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Build Setup

Raoul v. R edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 16 revisions


This library exposes a standard main ES5 bundle for backwards compatibility as well as the default module entry point for modern bundlers such as Rollup and Webpack.


If you don't have a personal preference, choose Rollup for bundling.

Required Development Dependencies


"devDependencies": {
	"@babel/core": "x.x.x",
	"@babel/preset-env": "x.x.x",
	"rollup": "x.x.x",
	"rollup-plugin-babel": "x.x.x",
	"rollup-plugin-minify": "x.x.x",
	"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "x.x.x"
Example Configuration


import babel from "rollup-plugin-babel";
import minify from "rollup-plugin-babel-minify";
import resolve from "rollup-plugin-node-resolve";

const globals = { three: "THREE" };

export default [{

	input: "src/index.js",
	external: Object.keys(globals),
	plugins: [resolve(), babel(), minify()],
	output: {
		file: "build/bundle.js",
		format: "iife",
		globals: globals


For more information, see the official Rollup documentation.


If your project imports code from third-party libraries, make sure that those libraries are not excluded from the transpilation process. Don't exclude the entire /node_modules/ directory.

Required Development Dependencies


"devDependencies": {
	"@babel/core": "x.x.x",
	"@babel/preset-env": "x.x.x",
	"babel-loader": "x.x.x",
	"webpack": "x.x.x"
Example Configuration


const path = require("path");
const webpack = require("webpack");

module.exports = {

	entry: "./src/index.js",

	output: {
		filename: "bundle.js"

	externals: {
		three: "THREE"

	module: {
		rules: [{
			test: /\.js$/,
			include: [
				path.resolve(__dirname, "src")
			use: {
				loader: "babel-loader",
				options: {
					presets: ["@babel/preset-env"]

	plugins: [
		new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
			include: /\.js$/


For more details on how to setup Webpack, take a look at the official Webpack documentation.


Always use Babel to transpile your final bundle into ES5 code. Even if you are restricting yourself to only use ES5 syntax, you can't expect third-party libraries to avoid modern language features. Transpilation prevents certain code optimizations such as tree-shaking. Therefore, this library mainly provides untranspiled code.

Example Configuration


module.exports = function(api) {


	return {
		compact: false,
		comments: false,
		presets: [


For more information, please refer to the Babel documentation.

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