Include the Jasmine gems in your gemfile
group :test, :development do
gem 'jasmine'
gem 'jasminerice'
gem 'guard-jasmine'
$ bundle
$ rails g jasmine:install
This creates a couple files, including spec/javascripts/ Change that file to look like this:
#= require jquery
#= require angular-main
#= require angular-resource
#= require_tree ./
Include the AngularJS files:
Visit and choose a release. From the release page, copy the urls to the files you need and curl them into the appropriate directories. For example, for release 1.0.1:
$ curl > vendor/assets/javascripts/angular-main.js
$ curl > vendor/assets/javascripts/angular-resource.js
$ curl > spec/javascripts/helpers/angular-mocks.js
Then add angular.js and angular-resource.js to the asset pipeline. For example, in config/environments/production.rb:
config.assets.precompile += %w( angular.js )
And in app/assets/javascripts/, create a file angular.js:
//= require angular-main
//= require angular-resource
One could include angualr-main and angular-resource in application.js instead, but in an app with multiple, distinct Angular apps, I like to keep them completely distinct, and including a separate angular.js file in the asset pipeline means that AngularJS need only be downloaded once.