This document is auto generated from the timelion code. Do not submit pulls against this document. You want to submit a pull against something in the series_functions/
Data sources can start a chain, they don't need to be attached to anything, but they still need to start with a .
(dot). Data retreived from a data source can be passed into the chainable functions in the next section.
Pull data from an elasticsearch instance
Argument | Accepts | Description |
q | string | Query in lucene query string syntax |
metric | string | An elasticsearch single value metric agg, eg avg, sum, min, max or cardinality, followed by a field. Eg "sum:bytes" |
index | string | Index to query, wildcards accepted |
timefield | string | Field of type "date" to use for x-axis |
interval | string | DO NOT USE THIS. Its fun for debugging fit functions, but you really should use the interval picker |
url | string | Elasticsearch server URL, eg http://localhost:9200 |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, nearest, none, scale |
Pull data from graphite. Configure your graphite server in timelion.json
Argument | Accepts | Description |
metric | string | Graphite metric to pull, eg _test-data.users.*.data |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, nearest, none, scale |
Pull data from using the quandl code. Stick your free API key in timelion.json. API is rate limited without a key
Argument | Accepts | Description |
code | string | The quandl code to plot. You can find these on |
position | number | Some quandl sources return multiple series, which one should I use? 1 based index. |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, nearest, none, scale |
Draws a single value across the chart
Argument | Accepts | Description |
value | number | The single vale to to display |
label | string | A quick way to set the label for the series. You could also use the .label() function |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, nearest, none, scale |
Pull data from using the country name and indicator. The worldbank provides mostly yearly data, and often has no data for the current year. Try offset=-1y if you get no data for recent time ranges.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
country | string | Worldbank country identifier. Usually the country's 2 letter code |
indicator | string | The indicator code to use. You'll have to look this up on Often pretty obtuse. Eg SP.POP.TOTL is population |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, nearest, none, scale |
Pull data from using path to series. The worldbank provides mostly yearly data, and often has no data for the current year. Try offset=-1y if you get no data for recent time ranges.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
code | string | Worldbank API path. This is usually everything after the domain, before the querystring. Eg: /en/countries/ind;chn/indicators/DPANUSSPF. |
offset | string | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now |
fit | string | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, nearest, none, scale |
Chainable functions can not start a chain. Somewhere before them must be a data source function. Chainable functions modify the data output directly from a data source, or from another chainable function that has a data source somewhere before it.
Return the absolute value of each value in the series list
This function does not accept any arguments.
Show the seriesList as bars
Argument | Accepts | Description |
width | number | Width of bars in pixels |
Change the color of the series
Argument | Accepts | Description |
color | string | Color of series, as hex, eg #c6c6c6 is a lovely light grey. |
Compares each point to a number, or the same point in another series using an operator, then sets its valueto the result if the condition proves true, with an optional else.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
operator | string | Operator to use for comparison, valid operators are eq (equal), ne (not equal), lt (less than), lte (less than equal), gt (greater than), gte (greater than equal) |
if | number/seriesList | The value to which the point will be compared. If you pass a seriesList here the first series will be used |
then | number/seriesList | The value the point will be set to if the comparison is true. If you pass a seriesList here the first series will be used |
else | number/seriesList | The value the point will be set to if the comparison is false. If you pass a seriesList here the first series will be used |
Return the cumulative sum of a series, starting at a base.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
base | number | Number to start at. Basically just adds this to the beginning of the series |
Plot the change in values over time.
This function does not accept any arguments.
Divides the values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
divisor | seriesList/number | Number or series to divide by. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
This is an internal function that simply returns the input seriesList. Don't use this
This function does not accept any arguments.
Fills null values using a defined fit function
Argument | Accepts | Description |
mode | string | The algorithm to use for fitting the series to the target. One of: average, nearest, none, scale |
Hide the series by default
Argument | Accepts | Description |
hide | boolean | Hide or unhide the series |
Change the label of the series. Use %s reference the existing label
Argument | Accepts | Description |
label | string | Legend value for series. You can use $1, $2, etc, in the string to match up with the regex capture groups |
regex | string | A regex with capture group support |
Set the position and style of the legend on the plot
Argument | Accepts | Description |
position | string | Corner to place the legend in: nw, ne, se, or sw |
columns | number | Number of columns to divide the legend into |
Show the seriesList as lines
Argument | Accepts | Description |
width | number | Line thickness |
fill | number | Number between 0 and 10. Use for making area charts |
show | number | Show or hide lines |
steps | number | Show line as step, eg, do not interpolate between points |
Maximum values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
value | seriesList/number | Number, series to max with the input series. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Minimum values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
value | seriesList/number | Number, series to min with the input series. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Calculate the moving average over a given window. Nice for smoothing noisey series
Argument | Accepts | Description |
window | number | Number of points to average over |
position | string | Position of the averaged points relative to the result time. Options are left, right, and center (default). |
Calculate the moving standard deviation over a given window. Uses naive two-pass algorithm. Rounding errors may become more noticeable with very long series, or series with very large numbers.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
window | number | Number of points to compute the standard deviation over |
Multiply the values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
multiplier | seriesList/number | Number or series by which to multiply. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Show the series as points
Argument | Accepts | Description |
radius | number | Size of points |
weight | number | Thickness of line around point |
fill | number | Number between 0 and 10 representing opacity of fill |
fillColor | string | Color with which to fill point |
symbol | string | cross, circle, triangle, square or diamond |
show | boolean | Show points or not |
number of digits to round the decimal portion of the value to
Argument | Accepts | Description |
precision | number | Number of digits to round each value to |
Changes the max and min of a series while keeping the same shape
Argument | Accepts | Description |
min | number | New minimum value |
max | number | New maximum value |
Changes scales a value (usually a sum or a count) to a new interval. For example, as a per-second rate
Argument | Accepts | Description |
interval | string | The new interval in date math notation, eg 1s for 1 second. 1m, 5m, 1M, 1w, 1y, etc. |
Subtract the values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
term | seriesList/number | Number or series to subtract from input. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Adds the values of one or more series in a seriesList to each position, in each series, of the input seriesList
Argument | Accepts | Description |
term | seriesList/number | Number or series to sum with the input series. If passing a seriesList it must contain exactly 1 series. |
Adds a title to the top of the plot. If called on more than 1 seriesList the last call will be used.
Argument | Accepts | Description |
title | string | Title for the plot. |
Configures a variety of y-axis options, the most important likely being the ability to add an Nth (eg 2nd) y-axis
Argument | Accepts | Description |
yaxis | number | The numbered y-axis to plot this series on, eg .yaxis(2) for a 2nd y-axis. |
min | number | Min value |
max | number | Max value |
position | string | left or right |