diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 080e25ee..08a58d41 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -
@@ -11,7 +11,99 @@
-Next generation phpDoc parser with support for intersection types and generics.
+This library `phpstan/phpdoc-parser` represents PHPDocs with an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). It supports parsing and modifying PHPDocs.
+For the complete list of supported PHPDoc features check out PHPStan documentation. PHPStan is the main (but not the only) user of this library.
+* [PHPDoc Basics](https://phpstan.org/writing-php-code/phpdocs-basics) (list of PHPDoc tags)
+* [PHPDoc Types](https://phpstan.org/writing-php-code/phpdoc-types) (list of PHPDoc types)
+* [phpdoc-parser API Reference](https://phpstan.github.io/phpdoc-parser/namespace-PHPStan.PhpDocParser.html) with all the AST node types etc.
+## Installation
+composer require phpstan/phpdoc-parser
+## Basic usage
+tokenize('/** @param Lorem $a */'));
+$phpDocNode = $phpDocParser->parse($tokens); // PhpDocNode
+$paramTags = $phpDocNode->getParamTagValues(); // ParamTagValueNode[]
+echo $paramTags[0]->parameterName; // '$a'
+echo $paramTags[0]->type; // IdentifierTypeNode - 'Lorem'
+### Format-preserving printer
+This component can be used to modify the AST
+and print it again as close as possible to the original.
+It's heavily inspired by format-preserving printer component in [nikic/PHP-Parser](https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser).
+ true, 'indexes' => true];
+$lexer = new Lexer();
+$constExprParser = new ConstExprParser(true, true, $usedAttributes);
+$typeParser = new TypeParser($constExprParser, true, $usedAttributes);
+$phpDocParser = new PhpDocParser($typeParser, $constExprParser, true, true, $usedAttributes);
+$tokens = new TokenIterator($lexer->tokenize('/** @param Lorem $a */'));
+$phpDocNode = $phpDocParser->parse($tokens); // PhpDocNode
+$cloningTraverser = new NodeTraverser([new CloningVisitor()]);
+/** @var PhpDocNode $newPhpDocNode */
+$printer = new Printer();
+[$newPhpDocNode] = $cloningTraverser->traverse([$phpDocNode]);
+// change something in $newPhpDocNode
+$newPhpDocNode->getParamTagValues()[0]->type = new IdentifierTypeNode('Ipsum');
+$newPhpDoc = $printer->printFormatPreserving($newPhpDocNode, $phpDocNode, $tokens);
+echo $newPhpDoc; // '/** @param Ipsum $a */'
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