Endpoint | Description |
answers | Get all answers on the site. |
answers/{ids} | Get answers identified by a set of ids. |
answers/{id}/accept | Casts an accept vote on the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/accept/undo | Undoes an accept vote on the given answer. auth required |
answers/{ids}/comments | Get comments on the answers identified by a set of ids. |
answers/{id}/delete | Deletes the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/downvote/undo | Undoes a downvote on the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/edit | Edits the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/flags/options | Returns valid flag options for the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/flags/add | Casts a flag on the given answer. auth required |
answers/{ids}/questions | Gets all questions the answers identified by ids are on. |
answers/{id}/upvote | Casts an upvote on the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/upvote/undo | Undoes an upvote on the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/recommend | Casts a recommendation on the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/recommend/undo | Undoes an recommendation on the given answer. auth required |
answers/{id}/suggested-edit/add | Creates a suggested edit on an existing answer. auth required |