🎈 Thank you for using the linkerd project!
If you have a question about linkerd or have encountered problems using linkerd, you may file an issue or join us on Slack.
If you'd like to make a change to linkerd, you should do the following:
- Submit an issue describing your proposed change.
- We will respond to your issue promptly.
- If your proposed change is accepted, and you haven't already done
so, sign Buoyant's Contributor License Agreement. Before we
can accept your patches, our lawyers would like to be assured that:
- The code you're contributing is yours, and you have the right to license it.
- You're granting us a license to distribute said code under the terms of this agreement.
- Fork the linkerd repo, develop and test your code changes. See the project's README for further information about working in this repository.
- Submit a pull request against linkerd's
branch. - Your branch may be merged once all configured checks pass,
- 2 shipits via ReviewNinja. A shipit is typically indicated by placing a ⭐ or 👍 in the review.
- The branch has passed tests in CI.
Prior to submitting a pull request, please revise the commit history of your branch such that each commit is self-explanatory, even without the context of the pull request, and that it compiles & tests cleanly.
Typically, a pull request consists of a single commit. It may occasionally be preferable to submit a change with several commits, but each should be a complete change needed to complete a larger feature. Each commit should be documented appropriately.
Thank you for getting involved! :heart: Team Buoyant