- Reorganised source code to /src
- Added Python 3.7 support
- Removed Python 3.3 support due to end-of-life
- plus minor improvements and bug fixes
- Fixed association relation in RDF serialisation
- Fixed compatibility with networkx 2.0+
- Replaced pydotplus with pydot (see #111)
- Fixed datetime and bundle error in RDF serialisation
- Tested against Python 3.6
- Improved documentation
- Added: Support for PROV-O (RDF) serialization and deserialization
- Added: direction option for :py:meth:`prov.dot.prov_to_dot`
- Added: :py:meth:`prov.graph.graph_to_prov` to convert a MultiDiGraph back to a :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvDocument`
- Testing with Python 3.5
- Various minor bug fixes and improvements
- Changed the type of qualified names to prov:QUALIFIED_NAME (fixed #68)
- Removed XSDQName class and stopped supporting parsing xsd:QName as qualified names
- Replaced pydot dependency with pydotplus
- Removed support for Python 2.6
- Various minor bug fixes and improvements
- Added: prov-compare script to check equivalence of two PROV files (currently supporting JSON and XML)
- Fixed: deserialising Python 3's bytes objects (issue #67)
- Fixed unicode issue with deserialising text contents
- Set the correct version requirement for six
- Fixed format selection in prov-convert script
- Python 3.3 and 3.4 supported
- Updated prov-convert script to support XML output
- Added missing test JSON and XML files in distributions
- Added: :py:meth:`prov.graph.prov_to_graph` to convert a :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvDocument` to a MultiDiGraph
- Added: PROV-N serializer
- Fixed: None values for empty formal attributes in PROV-N output (issue #60)
- Fixed: PROV-N representation for xsd:dateTime (issue #58)
- Fixed: Unintended merging of Identifier and QualifiedName values
- Fixed: Cloning the records when creating a new document from them
- Fixed: incorrect SoftwareAgent records in XML serialization
- Added: Support for PROV-XML serialization and deserialization
- A :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvRecord` instance can now be used as the value of an attributes
- Added: convenient assertions methods for :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvEntity`, :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvActivity`, and :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvAgent`
- Added: :py:meth:`prov.model.ProvDocument.update` and :py:meth:`prov.model.ProvBundle.update`
- Fixed: Handling default namespaces of bundles when flattened
- Added: Default namespace inheritance for bundles
- Fixed: :py:meth:`prov.model.NamespaceManager.valid_qualified_name` did not support :py:class:`~prov.model.XSDQName`
- Added: Convenience :py:func:`prov.read` method with a lazy format detection
- Added: Convenience :py:meth:`~prov.model.ProvBundle.plot` method on the :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvBundle` class (requiring matplotlib).
- Changed: The previous :py:meth:`!add_record` method renamed to :py:meth:`~prov.model.ProvBundle.new_record`
- Added: :py:meth:`~prov.model.ProvBundle.add_record` function which takes one argument, a :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvRecord`, has been added
- Fixed: Document flattening (see :py:meth:`~prov.model.ProvDocument.flattened`)
- Added: :py:meth:`~prov.model.ProvRecord.__hash__` function added to :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvRecord` (at risk: to be removed as :py:class:`~prov.model.ProvRecord` is expected to be mutable)
- Added: :py:attr:`~prov.model.ProvRecord.extra_attributes` added to mirror existing :py:attr:`~prov.model.ProvRecord.formal_attributes`
- The underlying data model has been rewritten and is incompatible with pre-1.0 versions.
- References to PROV elements (i.e. entities, activities, agents) in relation records are now QualifiedName instances.
- A document or bundle can have multiple records with the same identifier.
- PROV-JSON serializer and deserializer are now separated from the data model.
- Many tests added, including round-trip PROV-JSON encoding/decoding.
- For changes pre-1.0, see CHANGES.txt.