- OpenFOAM/SU2 add option to save casefiles on error
- GUI consistency improvements
- SU2 default to V2003m SST turbulence model
- Minor bug fixes
- Added categories to physics mode selection list
- New import fea struct from MATLAB menu option
- Recommendation to use ESI openfoam.com (not openfoam.org)
- Minor bug fixes
- Physics mode for compressible high Ma number turbulent flows
- Add tutorial model for supersonic compressible flow past a prism
- Updated OpenFOAM solver interface
- Support import of OpenFOAM dictionaries/data
- Support coupled flow + heat transfer
- Support for multiple subdomains
- Support for chtMultiRegionFoam, buoyantBoussinesqFoam, and sonicFoam solvers
- CFD script model support for the OpenFOAM solver
- SU2 support for turbulent compressible and high Ma flows
- Add new heat exchanger and heat transfer script model examples
- Improved UI performance and responsiveness
- Preliminary OpenFOAM support for conjugate heat transfer with multiple subdomains (chtMultiRegionFoam/SimpleFoam)
- MacOS App OpenFOAM support (https://github.com/gerlero/openfoam-app)
- Script example for conjugate heat transfer (ex_heattransfer10)
- Removed averaging of initial conditions for boundaries shared between subdomains
- Improved performance of Robin boundary condition assembly
- Fix for 3D geometry plotting (identification and deduplication of shared boundaries)
- Support CSG formulas for robust (STL/OBJ) meshes
- New supersonic flow passed a wedge tutorial
- Change supersonic flow over bump tutorial to 3D
- Support HOME/Documents/MATLAB/.featool/featool.ini configuration
- performance mex and mumps solver disabled by default
- Fix bug in geometry object rotation
- Minor fixes
- Fix Excel (xlsx) data export
- Add Data Export dialog box
- Support custom data export expressions
- Support custom data export coordinates
- Improved app startup and shutdown time
- Add rmphys function and equation mode menu option to remove physics modes
- Improved boundary plots for plotsubd
- Updated OpenCASCADE geometry kernel to v7.7.2
- Fix 2D STEP/IGES geometry import
- Fix plot 3D block/hexahedal grid
- Fix for Matlab 2023b
- Show axes coordinate system orientation for 3D views
- Update MUMPS linear solver
- Support all MATLAB versions (Windows and Linux)
- Support for Intel MKL BLAS, OpenMP, and >2GB large arrays
- Updated SU2 Code CFD solver to v7.5.0
- Add functionality to show geometry object information
- Updated m-file export output to support the MATLAB "publish" command
- New "Create Model Report" menu option to Generate model reports in Html, PDF, Microsoft Word/PDF, Latex, and XML formats
- Updated OpenCASCADE geometry kernel to v7.6.3
- Updated SU2 Code CFD solver to v7.4.0
- Add new surface currents/skin effects tutorial model
- Performance improvements for built-in multiphysics solver
- Improved 3D geometry rendering performance
- New 3D geometry defeaturing functionality
- Support for edge/vertex selection for chamfer/fillet operations
- Support for PDF image and Excel data export
- Improved save/load model file performance
- Fix for STEP geometry import with >= 2 objects
- Improved and faster expression evaluation in assembly
- Added 2D geometry tool for Bezier and spline curves
- Updated OpenCASCADE geometry kernel to v7.6.2
- Support for binary brep (.bin) geometry format
- Updated SU2 Code CFD solver to v7.3.1
- Added k-Omega wall function support for SU2 solver
- Stand-alone versions for Windows and Linux
- Geometry import option from bitmap image (bmp, jpeg, png)
- Support for structured meshing of geometry primitives
- Updated plotly library to version 2.6.2
- Updated ParaView Glance library to version 4.17.1, and added support for slice and isosurface plot options
- Linux support for HiDPI screens
- Mouse controls for 3D zoom, pan, and rotate
- Added non-Newtonian flow physics mode for power law Bird-Carreau, and Cross power law viscosity models
- New non-Newtonian tutorial example for polymer flow extrusion
- New 3D solid-thermal stress validation and tutorial example
- Improved graphics performance for 3D plots
- Changed 3D plots to fill the whole viewport with CAD style orbit, pan, and zoom controls
- Added flip/reverse view option by double clicking on the 3D xy, xz, and yz quickview buttons
- Added solve mode GUI menu option for using solver hooks
- Improved FEniCS data and file exchange performance
- Various performance improvements
- Added view boundaries/subdomains menu option (for specifying mesh sizes on individual geometric entities)
- Added functionality for anisotropic meshing
- Added electro-osmotic flow multiphysics tutorial example
- Fix for STEP geometry export
- Improvments to STL geometry import
- FEniCS support for 3D models with >= 2 subdomains
- OpenFOAM changed to use of consistent symmetryPlane boundary conditions
- Preliminary support for built-in and robust 3D mesh generators
- GUI menu option to manually renumber/reassign 3D boundaries
- Heated pipe with cooling fins validation tutorial
- Release license menu option to move license to a new computer system
- Raw STL import and Gmsh meshing option for difficult STL geometries
- Solver restart options using partial solution vectors
- Coupled OpenFOAM and FEATool Multiphysics multi-solver simulation model
- Improved and optimized treatment of slip boundary conditions
- Updated OpenFOAM and SU2 interfaces to support parallel computations
- Added OpenFOAM binary GUI option to support user defined FOAM solvers
- Added support for ESI-OpenCFD native Windows OpenFOAM distribution
- Updated FEniCS interface with full support for parallel computations
- Change to binary hdf5 format for FEniCS mesh and solution data
- New impexp_hdf5 and fenics_import utility functions
- Added point/edge/integral source and constraint buttons to the subdomain/boundary modes toolbars
- Fixes for mesh generation of point objects
- Updated OpenCASCADE geometry kernel to v7.5.1
- Updated SU2 Code CFD solver to v7.1.0
- Select UMFPACK instead of MUMPS as default linear solver for MATLAB 2020a and later due to Mex file incompatibilities
- New 3D CAD geometry modeling functionality
- Chamfer (bevel edges)
- Fillet (round edges)
- Extrude/Revolve faces to solids
- Loft faces
- Split objects by cutline/cutplane
- Sketching in 2D Workplanes
- Support for user defined solver monitor functions
- View, edit, and modify OpenFOAM case and dictionary files
- Improved GEOMTool geometry engine with planar 2D support,
faster and more robust geometry decomposition/analysis
- Added chamfer and fillet geometry operations
- Added split geometry object by cutplane/cutline
- Algrebraic Multigrid (AMG) linear solver option
- Support for boundary and subdomain integral constraints
- Generalized slice plot postprocessing option
- Gradient reconstruction for evaluation of first order derivatives
- Animation of multiple time steps/solutions postprocessing option
- Streamline plot option
- Updated postprocessing dialog box GUI
- Improved OpenFOAM and SU2 discretization scheme options
- Support for multiple imported CAD geometries
- Improved Gmsh import
- OpenFOAM and SU2 support for pressure inlet boundary conditions
- Added arrow plot scaling option
- Added solver settings GUI option for numerical integration order
- Full support for FEniCS external solver
- Supports conversion of most FEATool models to FEniCS Python simulation scripts
- Time dependent and nonstationary problems
- Nonlinear and discontinuous coefficients
- Improved postprocessing and visualization
- Faster and more efficient 3D graphics
- GUI support for more colors and colormaps, titles, and plot configurations
- GUI functionality to view partial grids
- Faster GUI command/terminal output speed
- Improved and more accurate Robin boundary condition treatment
- Faster expression evaluation via nodal interpolation
- New electrostatics micro strip capacitance tutorial
- New SU2 CFD solver with built-in GUI and CLI interfaces
- Built-in algebraic turbulence model for Navier-Stokes physics mode
- Support for several OpenFOAM turbulence model variants (Spalart-Allmaras, k-epsilon (RNG and realizable), and k-omega (SST))
- New BREP based 3D CAD engine with support for BREP, IGES, OBJ, STEP, and STL CAD format import, export, and conversion
- Support for 2D boundary layers in Gmsh
- Support for IGES and STEP CAD file import
- Improved feature and boundary recognition for STL CAD file import
- Geometry and grid export to web browser
- Support for parsing space derivatives in time equation coefficients
- Dedicated and improved treatment of internal/interior boundaries
- Fluid-structure interaction physics mode and solver
- MUMPS and iterative (GMRES and BiCGStab with ILU(k)) linear solvers
- Support for Gmsh v3/4 GEO file format geometry import and export
- New polyhedron, ellipsoid, cone, and torus geometry object primitives
- Support for external BRL-CAD and OpenCASCADE (Gmsh) geometry engines
- New examples and tutuorials for thermo-mechanical couplings, fluid-structure interaction, and non-Newtonian flow
- Added P1/P2 bubble, Nedelec curl, and Raviart-Thomas vector finite element shape functions
- Finite element GUI script (fes) file format and built-in tutorials
- Support for edge constraints in 3D
- Support multiple STL sections and files during STL CAD file import
- Eigenvalue solver
- Functionality to make geometry object copies
- Deformation postprocessing plot option
- Support for spaces in paths/filenames in external grid generator
- Improved evaluation of expressions in grid points
- GUI improvements
- New compressible Euler equations physics mode (inviscid compressible flows)
- New swirl flow physics mode (axisymmetric non-zero azimuthal velocity)
- OpenFOAM CFD solver integration improvements
- Support for general expressions (non-constant) in initial and boundary conditions
- Support axisymmetry and swirl flows
- Support for inviscid compressible flows
- Improved k-epsilon/omega turbulence model interface
- Realtime convergence curves plots
- NACA 4-series pre-defined wing geometry object
- Potential flow velocity field initialization
- Improved resolution of curved geometry boundaries
- Improved parametrization and meshing of curved boundaries
- Automatic shock capturing and stabilization for convection dominated flow regimes
- Support for first order P1P1 discretization and stabilization of flow problems
- Extended backwards compatibility to MATLAB 2009b
- Click and point evaluation for 2D surface plots
- Added built-in GUI tutorials and model examples
- GUI and CLI support for the external OpenFOAM CFD solver
- New CSG BSP tree based geometry engine The new geometry engine is used by default but original engine may be enabled with a set_geomlib(1) function call
- STL CAD geometry import and export support in 3D and 2D
- Cleaned up and consistent grid generation interfaces (identical boundary and subdomain numbering)
- Cached equation and expression parsing for faster evaluations
- Revised nonlinear Newton assembly and solver framework with automatic numeric Jacobian assembly calculation
- Built-in support for the external mesh generators Gmsh and Triangle
- Improved Gmsh grid import/export functionality with support for boundary information
- Redesigned and simplified grid mode toolbar
- GUI stability improvements and fixes
- GUI geometry export in Gmsh geo and Triangle poly formats
- gridextrude: support for extrusion of unstructured triangular simplex grids
- Swirl flow and periodic model examples
- Improved sparse matrix modification performance for Dirichlet boundary conditions and non-participating dependent variables
- Social sharing of postprocessing images and results
- FEniCS solve mode integration
- Plotly post mode integration
- Import/export of Dolfin XML grid format
- New physics modes:
- Darcy's Law
- Brinkman Equations
- Electrostatics
- Euler-Bernoulli Beam
- Magnetostatics
- Built-in support for axisymmetry
- Solver support for active/inactive dependent variables in different subdomains and boundary couplings
- Added function to reconstruct inner boundaries
- Explicit construction of geometry object distance functions
- Support for 2nd order derivatives and equation definitions
- Parsing of groups of derivatives in parentheses
- New models and examples
- Support arbitrary order quadrature rules for all cell types and renamed cubrule* to quadrule*
- Support for external CFD solvers
- 3D fluid flow model examples using external CFD solvers
- Automatic quadrilateral grid generation in 2D
- Uniform grid refinement in 3D
- Projection to geometrical boundaries for uniform 2D grid refinement and grid cell conversion
- 3 new axisymmetric stress-strain model examples
- New non-linear PDE models (in 1D and 2D ), and one new 2D Laplace equation test model
- 3rd-5th order Lagrange shape functions
- Cubic Hermite shape functions in 1D and 2D
- Support for tetrahedral quadrature up to order 5
- Redesigned 3D geometry engine
- Calculates geometry boundary faces and edges for more precision in 3D geometry and grid generation
- 3D slice plot refactored and improved for new geometry engine
- New conforming hex to tet grid conversion method (1 Hex -> 28 Tets)
- GUI menu support for grid conversion and smoothing
- Allow partial rings in ringgrid generation function
- Generalized Navier-Stokes slip boundary conditions (supports curved and non-axis aligned boundaries)
- Allow external function calls for coefficients
- Progress waitbars for grid generation and solvers
- New physics mode features:
- Heat transfer natural convection and radiation boundary conditions
- Temperature stress-strain coupling in structural mechanics physics modes
- Artificial and (anisotropic) streamline diffusion for stabilization of convection dominated high Re/Pe flows
- Slip boundary condition option for the Navier-Stokes equations
- Grid import and export in GiD, Gmsh, and Triangle formats
- Define point sources and constraints
- New postprocessing features:
- Save and export plots to image files (jpeg, png, eps)
- Surface height plot option in two dimensions
- Max and min boundary and subdomain evaluation functions
- GUI option to evaluate general expressions on points and lines
- Set colorbar min and max limits
- Postprocessing plots show a title describing the plot
- New models and examples
- Solver, core, and grid generation fixes and enhancements
- Improved 2D geometry engine (especially boundary assignment and treatment of multiple geometry objects)
- Fractional step-theta scheme and HRZ mass lumping for time dependent problems
- Newton option for nonlinear stationary problems
- Optimized unstructured grid generation with better treatment of multiple subdomains
- Saving to m-script file
- Postprocessing and visualization export to Plotly (web)
- GUI option for model constants and expressions
- Full 3D support
- Implicit (distance/levelset function based) geometry modeling engine
- Unstructured grid generation
- Strong to weak equation formulation parser
- Custom equation(s) physics mode
- Extensibility, call to external grid, solver, and postprocessing supported
- Optimized FEM assembly and transformation Jacobian calculation routines
- Minor bug fixes
- Minor bug fixes
- Initial release
- Preliminary version