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X25519 Implementation for ARM Cortex-M0/M0+

This code implements the X25519 function (Montgomery ladder multiplication in Curve25519) as specified by RFC 7748, in ARMv6-M assembly. It is suitable for running on ARM Cortex-M0 and M0+ CPUs. It is fully constant-time, without any assumption on the behaviour of the RAM system (e.g. presence of cache or of wait states in cases of DMA conflict). The core function is executed in 3229950 clock cycles (measured on an Atmel SAM D20 Xplained Pro board, clocked at 8 MHz).

This could should also run on larger 32-bit ARM systems, e.g. ARM Cortex M3 and M4 (but substantially faster implementations exist for these larger CPUs).


The implementation and test code can be compiled with a simple make; this assumes that the compiler is available in the PATH under the name arm-linux-gcc, and is able to link against an appropriate C library.

On non-ARM hosts, Buildroot can be used to setup a cross-compilation toolchain, with compiler, linker, and libc, for a target Linux system. Then, QEMU user mode emulation can run the binary (qemu-arm ./test_x25519).

However, the whole point of this implementation is to be integrated in larger code bases. It consists of a single assembly source file (not counting the tests).

Integration Notes

X25519 is implemented as specified in RFC 7748. Notably:

  • In the input 'u' coordinate, the last bit (most significant bit of the last byte) is ignored.

  • All possible 255-bit patterns are supported, including values in the 2^255-19 to 2^255-1 range.

  • "Clamping" is automatically applied on the scalar:

    • bit 255 is forced to 0
    • bit 254 is forced to 1
    • bits 0, 1 and 2 are forced to 0
  • All operations are strictly "constant-time". In particular, the memory access pattern does not depend on secret values. There is no reliance on RAM accesses to be free of timing-based side channels (the cumulative cost of the constant-time "conditional swap" operations is about 46080 cycles).

The implementation has a single dependency on the external memcpy() function.

The x25519() function is the external API; it is callable from C code, since it respects the standard ABI. It takes three parameters:

void x25519(void *dst, const void *src, const void *scalar);

All three buffers have size 32 bytes, exactly. dst points to the output buffer that receives the result. src is the source point (encoded 'u' coordinate of a curve point, in RFC 7748 terminology). scalar is the scalar, i.e. the integer by which the source point is to be multiplied (unsigned little-endian encoding). There are no alignment constraints on the inputs and outputs (memcpy() is internally used to copy data in and out). Input and output buffers may freely overlap.

None of the code contained therein modifies or even reads the r9 register. This register may be reserved for all purposes by the ABI (in some systems using this ABI, r9 may be reserved at all times and not even usable for local temporary storage; this was the case, for instance, in iOS up to version 2).

Internal Implementation Notes

Internal functions do not follow the normal ABI, in that they do not preserve any register. The caller must save whichever registers it wishes to conserve. This leads to performance gains because most internal calls don't have many values to save, and most register saving actions on the callee side would be lost. However, global functions, which are potentially callable from the C side, must save the registers mandated by the ABI (namely registers r4 to r11).

Field elements are internally represented as sequences of eight 32-bit words, in little-endian order. All 256-bit patterns are allowed; i.e. values up to and including 2^256-1 are properly handled. The gf_normalize_inner() function performs full reduction and ensures the output is in the 0..p-1 range.

Implementation uses the macro MQ to designate the value 19. All functions can in fact be used with other moduli 2^255-t for odd values of t in the 1..32767 range; the MQ macro just has to be adjusted accordingly. The gf_inv_inner() and gf_legendre_inner() functions have some extra requirements:

  • Both functions expect the modulus to be a prime integer (i.e. that we work in a finite field).

  • gf_inv_inner() requires the INVT510 macro to evaluate to the correct constant value of 1/2^510 modulo p. If MQ is changed, then this value must be adjusted accordingly.

All other functions work just as well with any modulus as long as MQ is odd and in the supported range.

(If we assumed that MQ is in the 1..127 range, then a few cycles could be saved here and there by replacing some 2-cycle ldr opcodes with 1-cycle movs opcodes. This might save up to 2000 cycles in total, i.e. less than 0.1% of the total cost. This optimization has not been implemented here.)

Modular Inversions

The gf_inv_inner() function implements inversion in the field using the optimized binary GCD algorithm described in:

On the ARM Cortex-M0+, this function is much faster than the traditional method using Fermat's Little Theorem: the latter requires 254 squarings and about 11 extra multiplications, for a total cost of at least 270000 cycles, while gf_inv_inner() completes in 54793 cycles only. gf_inv_inner() is fully constant-time, like the rest of the code.

gf_inv_inner() requires the modulus to be prime only because it assumes that the GCD will be 1 unless the source value is zero. The reliance on a prime modulus could be removed by instead performing a multiplication at the end to verify that an inverse has truly been obtained; the overhead would be about 1500 to 2000 cycles.

The constant precomputed value 1/2^510 modulo p would be removed by replacing that multiplication with two Montgomery reductions. This would also imply an overhead of a few thousand cycles, and need some extra code for Montgomery reduction.

Legendre Symbol

The gf_legendre_inner() function computes the Legendre symbol for a field element. This is not actually needed for X25519, and is included here only because it could be helpful in other operations adjacent to X25519, e.g. the use of the Elligator2 map for encoding/hashing values into curve points in a constant-time way. The Legendre symbol of x is:

  • 1 if x is a non-zero quadratic residue in the field;

  • -1 if x is not a quadratic residue in the field;

  • 0 if x is zero.

The traditional method is again Fermat's Little Theorem: for a prime p, the Legendre symbol of x is equal to x^((p-1)/2) mod p. This would again require about 270000 cycles for p = 2^255-19.

The algorithm implemented here is roughly the same as the binary GCD used for inversion. It internally computes the GCD of x and p with the exact same steps (hence, it always converges with the same number of iterations); it does not keep track of the Bezout coefficients, since these are not needed for a Legendre symbol; however, it follows value updates to compute the symbol. What is actually computed is the Kronecker symbol (x|p), with the following properties:

  • (x|n) is equal to the Legendre symbol of x modulo n when n is a nonnegative odd prime.

  • (x|n) == (y|n) if x == y mod n and either n > 0, or x and y have the same sign.

  • If n and m are not both negative, then (n|m) == (m|n), unless both n == 3 mod 4 and m == 3 mod 4, in which case (n|m) == -(m|n). (This is the law of quadratic reciprocity.)

  • (2|n) == 1 if n == 1 or 7 mod 8, or -1 if n == 3 or 5 mod 8.

In the course of the binary GCD algorithm, we work over two values a and b, such that they both converge toward 0 and 1. b is always odd. Each iteration consists in three successive steps:

  1. If a and b are odd and a < b, then a and b are exchanged.

  2. If a is odd, then a is replaced with a-b.

  3. a <- a/2

When adapted to the Legendre symbol computation, we use the same steps, but also maintain the expected Kronecker symbol in a variable j which is initially 1, and is negated when approriate:

  • Step 1 exercises the law of quadratic reciprocity; j is negated if both a and b are equal to 3 modulo 4 at the time of the swap.

  • Step 2 does not change the Kronecker symbol; a critical observation here is that throughout the optimized binary GCD algorithm, it can never happen that a and b are both negative.

  • Step 3 negates j if and only if b == 3 or 5 mod 8 at that point.

These updates to j only need to look at the low bits of a and b (up to three bits) and is thus largely compatible with the intermediate values maintained by the optimized binary GCD in its inner loop. This implies a relatively low overhead for the inner loop iterations. Combined with the savings obtained by not keeping track of the Bezout coefficients, we finally achieve the Legendre symbol computation in 43726 cycles, i.e. even faster than inversions. This implementation is fully constant-time.

gf_legendre_inner() requires the modulus p to be prime only because it assumes the GCD of x and p to be 1 as long as x != 0. The implementation could be modified to support a non-prime modulus (in which case this would compute the Jacobi symbol) with a slight overhead (the final iterations may not be specialized out, and we would need an extra comparison of b with 1 to check for a non-invertible input case).