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Remove Japanese Opening Quote and put BOLD P in gfx font font_battle_extra.png

YakiNeen edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 5 revisions

The BOLD P to print PP in the Mon's Status Screen 2 is loaded from a separate tile (gfx/font/P.png). This replace the japanese opening quote, who, obviously, is not used in the international releases. This code remove that unused tile to replace with necessary BOLD P.

; Actual characters (from gfx/font/font_battle_extra.png)

	charmap "<LV>",      $6e

	charmap "<to>",      $70 ; narrow "to"

-	charmap "『",        $72 ; Japanese opening quote, unused
+       charmap "<BOLD_P>",  $72
	charmap "<ID>",      $73
	charmap "№",         $74

; Actual characters (from other graphics files)

	; needed for ShowPokedexDataInternal (see engine/menus/pokedex.asm)
	charmap "′",         $60 ; gfx/pokedex/pokedex.png
	charmap "″",         $61 ; gfx/pokedex/pokedex.png

-	; needed for StatusScreen (see engine/pokemon/status_screen.asm)
-	charmap "<BOLD_P>",  $72 ; gfx/font/P.1bpp

	; needed for LoadTownMap_Fly (see engine/items/town_map.asm)
	charmap "▲",         $ed ; gfx/town_map/up_arrow.1bpp
	ld hl, vChars2 tile $76
	lb bc, BANK(BattleHudTiles3), 2
	call CopyVideoDataDouble ; ─ ┘
-	ld de, PTile
-	ld hl, vChars2 tile $72
-	lb bc, BANK(PTile), 1
+       ld a, "<BOLD_P>"
	call CopyVideoDataDouble ; bold P (for PP)
	ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH ; New line
	ld [hl], $78 ; │
	add hl, de
	dec b
	jr nz, .PrintVerticalLine
	ld [hl], $77 ; ┘
	dec hl
	ld [hl], $76 ; ─
	dec hl
	dec c
	jr nz, .PrintHorizLine
	ld [hl], $6f ; ← (halfarrow ending)

-PTile: INCBIN "gfx/font/P.1bpp"


Now update the gfx/font/font_battle_extra.png file from this:


For this:


You can just download the image above and rename to font_battle_extra.png, replacing in gfx/font.


With this change, you can make print PP in the Battle Scene like this:


; print TYPE/<type> and <curPP>/<maxPP>
	hlcoord 1, 9
	ld de, TypeText
	call PlaceString
+	hlcoord 1, 11
+	ld a, "<BOLD_P>"
+	ld [hli], a
+	ld [hl], "<BOLD_P>"
	hlcoord 7, 11
	ld [hl], "/"
	hlcoord 5, 9
	ld [hl], "/"
	hlcoord 5, 11
	ld de, wcd6d
	lb bc, 1, 2
	call PrintNumber
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