This is a work in progress project to get a Sporth editor implemented as an effects processor for LMMS. At the moment, it has only been tested to work on Linux.
Sporth has some additional features to better integrate with LMMS:
- 4 parametric knobs that map to p-registers 0-3 in the range 0-1
- A compile switch that allows automation of recompilation of code
- variables "inL" and "inR" for left and right input signals.
- variable "bpm" to get project BPM
- "in" ugen overloaded to get the left input signal
LMMS-Sporth uses CMake for compilation. You will need to have installed LMMS beforehand.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../
To install, simply copy the generated plugin into the LMMS plugin path, which on linux is typically /usr/local/lib/lmms:
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/lmms
When you start up LMMS, you should hopefully see an effect called "Sporth".