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All available presentations have been converted to PDF format.

Student Session Lightning Talks
Slot Presenter Title
S01 Hiroki Ohtsuji Breaking the Trade-off between Performance and Reliability in Network Storage System
S02 Irfan Fadhila Performance Analysis of Virtual Machine and Container for Cloud Based High Performance Computing Platform
S03 Arya Adhyaksa Waskita Distributed scheme of dynamic entropy based method for early detection of anomalous states in sensor network
S04 Rizki Putra Autodock Aplication Integration into SCLOUD Web Interface
S05 Soetrisno Cahya Adjacency Hyperedges Matrix, A Hypergraph Model for Constructing Composite Object Relationship
S06 Andika Virtual Screening and Moleculer Docking of Indonesian Herbal Database Based Pharmacopore Approached for Identification SIRT1 Inhibitor as Potential Ligand Active
S07 Takuya Yamada Proposal of indoor evacuation system with smartphones
S08 Khureltulga Dashdavaa An MPI concept with efficient control of network functionality based on SDN
S09 Azminah Mamur 3D Pharmacophore Virtual Screening of Indonesia's Medicinal Plants Database for SIRT1 Activator
S10 Linda Erlina Virtual Screening of Indonesian Herbal Database as an Active Ligand for HDAC4 and HDAC7 based on Pharmacophore Approached
S11 Denny Hermawan Design and Analysis GPU Computing for Molecular Dynamics Simulations with AMBER Applications
S12 Chawanat Nakasan Evaluation of Topology-based OpenFlow Controller for Multipath TCP on PRAGMA-ENT
S13 Arata Endo An implementation of SAGE Bridge for sharing visualized contents on multiple tiled display wall systems
Agenda October 9
Time Topics Chair
09.00-09.10 Opening remarks Heru Suhartanto (Universitas Indonesia)
09.10-09.35 Invited speaker 2: Dr. Rifki Sadikin, Bioinformatics/High Performance Computing Lab, Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI).  
09.35-10.00 Invited speaker 3: Dr. dr. Andri Lubis, Head of Research Department, RSPUN (National General Hospital), Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Challenges and future outlooks of ICT related research at Indonesia Hospitals.  

Breakout session for working groups:

Resources (120 people)

Bioscience, Biodiversity and Lake Ecology (40 people)

Telescience (15 people)

Cyberlearning (15 people)

WG Chairs
12.00-14.00 PRAGMA Steering Committee meeting Peter Arzberger

Demo/presentation session:

Haga Jason Hydra: A Browser-based Tool for Virtual Screening Data (demo)

Haga Jason Development of a Multi-site Disaster Management Tool (demo)

Wijaya Sony Hartono Utilization of KNApSAcK Family Databases for Developing (presentation)

Syahriar Arry Yanuar Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Palmitic Acid in Deep Eutectic Solvents of Betaine and Glycerol (presentation)

Smallen Shava Lightweight Scheduling for the PRAGMA Cloud Testbed (demo)

Figueiredo Renato PRAGMA Lake Expedition Cyberinfrastructure (demo)

Figueiredo Renato IPOP Overlay Networks for Data Sharing and Virtual Clusters in PRAGMA (demo)

Demo Chairs
16.30-16.50 Poster session  

Working group updates:


Bioscience, Biodiversity and Lake Ecology




WG Chairs

Summary of Executive Committee meeting (Peter Arzberger)

US-East Asia Collaborations to Enable Transnation Cyberinfrastructure Applications (CENTRA) Jose Fortes

Wrap UP (PRAGMA 29 General Chair)

Welcome by PRAGMA 30 organizers Jelina Tetangco - Advanced Science and Technology Institute, PH