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mrflip edited this page Jun 27, 2011 · 4 revisions

Timeline of events in a Goliath Server

Lifecycle of a request

timeline of events in a request

Complete from reactor start onwards

Starting the Reactor

  1. code is loaded
  2. the application.rb at_exit handler fires, invoking!
  3.! creates an instance of the class named after the app_file name.
  4.! creates a runner for that api instance. The runner parses the options hash.
  5.! decorates the runner with the middleware chain (in, built by Goliath::Rack::Builder) and the plugins (from klass.plugins)
  6.! invokes
  7. just plain calls run_server (if daemonize is false), or forks (killing the runner) to call run_server.
  8. runner.run_server constructs a logger, tells you to watch out for stones
  9. runner.run_server constructs a server, hands its app, api, plugins and the server_options off to it, and starts it.
  10. server.start runs within an EM.synchrony block.
  11. server.start loads the config file, and invokes #run on each plugin.
  12. server.start invokes EM.start_server on a Goliath::Connection. This starts the reactor; the program does not exit until the server has halted.

Within the server's Connection

  1. the Connection's post_init hook fires once the reactor comes on line. It builds a new Http::Parser, and decorates it with three callbacks: on_headers_complete, on_body and on_message_complete.
  2. When the connection receives data, it dispatches it to the parser.
  3. parser on_headers_complete: fires when the parser has seen a full header block. This constructs a new Goliath::Request, asks it to adopt and parse the headers, and enqueues it onto the tail of @requests.
  4. parser on_body: fires when a chunk of body rolls in, passes it to the head of requests to parse.
  5. parser on_message_complete: fires when the request body is complete. This dequeues the head of @requests. If there is no @current request, make that the @current request and invoke its #succeed callback; otherwise, enqueue it onto the @pending queue. Lastly, invokes the request's process method.
  6. connection terminate_request: invoked by the request (on stream_close or in post_process) or on an HTTP parser error.

Within a request


  1. stream_send => @conn.send_data
  2. stream_close => @conn.terminate_request
  3. stream_start => @conn.send_data(head) ; @conn.send_data(headers_output)
  4. async_headers => api on_headers method, if any
  5. async_body => api on_body method, if any
  6. async_close => api on_close method, if any
  7. async_callback => request.post_process method


  1. parse_header: calls @env[ASYNC_HEADERS] if it exists
  2. parse: accumulates body. calls @env[ASYNC_BODY] (if it exists) on each chunk.
  3. process: calls post_process on the results of
  4. post_process: stores the response in a callback, invoked when the client is ready to consume the data.


  1. new fiber created and launched.

Within's fiber

  1. response(env) called.
  • a normal response is sent up the ASYNC_CALLBACK chain.
  • a streaming response invokes the STREAM_START callback chain. Your API class is responsible for calling stream_send and eventually stream_close. Note that these bypass the ASYNC_CALLBACK chain.
  • if an error occurs, it is caught, turned into a validation_error, and sent up the ASYNC_CALLBACK chain.