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Finds the most ambiguous ("worst") four-letter combos in Wordle

Wordle 282 6/6



Worst combos, ordered by most short list solutions:

  • _IGHT (9 + 6 = 15): eight fight light might night right sight tight wight *aight *bight *dight *hight *kight *pight
  • _OUND (8 + 1 = 9): bound found hound mound pound round sound wound *lound
  • _ATCH (7 + 3 = 10): batch catch hatch latch match patch watch *gatch *natch *ratch
  • _OWER (7 + 3 = 10): cower lower mower power rower sower tower *bower *dower *vower
  • SHA_E (7): shade shake shale shame shape share shave
  • _AUNT (6 + 2 = 8): daunt gaunt haunt jaunt taunt vaunt *naunt *saunt
  • _ILLY (6 + 2 = 8): billy dilly filly hilly silly willy *gilly *tilly
  • STA_E (6 + 2 = 8): stage stake stale stare state stave *stade *stane
  • _ATTY (6 + 1 = 7): batty catty fatty patty ratty tatty *natty
  • GRA_E (6 + 1 = 7): grace grade grape grate grave graze *grame
  • S_ORE (6 + 1 = 7): score shore snore spore store swore *smore
  • _ASTE (6): baste caste haste paste taste waste
  • more...

More lists:

  • shortlist-focus.txt (beginning shown above) — Worst combos ordered by most short list solutions
  • longlist-focus.txt — Worst combos ordered by most most allowed guesses from long list (excludes words without a shortlist solution)
  • full-list.txt — For completeness sake. Includes combos with only long-list answers but no valid short list answer.