Prometheus pull metrics from targets, it has builtin discovery for eks. AWS-OTel-Collector uses ecsobserver to discover targets running on ECS.
See ecsobserver
- There can only be one collector for each cluster. If your ECS cluster is too big, you can use
or divide discovery targets by service name etc. to shard the workload to multiple collector services, each service has slightly different config and only 1 instance. ecsobeserver
does NOT use public ip as scrape target, when exporting targets, it always uses private IP within the VPC regardless of launch type and network mode. However, it does expose ec2 public ip as label__meta_ecs_ec2_public_ip
which can be used in relabel config and override__address__
if you have a valid use case and have extra authentication for making the endpoint public.
Following extra IAM policies are required for ECS prometheus service discovery to work. Existing policy can be found when setting up IAM role policy.
NOTE: ec2
policy is required for listing ec2 instances to get private IP, it is optional if all your tasks are fargate
or uses awsvpc
network mode.
Make sure your ec2 tasks can reach http endpoints of other tasks using private ip. Depends on how the cluster is created, you may need to configure security group to allow ingress within current vpc as prometheus pull metrics. The default VPC normally allows ingress within VPC out of box, while some cli tools creates new VPC with fewer rules, e.g. ecs-cli.
You need to configure both ecsobserver
extension and prometheusreceiver
for ECS prometheus to work properly. The
config for ecsobserver
tells it to call ECS API and filter out tasks that expose prometheus metrics, it then generates
a file that prometheusreceiver
watch for change. The generated files contains private ip and ports for scrape targets.
Example collector configuration can be found
in examples/ecs/ecs-containerinsight-prometheus.yaml. It
contains discovery and metrics extraction rule for all
the container insight workloads
. NOTE: You must replace {{cluster_name}}
in the example, it cannot discover ecs cluster automatically (for now).
Detail explanation for observer config is in ecsobserver source .
When deploying collector prometheus, you need the following resources
- One ECS cluster, you can create one using ecs-cli
- IAM roles for tasks
- Collector configuration in SSM parameter
- Image url for collector
An example cloudformation that deploys a replica service (count is and must be 1) is deployment-template/ecs/containerinsight-ecs-prometheus-task-cfn .
EC2 bridge network
export CLUSTER_NAME=aoc-containerinsight-prometheus-example
export COLLECTOR_IMAGE=amazon/aws-otel-collector:latest
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name AOC-Prometheus-ECS-${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--template-body file://containerinsight-ecs-prometheus-task-cfn.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=ClusterName,ParameterValue=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
ParameterKey=CreateIAMRoles,ParameterValue=${CREATE_IAM_ROLES} \
ParameterKey=CollectorImage,ParameterValue=${COLLECTOR_IMAGE} \
Fargate awsvpc (TODO(pingleig): does not work the cfn template for now).
You can find workloads from container insight. You need to make sure the service/task definition matches the config in example. JMX is the simplest workload.
- Download ecs-cli.
- Create new cluster, take note of the security group and subnet it created.
- if you missed it, you can still find it from cloudformation console, ecs-cli generates cfn and applies it.
- Update security group to allow ingress on all tcp port within the cluster, this makes testing easier, but you might want to only allow specific port when using are using non bridge network, bridge network assign random host ports.
- Delete the cluster by either delete the cfn stack or using
ecs-cli down -f -cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME}
# Create ECS EC2 cluster with 2 EC2 instances
export CLUSTER_NAME=aoc-containerinsight-prometheus-example
ecs-cli up --capability-iam --size 2 --instance-type t2.medium --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} --region us-west-2
# Output is like
# INFO[0000] Using recommended Amazon Linux 2 AMI with ECS Agent 1.51.0 and Docker version 19.03.13-ce
# INFO[0001] Created cluster cluster=aoc-containerinsight-prometheus-example region=us-west-2
# INFO[0001] Waiting for your cluster resources to be created...
# INFO[0122] Cloudformation stack status stackStatus=CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
# VPC created: vpc-0fcxxxxx
# Security Group created: sg-04xxxxx
# Subnet created: subnet-03xxxx
# Subnet created: subnet-0exxxx
# Cluster creation succeeded.
# Update security group to allow ingress on all ports within security group
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id ${SG} --protocol tcp --port 0-65535 --source-group ${SG}
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids ${SG}