diff --git a/modules/aolBidAdapter.js b/modules/aolBidAdapter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d15a5434e0c..00000000000
--- a/modules/aolBidAdapter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-import { isInteger, logError, isEmpty, logWarn, getUniqueIdentifierStr, _each, deepSetValue } from '../src/utils.js';
-import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
-import { BANNER } from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
- AOL: 'aol',
- VERIZON: 'verizon',
- ONEMOBILE: 'onemobile',
- ONEDISPLAY: 'onedisplay'
-const AOL_ENDPOINTS = {
- GET: 'display-get'
- },
- GET: 'mobile-get',
- POST: 'mobile-post'
- }
-const SYNC_TYPES = {
- TAG: 'iframe',
- TYPE: 'iframe'
- },
- IMAGE: {
- TAG: 'img',
- TYPE: 'image'
- }
- 'admixer.net',
- 'adserver.org',
- 'adtelligent.com',
- 'akamai.com',
- 'amxdt.net',
- 'audigent.com',
- 'britepool.com',
- 'criteo.com',
- 'crwdcntrl.net',
- 'deepintent.com',
- 'epsilon.com',
- 'hcn.health',
- 'id5-sync.com',
- 'idx.lat',
- 'intentiq.com',
- 'intimatemerger.com',
- 'liveintent.com',
- 'liveramp.com',
- 'mediawallahscript.com',
- 'merkleinc.com',
- 'netid.de',
- 'neustar.biz',
- 'nextroll.com',
- 'novatiq.com',
- 'parrable.com',
- 'pubcid.org',
- 'quantcast.com',
- 'tapad.com',
- 'uidapi.com',
- 'verizonmedia.com',
- 'yahoo.com',
- 'zeotap.com'
-const pubapiTemplate = template`${'host'}/pubapi/3.0/${'network'}/${'placement'}/${'pageid'}/${'sizeid'}/ADTECH;v=2;cmd=bid;cors=yes;alias=${'alias'};misc=${'misc'};${'dynamicParams'}`;
-const nexageBaseApiTemplate = template`${'host'}/bidRequest?`;
-const nexageGetApiTemplate = template`dcn=${'dcn'}&pos=${'pos'}&cmd=bid${'dynamicParams'}`;
-const MP_SERVER_MAP = {
- us: 'adserver-us.adtech.advertising.com',
- eu: 'adserver-eu.adtech.advertising.com',
- as: 'adserver-as.adtech.advertising.com'
-const NEXAGE_SERVER = 'c2shb.ssp.yahoo.com';
-const ONE_DISPLAY_TTL = 60;
-const ONE_MOBILE_TTL = 3600;
-const DEFAULT_PROTO = 'https';
- TRUE: 1,
- FALSE: 0
-function template(strings, ...keys) {
- return function (...values) {
- let dict = values[values.length - 1] || {};
- let result = [strings[0]];
- keys.forEach(function (key, i) {
- let value = isInteger(key) ? values[key] : dict[key];
- result.push(value, strings[i + 1]);
- });
- return result.join('');
- };
-function _isMarketplaceBidder(bidderCode) {
- return bidderCode === AOL_BIDDERS_CODES.AOL ||
-function _isOneMobileBidder(bidderCode) {
- return bidderCode === AOL_BIDDERS_CODES.AOL ||
-function _isNexageRequestPost(bid) {
- if (_isOneMobileBidder(bid.bidder) && bid.params.id && bid.params.imp && bid.params.imp[0]) {
- let imp = bid.params.imp[0];
- return imp.id && imp.tagid && imp.banner && imp.banner.w && imp.banner.h;
- }
-function _isNexageRequestGet(bid) {
- return _isOneMobileBidder(bid.bidder) && bid.params.dcn && bid.params.pos;
-function isMarketplaceBid(bid) {
- return _isMarketplaceBidder(bid.bidder) && bid.params.placement && bid.params.network;
-function isMobileBid(bid) {
- return _isNexageRequestGet(bid) || _isNexageRequestPost(bid);
-function resolveEndpointCode(bid) {
- if (_isNexageRequestGet(bid)) {
- } else if (_isNexageRequestPost(bid)) {
- } else if (isMarketplaceBid(bid)) {
- }
-function getSupportedEids(bid) {
- return bid.userIdAsEids.filter(eid => {
- return SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES.indexOf(eid.source) !== -1
- });
-export const spec = {
- gvlid: 25,
- aliases: [
- ],
- supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER],
- isBidRequestValid(bid) {
- return isMarketplaceBid(bid) || isMobileBid(bid);
- },
- buildRequests(bids, bidderRequest) {
- const consentData = {};
- if (bidderRequest) {
- consentData.gdpr = bidderRequest.gdprConsent;
- consentData.uspConsent = bidderRequest.uspConsent;
- consentData.gppConsent = bidderRequest.gppConsent;
- if (!consentData.gppConsent && bidderRequest.ortb2?.regs?.gpp) {
- consentData.gppConsent = {
- gppString: bidderRequest.ortb2.regs.gpp,
- applicableSections: bidderRequest.ortb2.regs.gpp_sid
- }
- }
- }
- return bids.map(bid => {
- const endpointCode = resolveEndpointCode(bid);
- if (endpointCode) {
- return this.formatBidRequest(endpointCode, bid, consentData);
- }
- });
- },
- interpretResponse({ body }, bidRequest) {
- if (!body) {
- logError('Empty bid response', bidRequest.bidderCode, body);
- } else {
- let bid = this._parseBidResponse(body, bidRequest);
- if (bid) {
- return bid;
- }
- }
- },
- getUserSyncs(options, serverResponses) {
- const bidResponse = !isEmpty(serverResponses) && serverResponses[0].body;
- if (bidResponse && bidResponse.ext && bidResponse.ext.pixels) {
- return this.parsePixelItems(bidResponse.ext.pixels);
- }
- return [];
- },
- formatBidRequest(endpointCode, bid, consentData) {
- let bidRequest;
- switch (endpointCode) {
- bidRequest = {
- url: this.buildMarketplaceUrl(bid, consentData),
- method: 'GET',
- };
- break;
- bidRequest = {
- url: this.buildOneMobileGetUrl(bid, consentData),
- method: 'GET',
- };
- break;
- bidRequest = {
- url: this.buildOneMobileBaseUrl(bid),
- method: 'POST',
- data: this.buildOpenRtbRequestData(bid, consentData),
- options: {
- contentType: 'application/json',
- customHeaders: {
- 'x-openrtb-version': '2.2'
- }
- }
- };
- break;
- }
- bidRequest.bidderCode = bid.bidder;
- bidRequest.bidId = bid.bidId;
- bidRequest.userSyncOn = bid.params.userSyncOn;
- return bidRequest;
- },
- buildMarketplaceUrl(bid, consentData) {
- const params = bid.params;
- const serverParam = params.server;
- let regionParam = params.region || 'us';
- let server;
- if (!MP_SERVER_MAP.hasOwnProperty(regionParam)) {
- logWarn(`Unknown region '${regionParam}' for AOL bidder.`);
- regionParam = 'us'; // Default region.
- }
- if (serverParam) {
- server = serverParam;
- } else {
- server = MP_SERVER_MAP[regionParam];
- }
- // Set region param, used by AOL analytics.
- params.region = regionParam;
- return this.applyProtocol(pubapiTemplate({
- host: server,
- network: params.network,
- placement: parseInt(params.placement),
- pageid: params.pageId || 0,
- sizeid: params.sizeId || 0,
- alias: params.alias || getUniqueIdentifierStr(),
- misc: new Date().getTime(), // cache busting
- dynamicParams: this.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams(params, consentData)
- }));
- },
- buildOneMobileGetUrl(bid, consentData) {
- let { dcn, pos, ext } = bid.params;
- if (typeof bid.userId === 'object') {
- ext = ext || {};
- let eids = getSupportedEids(bid);
- eids.forEach(eid => {
- ext['eid' + eid.source] = eid.uids[0].id;
- });
- }
- let nexageApi = this.buildOneMobileBaseUrl(bid);
- if (dcn && pos) {
- let dynamicParams = this.formatOneMobileDynamicParams(ext, consentData);
- nexageApi += nexageGetApiTemplate({ dcn, pos, dynamicParams });
- }
- return nexageApi;
- },
- buildOneMobileBaseUrl(bid) {
- return this.applyProtocol(nexageBaseApiTemplate({
- host: bid.params.host || NEXAGE_SERVER
- }));
- },
- applyProtocol(url) {
- if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(url)) {
- return url;
- }
- return (url.indexOf('//') === 0) ? `${DEFAULT_PROTO}:${url}` : `${DEFAULT_PROTO}://${url}`;
- },
- formatMarketplaceDynamicParams(params = {}, consentData = {}) {
- let queryParams = {};
- Object.assign(queryParams, this.formatKeyValues(params.keyValues));
- Object.assign(queryParams, this.formatConsentData(consentData));
- let paramsFormatted = '';
- _each(queryParams, (value, key) => {
- paramsFormatted += `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)};`;
- });
- return paramsFormatted;
- },
- formatOneMobileDynamicParams(params = {}, consentData = {}) {
- if (this.isSecureProtocol()) {
- params.secure = NUMERIC_VALUES.TRUE;
- }
- Object.assign(params, this.formatConsentData(consentData));
- let paramsFormatted = '';
- _each(params, (value, key) => {
- paramsFormatted += `&${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
- });
- return paramsFormatted;
- },
- buildOpenRtbRequestData(bid, consentData = {}) {
- let openRtbObject = {
- id: bid.params.id,
- imp: bid.params.imp
- };
- if (this.isEUConsentRequired(consentData)) {
- deepSetValue(openRtbObject, 'regs.ext.gdpr', NUMERIC_VALUES.TRUE);
- if (consentData.gdpr.consentString) {
- deepSetValue(openRtbObject, 'user.ext.consent', consentData.gdpr.consentString);
- }
- }
- if (consentData.uspConsent) {
- deepSetValue(openRtbObject, 'regs.ext.us_privacy', consentData.uspConsent);
- }
- if (typeof bid.userId === 'object') {
- openRtbObject.user = openRtbObject.user || {};
- openRtbObject.user.ext = openRtbObject.user.ext || {};
- let eids = getSupportedEids(bid);
- if (eids.length > 0) {
- openRtbObject.user.ext.eids = eids
- }
- }
- return openRtbObject;
- },
- isEUConsentRequired(consentData) {
- return !!(consentData && consentData.gdpr && consentData.gdpr.gdprApplies);
- },
- formatKeyValues(keyValues) {
- let keyValuesHash = {};
- _each(keyValues, (value, key) => {
- keyValuesHash[`kv${key}`] = value;
- });
- return keyValuesHash;
- },
- formatConsentData(consentData) {
- let params = {};
- if (this.isEUConsentRequired(consentData)) {
- params.gdpr = NUMERIC_VALUES.TRUE;
- if (consentData.gdpr.consentString) {
- params.euconsent = consentData.gdpr.consentString;
- }
- }
- if (consentData.uspConsent) {
- params.us_privacy = consentData.uspConsent;
- }
- if (consentData.gppConsent && consentData.gppConsent.gppString) {
- params.gpp = consentData.gppConsent.gppString;
- params.gpp_sid = consentData.gppConsent.applicableSections;
- }
- return params;
- },
- parsePixelItems(pixels) {
- let itemsRegExp = /(img|iframe)[\s\S]*?src\s*=\s*("|')(.*?)\2/gi;
- let tagNameRegExp = /\w*(?=\s)/;
- let srcRegExp = /src=("|')(.*?)\1/;
- let pixelsItems = [];
- if (pixels) {
- let matchedItems = pixels.match(itemsRegExp);
- if (matchedItems) {
- matchedItems.forEach(item => {
- let tagName = item.match(tagNameRegExp)[0];
- let url = item.match(srcRegExp)[2];
- if (tagName && url) {
- pixelsItems.push({
- url: url
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- return pixelsItems;
- },
- _parseBidResponse(response, bidRequest) {
- let bidData;
- try {
- bidData = response.seatbid[0].bid[0];
- } catch (e) {
- return;
- }
- let cpm;
- if (bidData.ext && bidData.ext.encp) {
- cpm = bidData.ext.encp;
- } else {
- cpm = bidData.price;
- if (cpm === null || isNaN(cpm)) {
- logError('Invalid price in bid response', AOL_BIDDERS_CODES.AOL, bidData);
- return;
- }
- }
- return {
- bidderCode: bidRequest.bidderCode,
- requestId: bidRequest.bidId,
- ad: bidData.adm,
- cpm: cpm,
- width: bidData.w,
- height: bidData.h,
- creativeId: bidData.crid || 0,
- pubapiId: response.id,
- currency: response.cur || 'USD',
- dealId: bidData.dealid,
- netRevenue: true,
- meta: {
- advertiserDomains: bidData && bidData.adomain ? bidData.adomain : []
- },
- ttl: bidRequest.ttl
- };
- },
- isOneMobileBidder: _isOneMobileBidder,
- isSecureProtocol() {
- return document.location.protocol === 'https:';
- }
diff --git a/modules/aolBidAdapter.md b/modules/aolBidAdapter.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a9d1e3291d..00000000000
--- a/modules/aolBidAdapter.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Overview
-Module Name: AOL Bid Adapter
-Module Type: AOL Adapter
-Maintainer: hb-fe-tech@oath.com
-# Description
-Module that connects to AOL's demand sources
-# Test Parameters
- var adUnits = [
- {
- code: 'test-ad',
- sizes: [[300, 250]],
- bids: [
- {
- bidder: 'onedisplay',
- params: {
- placement: '3611253',
- network: '9599.1',
- keyValues: {
- test: 'key'
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- code: 'test-mobile-ad',
- sizes: [[300, 250]],
- bids: [
- {
- bidder: 'onemobile',
- params: {
- dcn: '2c9d2b50015a5aa95b70a9b0b5b10012',
- pos: 'header'
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ];
diff --git a/test/fixtures/fixtures.js b/test/fixtures/fixtures.js
index b66d885c113..7317ea039d1 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/fixtures.js
+++ b/test/fixtures/fixtures.js
@@ -797,13 +797,6 @@ export function getAdUnits() {
'aId': 3080
- {
- 'bidder': 'aol',
- 'params': {
- 'network': '112345.45',
- 'placement': 12345
- }
- },
'bidder': 'sovrn',
'params': {
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/aolBidAdapter_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/aolBidAdapter_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 92246f76c7a..00000000000
--- a/test/spec/modules/aolBidAdapter_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,890 +0,0 @@
-import {expect} from 'chai';
-import * as utils from 'src/utils.js';
-import {spec} from 'modules/aolBidAdapter.js';
-import {createEidsArray} from '../../../modules/userId/eids.js';
-let getDefaultBidResponse = () => {
- return {
- id: '245730051428950632',
- cur: 'USD',
- seatbid: [{
- bid: [{
- id: 1,
- impid: '245730051428950632',
- price: 0.09,
- crid: 'creative-id',
- h: 90,
- w: 728,
- dealid: 'deal-id',
- ext: {sizeid: 225}
- }]
- }]
- };
-let getMarketplaceBidParams = () => {
- return {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1'
- };
-let getNexageGetBidParams = () => {
- return {
- dcn: '2c9d2b50015c5ce9db6aeeed8b9500d6',
- pos: 'header'
- };
-let getNexagePostBidParams = () => {
- return {
- id: 'id-1',
- imp: [{
- id: 'id-2',
- banner: {
- w: '100',
- h: '100'
- },
- tagid: 'header1'
- }]
- };
-let getDefaultBidRequest = () => {
- return {
- bidderCode: 'aol',
- auctionId: 'd3e07445-ab06-44c8-a9dd-5ef9af06d2a6',
- bidderRequestId: '7101db09af0db2',
- start: new Date().getTime(),
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'aol',
- bidId: '84ab500420319d',
- bidderRequestId: '7101db09af0db2',
- auctionId: 'd3e07445-ab06-44c8-a9dd-5ef9af06d2a6',
- placementCode: 'foo',
- params: getMarketplaceBidParams()
- }]
- };
-let getPixels = () => {
- return '';
-describe('AolAdapter', function () {
- const MARKETPLACE_URL = 'https://adserver-us.adtech.advertising.com/pubapi/3.0/';
- const NEXAGE_URL = 'https://c2shb.ssp.yahoo.com/bidRequest?';
- const ONE_DISPLAY_TTL = 60;
- const ONE_MOBILE_TTL = 3600;
- 'admixer.net': '100',
- 'adserver.org': '200',
- 'adtelligent.com': '300',
- 'amxdt.net': '500',
- 'audigent.com': '600',
- 'britepool.com': '700',
- 'criteo.com': '800',
- 'crwdcntrl.net': '900',
- 'deepintent.com': '1000',
- 'epsilon.com': '1100',
- 'hcn.health': '1200',
- 'id5-sync.com': '1300',
- 'idx.lat': '1400',
- 'intentiq.com': '1500',
- 'intimatemerger.com': '1600',
- 'liveintent.com': '1700',
- 'liveramp.com': '1800',
- 'mediawallahscript.com': '1900',
- 'netid.de': '2100',
- 'neustar.biz': '2200',
- 'pubcid.org': '2600',
- 'quantcast.com': '2700',
- 'tapad.com': '2800',
- 'zeotap.com': '3200'
- };
- const USER_ID_DATA = {
- admixerId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['admixer.net'],
- adtelligentId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['adtelligent.com'],
- amxId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['amxdt.net'],
- britepoolid: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['britepool.com'],
- criteoId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['criteo.com'],
- connectid: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['verizonmedia.com'],
- dmdId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['hcn.health'],
- hadronId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['audigent.com'],
- lotamePanoramaId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['crwdcntrl.net'],
- deepintentId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['deepintent.com'],
- fabrickId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['neustar.biz'],
- idl_env: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['liveramp.com'],
- lipb: {
- lipbid: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['liveintent.com'],
- segments: ['100', '200']
- },
- tdid: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['adserver.org'],
- id5id: {
- uid: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['id5-sync.com'],
- ext: {foo: 'bar'}
- },
- idx: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['idx.lat'],
- imuid: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['intimatemerger.com'],
- intentIqId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['intentiq.com'],
- mwOpenLinkId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['mediawallahscript.com'],
- netId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['netid.de'],
- quantcastId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['quantcast.com'],
- publinkId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['epsilon.com'],
- pubcid: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['pubcid.org'],
- tapadId: SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES['tapad.com']
- };
- function createCustomBidRequest({bids, params} = {}) {
- var bidderRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
- if (bids && Array.isArray(bids)) {
- bidderRequest.bids = bids;
- }
- if (params) {
- bidderRequest.bids.forEach(bid => bid.params = params);
- }
- return bidderRequest;
- }
- describe('interpretResponse()', function () {
- let bidderSettingsBackup;
- let bidResponse;
- let bidRequest;
- let logWarnSpy;
- let isOneMobileBidderStub;
- beforeEach(function () {
- bidderSettingsBackup = $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.bidderSettings;
- bidRequest = {
- bidderCode: 'test-bidder-code',
- bidId: 'bid-id',
- ttl: 1234
- };
- bidResponse = {
- body: getDefaultBidResponse()
- };
- logWarnSpy = sinon.spy(utils, 'logWarn');
- isOneMobileBidderStub = sinon.stub(spec, 'isOneMobileBidder');
- });
- afterEach(function () {
- $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.bidderSettings = bidderSettingsBackup;
- logWarnSpy.restore();
- isOneMobileBidderStub.restore();
- });
- it('should return formatted bid response with required properties', function () {
- let formattedBidResponse = spec.interpretResponse(bidResponse, bidRequest);
- expect(formattedBidResponse).to.deep.equal({
- bidderCode: bidRequest.bidderCode,
- requestId: 'bid-id',
- cpm: 0.09,
- width: 728,
- height: 90,
- creativeId: 'creative-id',
- pubapiId: '245730051428950632',
- currency: 'USD',
- dealId: 'deal-id',
- netRevenue: true,
- meta: {
- advertiserDomains: []
- },
- ttl: bidRequest.ttl
- });
- });
- });
- describe('buildRequests()', function () {
- it('method exists and is a function', function () {
- expect(spec.buildRequests).to.exist.and.to.be.a('function');
- });
- describe('Marketplace', function () {
- it('should not return request when no bids are present', function () {
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests([]);
- expect(request).to.be.undefined;
- });
- it('should return request for Marketplace endpoint', function () {
- let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf(MARKETPLACE_URL)).to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should return request for Marketplace via onedisplay bidder code', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'onedisplay'
- }],
- params: getMarketplaceBidParams()
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf(MARKETPLACE_URL)).to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should return Marketplace request via onedisplay bidder code when' +
- 'Marketplace and One Mobile GET params are present', () => {
- let bidParams = Object.assign(getMarketplaceBidParams(), getNexageGetBidParams());
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'onedisplay'
- }],
- params: bidParams
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf(MARKETPLACE_URL)).to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should return Marketplace request via onedisplay bidder code when' +
- 'Marketplace and One Mobile GET + POST params are present', () => {
- let bidParams = Object.assign(getMarketplaceBidParams(), getNexageGetBidParams(), getNexagePostBidParams());
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'onedisplay'
- }],
- params: bidParams
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf(MARKETPLACE_URL)).to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should not resolve endpoint for onedisplay bidder code ' +
- 'when only One Mobile params are present', () => {
- let bidParams = Object.assign(getNexageGetBidParams(), getNexagePostBidParams());
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'onedisplay'
- }],
- params: bidParams
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request).to.be.undefined;
- });
- it('should return Marketplace URL for eu region', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- region: 'eu'
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf('https://adserver-eu.adtech.advertising.com/pubapi/3.0/'))
- .to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should return insecure MP URL if insecure server option is present', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- server: 'https://adserver-eu.adtech.advertising.com'
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf('https://adserver-eu.adtech.advertising.com/pubapi/3.0/'))
- .to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should return a secure MP URL if relative proto server option is present', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- server: 'https://adserver-eu.adtech.advertising.com'
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf('https://adserver-eu.adtech.advertising.com/pubapi/3.0/'))
- .to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should return a secure MP URL when server option without protocol is present', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- server: 'adserver-eu.adtech.advertising.com'
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf('https://adserver-eu.adtech.advertising.com/pubapi/3.0/'))
- .to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should return default Marketplace URL in case of unknown region config option', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- region: 'an'
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url.indexOf(MARKETPLACE_URL)).to.equal(0);
- });
- it('should return url with pubapi bid option', function () {
- let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('cmd=bid;');
- });
- it('should return url with version 2 of pubapi', function () {
- let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('v=2;');
- });
- it('should return url with cache busting option', function () {
- let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.match(/misc=\d+/);
- });
- it('should return url with default pageId and sizeId', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1'
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('/pubapi/3.0/9599.1/1234567/0/0/ADTECH;');
- });
- it('should return url with custom pageId and sizeId when options are present', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- pageId: 1111,
- sizeId: 2222
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('/pubapi/3.0/9599.1/1234567/1111/2222/ADTECH;');
- });
- it('should return url with default alias if alias param is missing', function () {
- let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.match(/alias=\w+?;/);
- });
- it('should return url with custom alias if it is present', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- alias: 'desktop_articlepage_something_box_300_250'
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('alias=desktop_articlepage_something_box_300_250');
- });
- it('should return url without bidfloor option if is is missing', function () {
- let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).not.to.contain('bidfloor=');
- });
- it('should return url with key values if keyValues param is present', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- keyValues: {
- age: 25,
- height: 3.42,
- test: 'key'
- }
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('kvage=25;kvheight=3.42;kvtest=key');
- });
- it('should return request object for One Display when configuration is present', function () {
- let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.method).to.equal('GET');
- expect(request.ttl).to.equal(ONE_DISPLAY_TTL);
- });
- });
- describe('One Mobile', function () {
- it('should return One Mobile url when One Mobile get params are present', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: getNexageGetBidParams()
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain(NEXAGE_URL);
- });
- it('should return One Mobile url with different host when host option is present', function () {
- let bidParams = Object.assign({
- host: 'https://qa-hb.nexage.com'
- }, getNexageGetBidParams());
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: bidParams
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('https://qa-hb.nexage.com/bidRequest?');
- });
- it('should return One Mobile url when One Mobile and Marketplace params are present', function () {
- let bidParams = Object.assign(getNexageGetBidParams(), getMarketplaceBidParams());
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: bidParams
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain(NEXAGE_URL);
- });
- it('should return One Mobile url for onemobile bidder code ' +
- 'when One Mobile GET and Marketplace params are present', () => {
- let bidParams = Object.assign(getNexageGetBidParams(), getMarketplaceBidParams());
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'onemobile'
- }],
- params: bidParams
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain(NEXAGE_URL);
- });
- it('should not return any url for onemobile bidder code' +
- 'when only Marketplace params are present', () => {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'onemobile'
- }],
- params: getMarketplaceBidParams()
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request).to.be.undefined;
- });
- it('should return One Mobile url with required params - dcn & pos', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: getNexageGetBidParams()
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain(NEXAGE_URL + 'dcn=2c9d2b50015c5ce9db6aeeed8b9500d6&pos=header');
- });
- it('should return One Mobile url with configured GPP data', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: getNexageGetBidParams()
- });
- bidRequest.ortb2 = {
- regs: {
- gpp: 'testgpp',
- gpp_sid: [8]
- }
- }
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids, bidRequest);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('gpp=testgpp&gpp_sid=8');
- });
- it('should return One Mobile url with cmd=bid option', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: getNexageGetBidParams()
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain('cmd=bid');
- });
- it('should return One Mobile url with generic params if ext option is present', function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- dcn: '54321123',
- pos: 'footer-2324',
- ext: {
- param1: 'val1',
- param2: 'val2',
- param3: 'val3',
- param4: 'val4'
- }
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.equal('https://c2shb.ssp.yahoo.com/bidRequest?dcn=54321123&pos=footer-2324&cmd=bid' +
- '¶m1=val1¶m2=val2¶m3=val3¶m4=val4');
- });
- Object.keys(SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES).forEach(source => {
- it(`should set the user ID query param for ${source}`, function () {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: getNexageGetBidParams()
- });
- bidRequest.bids[0].userId = {};
- bidRequest.bids[0].userIdAsEids = createEidsArray(USER_ID_DATA);
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain(`&eid${source}=${encodeURIComponent(SUPPORTED_USER_ID_SOURCES[source])}`);
- });
- });
- it('should return request object for One Mobile POST endpoint when POST configuration is present', function () {
- let bidConfig = getNexagePostBidParams();
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: bidConfig
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request.url).to.contain(NEXAGE_URL);
- expect(request.method).to.equal('POST');
- expect(request.ttl).to.equal(ONE_MOBILE_TTL);
- expect(request.data).to.deep.equal(bidConfig);
- expect(request.options).to.deep.equal({
- contentType: 'application/json',
- customHeaders: {
- 'x-openrtb-version': '2.2'
- }
- });
- });
- it('should not return request object for One Mobile POST endpoint' +
- 'if required parameters are missed', () => {
- let bidRequest = createCustomBidRequest({
- params: {
- imp: []
- }
- });
- let [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidRequest.bids);
- expect(request).to.be.undefined;
- });
- });
- });
- describe('buildOpenRtbRequestData', () => {
- const bid = {
- params: {
- id: 'bid-id',
- imp: []
- }
- };
- let euConsentRequiredStub;
- beforeEach(function () {
- euConsentRequiredStub = sinon.stub(spec, 'isEUConsentRequired');
- });
- afterEach(function () {
- euConsentRequiredStub.restore();
- });
- it('returns the basic bid info when regulation data is omitted', () => {
- expect(spec.buildOpenRtbRequestData(bid)).to.deep.equal({
- id: 'bid-id',
- imp: []
- });
- });
- it('returns the basic bid info with gdpr data when gdpr consent data is included', () => {
- let consentData = {
- gdpr: {
- consentString: 'someEUConsent'
- }
- };
- euConsentRequiredStub.returns(true);
- expect(spec.buildOpenRtbRequestData(bid, consentData)).to.deep.equal({
- id: 'bid-id',
- imp: [],
- regs: {
- ext: {
- gdpr: 1
- }
- },
- user: {
- ext: {
- consent: 'someEUConsent'
- }
- }
- });
- });
- it('returns the basic bid info with CCPA data when CCPA consent data is included', () => {
- let consentData = {
- uspConsent: 'someUSPConsent'
- };
- expect(spec.buildOpenRtbRequestData(bid, consentData)).to.deep.equal({
- id: 'bid-id',
- imp: [],
- regs: {
- ext: {
- us_privacy: 'someUSPConsent'
- }
- }
- });
- });
- it('returns the basic bid info with GDPR and CCPA data when GDPR and CCPA consent data is included', () => {
- let consentData = {
- gdpr: {
- consentString: 'someEUConsent'
- },
- uspConsent: 'someUSPConsent'
- };
- euConsentRequiredStub.returns(true);
- expect(spec.buildOpenRtbRequestData(bid, consentData)).to.deep.equal({
- id: 'bid-id',
- imp: [],
- regs: {
- ext: {
- gdpr: 1,
- us_privacy: 'someUSPConsent'
- }
- },
- user: {
- ext: {
- consent: 'someEUConsent'
- }
- }
- });
- });
- it('returns the bid object with eid array populated with PB set eids', () => {
- let userIdBid = Object.assign({
- userId: {}
- }, bid);
- userIdBid.userIdAsEids = createEidsArray(USER_ID_DATA);
- expect(spec.buildOpenRtbRequestData(userIdBid)).to.deep.equal({
- id: 'bid-id',
- imp: [],
- user: {
- ext: {
- eids: userIdBid.userIdAsEids
- }
- }
- });
- });
- });
- describe('getUserSyncs()', function () {
- let serverResponses;
- let bidResponse;
- beforeEach(function () {
- bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
- bidResponse.ext = {
- pixels: getPixels()
- };
- serverResponses = [
- {body: bidResponse}
- ];
- });
- it('should return user syncs if pixels are present in the response', function () {
- let userSyncs = spec.getUserSyncs({}, serverResponses);
- expect(userSyncs).to.deep.equal([
- {type: 'image', url: 'img.org'},
- {type: 'iframe', url: 'pixels1.org'}
- ]);
- });
- it('should not return user syncs if pixels are not present', function () {
- bidResponse.ext.pixels = null;
- let userSyncs = spec.getUserSyncs({}, serverResponses);
- expect(userSyncs).to.deep.equal([]);
- });
- });
- describe('isOneMobileBidder()', function () {
- it('should return false when when bidderCode is not present', () => {
- expect(spec.isOneMobileBidder(null)).to.be.false;
- });
- it('should return false for unknown bidder code', function () {
- expect(spec.isOneMobileBidder('unknownBidder')).to.be.false;
- });
- it('should return true for aol bidder code', function () {
- expect(spec.isOneMobileBidder('aol')).to.be.true;
- });
- it('should return true for one mobile bidder code', function () {
- expect(spec.isOneMobileBidder('onemobile')).to.be.true;
- });
- });
- describe('isEUConsentRequired()', function () {
- it('should return false when consentData object is not present', function () {
- expect(spec.isEUConsentRequired(null)).to.be.false;
- });
- it('should return true when gdprApplies equals true and consentString is not present', function () {
- let consentData = {
- gdpr: {
- consentString: null,
- gdprApplies: true
- }
- };
- expect(spec.isEUConsentRequired(consentData)).to.be.true;
- });
- it('should return false when consentString is present and gdprApplies equals false', function () {
- let consentData = {
- gdpr: {
- consentString: 'consent-string',
- gdprApplies: false
- }
- };
- expect(spec.isEUConsentRequired(consentData)).to.be.false;
- });
- it('should return true when consentString is present and gdprApplies equals true', function () {
- let consentData = {
- gdpr: {
- consentString: 'consent-string',
- gdprApplies: true
- }
- };
- expect(spec.isEUConsentRequired(consentData)).to.be.true;
- });
- });
- describe('formatMarketplaceDynamicParams()', function () {
- let formatConsentDataStub;
- let formatKeyValuesStub;
- beforeEach(function () {
- formatConsentDataStub = sinon.stub(spec, 'formatConsentData');
- formatKeyValuesStub = sinon.stub(spec, 'formatKeyValues');
- });
- afterEach(function () {
- formatConsentDataStub.restore();
- formatKeyValuesStub.restore();
- });
- it('should return empty string when params are not present', function () {
- expect(spec.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams()).to.be.equal('');
- });
- it('should return formatted EU consent params when formatConsentData returns GDPR data', function () {
- formatConsentDataStub.returns({
- euconsent: 'test-consent',
- gdpr: 1
- });
- expect(spec.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams()).to.be.equal('euconsent=test-consent;gdpr=1;');
- });
- it('should return formatted US privacy params when formatConsentData returns USP data', function () {
- formatConsentDataStub.returns({
- us_privacy: 'test-usp-consent'
- });
- expect(spec.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams()).to.be.equal('us_privacy=test-usp-consent;');
- });
- it('should return formatted EU and USP consent params when formatConsentData returns all data', function () {
- formatConsentDataStub.returns({
- euconsent: 'test-consent',
- gdpr: 1,
- us_privacy: 'test-usp-consent'
- });
- expect(spec.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams()).to.be.equal(
- 'euconsent=test-consent;gdpr=1;us_privacy=test-usp-consent;');
- });
- it('should return formatted gpp privacy params when formatConsentData returns GPP data', function () {
- formatConsentDataStub.returns({
- gpp: 'gppstring',
- gpp_sid: [6, 7]
- });
- expect(spec.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams()).to.be.equal('gpp=gppstring;gpp_sid=6%2C7;');
- });
- it('should return formatted params when formatKeyValues returns data', function () {
- formatKeyValuesStub.returns({
- param1: 'val1',
- param2: 'val2',
- param3: 'val3'
- });
- expect(spec.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams()).to.be.equal('param1=val1;param2=val2;param3=val3;');
- });
- });
- describe('formatOneMobileDynamicParams()', function () {
- let euConsentRequiredStub;
- let secureProtocolStub;
- beforeEach(function () {
- euConsentRequiredStub = sinon.stub(spec, 'isEUConsentRequired');
- secureProtocolStub = sinon.stub(spec, 'isSecureProtocol');
- });
- afterEach(function () {
- euConsentRequiredStub.restore();
- secureProtocolStub.restore();
- });
- it('should return empty string when params are not present', function () {
- expect(spec.formatOneMobileDynamicParams()).to.be.equal('');
- });
- it('should return formatted params when params are present', function () {
- let params = {
- param1: 'val1',
- param2: 'val2',
- param3: 'val3'
- };
- expect(spec.formatOneMobileDynamicParams(params)).to.contain('¶m1=val1¶m2=val2¶m3=val3');
- });
- it('should return formatted gdpr params when isEUConsentRequired returns true', function () {
- let consentData = {
- gdpr: {
- consentString: 'test-consent'
- }
- };
- euConsentRequiredStub.returns(true);
- expect(spec.formatOneMobileDynamicParams({}, consentData)).to.be.equal('&gdpr=1&euconsent=test-consent');
- });
- it('should return formatted US privacy params when consentData contains USP data', function () {
- let consentData = {
- uspConsent: 'test-usp-consent'
- };
- expect(spec.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams({}, consentData)).to.be.equal('us_privacy=test-usp-consent;');
- });
- it('should return formatted EU and USP consent params when consentData contains gdpr and usp values', function () {
- euConsentRequiredStub.returns(true);
- let consentData = {
- gdpr: {
- consentString: 'test-consent'
- },
- uspConsent: 'test-usp-consent'
- };
- expect(spec.formatMarketplaceDynamicParams({}, consentData)).to.be.equal(
- 'gdpr=1;euconsent=test-consent;us_privacy=test-usp-consent;');
- });
- it('should return formatted secure param when isSecureProtocol returns true', function () {
- secureProtocolStub.returns(true);
- expect(spec.formatOneMobileDynamicParams()).to.be.equal('&secure=1');
- });
- });