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Docstring Errors Examples

Galuh Sahid edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 19 revisions

GL01: Docstring text (summary) should start in the line immediately after the opening quotes (not in the same line, or leaving a blank line in between)


def assert_categorical_equal(
    left, right, check_dtype=True, check_category_order=True, obj="Categorical"
    """Test that Categoricals are equivalent.

    left : Categorical


def assert_categorical_equal(
    left, right, check_dtype=True, check_category_order=True, obj="Categorical"
    Test that Categoricals are equivalent.

    left : Categorical

Read more about summary in Contributing Docstring - Section 2: Extended Summary

Possible false positives (need verification)

None:None:GL01:pandas.tseries.offsets.DateOffset.normalize:Docstring text (summary) should start in the line immediately after the opening quotes (not in the same line, or leaving a blank line in between)

Can't find this in the codebase.

GL02: Closing quotes should be placed in the line after the last text in the docstring (do not close the quotes in the same line as the text, or leave a blank line between the last text and the quotes)


def unstack():
    Pivot a row index to columns.

    When using a MultiIndex, a level can be pivoted so each value in
    the index becomes a column. This is especially useful when a subindex
    is repeated for the main index, and data is easier to visualize as a
    pivot table.

    The index level will be automatically removed from the index when added
    as columns."""


def unstack():
    Pivot a row index to columns.

    When using a MultiIndex, a level can be pivoted so each value in
    the index becomes a column. This is especially useful when a subindex
    is repeated for the main index, and data is easier to visualize as a
    pivot table.

    The index level will be automatically removed from the index when added
    as columns.

Possible false positives (need verification)

None:None:GL02:pandas.Timestamp.weekday:Closing quotes should be placed in the line after the last text in the docstring (do not close the quotes in the same line as the text, or leave a blank line between the last text and the quotes)


  • Can't find this in the codebase
  • Only these ones left

GL08: The object does not have a docstring

Read how to write a docstring here.


def right(self):
    return self._data._right


def right(self):
    Return the right endpoints of each Interval in the IntervalIndex as
    an Index.
    return self._data._right

Possible false positives (need verification)


  • A majority of these came from pandas/pandas/tseries/ since it seems like a shared docstring, so fixing it would reduce a lot of GL08 errors.

SS06: Summary should fit in a single line

Rewriting the docstring might be required.


def duplicated(self, subset=None, keep="first"):
    Return boolean Series denoting duplicate rows, optionally only
    considering certain columns.


def duplicated(self, subset=None, keep="first"):
    Return boolean Series denoting duplicate rows.

    Considering certain columns is optional.

Possible False Positives (need verification)

None:None:SS06:pandas.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy.is_monotonic_increasing:Summary should fit in a single line

Can't find it in the codebase.

ES01: No extended summary found

Read more about extended summary here.


def unstack():
    Pivot a row index to columns.


def unstack():
    Pivot a row index to columns.

    When using a MultiIndex, a level can be pivoted so each value in
    the index becomes a column. This is especially useful when a subindex
    is repeated for the main index, and data is easier to visualize as a
    pivot table.

    The index level will be automatically removed from the index when added
    as columns.

PR01: Parameters {missing_params} not documented


class Series:
    def plot(self, kind, **kwargs):
        Generate a plot.

        Render the data in the Series as a matplotlib plot of the
        specified kind.

        Note the blank line between the parameters title and the first
        parameter. Also, note that after the name of the parameter `kind`
        and before the colon, a space is missing.

        Also, note that the parameter descriptions do not start with a
        capital letter, and do not finish with a dot.

        Finally, the `**kwargs` parameter is missing.


        kind: str
            kind of matplotlib plot


We need to add **kwargs** to the docstring.

class Series:
    def plot(self, kind, color='blue', **kwargs):
        Generate a plot.

        Render the data in the Series as a matplotlib plot of the
        specified kind.

        kind : str
            Kind of matplotlib plot.
        color : str, default 'blue'
            Color name or rgb code.
            These parameters will be passed to the matplotlib plotting

PR02: Unknown parameters {unknown_params}


def astype(self, dtype, copy=True, errors="raise", **kwargs):
        Cast a pandas object to a specified dtype ``dtype``.
        dtype : data type, or dict of column name -> data type
            Use a numpy.dtype or Python type to cast entire pandas object to
            the same type. Alternatively, use {col: dtype, ...}, where col is a
            column label and dtype is a numpy.dtype or Python type to cast one
            or more of the DataFrame's columns to column-specific types.
        copy : bool, default True
            Return a copy when ``copy=True`` (be very careful setting
            ``copy=False`` as changes to values then may propagate to other
            pandas objects).
        errors : {'raise', 'ignore'}, default 'raise'
            Control raising of exceptions on invalid data for provided dtype.
            - ``raise`` : allow exceptions to be raised
            - ``ignore`` : suppress exceptions. On error return original object.
            .. versionadded:: 0.20.0
        kwargs : keyword arguments to pass on to the constructor
        casted : same type as caller

kwargs is not recognized as a parameter. It should be **kwargs.


Change kwargs to **kwargs:

def astype(self, dtype, copy=True, errors="raise", **kwargs):
        Cast a pandas object to a specified dtype ``dtype``.
        dtype : data type, or dict of column name -> data type
            Use a numpy.dtype or Python type to cast entire pandas object to
            the same type. Alternatively, use {col: dtype, ...}, where col is a
            column label and dtype is a numpy.dtype or Python type to cast one
            or more of the DataFrame's columns to column-specific types.
        copy : bool, default True
            Return a copy when ``copy=True`` (be very careful setting
            ``copy=False`` as changes to values then may propagate to other
            pandas objects).
        errors : {'raise', 'ignore'}, default 'raise'
            Control raising of exceptions on invalid data for provided dtype.
            - ``raise`` : allow exceptions to be raised
            - ``ignore`` : suppress exceptions. On error return original object.
            .. versionadded:: 0.20.0
        **kwargs : keyword arguments to pass on to the constructor
        casted : same type as caller

Possible false positives (need verification)

pandas/pandas/plotting/ parameters {'table', 'xlim', 'colormap', 'colorbar', '**kwargs', 'title', 'yticks', 'position', 'xerr', 'mark_right', 'grid', 'style', 'fontsize', 'backend', 'logy', 'y', 'ylim', 'rot', 'kind', 'legend', 'include_bool', 'loglog', 'xticks', 'logx', 'use_index', 'yerr', 'x', 'figsize'}

I'm not sure if this is a false positive or not.

None:None:PR02:pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.tshift:Unknown parameters {'axis', 'periods', 'freq'}

I found tshift in pandas/core/ but it looks like they already have parameters?

PR07: Parameter description should finish with "."

Possible false positives

Parameters ending with deprecated

    truediv : bool, optional
        Whether to use true division, like in Python >= 3.
        deprecated:: 1.0.0

SA04: Missing description for see also


    def categories(self):
        The categories of this categorical.

        Setting assigns new values to each category (effectively a rename of
        each individual category).

        The assigned value has to be a list-like object. All items must be
        unique and the number of items in the new categories must be the same
        as the number of items in the old categories.

        Assigning to `categories` is a inplace operation!

            If the new categories do not validate as categories or if the
            number of new categories is unequal the number of old categories

        See Also


def mean(self, skipna=True):
        Return the mean value of the Array.

        .. versionadded:: 0.25.0

        skipna : bool, default True
            Whether to ignore any NaT elements.

            Timestamp or Timedelta.

        See Also
        numpy.ndarray.mean : Returns the average of array elements along a given axis.
        Series.mean : Return the mean value in a Series.

        mean is only defined for Datetime and Timedelta dtypes, not for Period.
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