlite +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.5 +Hash: 9c51936d8dd00b2f1d4fe9d10499694c + +Package: knitr +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.16 +Hash: 3b8dc00d51027c6d041d56bc92136452 +Requires: digest, evaluate, highr, markdown, stringr, yaml + +Package: labeling +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.3 +Hash: ecf589b42cd284b03a4beb9665482d3e + +Package: latticeExtra +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.6-28 +Hash: efdf3a10a129129f7b8f4ae5a0d7ec3d +Requires: RColorBrewer + +Package: lazyeval +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.2.0 +Hash: 3d6e7608e65bbf5cb170dab1e3c9ed8b + +Package: lubridate +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.6.0 +Hash: b90f4cbefe0b3c545dd68b22c66a8a12 +Requires: stringr + +Package: magrittr +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.5 +Hash: bdc4d48c3135e8f3b399536ddf160df4 + +Package: maps +Source: CRAN +Version: 3.1.1 +Hash: 4a0a1b1764bfe2c41c6fc21790408caf + +Package: markdown +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.8 +Hash: 045d7c594d503b41f1c28946d076c8aa +Requires: mime + +Package: mime +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.5 +Hash: 463550cf44fb6f0a2359368f42eebe62 + +Package: mnormt +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.5-5 +Hash: d0d5efbb1fb26d2dc5f9394c223084b5 + +Package: modelr +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.1.0 +Hash: 7c9848bf4d734f38b8ce91022d8de949 +Requires: broom, dplyr, lazyeval, magrittr, purrr, tibble, tidyr + +Package: munsell +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.4.3 +Hash: f96d896947fcaf9b6d0074002e9f4f9d +Requires: colorspace + +Package: openssl +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.9.6 +Hash: 5f4711e142a44655dfea4d64fcf2f641 + +Package: packrat +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.4.8-1 +Hash: 6ad605ba7b4b476d84be6632393f5765 + +Package: pkgconfig +Source: CRAN +Version: 2.0.1 +Hash: 0dda4a2654a22b36a715c2b0b6fbacac + +Package: plogr +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.1-1 +Hash: fb19215402e2d9f1c7f803dcaa806fc2 + +Package: plyr +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.8.4 +Hash: 9598fbff0cce13bee89ae3a50230d93f +Requires: Rcpp + +Package: psych +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.7.5 +Hash: 0c076a96de916d0d26d866e83909d961 +Requires: mnormt + +Package: purrr +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.2.3 +Hash: d741f262ed1b74543e33c5426a497996 +Requires: magrittr, rlang, tibble + +Package: readr +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.1.1 +Hash: 9f1ac7e796ff384e3ce9e082fdb2d17c +Requires: BH, R6, Rcpp, hms, tibble + +Package: readxl +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.0.0 +Hash: 006771e12b2ae14b7dd6f77dfb70d802 +Requires: Rcpp, cellranger, tibble + +Package: rematch +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.0.1 +Hash: ad4faf59e7611117ff165817074c50c7 + +Package: reshape2 +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.4.2 +Hash: cca35d2c477d99d8bc53908939eb659e +Requires: Rcpp, plyr, stringr + +Package: rlang +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.1.2 +Hash: c17b638e3282aa222a47112d7a60bc66 + +Package: rvest +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.3.2 +Hash: c69f7526520bad66fd2111ebe8b1364b +Requires: httr, magrittr, selectr, xml2 + +Package: scales +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.5.0 +Hash: 1e70c4e1dcc1c51847edc9f4bc11a81e +Requires: R6, RColorBrewer, Rcpp, dichromat, labeling, munsell, plyr, + viridisLite + +Package: selectr +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.3-1 +Hash: 367275e3dcdd208339e131c7a41bec56 +Requires: stringr + +Package: spaero +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.2.0 +Hash: 3e128e5aa0bed3af97cdbb3147e4887f + +Package: spam +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.4-0 +Hash: a82fb29f79c3d556fe2584db0000bfbc + +Package: stringi +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.1.5 +Hash: b6308e49357a0b475f433599e0d8b5eb + +Package: stringr +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.2.0 +Hash: 25a86d7f410513ebb7c0bc6a5e16bdc3 +Requires: magrittr, stringi + +Package: tibble +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.3.3 +Hash: e34ba28025602bd2341af5b8845156c9 +Requires: Rcpp, rlang + +Package: tidyr +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.6.3 +Hash: e99b95cbb31017cebaab8ba3ddabcb67 +Requires: Rcpp, dplyr, lazyeval, magrittr, stringi, tibble + +Package: tidyverse +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.1.1 +Hash: 72d5fada870c90b835bbdfc281283c99 +Requires: broom, dplyr, forcats, ggplot2, haven, hms, httr, jsonlite, + lubridate, magrittr, modelr, purrr, readr, readxl, rvest, stringr, + tibble, tidyr, xml2 + +Package: viridis +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.4.0 +Hash: 5bdac1bcf74a10a7a96f82191f498ab7 +Requires: ggplot2, gridExtra, viridisLite + +Package: viridisLite +Source: CRAN +Version: 0.2.0 +Hash: 10f0c25af3dc84eaae10f5854f47efdb + +Package: xml2 +Source: CRAN +Version: 1.1.1 +Hash: f312e4beff105290588bf035a69428b0 +Requires: BH, Rcpp + +Package: yaml +Source: CRAN +Version: 2.1.14 +Hash: c81230c3a7d9ba20607ad6b4331173d1 diff --git a/tobyfigs/packrat/packrat.opts b/tobyfigs/packrat/packrat.opts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f6839c --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/packrat/packrat.opts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +auto.snapshot: TRUE +use.cache: FALSE +print.banner.on.startup: auto +vcs.ignore.lib: TRUE +vcs.ignore.src: FALSE +external.packages: +local.repos: +load.external.packages.on.startup: TRUE +ignored.packages: +quiet.package.installation: TRUE +snapshot.recommended.packages: FALSE +snapshot.fields: + Imports + Depends + LinkingTo diff --git a/tobyfigs/res.RData b/tobyfigs/res.RData new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1eec87 Binary files /dev/null and b/tobyfigs/res.RData differ diff --git a/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc-calculation.R b/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc-calculation.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2932d40 --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc-calculation.R @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ + +library(tidyverse) +library(reshape2) + +##Used to calculate AUC directly from snapshots data. + + +#load simulated cases +load("cases.RData") + +#Calculate EWS for times series data using spaero +get_ews <- function(emerge){ + + ## Wrapper for spaero::get_stats, sets function variables and returns only stats as a data frame. + #spaero parameters are hardcoded in here + ews <- function(x){ + return( + as.data.frame(spaero::get_stats(x, center_trend ="local_constant", + center_kernel = "uniform", + center_bandwidth =35, + stat_trend = "local_constant", + stat_kernel = "uniform", + stat_bandwidth=35, + lag = 1)$stats) + ) + } + + emerge %>% + group_by(sim) %>% + do(ews = ews(.$I)) -> a + bind_rows(a$ews) -> b + emerge_ews <- cbind(emerge,b) +} + +#calculate taus +get_taus <- function(df){ + df <- melt(df, id.vars = c("time", "S", "I", "R", "N", "cases", "beta_t", "sim")) + df %>% + group_by(variable, sim) %>% + summarise(tau = stats::cor(value,time, use="pairwise.complete.obs", method="kendall")) -> taus + return(taus) +} + +#calculate AUC +get_auc <- function(df){ + calc_auc <- function(predictions, is_null){ + test <- !is.na(predictions) + predictions <- predictions[test] + is_null <- is_null[test] + r <- rank(predictions) + r1 <- sum(r[!is_null]) + n1 <- sum(!is_null) + n2 <- sum(is_null) + (r1 - n1 * (n1 + 1) / 2) / (n1 * n2) + } + df %>% + group_by(variable) %>% + summarise(AUC = calc_auc(tau, isnull)) -> out + + new_levels <- c("Mean", "Variance", "Var. 1st Diff", + "Index of Dis.", "Autocovar.", "Autocorr.", + "Decay time", "Coeff. Var", "Skewness", + "Kurtosis") + out$variable <- factor(out$variable,levels(out$variable)[c(6,1,2,7,3,4,5,8,9,10)]) + #names(new_levels) <- levels(out$variable) + levels(out$variable) <- new_levels + + + + return(out) +} + + + + +#Simulates 1000 replicates, N=1e6, 20yrs of data, rng seed = 1 + +calculate_auc <- function(infectious_period){ + + if (infectious_period == "-weekly"){ + i <- which(dplyr::near(process_des_mat$infectious_days, 7)) + } else { + i <- which(dplyr::near(process_des_mat$infectious_days, 30)) + } + emerge_data <- simulated_procs[[i]]$test + null_data <- simulated_procs[[i]]$null + + calculate_auc_agg <- function(aggregation_period){ + edf <- emerge_data + ndf <- null_data + is_snap <- function(x, period){ + mod <- x %% period + dplyr::near(mod, 0) + } + if(aggregation_period == "-monthly"){ + per <- 30 + } else { + per <- 7 + } + edf <- edf[is_snap(edf$time, per), ] + ndf <- ndf[is_snap(ndf$time, per), ] + + emerge_ews <- get_ews(edf) + not_ews <- get_ews(ndf) + taus_test <- get_taus(emerge_ews) + taus_null <- get_taus(not_ews) + taus_test$isnull <- FALSE + taus_null$isnull <- TRUE + taus <- rbind(taus_test, taus_null) + + df <- get_auc(taus) + df$`Infectious period` <- as.factor(infectious_period) + df$`Aggregation period` <- as.factor(aggregation_period) + return(df) + } + + df <- do.call(rbind,lapply(c("-weekly","-monthly"),calculate_auc_agg)) + return(df) +} + +auc_data <- do.call(rbind,lapply(c("-weekly", "-monthly"),calculate_auc)) + +write_csv(auc_data,"snapshots-auc.csv") diff --git a/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc-plot.R b/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc-plot.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..478f3c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc-plot.R @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +library(ggplot2) +library(ggthemes) ## +library(tidyverse) +#library(plyr) +library(reshape2) +library(colorspace) + +auc_data <- read.csv("snapshots-auc.csv") +auc_data$`Infectious period` <- as.factor(auc_data$Infectious.period) +levels(auc_data$`Infectious period`) <- c(expression(paste(gamma, "=1/30")),expression(paste(gamma, "=1/7"))) + +auc_data$`Aggregation period` <- as.factor(auc_data$Aggregation.period) +levels(auc_data$`Aggregation period`) <- c("Monthly~snapshots","Weekly~snapshots") + +auc_data$variable <- factor(auc_data$variable, levels = levels(auc_data$variable)[c(7,10,9,5,2,1,4,3,8,6)]) + + +auc_plot <- function(df){ + + ## Eric's AUC gradient ## + # Given error of ~0.5, set number of levels to 10. For a higher precision, use nlevels = 20 + nlevels = 100 # number of bins = number of colors + # Color scale with {colorspace} + AUC_colors <- diverge_hcl( + n=nlevels, # number of colors + h = c(45, 225), # Hues (low, hi) + c = 100, # fixed Chroma or Chroma Range (edges, center) + l = c(90, 10), # Lightness range (edges, center) + power = 1 # exponent + ) + names(AUC_colors) <- seq(0,1,1/(nlevels-1)) + + + ggplot(df) + + # geom_pointrange(aes(x=variable,y=AUC, ymin=AUC-AUC_err, ymax= AUC+AUC_err, color=variable)) + + geom_bar(aes(x=variable,y=AUC-0.5, fill = AUC, color = AUC),stat="identity" ) + #, fill = "#088E7C") + + facet_grid(`Infectious period`~`Aggregation period`,labeller = label_parsed)+ + geom_rangeframe(colour ="black") + + scale_fill_gradientn(limits = c(0,1),colours=AUC_colors) + + scale_color_gradientn(limits = c(0,1),colours=AUC_colors) + + scale_y_continuous(name = "AUC",limits = c(-0.5,0.5),labels=c("0.0","0.25","0.5","0.75","1.0")) + #scale_x_continuous(name = "")+#,labels=c("Variance","Variance convexity","Autocovariance", + # "Autocorrelation","Decay time", "Mean", + # "Index of Dispersion", "Coefficient of variation", + # "Skewness", "Kurtosis"))+ + # theme_minimal() + + #theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +} + +par(font.lab = 3) +text_color <- "black" +background_color <- "white" +font_chosen <- "Helvetica" +auc_plot(auc_data) + + theme(text = element_text(color=text_color, size = 18, family=font_chosen), + title = element_text(size = 14), + line = element_line(color=text_color), + rect = element_rect(color="black"), + axis.title.x=element_blank(), + axis.title.y = element_text(color=text_color,face = "plain", + family=font_chosen, size = 14), + axis.text.x = element_text(color = text_color, angle = 45, + vjust = 1, hjust=1),#family=font_chosen, size = 14), + axis.text.y = element_text(color = text_color, family=font_chosen), + axis.ticks = element_line(color=rgb(0,0,0,.25),line), + axis.line = element_blank(), + legend.text = element_text(color = text_color, family=font_chosen), + legend.title = element_text(color = text_color, family = font_chosen), + panel.grid.major = element_blank(), + panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = rgb(0,0,0,.25)), + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + panel.border = element_blank(), + panel.background = element_rect(color=NA,fill=NA), + panel.spacing = unit(2, "lines"), + strip.text.y= element_text(color = text_color,angle = 270, family=font_chosen), + strip.text.x= element_text(color = text_color, family=font_chosen), + strip.background = element_rect(fill=NA), + plot.background = element_rect(color=NA, fill=background_color), + plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,1,1), "cm")) + + +ggsave("snapshots-auc.pdf",width =1.2*8.64,height=1.2*4.20) + + diff --git a/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc.csv b/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5371124 --- /dev/null +++ b/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc.csv @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +variable,AUC,Infectious period,Aggregation period +Variance,1,-weekly,-weekly +Var. 1st Diff,0.97501,-weekly,-weekly +Autocovar.,1,-weekly,-weekly +Autocorr.,0.999677,-weekly,-weekly +Decay time,0.999677,-weekly,-weekly +Mean,1,-weekly,-weekly +Index of Dis.,0.999993,-weekly,-weekly +Coeff. Var,0.179537,-weekly,-weekly +Skewness,0.489022,-weekly,-weekly +Kurtosis,0.444602,-weekly,-weekly +Variance,0.999798,-weekly,-monthly +Var. 1st Diff,0.9969355,-weekly,-monthly +Autocovar.,0.9749975,-weekly,-monthly +Autocorr.,0.9436765,-weekly,-monthly +Decay time,0.946374245472837,-weekly,-monthly +Mean,0.999709,-weekly,-monthly +Index of Dis.,0.9959355,-weekly,-monthly +Coeff. Var,0.513333,-weekly,-monthly +Skewness,0.613984,-weekly,-monthly +Kurtosis,0.603714,-weekly,-monthly +Variance,0.999835,-monthly,-weekly +Var. 1st Diff,0.912403,-monthly,-weekly +Autocovar.,0.999702,-monthly,-weekly +Autocorr.,0.9534735,-monthly,-weekly +Decay time,0.9534735,-monthly,-weekly +Mean,0.999998,-monthly,-weekly +Index of Dis.,0.97325,-monthly,-weekly +Coeff. Var,0.052677,-monthly,-weekly +Skewness,0.4368965,-monthly,-weekly +Kurtosis,0.344703,-monthly,-weekly +Variance,0.999623,-monthly,-monthly +Var. 1st Diff,0.987731,-monthly,-monthly +Autocovar.,0.99791,-monthly,-monthly +Autocorr.,0.9629065,-monthly,-monthly +Decay time,0.9628425,-monthly,-monthly +Mean,0.99998,-monthly,-monthly +Index of Dis.,0.9887905,-monthly,-monthly +Coeff. Var,0.469341,-monthly,-monthly +Skewness,0.5989215,-monthly,-monthly +Kurtosis,0.5566645,-monthly,-monthly diff --git a/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc.pdf b/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..341d1f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/tobyfigs/snapshots-auc.pdf differ