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Nordstrom, Inc. (/ˈnɔːrdstrəm/) is an American luxury department store chain. Founded in 1901 by John W. Nordstrom and Carl F. Wallin, it originated as a shoe store and evolved into a full-line retailer with departments for clothing, footwear, handbags, jewelry, accessories, cosmetics, and fragrances. Some stores feature home furnishings and wedding departments, and several have in-house cafes, restaurants, and espresso bars.

Technologies we used

  • HTML , CSS
  • Browser LocalStorage for Frontend
  • MongoDB as Database
  • Express , EJS for Backend

Installing and Running

To run this application on your local system, execute the following commands on your terminal/command line:

git clone

npm i

npm run server

create a .env file with username and password of mongodb

To start using the application, open the click here and select > Home category > Art wall and Home decor sub category in navbar.


  • There is login and logout functionality.
  • Elegant navbar for easy navigation between pages and categories.
  • Customers can view the Products list of a particular category.
  • Complete product details page, showing various sizes and variants.
  • Checkout page which calculates the shipping prices dynamically.
  • My account page which contain purchase history and the details related to respected customer

Steps to navigate the website:

  • On the Landing Page header, user can click on the 'Sign In' option to either Sign In or Create an Account
  • Once the user has logged in, they are taken back to the Landing Page.
  • On the top nav-bar, the user can navigate to the following categories: Home > Home Decor > Art, Wall Decor & Mirrors, to open the products list page
  • On the Products List Page
    • Hovering on each product will display a 'Quick View' button. Clicking on it, the user will be shown the details of the product along with the option to add the product to their Shopping Bag
    • If the user clicks on the name of the product, they'll be taken to the Produt's details page
  • On the Product's details page, the user can view all the product specifications, change the quantity of the product they wish to buy and also add the product to their shopping bag
  • On the Shopping Bag page
    • The user can remove a product from the shopping bag
    • Change the quantity of the product
  • On proceeding to Checkout, the user is asked to
    • Fill their address and contact details
    • Select a Shipping Method
    • Enter their Credit/Debit card details
    • Place the Order
  • On placing the Order, a pop-up displays the order no. generated for the user and the shopping bag is also cleared.
  • On the Landing Page header, user can click on the "Your Account" which is inside the username in the display
  • On My Account page -Customer can view products or he/she can remove the products from Wishlist
    • Add or Remove the delivary Addres
    • Customer can change their password if they needed


A glimpse of our website

  • On this page users can signup/sign-in based on whether the user is already registered or not.

Screenshot (115).png

  • The landing page where users cans see various categories and subcategories along with offers and discounts.

Screenshot (110).png

  • The products list page is where the list of products of a particular category are shown, the user has options to sort products and filter products as per his needs.

Screenshot (113).png

  • A complete detailed product page displays all the details regarding the product, here we have given the user an option to add to the cart option if he/she like to buy the product.

Screenshot (121).png

  • Shopping bag page has all the items that are added to the cart/bag by the user.

Screenshot (123).png

  • On the checkout page, the user enters his shipping address and credit card details in order to place the order.

Screenshot (122).png

  • On My Account page user can change their addres and the password if they need

  • My Account


  1. Vaishnavi Kawthankar
  2. Pratik Jadhav
  3. Akhil Kamsala
  4. Nikhil CN
  5. Prakash Chandra