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This is a simple cassandra migration runner. It will manage your cassandra keyspace versions by keeping track of a dbversion and letting you run versioned db scripts. Leverage this project to also run in memory cassandra migrations (if you have tests you want to run for your cassandra scripts).

Cql Scripts

Cassandra loader works by tracking your db version and applying lexically ordered cql scripts against the current db.

For example, if you have a folder like:


This corresponds to DB version 3. Cassandra loader will apply migrations only when needed, so if you already are at db version 3 nothing happens. If your db version table is at 2, then the 03 script is run.

When you first set up a keyspace with the loader, the loader will bootstrap a db_version table to track this for you. It tracks the history of when scripts were applied and which version its at now.


In process upgrades


The loader allows you to create a cassandra session instance from a db folder of cql scripts. For example:

public static Session create() throws Exception {
    return CqlUnitDb.create("../db/scripts");

This will create a fresh DB based on your cql scripts. The db created with this function is cached because creating sessions isn't a lightweight process. To create a fresh db do the following

public static Session createFresh() throws Exception {
    return CqlUnitDb.unCached("../db/scripts");

Standalone running:

You can also run the loader as a standalone jar. This way you can use it as part of a CICD pipeline, instead of in integration tests.

To install:


Or pull it directly from maven.

To use it:

> java -jar cassandra.loader-runner.jar

Unexpected exception:Missing required options: ip, u, pw, k
Usage: Main
 -createKeyspace              Creates the keyspace
 --debug                      Optional debug flag. Spits out all logs
 -f,--file-path <arg>         CQL File Path (default =
 -ip <arg>                    Cassandra IP Address
 -k,--keyspace <arg>          Cassandra Keyspace
 -p,--port <arg>              Cassandra Port (default = 9042)
 -pw,--password <arg>         Cassandra Password
 -recreateDatabase            Deletes all tables. WARNING all data will be
 -u,--username <arg>          Cassandra Username
 -v,--upgrade-version <arg>   Upgrade to Version