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Developer guide

Install PostgreSQL

For RPM based distributions such as Fedora and RHEL you can add the PostgreSQL YUM repository and do the install via

Fedora 40

rpm -Uvh

RHEL 8.x / Rocky Linux 8.x

rpm -Uvh

RHEL 9.x / Rocky Linux 9.x

rpm -Uvh

PostgreSQL 13

dnf -qy module disable postgresql
dnf install -y postgresql13 postgresql13-server postgresql13-contrib postgresql13-libs

This will install PostgreSQL 13.

Install pgmoneta


Basic dependencies

dnf install git gcc cmake make libev libev-devel openssl openssl-devel systemd systemd-devel zlib zlib-devel libzstd libzstd-devel lz4 lz4-devel libssh libssh-devel libcurl libcurl-devel python3-docutils libatomic bzip2 bzip2-devel libarchive libarchive-devel

Generate user and developer guide

This process is optional. If you choose not to generate the PDF and HTML files, you can opt out of downloading these dependencies, and the process will automatically skip the generation.

  1. Download dependencies
dnf install pandoc texlive-scheme-basic
  1. Download Eisvogel

    Use the command pandoc --version to locate the user data directory. On Fedora systems, this directory is typically located at $HOME/.local/share/pandoc.

    Download the Eisvogel template for pandoc, please visit the pandoc-latex-template repository. For a standard installation, you can follow the steps outlined below.

tar -xzf Eisvogel-2.4.2.tar.gz
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/pandoc/templates
mv eisvogel.latex $HOME/.local/share/pandoc/templates/
  1. Add package for LaTeX

    Download the additional packages required for generating PDF and HTML files.

dnf install 'tex(footnote.sty)' 'tex(footnotebackref.sty)' 'tex(pagecolor.sty)' 'tex(hardwrap.sty)' 'tex(mdframed.sty)' 'tex(sourcesanspro.sty)' 'tex(ly1enc.def)' 'tex(sourcecodepro.sty)' 'tex(titling.sty)' 'tex(csquotes.sty)' 'tex(zref-abspage.sty)' 'tex(needspace.sty)'

Generate API guide

This process is optional. If you choose not to generate the API HTML files, you can opt out of downloading these dependencies, and the process will automatically skip the generation.

Download dependencies

dnf install graphviz doxygen


cd /usr/local
git clone
cd pgmoneta
mkdir build
cd build
make install

This will install pgmoneta in the /usr/local hierarchy with the debug profile.

Check version

You can navigate to build/src and execute ./pgmoneta -? to make the call. Alternatively, you can install it into /usr/local/ and call it directly using:

pgmoneta -?

If you see an error saying error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object running the above command. you may need to locate where your is. It could be in /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64 depending on your environment. Add the corresponding directory into /etc/

To enable these directories, you would typically add the following lines in your /etc/ file:


Remember to run ldconfig to make the change effective.

Setup pgmoneta

Let's give it a try. The basic idea here is that we will use two users: one is postgres, which will run PostgreSQL, and one is pgmoneta, which will run pgmoneta to do backup of PostgreSQL.

In many installations, there is already an operating system user named postgres that is used to run the PostgreSQL server. You can use the command

getent passwd | grep postgres

to check if your OS has a user named postgres. If not use

useradd -ms /bin/bash postgres
passwd postgres

If the postgres user already exists, don't forget to set its password for convenience.

1. postgres

Open a new window, switch to the postgres user. This section will always operate within this user space.

sudo su -
su - postgres

Initialize cluster

If you use dnf to install your postgresql, chances are the binary file is in /usr/bin/

export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
initdb /tmp/pgsql

Remove default acess

Remove last lines from /tmp/pgsql/pg_hba.conf

host    all             all               trust
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust
host    replication     all               trust
host    replication     all             ::1/128                 trust

Add access for users and a database

Add new lines to /tmp/pgsql/pg_hba.conf

host    mydb             myuser            scram-sha-256
host    mydb             myuser          ::1/128                 scram-sha-256
host    postgres         repl              scram-sha-256
host    postgres         repl            ::1/128                 scram-sha-256
host    replication      repl              scram-sha-256
host    replication      repl            ::1/128                 scram-sha-256

Set password_encryption

Set password_encryption value in /tmp/pgsql/postgresql.conf to be scram-sha-256

password_encryption = scram-sha-256

For version 13, the default is md5, while for version 14 and above, it is scram-sha-256. Therefore, you should ensure that the value in /tmp/pgsql/postgresql.conf matches the value in /tmp/pgsql/pg_hba.conf.

Set replication level

Set wal_level value in /tmp/pgsql/postgresql.conf to be replica

wal_level = replica

Start PostgreSQL

pg_ctl  -D /tmp/pgsql/ start

Here, you may encounter issues such as the port being occupied or permission being denied. If you experience a failure, you can go to /tmp/pgsql/log to check the reason.

You can use


to test

Add users and a database

export PATH=/usr/pgsql-13/bin:$PATH
createuser -P myuser
createdb -E UTF8 -O myuser mydb


psql postgres

Add replication slot

Add the required replication slot

psql postgres
SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('repl', true, false);

Verify access

For the user myuser (standard) use mypass

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U myuser mydb

For the user repl (pgmoneta) use secretpassword

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U repl postgres

Add pgmoneta user

sudo su -
useradd -ms /bin/bash pgmoneta
passwd pgmoneta

2. pgmoneta

Open a new window, switch to the pgmoneta user. This section will always operate within this user space.

sudo su -
su - pgmoneta

Create base directory

mkdir backup

Create pgmoneta configuration

Add the master key

pgmoneta-admin master-key

You have to choose a password for the master key and it must be at least 8 characters - remember it!

then create vault

pgmoneta-admin -f pgmoneta_users.conf -U repl -P secretpassword add-user

Input the replication user and its password to grant pgmoneta access to the database. Ensure that the information is correct.

Create the pgmoneta.conf configuration file to use when running pgmoneta.

cat > pgmoneta.conf
host = *
metrics = 5001

base_dir = /home/pgmoneta/backup

compression = zstd

retention = 7

log_type = file
log_level = info
log_path = /tmp/pgmoneta.log

unix_socket_dir = /tmp/

host = localhost
port = 5432
user = repl
wal_slot = repl

In our main section called [pgmoneta] we setup pgmoneta to listen on all network addresses. We will enable Prometheus metrics on port 5001 and have the backups live in the /home/pgmoneta/backup directory. All backups are being compressed with zstd and kept for 7 days. Logging will be performed at info level and put in a file called /tmp/pgmoneta.log. Last we specify the location of the unix_socket_dir used for management operations.

Next we create a section called [primary] which has the information about our PostgreSQL instance. In this case it is running on localhost on port 5432 and we will use the repl user account to connect.

Finally, you should be able to obtain the version of pgmoneta. Cheers!

Start pgmoneta

pgmoneta -c pgmoneta.conf -u pgmoneta_users.conf

Create a backup

open a new terminal and log in with pgmoneta

pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf backup primary

View backup

pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf status details

Stop pgmoneta

pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf stop


Now that we've attempted our first backup, take a moment to relax. There are a few things we need to pay attention to:

  1. Since we initialized the database in /tmp, the data in this directory might be removed after you go offline, depending on your OS configuration. If you want to make it permanent, choose a different directory.

  2. Always use uncrustify to format your code when you make modifications.

Basic git guide

Here are some links that will help you

Start by forking the repository

This is done by the "Fork" button on GitHub.

Clone your repository locally

This is done by

git clone<username>/pgmoneta.git

Add upstream


cd pgmoneta
git remote add upstream

Do a work branch

git checkout -b mywork main

Make the changes

Remember to verify the compile and execution of the code


Remember to add your name to


in your first pull request

Multiple commits

If you have multiple commits on your branch then squash them

git rebase -i HEAD~2

for example. It is p for the first one, then s for the rest


Always rebase

git fetch upstream
git rebase -i upstream/main

Force push

When you are done with your changes force push your branch

git push -f origin mywork

and then create a pull requests for it


Based on feedback keep making changes, squashing, rebasing and force pushing


Normally you can reset to an earlier commit using git reset <commit hash> --hard. But if you accidentally squashed two or more commits, and you want to undo that, you need to know where to reset to, and the commit seems to have lost after you rebased.

But they are not actually lost - using git reflog, you can find every commit the HEAD pointer has ever pointed to. Find the commit you want to reset to, and do git reset --hard.