Xcompact3d sources can be acquired by cloning the git repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/xcompact3d/Incompact3d
If you are behind a firewall, you may need to use the https
protocol instead of the git
$ git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git@
Be sure to also configure your system to use the appropriate proxy settings,
e.g. by setting the https_proxy
and http_proxy
cmake version 3.20 and above
a recent modern Fortran compiler (ie, gfortran 9 and above
The build system for Xcompact3d is based on CMake. It is good practice to directly point to the MPI Fortran wrapper that you would like to use to guarantee consistency between Fortran compiler and MPI. This can be done by setting the default Fortran environmental variable
$ export FC=my_mpif90
To generate the build system run
$ cmake -S $path_to_sources -B $path_to_build_directory -DOPTION1 -DOPTION2 ...
for example
$ cmake -S . -B build
By defult the build system will also download 2DECOMP&FFT
and perform the build install using the
Generic FFT backend. Version 2.0.3 is the default for Xcompact3d building
and all tests are performed against this specific version.
If the directory does not exist it will be generated and it will contain the configuration files.
The configuration can be further
edited by using the ccmake
utility as
$ ccmake $path_to_build_directory
To compile the sources
$ cmake --build $path_to_build_directory -j <nproc>
appending -v
will display additional information about the build, such as compiler flags.
After building the library can be tested. Please see the section Testing for the available options. Finally the code can be installed using
$ cmake --install $path_to_build_directory
By default the installation directory is located under
$ $path_to_build_directory/opt
and it will cointain:
- The bin directory with the execulables xcompact3d for the main execution of the code;
- The example directory with some examples of input .i3d files.
To change the default location the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
can be modified using
$ cmake --build $path_to_build_directory -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$path_to_my_opt
or via the ccmake
The testing suite for the xcompact3d solver is composed by 14 tests as follows
- Atmospheric Boundary layer (ABL) in neutral conditions (new set-up)
- Atmospheric Boundary layer (ABL) in neutral conditions (old set-up)
- Atmospheric Boundary layer (ABL) in convective conditions (old set-up)
- Atmospheric Boundary layer (ABL) in stable conditions (old set-up)
- Differentially heated cavity
- Turbulent Channel Flow with X as streamwise direction
- Turbulent Channel Flow with Z as streamwise direction
- Flow around a circular cylinder
- Flow around a moving circular cylinder
- Lock exchange
- Mixing Layer
- Turbulent Boundary Layer (TBL)
- Wind Turbine
- Taylor Green Vortex (TGV)
By default only the Taylor Green Vortex case is activated, while the full
testing suite needs to be enable by using the BUILD_TESTING_FULL
flag as
$ cmake --build $path_to_build_directory -DBUILD_TESTING_FULL=ON
or by using ccmake
The tests are performed using CTest
$ ctest --test-dir $path_to_build_directory
Every test is performed in a dedicated working directory that is located under the following path
$ /path/to/build/RunTests
All standard outputs from all test runs are collated under the file
$ /path/to/build/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log
together with additional files detailing additional informations such as the elapse time for the different tests and the eventual failed cases.
If different options from the default (i.e. Generic FFT backend and double precision) are necessary, 2DECOMP&FFT needs to be pre-installed as described here. Alternative available options are:
- FFTW or MKL for the FFT backend engine;
- ADIOS2 instead of MPI-IO for the IO operations;
- SINGLE precision for the build.
2DECOMP&FFT installation provides CMake configuration file that can be used to find the installation directory.
To allow the find_package
of CMake
to work the following variable needs to be set as
$ export decomp2d_DIR=/path/to/2decomp/install/opt/lib/decomp2d
Depending on the system lib can be lib64.
Some of the alternative options for FFT and IO backends required additional input.
- For MKL FFT the location of the MKL libraires needs to be passed to the configure as for the 2DECOMP&FFT installation with
$ export MKL_DIR=${MKLROOT}/lib/cmake/mkl
- For ADIOS the installation directory needs to be passes to the configure as
$ cmake -S . -B ./build -DIO_BACKEND=adios2 -Dadios2_DIR=/path/to/adios2/install/lib/cmake/adios2
Both steps are necessary for correct linking of the target xcompact3d with the libraries
The tests performed under CTest
rely on the CMake
ability to properly find the MPI executable mpirun.
The build system will try to enforce consistency between the MPI Fortran used and the MPI executable,
for the first iteration of the configure step.
In case no MPI executable is not found or correct please modify manually the MPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE
by using
$ cmake -S . -B build -DMPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE=/correct/path/to/mpirun
or by using
$ ccmake $path_to_build_directory