Remove the OS feature
dism.exe /online /remove-capability /CapabilityName:OpenSSH.Client~~~~
Download the latest version of OpenSSH for windows from here.
Extract the zip to the root of the C drive (for convenience)
$archive = "${home}\downloads\OpenSSH-Win64.zip" Expand-Archive -Path $archive -DestinationPath 'c:\'
Set the permissions appropriately
$ssh_path = "C:\OpenSSH-Win64" $acl = Get-Acl $ssh_path # Configure the owner $owner = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Security.Principal.NTAccount ` -ArgumentList @("Builtin","Administrators") $acl.SetOwner($owner) # Give Builtin Administrators and SYSTEM full control $rules = @{ "BUILTIN\Administrators" = @{ "Rights" = @("FullControl") "Inheritance" = @("ContainerInherit","ObjectInherit") "Propagation" = @("None") "Type" = "Allow" }; "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" = @{ "Rights" = @("FullControl") "Inheritance" = @("ContainerInherit","ObjectInherit") "Propagation" = @("None") "Type" = "Allow" } "BUILTIN\Users" = @{ "Rights" = @("ReadAndExecute", "Synchronize") "Inheritance" = @("ContainerInherit","ObjectInherit") "Propagation" = @("None") "Type" = "Allow" } "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users" = @{ "Rights" = @("ReadAndExecute", "Synchronize") "Inheritance" = @("ContainerInherit","ObjectInherit") "Propagation" = @("None") "Type" = "Allow" } } foreach($r in $rules.GetEnumerator()) { $name = $r.Key $data = $r.Value $args = @( $name, $data.Rights, $data.Inheritance $data.Propagation $data.Type ) $rule = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ` -ArgumentList $args $acl.SetAccessRule($rule) } # Disable inheritance without preserving rules $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $False) Set-Acl -Path $ssh_path -AclObject $acl
Add the new location to the system path.
$new_path = $ssh_path $target = [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine $current_path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable( "Path", $target) $new_pattern = [regex]::Escape($new_path) if ($current_path -notmatch $new_pattern) { Write-Host "Adding '${new_path}' to User Path" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable( "Path", "${current_path};${new_path}", $target) }
Finally, install the services
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File $ssh_path\install-sshd.ps1