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Creating components

vala edited this page Dec 5, 2014 · 12 revisions

WIP ...

Para works with components. To generate one, use the following command

rails g para:component ComponentName

Resources components generation

Once you created a component, run this generator should you need to associate that component with a resource

rails g para:resource ResourceName ComponentName title:string description:text

In the generated resource controller, the resource name is already assigned. It automatically uses CanCan under the hood to load and authorize the resource. You can pass the same parameters to the macro as the load_and_authorize_resource CanCan macro.

Here is the default behavior, the options hash being the default one and not written directly in the generated controller.

class YourResourcesController < Para::Admin::ResourcesController
  resource :your_resource, through: :component, class: 'YourResource',
                           parent: false

Components and resources work out of the box with CRUD. If you need to overide the show page, here is how

rails g para:table ResourceName

And in case you want to change the way the form works, this generator can be helpful

rails g para:form ResourceName
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