run the electron version:
electron .
When using Electron, aurelia-fetch-client calls that attempt to retrieve files from the current URL for the app fail because they start with file://
The fix is to detect this case and use the node fs
object to access the file system.
has the path to the app resources for both electron .
and when running the installed app.
to run the electron packaging command and then generate the installer, run the npm command:
npm run build
the scripts
property in package.json
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf dist",
"start": "electron .",
"exe32": "electron-packager . plotterplatform --platform win32 --arch ia32 --out dist/ --ignore \"(dist|node_modules)\"",
"exe64": "electron-packager . plotterplatform --platform win32 --arch x64 --out dist/ --ignore \"(dist|node_modules)\"",
"set32": "electron-installer-windows --src dist/plotterplatform-win32-ia32/ --dest dist/installers/ia32/",
"set64": "electron-installer-windows --src dist/plotterplatform-win32-x64/ --dest dist/installers/x64/",
"build": "npm run clean && npm run exe32 && npm run set32",
"build-all": "npm run clean && npm run exe32 && npm run set32 && npm run exe64 && npm run set64"
the installation will be in dist/installers/ia32
doesn't seem to update the apps in windows, but if you run the setup.exe
it launches the app.
some notes follow:
electron-packager . ppApp --platform win32 --arch ia32 --out electron/ --overwrite
npm install -g electron-installer-windows
npm install --save-dev electron-installer-windows
"src": "c:\a\p\platform\electron\ppApp-win32-ia32",
"dest": "c:\a\p\platform\eApp\PlotterPlatform\",
"authors": ["cmichaelgraham"]
electron-installer-windows --config eAppConfig.json
electron-packager --help
$ electron-packager --help
Usage: electron-packager <sourcedir> <appname> --platform=<platform> --arch=<arch>
Required options
sourcedir the base directory of the application source
Either both of:
platform all, or one or more of: darwin, linux, mas, win32 (comma-delimited if multiple)
arch all, or one or more of: ia32, x64 (comma-delimited if multiple)
all equivalent to --platform=all --arch=all
Examples: electron-packager ./ --platform=darwin --arch=x64
electron-packager ./ --all
Optional options
appname the name of the app, if it needs to be different from the "productName" or "name"
in the nearest package.json
* All platforms *
app-copyright human-readable copyright line for the app
app-version release version to set for the app
asar whether to package the source code within your app into an archive. You can either
pass --asar by itself to use the default configuration, or use dot notation to
configure a list of sub-properties, e.g. --asar.unpackDir=sub_dir
Properties supported:
- ordering: path to an ordering file for file packing
- unpack: unpacks the files to the app.asar.unpacked directory whose filenames
regex .match this string
- unpackDir: unpacks the dir to the app.asar.unpacked directory whose names glob
pattern or exactly match this string. It's relative to the <sourcedir>.
asar-unpack unpacks the files to the app.asar.unpacked directory whose filenames regex .match
this string
(Deprecated, use asar.unpack instead)
asar-unpack-dir unpacks the dir to the app.asar.unpacked directory whose names glob pattern or
exactly match this string. It's relative to the <sourcedir>.
(Deprecated, use asar.unpackDir instead)
build-version build version to set for the app
cache directory of cached Electron downloads. Defaults to `$HOME/.electron`
(Deprecated, use --download.cache instead)
deref-symlinks whether symlinks should be dereferenced. Defaults to true.
download a list of sub-options to pass to electron-download. They are specified via dot
notation, e.g., --download.cache=/tmp/cache
Properties supported:
- cache: directory of cached Electron downloads. Defaults to `$HOME/.electron`
- mirror: alternate URL to download Electron zips
- strictSSL: whether SSL certs are required to be valid when downloading
Electron. Defaults to true, use --download.strictSSL=false to disable checks.
icon the icon file to use as the icon for the app. Note: Format depends on platform.
ignore do not copy files into app whose filenames regex .match this string. See also:
and --prune.
out the dir to put the app into at the end. defaults to current working dir
overwrite if output directory for a platform already exists, replaces it rather than
skipping it
prune runs `npm prune --production` on the app
strict-ssl whether SSL certificates are required to be valid when downloading Electron.
It defaults to true, use --strict-ssl=false to disable checks.
(Deprecated, use --download.strictSSL instead)
tmpdir temp directory. Defaults to system temp directory, use --tmpdir=false to disable
use of a temporary directory.
version the version of Electron that is being packaged, see
* darwin/mas target platforms only *
app-bundle-id bundle identifier to use in the app plist
app-category-type the application category type
For example, `` will set the
application category to 'Developer Tools'.
extend-info a plist file to append to the app plist
extra-resource a file to copy into the app's Contents/Resources
helper-bundle-id bundle identifier to use in the app helper plist
osx-sign (OSX host platform only) Whether to sign the OSX app packages. You can either
pass --osx-sign by itself to use the default configuration, or use dot notation
to configure a list of sub-properties, e.g. --osx-sign.identity="My Name"
Properties supported:
- identity: should contain the identity to be used when running `codesign`
- entitlements: the path to entitlements used in signing
- entitlements-inherit: the path to the 'child' entitlements
* win32 target platform only *
version-string a list of sub-properties used to set the application metadata embedded into
the executable. They are specified via dot notation,
e.g. --version-string.CompanyName="Company Inc."
or --version-string.ProductName="Product"
Properties supported:
- CompanyName
- FileDescription
- OriginalFilename
- ProductName
- InternalName```
## Here's an example command:
ZIK51127@ENGLTGC7NFC2 MINGW64 /c/a/e1/electron-quick-start (master)
$ electron-packager . electron-quick-start --all
[============================================>] 100.0% of 42.3 MB (3.6 MB/s)
Packaging app for platform mas x64 using electron v1.3.1
WARNING: signing is required for mas builds. Provide the osx-sign option, or manually sign the app later.
Packaging app for platform win32 x64 using electron v1.3.1
Wrote new apps to: