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murphyk2 edited this page Jul 17, 2010 · 30 revisions
  1. summary Issues related to Matlab vs Octave in the context of PMTK3
  • Compatability of Octave and Matlab*
Octave is a free version of Matlab. Not all of PMTK3 works in Octave. We are currently working on making most of it run. Below we list certain specific issues we have encountered in the context of PMTK3. See this page for a more general discussion of Matlab vs Octave.
  * Octave does not yet support Matlab's Object Oriented System and has only limited support for the old style OO system, (e.g. no operator overloading support). This should  have no impact on PMTK3, which no longer uses objects. However, PMTK1 and PMTK2 will not work in Octave.
  * Due to the previous point, graphViz4Matlab will not currently run in Octave. This is not required by PMTK3, but is useful.
  * The Lightspeed 'rows' function aliases built in Octave 'rows' function. It has been renamed to rowsLightspeed in pmtkSupport.
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