Online bulk load enables users to ingest a large amount of data to a TiKV cluster with limited impact on the online services.
git clone
mvn --file client-java/pom.xml clean install -DskipTests
git clone
cd migration
mvn clean package -DskipTests -am -pl online-bulk-load
spark-submit \
--master local[*] \
--jars /path/to/tikv-client-java-3.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
--class org.tikv.bulkload.example.BulkLoadExample \
online-bulk-load/target/online-bulk-load-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
<pdaddr> <key_prefix> <data_size> <partition_nums>
Also we can write a self-contained application to read parquet files.
Suppose the schema of parquet file is key
| value
which type is String
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val pdaddr = "YOUR_PD_ADDRESS"
val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
.setIfMissing("spark.master", "local[*]")
.setIfMissing("", getClass.getName)
val spark = SparkSession.builder.config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
val rdd = => {
(row.getString(0), row.getString(1)
new RawKVBulkLoader(pdaddr).bulkLoad(rdd)
Default Spark version is 3.0.2. If you want to use other Spark version, please compile with the following command:
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dspark.version.compile=3.1.1
The configurations in the table below can be put together with spark-defaults.conf
or passed in the same way as other Spark configuration properties.
Key | Default Value | Description |
spark.tikv.bulkload.splitRegionBackoffMS |
120000 |
The backoff time of split region in milliseconds |
spark.tikv.bulkload.scatterRegionBackoffMs |
30000 |
The backoff time of scatter region in milliseconds |
spark.tikv.bulkload.regionSplitNum |
0 |
The number of split regions |
spark.tikv.bulkload.minRegionSplitNum |
1 |
The minimum number of split regions |
spark.tikv.bulkload.regionSplitKeys |
960000 |
The number of keys per region |
spark.tikv.bulkload.maxRegionSplitNum |
10240 |
The maximum number of split regions |
spark.tikv.bulkload.sampleSplitFrac |
1000 |
Fraction of sample split |
spark.tikv.bulkload.regionSplitUsingSize |
true |
whether using size to split region |
spark.tikv.bulkload.bytesPerRegion |
100663296 |
Size in bytes per region.This requires spark.tikv.bulkload.regionSplitUsingSize to be set true. |
spark.tikv.bulkload.ttl |
-1 |
The data's time to live |
To format the code, please run mvn mvn-scalafmt_2.12:format
or mvn clean package -DskipTests