Releases: phpstan/phpdoc-parser
Releases · phpstan/phpdoc-parser
- 6c04009 - Fix ArrayTypeNode indexes
- d985f89 - Fix attributes for more tags
- 69432fa - PhpDocParserTest - verify all nodes have attributes
- ffaba4f - Fix attributes for more types
- 142198e - TypeParserTest - verify all nodes have attributes
- 6220c55 - ConstExprParser - attributes
- b5fede3 - Missing attributes for object shapes
- cff97e9 - Missing attributes for array shapes
- 3416dc6 - Callable parameter and return type have attributes
- ecb7789 - Do not include TOKEN_PHPDOC_EOL in node tokens
- 39e4966 - Update dependency slevomat/coding-standard to v8.11.0
- 10553ab - CloningVisitor
- 00d0fcd - NodeTraverser inspired by nikic/php-parser
- 874bf25 - Increase PHPStan level
- 1ae8d74 - Add missing typehints
- 0138dd9 - Give even invalid nodes line and index attributes
- 7ff42f5 - TypeParser - give all types the line and index attributes
- 4255dd3 - Rename tests
- ddc8c7a - Set start and end indexes to node attributes
- f9ecd17 - Set start and end lines to node attributes
- b508006 - Document token array format
- 178b33a - Backward compatibility - QuoteAwareConstExprStringNode should extend ConstExprStringNode
- 5194589 - TypeParserTest - test parsing string type representation again
- f373259 - Fix unparseable string representation of CallableTypeParameterNode
- 829bd2e - TypeParserTest - use modern feature toggles
- ae5be81 - Use StringUnescaper when quoteAwareConstExprString=true
- 376023a - Extract StringUnescaper from ConstExprParser
- 5e2f2e0 - QuoteAwareConstExprStringNode with correct quotes and escaping in
- 80e5c87 - Update build-cs
- 4e3ca1e - Update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v5