This SDK uses semantic versioning and follows Okta's library version policy. In short, we do not make breaking changes unless the major version changes!
Version 4.0.0 of this SDK introduces a number of breaking changes from previous versions. In addition to many new classes/interfaces, some existing classes/interfaces are no longer backward compatible due to method renaming and signature changes.
Below methods have undergone a signature change.
User createUser(User user, Boolean active, Boolean provider, UserNextLogin nextLogin)
signature changed toUser createUser(CreateUserRequest createUserRequest, Boolean active, Boolean provider, UserNextLogin nextLogin)
User createUser(User user)
signature changed toUser createUser(CreateUserRequest createUserRequest)
- First argument type changed from
- First argument type changed from
Below methods have been added.
UserSchema updateApplicationUserProfile(String appInstanceId, UserSchema userSchema)
UserSchema updateApplicationUserProfile(String appInstanceId)
UserSchema updateUserProfile(String schemaId, UserSchema userSchema)
Below method has been removed.
ForgotPasswordResponse apiV1UsersUserIdCredentialsForgotPasswordPost(String userId)
One of below listed methods could be used instead:
User.forgotPasswordGenerateOneTimeToken(Boolean sendEmail)
User.forgotPasswordSetNewPassword(UserCredentials userCredentials, Boolean sendEmail)
User.forgotPasswordSetNewPassword(UserCredentials userCredentials)
Class com.okta.sdk.resource.user.UserType
moved to com.okta.sdk.resource.user.type.UserType
Class com.okta.sdk.resource.user.UserTypeList
moved to com.okta.sdk.resource.user.type.UserTypeList
Below methods have been added.
JsonWebKey setAlg(String alg)
JsonWebKey setCreated(Date created)
JsonWebKey setE(String e)
JsonWebKey setExpiresAt(Date expiresAt)
JsonWebKey setKeyOps(List<String> keyOps)
JsonWebKey setKid(String kid)
JsonWebKey setKty(String kty)
JsonWebKey setLastUpdated(Date lastUpdated)
JsonWebKey setN(String n)
JsonWebKey setStatus(String status)
JsonWebKey setUse(String use)
JsonWebKey setX5t(String x5t)
JsonWebKey setX5tS256(String x5tS256)
JsonWebKey setX5u(String x5u)
The interface has been renamed in the interest of naming consistency.
- From
Below method has been added.
OIDCApplicationBuilder setJwks(List<JsonWebKey> jsonWebKeyList)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
List<String> getDefaultScope()
OpenIdConnectApplicationIdpInitiatedLogin setDefaultScope(List<String> defaultScope)
String getMode()
OpenIdConnectApplicationIdpInitiatedLogin setMode(String mode)
Below methods have been added.
OpenIdConnectApplicationIdpInitiatedLogin getIdpInitiatedLogin()
OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClient setIdpInitiatedLogin(OpenIdConnectApplicationIdpInitiatedLogin idpInitiatedLogin)
Below methods have been added.
SingleLogout getSlo()
SpCertificate getSpCertificate()
SamlApplicationSettingsSignOn setSlo(SingleLogout slo)
SamlApplicationSettingsSignOn setSpCertificate(SpCertificate spCertificate)
The Interface com.okta.sdk.resource.application.SamlApplicationV1
has been removed.
The Interface com.okta.sdk.resource.application.SamlApplication
should be used instead.
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
Boolean getEnabled()
String getIssuer()
String getLogoutUrl()
SingleLogout setEnabled(Boolean enabled)
SingleLogout setIssuer(String issuer)
SingleLogout setLogoutUrl(String logoutUrl)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
List<String> getX5c()
SpCertificate setX5c(List<String> x5c)
Below method has been renamed in the interest of naming consistency.
- Renamed
Below method has undergone a signature change.
void deletePolicyRule(String ruleId)
signature changed tovoid deletePolicyRule(String authServerId, String ruleId)
Below method has undergone a signature change and renamed in the interest of naming consistency.
AuthorizationServerPolicy updatePolicy(String authServerId, AuthorizationServerPolicy authServerPolicy)
changed toAuthorizationServerPolicy update(String authServerId)
Below method has been renamed in the interest of naming consistency.
- Renamed
Below methods have been added.
String getMethod()
InlineHookChannelConfig setMethod(String method)
Below methods have been removed.
String getName()
should be used instead
LinkedObject setName(String name)
should be used instead
Enum LogCredentialProvider
has the below new field definition:
Interface com.okta.sdk.resource.policy.MDMFrameworks
moved to com.okta.sdk.resource.policy.DevicePolicyRuleConditionPlatform$SupportedMDMFrameworksEnum
Interface com.okta.sdk.resource.policy.Platforms
moved to com.okta.sdk.resource.policy.DevicePolicyRuleConditionPlatform$TypesEnum
Below method has been added
PushUserFactor setExpiresAt(Date expiresAt)
Below method has been renamed in the interest of naming consistency.
- Renamed
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
String getCreated()
UserSchemaDefinitions getDefinitions()
String getId()
String getLastUpdated()
Map getLinks()
String getName()
Map getProperties()
String getSchema()
String getTitle()
String getType()
UserSchema setDefinitions(UserSchemaDefinitions definitions)
UserSchema setTitle(String title)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
String getDescription()
UserSchemaAttributeMaster getMaster()
Integer getMaxLength()
Integer getMinLength()
String getMutability()
List getPermissions()
Boolean getRequired()
String getScope()
String getTitle()
String getType()
UserSchemaAttribute setDescription(String description)
UserSchemaAttribute setMaster(UserSchemaAttributeMaster master)
UserSchemaAttribute setMaxLength(Integer maxLength)
UserSchemaAttribute setMinLength(Integer minLength)
UserSchemaAttribute setMutability(String mutability)
UserSchemaAttribute setPermissions(List permissions)
UserSchemaAttribute setRequired(Boolean required)
UserSchemaAttribute setScope(String scope)
UserSchemaAttribute setTitle(String title)
UserSchemaAttribute setType(String type)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
String getType()
UserSchemaAttributeMaster setType(String type)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
String getAction()
String getPrincipal()
UserSchemaAttributePermission setAction(String action)
UserSchemaAttributePermission setPrincipal(String principal)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
String getId()
UserSchemaBaseProperties getProperties()
List<String> getRequired()
String getType()
UserSchemaBase setProperties(UserSchemaBaseProperties properties)
UserSchemaBase setRequired(List<String> required)
UserSchemaBase setType(String type)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
UserSchemaAttribute getCity()
UserSchemaAttribute getCostCenter()
UserSchemaAttribute getCountryCode()
UserSchemaAttribute getDepartment()
UserSchemaAttribute getDisplayName()
UserSchemaAttribute getDivision()
UserSchemaAttribute getEmail()
UserSchemaAttribute getEmployeeNumber()
UserSchemaAttribute getFirstName()
UserSchemaAttribute getHonorificPrefix()
UserSchemaAttribute getHonorificSuffix()
UserSchemaAttribute getLastName()
UserSchemaAttribute getLocale()
UserSchemaAttribute getLogin()
UserSchemaAttribute getManager()
UserSchemaAttribute getManagerId()
UserSchemaAttribute getMiddleName()
UserSchemaAttribute getMobilePhone()
UserSchemaAttribute getNickName()
UserSchemaAttribute getOrganization()
UserSchemaAttribute getPostalAddress()
UserSchemaAttribute getPreferredLanguage()
UserSchemaAttribute getPrimaryPhone()
UserSchemaAttribute getProfileUrl()
UserSchemaAttribute getSecondEmail()
UserSchemaAttribute getState()
UserSchemaAttribute getStreetAddress()
UserSchemaAttribute getTimezone()
UserSchemaAttribute getTitle()
UserSchemaAttribute getUserType()
UserSchemaAttribute getZipCode()
UserSchemaBaseProperties setCity(UserSchemaAttribute city)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setCostCenter(UserSchemaAttribute costCenter)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setCountryCode(UserSchemaAttribute countryCode)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setDepartment(UserSchemaAttribute department)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setDisplayName(UserSchemaAttribute displayName)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setDivision(UserSchemaAttribute division)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setEmail(UserSchemaAttribute email)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setEmployeeNumber(UserSchemaAttribute employeeNumber)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setFirstName(UserSchemaAttribute firstName)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setHonorificPrefix(UserSchemaAttribute honorificPrefix)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setHonorificSuffix(UserSchemaAttribute honorificSuffix)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setLastName(UserSchemaAttribute lastName)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setLocale(UserSchemaAttribute locale)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setLogin(UserSchemaAttribute login)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setManager(UserSchemaAttribute manager)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setManagerId(UserSchemaAttribute managerId)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setMiddleName(UserSchemaAttribute middleName)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setMobilePhone(UserSchemaAttribute mobilePhone)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setNickName(UserSchemaAttribute nickName)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setOrganization(UserSchemaAttribute organization)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setPostalAddress(UserSchemaAttribute postalAddress)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setPreferredLanguage(UserSchemaAttribute preferredLanguage)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setPrimaryPhone(UserSchemaAttribute primaryPhone)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setProfileUrl(UserSchemaAttribute profileUrl)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setSecondEmail(UserSchemaAttribute secondEmail)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setState(UserSchemaAttribute state)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setStreetAddress(UserSchemaAttribute streetAddress)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setTimezone(UserSchemaAttribute timezone)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setTitle(UserSchemaAttribute title)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setUserType(UserSchemaAttribute userType)
UserSchemaBaseProperties setZipCode(UserSchemaAttribute zipCode)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
UserSchemaBase getBase()
UserSchemaPublic getCustom()
UserSchemaDefinitions setBase(UserSchemaBase base)
UserSchemaDefinitions setCustom(UserSchemaPublic custom)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
String getId()
Map<String, Object> getProperties()
List<String> getRequired()
String getType()
UserSchemaPublic setProperties(Map<String, Object> properties)
UserSchemaPublic setRequired(List<String> required)
UserSchemaPublic setType(String type)
Below method has undergone a signature change in the interest of naming consistency.
void addAllAppsAsTargetToRole()
tovoid addAllAppsAsTarget(String roleId)
void deleteFactor()
tovoid deleteFactor(String factorId)
Below methods have been added.
ForgotPasswordResponse forgotPasswordGenerateOneTimeToken(Boolean sendEmail)
ForgotPasswordResponse forgotPasswordGenerateOneTimeToken()
ForgotPasswordResponse forgotPasswordSetNewPassword(UserCredentials userCredentials, Boolean sendEmail)
ForgotPasswordResponse forgotPasswordSetNewPassword(UserCredentials userCredentials)
Below method has undergone a signature change.
UserBuilder setProvider(Boolean provider)
signature changed toUserBuilder setProvider(AuthenticationProvider provider)
Version 3.0.0 of this SDK introduces a number of breaking changes from previous versions. In addition to many new classes/interfaces, some existing classes/interfaces are no longer backward compatible due to method renaming and signature changes.
Custom HOTP Factor is supported now. Define a separate Policy model for Authorization Servers. Define a separate Policy Rule model for Authorization Servers. SAML Multiple ACS URLs is supported now.
Below method has been added.
void deleteIdentityProviderKey(String keyId)
Below methods have undergone a signature change.
listGroups(String groupName, String filter)
signature changed tolistGroups(String groupName, String filter, String expand)
- New param
has been added. It isoptional
and would need to be specified only while using search queries.
- New param
listPolicies(String type)
return type changed fromcom.okta.sdk.resource.policy.PolicyList
The method ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(String privateKey)
has been overloaded.
- The method
ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(String privateKey)
could be used to set a path to private key PEM file. - Also, the method
ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(String privateKey)
could be used to set full PEM payload. - The method
ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(Path privateKeyPath)
allows setting a path to private key PEM file. - The method
ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(InputStream privateKeyStream)
allows setting an InputStream with private key PEM file content. - The method
ClientBuilder setPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey)
allows setting the privateKey instance.
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
Integer getIndex()
AcsEndpoint setIndex(Integer index)
String getUrl()
AcsEndpoint setUrl(String url)
- Added
ApplicationGroupAssignment createApplicationGroupAssignment(String groupId)
method.- This method allows assigning a group to an Application.
Below methods have been added.
OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsRefreshToken getRefreshToken()
OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsRefreshToken setRefreshToken(OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsRefreshToken refreshToken)
OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClientKeys getJwks()
OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClient setJwks(OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClientKeys jwks)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
JsonWebKeyList getKeys()
OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClientKeys setKeys(JsonWebKeyList keys)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
Integer getLeeway()
OpenIdConnectRefreshTokenRotationType getRotationType()
OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsRefreshToken setLeeway(Integer leeway)
OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsRefreshToken setRotationType(OpenIdConnectRefreshTokenRotationType rotationType)
With the introduction of enum type OpenIdConnectRefreshTokenRotationType
operations getRotationType()
and setRotationType(OpenIdConnectRefreshTokenRotationType rotationType)
will use this new enum type.
Enum OpenIdConnectRefreshTokenRotationType
has the below fields defined:
Below methods have been added.
List getAcsEndpoints()
Boolean getAllowMultipleAcsEndpoints()
SamlApplicationSettingsSignOn setAcsEndpoints(List<AcsEndpoint> acsEndpoints)
SamlApplicationSettingsSignOn setAllowMultipleAcsEndpoints(Boolean allowMultipleAcsEndpoints)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
SamlApplicationSettings getSettings()
SamlApplicationV1 setSettings(SamlApplicationSettings settings)
Below methods have been added.
String getFilterType()
String getFilterValue()
SamlAttributeStatement setFilterType(String filterType)
SamlAttributeStatement setFilterValue(String filterValue)
Below methods have undergone a signature change.
createPolicy(com.okta.sdk.resource.policy.Policy policy)
signature changed tocreatePolicy(com.okta.sdk.resource.authorization.server.AuthorizationServerPolicy policy)
, return value type changed fromcom.okta.sdk.resource.policy.Policy
getPolicy(String policyId)
return type changed fromcom.okta.sdk.resource.policy.Policy
return type changed fromcom.okta.sdk.resource.policy.PolicyList
updatePolicy(String policyId, com.okta.sdk.resource.policy.Policy policy)
signature changed toupdatePolicy(String policyId, com.okta.sdk.resource.authorization.server.AuthorizationServerPolicy policy)
, return value type changed fromcom.okta.sdk.resource.policy.Policy
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule createPolicyRule(String authServerId, AuthorizationServerPolicyRule policyRule)
void deletePolicy(String policyId)
PolicyRuleConditions getConditions()
Date getCreated()
String getDescription()
Map<String, Object> getEmbedded()
String getId()
Date getLastUpdated()
Map<String, Object> getLinks()
String getName()
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule getPolicyRule(String authServerId, String ruleId)
Integer getPriority()
StatusEnum getStatus()
Boolean getSystem()
PolicyType getType()
AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleList listPolicyRules(String authServerId)
AuthorizationServerPolicy setConditions(PolicyRuleConditions conditions)
AuthorizationServerPolicy setDescription(String description)
AuthorizationServerPolicy setName(String name)
AuthorizationServerPolicy setPriority(Integer priority)
AuthorizationServerPolicy setStatus(StatusEnum status)
AuthorizationServerPolicy setSystem(Boolean system)
AuthorizationServerPolicy setType(PolicyType type)
AuthorizationServerPolicy updatePolicy(String policyId, AuthorizationServerPolicy policy)
With the introduction of enum type AuthorizationServerPolicy$StatusEnum
operations getStatus()
and setStatus(StatusEnum status)
will use this new enum type.
Enum StatusEnum
has below fields defined:
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
void activate()
void deactivate()
deletePolicyRule(String authServerId)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleActions getActions()
AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions getConditions()
Date getCreated()
String getId()
Date getLastUpdated()
String getName()
Integer getPriority()
StatusEnum getStatus()
Boolean getSystem()
TypeEnum getType()
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule setActions(AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleActions actions)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule setConditions(AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions conditions)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule setName(String name)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule setPriority(Integer priority)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule setStatus(StatusEnum status)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule setSystem(Boolean system)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule setType(TypeEnum type)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRule update(String authServerId)
With the introduction of enum type AuthorizationServerPolicyRule$StatusEnum
, operations getStatus()
and setStatus(StatusEnum status)
will use this new enum type.
Enum StatusEnum
has below fields defined:
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
TokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAction getToken()
AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleActions setToken(TokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAction token)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
ClientPolicyCondition getClients()
GrantTypePolicyRuleCondition getGrantTypes()
PolicyPeopleCondition getPeople()
OAuth2ScopesMediationPolicyRuleCondition getScopes()
AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions setClients(ClientPolicyCondition clients)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions setGrantTypes(GrantTypePolicyRuleCondition grantTypes)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions setPeople(PolicyPeopleCondition people)
AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions setScopes(OAuth2ScopesMediationPolicyRuleCondition scopes)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
Integer getAccessTokenLifetimeMinutes()
Integer getRefreshTokenLifetimeMinutes()
Integer getRefreshTokenWindowMinutes()
TokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAction setAccessTokenLifetimeMinutes(Integer accessTokenLifetimeMinutes)
TokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAction setRefreshTokenLifetimeMinutes(Integer refreshTokenLifetimeMinutes)
TokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAction setRefreshTokenWindowMinutes(Integer refreshTokenWindowMinutes)
Below method has been removed.
deleteSigningKey(String keyId)
The Interface has been removed.
The Interface com.okta.sdk.resource.authorization.server.AuthorizationServerPolicyList
should be used instead.
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
String getFactorProfileId()
CustomHotpUserFactorProfile getProfile()
CustomHotpUserFactor setFactorProfileId(String factorProfileId)
CustomHotpUserFactor setProfile(CustomHotpUserFactorProfile profile)
This is a newly created interface with methods listed below.
String getSharedSecret()
CustomHotpUserFactorProfile setSharedSecret(String sharedSecret)
Below method has undergone a signature change.
return type changed fromString
- The property's
type is a date-time string, so it becomes convenient to useDate
- The property's
Below methods have been renamed for the sake of clarity.
- Renamed
- Renamed
setWorkerFactor(Integer workFactor)
tosetWorkFactor(Integer workFactor)
Below methods have been added.
UserBuilder setType(UserType userType)
UserBuilder setType(String userTypeId)
UserBuilder usePasswordHookForImport()
UserBuilder usePasswordHookForImport(String type)
Version 2.0.0 of this SDK introduces a number of breaking changes from previous versions. In addition to many new classes/interfaces, some existing classes/interfaces are no longer backward compatible due to method renaming and signature changes.
This means that you will now have to start using the new *UserFactor
objects instead.
Below methods have been renamed for the sake of clarity.
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Renamed
Below API has undergone a signature change.
listUsers(String q, String filter, String format, String search, String expand)
Signature changed tolistUsers(java.lang.String q, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String search, java.lang.String sortBy, java.lang.String sortOrder)
Note that the params format
and expand
have been removed. New params sortBy
and sortOrder
have been added. These are optional and would need to be specified only while using search queries.
The API used to get log info has undergone a signature change (note the order swap of until
and since
getLogs(String until, String since, String filter, String q, String sortOrder)
Signature changed togetLogs(Date since, Date until, String filter, String q, String sortOrder)
The API used to list the groups to which a user belongs, has undergone a signature change.
There is no need for supplying the expand
parameter anymore.
listGroups(String q, String filter, String expand)
Signature changed tolistGroups(String q, String filter)
- With this removal of
parameter, the caller has two options of achieving the previous result: - Make a second API call to the Group API and fetch the results.
- You can call the Groups API endpoint (or any Okta management API endpoint) using a syntax like below example:
// List Groups API, see: GroupsList result = client.http() .addQueryParameter("expand", true) .get("/api/v1/groups", GroupsList.class);
- With this removal of
Note that the support for
parameter might go away anytime in the future.
Below APIs have undergone a name change.
Renamed togetTargetURL
Renamed tosetTargetURL
With the introduction of enum type
, the get group type operation will now make
use of this new enum type instead of the String
type used earlier.
Return type changed fromString
to an
The properties allGroupsValid
& _embedded
were not used by the backend earlier and were always set to null
As part of this upgrade, we will remove it from the method signatures.
- Removed
is being removed; this option would be removed from future versions of Okta API) - Removed
is removed; this property is undocumented in Okta API and hence being removed) delete(Boolean removeUsers)
Signature changed todelete()
The API to get log credential provider used to return a list of objects of type LogCredentialProvider
This is now fixed to return a single object of type LogCredentialProvider
Return type changed fromList<com.okta.sdk.resource.log.LogCredentialProvider>
The API to get log credential type used to return a list of objects of type LogCredentialType
This is now fixed to return a single object of type LogCredentialType
Return type changed fromList<com.okta.sdk.resource.log.LogCredentialType>
There is no need of exposing setter for the read-only
property id
- Removed
The property tokenLifetimeSeconds
will not used by the backend going forward.
- Removed
is removed)
With the introduction of enum type com.okta.sdk.resource.role.RoleType
, the getter/setter for role type operation will now make
use of this new enum type instead of the String
type used earlier.
Return type changed fromString
to an enumcom.okta.sdk.resource.role.RoleType
Param type changed fromString
to an enumcom.okta.sdk.resource.role.RoleType
The below method names have been refactored to be more apt:
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Renamed
The forgotPassword
method has been removed. Use resetPassword
instead to achieve the same functionality.
The endAllSessions
method has been removed. Use clearSessions
instead to achieve the same functionality.
Following methods have undergone a return type change inline with the refactoring of UserFactor*
objects as mentioned above.
Return type changed fromcom.okta.sdk.resource.user.factor.FactorList
Return type changed fromcom.okta.sdk.resource.user.factor.Factor
Return type changed fromcom.okta.sdk.resource.user.factor.FactorList
The expirePassword
Return type changed from com.okta.sdk.resource.user.TempPassword
to com.okta.sdk.resource.user.User
The reset password method will no longer need a provider argument.
resetPassword(String provider, Boolean sendEmail)
Signature changed toresetPassword(Boolean sendEmail)
The property emails
was not used by the backend and was always null
- Removed
was removed)
Below SDK classes/interfaces are deprecated and will be removed from this project.
These SDK classes were previously moved to okta-commons-java).
- com.okta.sdk.authc.credentials.ClientCredentialsProvider
- com.okta.sdk.client.Proxy
- com.okta.sdk.http.HttpMethod
- com.okta.sdk.http.HttpRequest
- com.okta.sdk.http.HttpRequestBuilder
- com.okta.sdk.http.HttpRequests
- com.okta.sdk.http.UserAgentProvider
- com.okta.sdk.lang.Assert
- com.okta.sdk.lang.Classes
- com.okta.sdk.lang.Collections
- com.okta.sdk.lang.Duration
- com.okta.sdk.lang.InstantiationException
- com.okta.sdk.lang.Instants
- com.okta.sdk.lang.Locales
- com.okta.sdk.lang.Objects
- com.okta.sdk.lang.Strings
- com.okta.sdk.lang.UnknownClassException