API Command: get_checkout_details
The get_checkout_details API is a generic API using which they can get information when you create the custom checkout-pages, that will contain the payment options, offers, recommendations, and downtime details. The API provides the following details:
Payment option details: The extended details for each payment option available for the merchant. Additional charges: The additional charges configured for all payment options. eligibility details Downtime details: The downtime status of the payment options.
-Test https://test.payu.in/merchant/postservice.php?form=2 -Production https://info.payu.in/merchant/postservice.php?form=2
Request Header
Content-Type multipart/form-data
PayuClient payuClient = PayuClient.init("Key", "salt"); String HashForcheckoutDtls = checkoutDtls.generateHashForcheckoutDtls(); CheckoutDetails checkoutdtl = new CheckoutDetails(); checkoutdtl.key = "key"; checkoutdtl.environment = "Test"; checkoutdtl.var1 = json; checkoutdtl.hash = HashForcheckoutDtls; String response5 = checkoutdtl.Get_Checkout_Details();
Argument | Data Type | Description |
txnID | json |
The request is in a JSON format as described in the JSON Format section and JSON Fields Description. |