TAU (Tuning and Analysis Utilities) is a toolkit for profiling and tracing parallel programs written in C, C++, Fortran and others. It supports dynamic (library-based), compiler and source-level instrumentation. Unlike MPE, TAU is not limited to profiling MPI code, being geared towards parallel programming in general, including CUDA, OpenMP and regular pthreads.
As TAU is already extensively documented, and this page will only provide a short introduction to some common features, along with some basic example code. See documentation below.
- http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/Research/tau/docs/newguide/index.html
- http://www.tau.uoregon.edu/tau-wiki/Main_Page
- http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/Research/tau/docs.php
After downloading both TAU and PDT from here,
unpack them wherever convenient and run the following command to configure,
compile and install TAU. If MPICH2/PDT were installed on another prefix,
the part within brackets must be appropriately setup: set $MPI_PATH
the directory where MPICH2 was installed, and adjust $PDT_DIR
accordingly. Otherwise, it can be left out.
(If MPICH2 was configured with --enable-shared
, it is not necessary to
pass the -mpilibrary
argument below.)
./configure -mpilibrary='-lmpich -lmpl -lopa' [-mpilib=$MPI_PATH/lib -mpiinc=$MPI_PATH/include -pdt=$PDT_DIR]
make -j clean install
For more information, please refer to its installation manual.
The wave
equation is a partial differential equation used to describe the
behavior of waves as they occur in physics:
Here, the variable
We hence obtain the iterative five-point stencil code wave2d.
A list of the different instrumentation methods used for e.g. profiling (and which features they support) can be found here. We will cover three different methods:
- Dynamic: Statistical sampling;
- Source: Parser-aided automatic code categorization;
- Selective: Uses a separate file to "manually control which parts of the application are profiled and how they are profiled"; this is technically part of the source instrumentation above (and hence also requires PDT).
The most straightforward way of getting started with TAU is through
, which does dynamic instrumentation. This method makes use of
statistical sampling to estimate which percentage of the execution time
is taken by each function (as well as the absolute time spent). We first
compile as usual:
mpicxx wave2d.cpp -o wave2d
The difference occurs when executing the program, which is done as follows:
mpirun -np 12 tau_exec ./wave2d 500 500 3 4 5`
Unfortunately, this method does not support profiling user-defined routines, only those from MPI. For this reason, we do not recommend this method for real-world applications (which very likely spend less time on MPI calls than on computation itself, which would be unaccounted for).
If PDT is installed, it is possible to use the compiler wrapper scripts
to automatically instrument our code. In this
case, the difference is that one call to TAU_PROFILE
is inserted in
every user-defined function, with this modified function's header.
First, we select which features we want TAU to use (e.g. MPI support,
tracing, CUDA hardware counters, etc), which is done by setting an
environment variable called TAU_MAKEFILE
to point to one of the
(informatively-named) default Makefiles that are located in
. For now, we only want to profile MPI code, so we
export TAU_MAKEFILE=$TAU_HOME/lib/Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt
Next, to build the instrumented wave2d program, we replace the regular
or mpicxx
commands by tau_cc.sh
or tau_cxx.sh
tau_cxx.sh wave2d.cpp -o wave2d
If all goes right, we can then execute the code as usual:
mpirun -np 12 ./wave2d 500 500 3 4 5
Additionally, TAU has a compiler instrumentation method, which sits
in between dynamic and source. Unlike dynamic, it requires
compilation, but also inherits some features from source such as being
able to profile user-defined functions. However, it cannot provide
information about finer constructs such as loops and so on. To use this
method, the argument -tau_options=-optCompInst
should be added to
when compiling (or, equivalently, to the
environment variable); visualization and program execution
remain exactly the same.
In practice, we recommend installing PDT and using the source mode.
A large program might have dozens of auxiliary functions that do not constitute a significant chunk of the execution time, and hence visually pollute the profile. Also, it may happen that a function will have two or more time-consuming loops, which will not be individually represented in the profile.
For this and other reasons we may want to selectively exclude functions, annotate (outer) loops, etc, using TAU's support for selectively profiling applications.
Consider the following example, which we will name select.tau
void foo(int *, double)
void barToo_#(int *)
loops file="random.cpp" routine="int FooClass::fooToo(double, double)"
Here, the symbol #
in the function names acts as a wildcard.
To make use of this file, we define the TAU_OPTIONS
export TAU_OPTIONS="-optTauSelectFile=select.tau"
Warning: This does not as expected with regular C code. After every
function in the exclude list, a C
should be added. Otherwise, a #
should be added after every function name.This is a consequence of
the design used by TAU, and is effectively arbitrary.
For some more information, check the official manual.
Regardless of the instrumentation method, we will then obtain a number
of profile.r.*
files (r
being a rank). These can now be visualized
in a number of manners.
Text-based; can be invoked by a simple pprof
% pprof
Reading Profile files in profile.*
%Time Exclusive Inclusive #Call #Subrs Inclusive Name
msec total msec usec/call
100.0 0.097 3,839 1 8 3839163 int main(int, char **)
98.5 0.172 3,783 1 200 3783485 void Grid::doIterations(int)
61.6 2,365 2,365 100 0 23653 void Grid::doOneIteration()
36.9 4 1,418 100 900 14181 void Grid::exchangeEdges()
36.8 1,412 1,412 100 0 14125 MPI_Waitall()
0.8 4 29 1 2 29727 void Grid::Grid(int, int, int, int, int)
0.6 24 24 1 0 24824 void Grid::initGrid(int)
0.5 18 18 1 0 18584 MPI_Finalize()
0.2 6 6 1 0 6387 MPI_Init()
0.0 0.931 0.931 400 0 2 MPI_Send()
0.0 0.84 0.84 1 0 840 void Grid::~Grid()
0.0 0.557 0.557 400 0 1 MPI_Irecv()
0.0 0.042 0.042 1 0 42 MPI_Bcast()
0.0 0.004 0.004 2 0 2 MPI_Comm_rank()
0.0 0.001 0.001 1 0 1 MPI_Comm_size()
NumSamples MaxValue MinValue MeanValue Std. Dev. Event Name
1 4 4 4 0 Message size for broadcast
... the same table for every rank ...
%Time Exclusive Inclusive #Call #Subrs Inclusive Name
msec total msec usec/call
100.0 1 46,076 12 96 3839746 int main(int, char **)
98.3 2 45,278 12 2400 3773202 void Grid::doIterations(int)
63.2 29,121 29,121 1200 0 24268 void Grid::doOneIteration()
35.1 49 16,154 1200 10800 13462 void Grid::exchangeEdges()
34.9 16,075 16,075 1200 0 13396 MPI_Waitall()
1.2 52 540 12 24 45051 void Grid::Grid(int, int, int, int, int)
1.1 487 487 12 0 40646 void Grid::initGrid(int)
0.2 106 106 12 0 8895 MPI_Finalize()
0.2 93 93 12 0 7759 MPI_Init()
0.1 48 48 12 0 4049 MPI_Bcast()
0.1 23 23 4800 0 5 MPI_Send()
0.0 8 8 12 0 686 void Grid::~Grid()
0.0 6 6 4800 0 1 MPI_Irecv()
0.0 0.035 0.035 24 0 1 MPI_Comm_rank()
0.0 0.008 0.008 12 0 1 MPI_Comm_size()
... the same table, but now with mean values ...
More information about how to sort the data differently can be found by
doing pprof -h
A much richer, graphical interface for visualization and analysis,
ParaProf can also be initialized simply by paraprof
The vast majority of the functionality can be found by navigating the
menus. For instance, a graph of functions ordered by time taken on
average can be obtained by right-clicking Mean
and selecting
Show Mean Bar Chart
Analogously, it is possible to see the execution time for a given
function on all ranks. A way of doing it is right clicking on the
corresponding function bar, and going to Show Function Bar Chart
Alternatively, the menu Windows-\>Function-\>Bar Chart
displays a list
of all profiled functions.
In addition to profiling, TAU can automatically
instrument the code to do tracing without user intervention (unlike MPE,
which requires manual insertion of tracing code). This depends on PDT
(in particular, on its C/C++ parser), which is why we used a makefile
ending with pdt in the previous section. However, tracing is disabled
by default, so we enable it first:
export TAU_TRACE=1
(Note that this disables profiling, i.e. no profile.*
files will be
Now the program can be executed normally (with
in this case), which will generate many .edf
and .trc
files. These must then be merged as follows:
tau2slog2 tau.trc tau.edf -o tau.slog2
All that is left is to visualizer the tracing data (tau.slog2) with Jumpshot (or another such tool), as TAU does not have a tracing visualizer. Notice on the legend window that all functions have been automatically instrumented.
![ParaProf plot for time spent per function/per rank] (../images/TauRingAsyncProf.png "ParaProf plot for time spent per function/per rank")
This toy example implements a ring whose elements (ranks) asynchronously
send their successor a buffer whose size is dependent on their rank (as
well as the amount of work needed to prepare it). The image to the left,
which is a three-dimensional variation of the original 2D profiler
plotter (on the top of the page). It can be accessed by navigating to
Window-\>3D Visualization
. The menu on the right has a few more plot
configurations; of note is the scatter plot
This buffer size dependence on the originating rank can also be seen in
the communication matrix, which may be enabled (before run-time) by
setting the environment variable TAU_COMM_MATRIX
From this graph it should be clear that the amount of communication
between a node and its successor is increasing approximately in
proportion to the square of the originating rank (the actual power is
Here we focus on the scatter plot option on ParaProf. The idea of this viewer is to help developers identify groups of functions whose running time are tightly related. In the case of NWChem, this can be used to help develop a time model for the (new) static load balancing mechanism.
The horizontal axis of this 3D scatter plot shows the exclusive
execution time of the two dominant kernels in NWChem coupled cluster
simulations (DGEMM
). The vertical axis shows the time
spent on dynamic load balancing.
We see that smaller tasks which take less time in the kernels take more
time dynamic load balancing. Also, we see that the reason this occurs is
possibly because of the size of the input data for the kernels - the red
colored points correspond to large operations that take more time in the
operation compared to the green points.
Like HPCToolkit,
TAU can be built with PAPI support, which adds support for profiling
branching and cache access patterns, time stalled waiting for resources
(such as in memory reads), etc. The only change required in the
configuration phase above is the addition of the argument -papi=
followed by the folder where PAPI was installed (say, /
), e.g.:
./configure -mpilibrary='-lmpich -lmpl -lopa' -papi=/opt/papi
(The same comment above about MPICH2 and --enable-shared
This will produce a new TAU makefile, Makefile.tau-papi-mpi-pdt
, which
should be used in the export TAU_MAKEFILE=
commands above.
Up to 25 counters/events can then be recorded by exporting the
environment variables COUNTER1
through COUNTER25
, as follows:
Compilation and execution then proceeds exactly as usual. Instead of
producing a set of profile.*
files, TAU will generate one folder for
each counter:
Paraprof can then be used to visualize the recorded metrics, as on the left, under the Windows/Thread submenu. For a simple use case, see the corresponding section on HPCToolkit.
Referred to as "binary rewriting" in TAU's manual.
The first two numbers are the dimensions for every rank's rectangle; the
next two are the number of rectangles in the
To see the modifications made by the TAU script, you can add
environment variable. The
instrumented code will be written to PROGNAME.inst.c if PROGNAME is the
executable's name, and similarly for C++.
Result from David Ozog, a PhD student from MCS/UOregon.