All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add support for multiple ports
- Add support for defining protocols
- Add support for other network modes
- Rename
- Add support for Fargate
- Upgrade to Terraform 0.12
- Add github actions
- Changed: health_check_path is always '/' upon aws_alb_target_group creation #22 @tminuss
- Added option to control the load balancer externally by setting the target group.
- Added option to connect to existing load balancer by setting the listener.
- Changed: vpc data resource is only used when enable_alb is set.
- Changed: #14 #14
- Changed: SSL policy is configurable, default upgraded to: ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01. To keep the old policy in place set the variable
- Changed: Removed egres from alb ecurity group, limit port to alb port only.
- Make the idle timeout of the ALB configurable
- Added task_role_arn so a task can be secured using a role to restrict access to specific resources
- Add example
- Slack badge in documentation
- Add default lifecycle for targetgroups
- Add default monitoring capabilities for ECS Services (default enabled)
- Add Health Check Grace Period for services that need more time to start
- Add Health Check Interval parameter for configuring how often a health check is executed
- Limit cidr for internal lb to vpc cidr
- Add output for Route53 dns record
- Updated documentation
- Refactor outputs to support terraform 0.11
- Add support to mount volumes