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Custom Platform Controls

Curtis Wensley edited this page Nov 14, 2014 · 12 revisions

Eto.Forms comes with many standard controls, however sometimes you may want to make full use of each platform's abilities, or if you want to re-use platform specific code already written. Custom platform controls can be created for this purpose.

Custom platform controls can have implementations for each platform, and are implemented exactly the way standard Eto.Forms controls are. You can either extend an existing control and provide a custom handler for each platform, or create a completely custom control.

All supportable Eto.Forms control handlers are registered through the Platform object. When creating a new Eto.Forms control (custom or not), the Platform looks up the control handler via it's interface type specified in the HandlerAttribute.

The drawback of creating custom platform controls is that you have to create a handler implementation of the control for each platform you wish to use it with.


This is an example of creating a custom text box control.

In your cross-platform library:

// control to use in your eto.forms code
public class MyCustomControl : Control
	IMyCustomControl Handler { get { return (IMyCustomControl)base.Handler; } }

	public string MyProperty
		get { return Handler.MyProperty; }
		set { Handler.MyProperty = value; }
	// interface to the platform implementations
	public new interface IMyCustomControl : Control.IHandler
		string MyProperty { get; set; }

In your MonoMac platform assembly:

public class MyCustomControlHandler : MacControl<NSTextField, MyCustomControl, MyCustomControl.ICallback>, MyCustomControl.IMyCustomControl
	public MyCustomControlHandler ()
		this.Control = new NSTextField ();
	public string MyProperty
		get { return this.Control.StringValue; }
		set { this.Control.StringValue = value ?? string.Empty; }

In your WPF assembly:

public class MyCustomControlHandler : WpfControl<Microsoft.Windows.Controls.TextBox, MyCustomControl, MyCustomControl.ICallback>, MyCustomControl.IMyCustomControl
	public MyCustomControlHandler ()
		this.Control = new Microsoft.Windows.Controls.TextBox ();
	public string MyProperty
		get { return this.Control.Text; }
		set { this.Control.Text = value; }

To register your new control, you must add it to the platform instance. This can be done before creating your application in your main() method.

var platform = new Eto.Mac.Platform(); // mac platform

// to register your custom control handler, call this before using your class:
platform.Add<MyCustomControl.IMyCustomControl>(() => new MyCustomControlHandler());

// create application object, and run
new Application(platform).Run(
	new Form
		Title = "Hello!",
		Content = new MyCustomControl { MyProperty = "There" }