title | version | authors | tags | date | added | |||||
Logging all outgoing e-mails |
1.0.0 |
2023-03-14 |
2016-10-30 |
Lets say that you want to maintain a log of every email sent from your site.
This can be done quite easily by hooking the WireMail class. Place the following in your /site/ready.php file:
$wire->addHookAfter('WireMail::send', function($event) {
$mail = $event->object;
"SENT ($event->return of " . count($mail->to) . "), " .
"SUBJECT ($mail->subject), " .
"TO (" . implode(", ", $mail->to) . "), " .
"FROM ($mail->from)"
Test things out by sending an email. Here's an example of how I might send a message with the API:
->subject('Hello world')
->body('How are you doing?')
In your admin, if you go to Setup > Logs > sent-mail, you should see a log entry like this:
SENT (1 of 1), SUBJECT (Hello world), TO (test@processwire.com), FROM (ryan@test.com)