All presentations are in Power Point pptx format except where noted
PRAGMA27 Expedition Programming Challenge
- Challenge I: Build up Lifemapper Biodiversity Infrastructure
- Challenge II: Analyze optimization of Lake Buoy Data I/O Overhead
- Challenge III: Lake Sensor Data QA/QC
Track I: Student Lightning Talks
- Lake Expedition: Response of Anoxia in Lake Mendota to seasonally and diurnally asymmetric air temperature changes, Craig Snortheim
- Study of Usefulness of MIddleware-ONly Provenance, Quan Zhou
- Network-based Storage Architecture for Exa-scale Computing Systems (pdf), * Hiroki Ohtsuji
- Distributd Cluster Management Architecture for Geographically Distributed Data Processing (pdf), Yuan Luo
- An Architecture of SDN-enhanced Job M,anagement System Capable of Managing Virtual Computational Resources and QoS Control (pdf), Yasuhiro Watashiba
- Fingerprint (pdf), Luca Clementi
- Evaluation of MPTCP on PRAGMA-ENT, Chawant Nakasan
9:00am Welcome Address & Opening Remarks. Beth Plale, Brad Wheeler, Peter Arzberger
9:00am - 4:30pm Track I: Student Expedition Programming Challenge
9:15am - 9:45am Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative, Brad Wheeler
9:45am - 10:35am Internet2 Research and Science, Steve Wolff
10:35am - 10:55am PRAGMA Update (pdf), Peter Arzberger
11:15am - 12:30pm Working Group Updates - Session I
- Bioscience Jason Haga
- Cyber-learning/Distance Education, Jong Suk Ruth Lee
- Resources, Networking and Data. Beth Plale, Philip Papadopoulos, Yoshio Tanaka
- Telesciences/Remote Sensing/Geoscience. Fang-Pang Lin, Shimojo Shinji, Sorthep Vannarat
12:30pm Lunch break
1:45 Working Group Breakout Session I
Bioscience Jason Haga
- Disease BioPortal (pdf), Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani
- Implementing Citizen Science in Biodiversity Conservation: EcoSabah - Android APplicaiton Reporting Solution for Species Occurrences in Sabah, Malaysia (pdf), Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani
Cyber-learning/Distance Education, Jong Suk Ruth Lee
Resources, Networking and Data. Beth Plale, Philip Papadopoulos, Yoshio Tanaka
Telesciences/Remote Sensing/Geoscience. Fang-Pang Lin, Shimojo Shinji, Sorthep Vannarat
3:30pm - 4:45pm Demonstration/Innovation Session I: Potpourri
River image monitoring and data analysis for bridge safety warning WenYu Chang, WheyFone Tsai, Franco Lin, ShiChing Lin, FangPang Lin National Center for High-Performance Computing
Cross-Institute Virtual Cluster Management in PRAGMA, Yuan Luo, Shava Smallen, Nadya Williams, Beth Plale, Philip Papadopoulos Indiana University, University of California San Diego
Internet of Things - Interactive Museum Models with Microcontrollers Nicole Wong, Jason Haga, Chad Weinard, Shinji Shimojo, Teruaki Yokoyama, Yuichi Teranishi, Yoshimasa Ishi UCSD, AIST, BPOC, Osaka U/NICT, Kobe Institute of Computing, Osaka U
6:00pm - 8:00pm Poster Session
- Evaluation of MPTCP on PRAGMA-ENT, Chawanat Nakasan
9:00am Track I: Student Expedition Programming Challenge
9:15am Demonstration/Innovation Session II: Expedition Demonstrations
PRAGMA/GLEON Lake Expedition HTCondor Overlay Network (pdf), Renato Figueiredo, Kensworth Subratie (University of Florida), Paul Hanson, Craig Snortheim (University of Wisconsin), Cayelan Carey (Virginia Tech)
Lifemapper as a deck of Virtual Components, Nadya Williams (UCSD), Aimee, Stewart (KU)
10:30am Demonstration/Innovation Session III: Clouds and Networks
Fingerprinting Application Dependencies (pdf), Luca Clementi, Philip Papadopoulos UCSD
Overseer: bandwidth and latency aware routing using openflow network (pdf), Pongsakorn U-chupala, Kohei Ichikawa, Putchong Uthayopas, Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe. Nara Institute of Science and Technology; Department of Computer Engineering, Kasetsart University; Cybermedia Center, Osaka University; Department of Computer Science, University of Tsukuba
Evaluation of multipath routing on PRAGMA-ENT, Chawanat Nakasan, Huang Che, Kohei Ichikawa, Luca Clementi, Philip Papadpoulos NAIST, Osaka Kyoiku Univ., UCSD
Deployment of a Multi-Cloud Environment for Virtual Screening, Anthony Nguyen, Jason Haga, Kohei Ichikawa, Andrea Matsunaga, Mauricio Tsugawa UCSD, AIST, NAIST, University of Florida
1:30pm Working Group Breakout Session II
Bioscience, Jason Haga
Cyber-learning/Distance Education Jong Suk Ruth Lee
Resources, Networking and Data Philip Papadopoulos, Beth Plale
- ENT - PRAGMA Experimental Network Testbed (pdf) Mauricio Tsugawa, Kohei Ichikawa
- Resources WG Report, Phil Papadopoulos
Telesciences/Remote Sensing/Geoscience Fang-Pang Lin, Shimojo Shinji, Sorthep Vannarat
3:45pm Track I: Student Expedition Programming Challenge Report
- Challenge case 1, Aravindh and Ann
- Challenge case 3, Yu Luo
- Challenge case 3, Tony Liu and Ian Wang
4:45pm Wrap-up (and Working Group Updates Session II)
- New PRAGMA Member Introduction: Institute for Computational Science and Technology at HCM City, Thanh Truong
- Telesciences/Geosciences update, Shinji Shimojo
- Biosciences update, Jason Haga
- Resources, Networking and Data update, Phil Papadopoulos
- Cyberlearning update, Ruth Lee
- Steering Committee Report, Peter Arzberger