- Head to the release page and download the latest official release .zip
- Extract the .zip anywhere and run slipdotpy.exe
- [Optional] You may wish to create a shortcut to slipdotpy.exe for easier access
- Download and extract the ZIP file containing the latest version of slip.py.
- Install Python 3.8 from the official website:
- Make sure you install pip when prompted under "Optional Features"
- You may skip this step if Python is already installed
- Double-click "_install-win.bat"
- If the installation is successful, a "slip.py" Desktop shortcut will be created
- Double-click "slip.py" to launch the Slip.py Browser
Download and extract the ZIP file containing the latest version of slip.py.
Install Python 3.8 using your package manager (Pip should be included)
- While Python 3.8 is recommended, Python 3.6 and up should work fine
Make and install slippc
Create a symlink to the slippc binary in your /home/$USER/bin directory (or anywhere else in your
) using:ln -s </path/to/slippc> ~/bin/slippc
Navigate to the directory of this install file in a terminal and run the command:
pip install --user .
If the installation is successful, slip.py will be installed to ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/slipdotpy/slip.py
Run slip.py to launch the Flask desktop application
Alternately, run slip-server.py in a terminal to launch the Flask web application
[Optional] You may wish to create a symlink to slip.py and/or slip-server.py for easier access