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File metadata and controls

364 lines (307 loc) · 13.8 KB


Getting estimates

You can list estimates by making a GET request to:

  • /api/estimates for a list of all the estimates
  • /api/estimates?where=client_id=[CLIENT_ID] for a list of estimates for a specific client
  • /api/estimates?where=status=paid for a list of paid estimates
  • /api/estimates?where=status in ("draft","void") for a list of all draft and void estimates
  • /api/estimates?where=total>100 for a list of all estimates with a total greater than 100

The list above is not exhausted. You can combine multiple conditions as in:

  • /api/estimates?where=client_id=[CLIENT_ID] and status=draft for a list of draft estimates for a specific client

Example of response:

		"id": 1498,
		"client_id": 10874,
		"template_id": null,
		"number": "#EST-20130729-7",
		"status": "draft",
		"currency": "USD",
		"bill_to": "AT&T Inc.\n809 Nueces Bay Blvd,\nDallas, Texas 78469\nUS",
		"company_info": "Dunder Mifflin\nAcademy St\nScranton, PA 18504\\n+015641789891",
		"footer": "",
		"date": "2013-07-29",
		"subtotal": 9150,
		"total": 9424.5,
		"tax": 3,
		"tax2": 0,
		"tax_amount": 274.5,
		"tax2_amount": 0,
		"tax_on_tax": true,
		"tax_text": "V.A.T.",
		"tax2_text": "Tax2",
		"title": "INVOICE",
		"language": "",
		"invoice_id": null,
		"notes": "",
		"created_on": "2013-07-29T13:35:56Z",
		"updated_on": "2014-11-19T15:40:12Z",
		"download_token": "Ey5kC8A/GYbD8nu47EOzQJY1TbKGU7kAPcwkc9dU64z1Bsmbvyjlb4F7XNzPesEitpqXywBBNSSEWPApkl3BVw==",
		"permalink": ""
		"id": 1500,
        "client_id": 10875,
        "template_id": null,
        "number": "#EST-20130729-9",
        "status": "sent",
        "currency": "USD",
        "bill_to": "Best Buy Co., Inc.\n7601 Penn Ave S\nRichfield, Minnesota 55423\nUS",
        "company_info": "Dunder Mifflin\nAcademy St\nScranton, PA 18504\\n+015641789891\nTest Fiscal information",
        "footer": "Thank you for your business. Created using the time tracking and invoicing application.",
        "date": "2014-10-29",
        "subtotal": 8540,
        "total": 9394,
        "tax": 10,
        "tax2": 0,
        "tax_amount": 854,
        "tax2_amount": 0,
        "tax_on_tax": true,
        "tax_text": "Tax",
        "tax2_text": "",
        "title": "INVOICE",
        "language": "",
        "invoice_id": null,
        "notes": "",
        "created_on": "2013-07-29T13:39:15Z",
        "updated_on": "2014-11-11T15:00:22Z",
        "download_token": "BMlgSkT04qd7WMAH+YGI6ux/qLiZVeKxfv3psBWvZWkIOBpBHgDZuozxpbI1x+DCEoNVw6jWPojGXInHuiZfrA==",
        "permalink": ""

You can also include related content when listing estimates.

Getting an estimate

To get the estimate info, make a GET request to:

  • /api/estimates/[ESTIMATE_ID] will return just the estimate subtotals/totals/tax amounts, not the estimate items
  • /api/estimates/[ESTIMATE_ID]?include=estimateitems will include estimate items (lines) information

Example response:

  "estimates": [
      "id": 1500,
      "client_id": 10875,
      "template_id": null,
      "number": "#EST-20130729-9",
      "status": "sent",
      "currency": "USD",
      "bill_to": "Best Buy Co., Inc.\n7601 Penn Ave S\nRichfield, Minnesota 55423\nUS",
      "company_info": "Dunder Mifflin\nAcademy St\nScranton, PA 18504\\n+015641789891\nTest Fiscal information",
      "footer": "Thank you for your business. Created using the time tracking and invoicing application.",
      "date": "2014-10-29",
      "subtotal": 8540,
      "total": 9394,
      "tax": 10,
      "tax2": 0,
      "tax_amount": 854,
      "tax2_amount": 0,
      "tax_on_tax": true,
      "tax_text": "Tax",
      "tax2_text": "",
      "title": "INVOICE",
      "language": "",
      "invoice_id": null,
      "notes": "",
      "created_on": "2013-07-29T13:39:15Z",
      "updated_on": "2014-11-11T15:00:22Z",
      "download_token": "InMy585L20aoz9IMz5frWhJ0mJOCTae1zQIzHkdGK4VDlZWMHLkTRpK8aStBxMxLbV/WlgCxLgk8Kjemll7Ujw==",
      "permalink": "",
      "estimateitems": [
          "id": 5277,
          "estimate_id": 1500,
          "item": "Logo",
          "description": "research, creation",
          "price_unit": 40,
          "quantity": 20,
          "apply_tax": true,
          "seq": null,
          "created_on": "2013-07-29T13:39:15Z",
          "updated_on": "2014-07-23T14:22:05Z"
          "id": 5278,
          "estimate_id": 1500,
          "item": "Header",
          "description": "research, creation, focus group",
          "price_unit": 30,
          "quantity": 18,
          "apply_tax": true,
          "seq": 1,
          "created_on": "2013-07-29T13:39:16Z",
          "updated_on": "2014-07-23T14:22:05Z"
          "id": 5279,
          "estimate_id": 1500,
          "item": "Mobile version",
          "description": "coding, design etc",
          "price_unit": 30,
          "quantity": 240,
          "apply_tax": true,
          "seq": 2,
          "created_on": "2013-07-29T13:39:16Z",
          "updated_on": "2014-07-23T14:22:05Z"

You can also include related content when getting an estimate.

Creating an estimate

To create an estimate, make a POST request to:

  • /api/estimates

with the request body containing the new estimate info including the estimate items (lines), as in the example below:

   "company_info":"Company Info\nMore info",
   "bill_to":"Billing Info\nMore info",
		 "item":"Item 1",
		 "description":"Description & specs for item 1",
		 "item":"Item 2",
		 "description":"Description\nFor Item 2",

If successful, the response will return 201 Created. The response header Location will contain a link for the new estimate. The response body will contain the new estimate info as in the Getting an estimate section.

Required fields

When creating an estimate: client_id, currency. For a complete description of all estimate fields, see estimate object.

Estimate items

Estimate items are defined in items property of the request object. It is an array of objects, each one having the following keys:

  • item represents the name of the estimate item
  • description (optional) more details about the item
  • price_unit (decimal) price per unit (the currency is the same as that of the estimate)
  • quantity (decimal) item quantity
  • apply_tax (boolean) (optional) whether or not to apply tax to this item (usually tax does not apply for expenses)
  • seq (int) (optional) specifies the position of this estimate item among the items list

Estimate number

When creating an estimate, if you don't provide an estimate number, Paymo will automatically create one using the number format and next estimate number from Company Settings (estimate_format and next_estimate_number attributes of the company object).

If you provide your custom number, this number will be checked against existing estimate number. In case there is already an estimate with the provided number, the creation of the new estimate will fail. After each new estimate is created (either the estimate number is automatically assigned or custom defined) the value of next_estimate_number will be incremented.

Updating an estimate

To update an existing estimate, make a POST or PUT request to:

  • /api/estimates/[ESTIMATE_ID]

with the request body containing the updated info. You can send only the changed fields.

Example of request body if you want to change the estimate footer and 'bill to' info:

    "footer": "Thank you for your business",
    "bill_to": "Acme, Inc.\nSan Jose, CA"

The response will return 200 OK and will contain the updated estimate info as in the Getting an estimate section.

Changing estimate status

An estimate can be in one of the following states: draft, sent, viewed, accepted, invoiced and void. Estimate status will change automatically in some situations:

  • When a new estimate is created, it will be draft.
  • An estimate sent to a client by email from the Paymo app will be automatically changed to sent.
  • When a client opens an estimate with the sent status, if will change to viewed.
  • An estimate accepted by the client from the estimate permalink page will change status to accepted.
  • After an invoice was created from the estimate, the status will change to invoiced.

You can also change the status manually, by making an update request with the new status.

For example, to change the estimate status to void, make an update request with the following body:

    "status": "void"

Deleting an estimate

To delete an estimate, make a DELETE request to:

  • /api/estimates/[ESTIMATE_ID]

If successful, the response will have a 200 OK status code.

The estimate object

An estimate object has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id integer (read-only) Unique estimate identifier
number text Estimate number (should be unique throughout all estimates). For keeping a continuous sequence of estimate numbers, Paymo application uses estimate_format and next_estimate_number values from company settings.
client_id integer Id of the client
template_id integer Estimate template id used to display the estimate. See estimate templates for more info.
status text Estimate status. Can be one of the following: draft, sent, viewed, accepted, invoiced or void
currency text Estimate currency code. See the list of currencies.
date date Estimate issue date
subtotal decimal (read-only) Estimate subtotal (not including the taxes)
total decimal (read-only) Estimate total (including taxes)
tax decimal Tax (percentage)
tax_amount decimal (read-only) Tax amount
tax2 decimal (optional) 2nd tax (percentage)
tax2_amount decimal (read-only) 2nd tax amount
tax_on_tax boolean If true and tax2 is set, the 2nd tax is applied to estimate subtotal + 1st tax amount, otherwise the 2nd tax is applied to estimate subtotal
language text (deprecated) Estimate language (Use estimate templates instead)
bill_to text Text block with customer information as it appears on estimate
company_info text Text block with provider information as it appears on estimate
footer text Text block for footer area of the estimate
notes text Text block for "internal" notes area (not shown on the estimate)
tax_text text Tax text label (name)
tax2_text text 2nd tax text label (name)
title text Editable estimate title
brief_description text Text block for notes/description area (above/below the estimate items based on template)
discount decimal Discount (percentage)
discount_amount decimal (read-only) Discount amount
discount_text text Discount text label (name)
invoice_id integer (optional) Id of the invoice that was created from this estimate
permalink text (read-only) A link for viewing the estimate that can be accessed by anyone with the link (usually the permalink is sent to clients)
pdf_link text (read-only) Same as above, but in pdf format
created_on datetime (read-only) Date and time when the estimate was created
updated_on datetime (read-only) Date and time when the estimate was last updated

The estimate item (line) object

An estimate item is part of an estimate and has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id integer (read-only) Unique estimate item identifier
item text Item name
description text Item description
price_unit decimal Price per unit
quantity decimal Item quantity
apply_tax boolean If true this estimate item is used to compute the tax amount for the estimate
seq integer Position (order) of estimate item in the list of all items from the estimate
created_on datetime (read-only) Date and time when the estimate item was created
updated_on datetime (read-only) Date and time when the estimate item was last updated

Dependent objects

The following object types can be used in includes for the estimate object:

Object type Include key Relationship
Client client parent
Invoice invoice parent
Estimate Item estimateitems child
Estimate Template estimatetemplate parent

For the estimate item object, the following includes are available:

Object type Include key Relationship
Estimate estimate parent