From 00f70ce855b0b4a08aa3d8489bc8b9b38ae59eaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ugo Stephant
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2019 08:45:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] test: add utils tests
tests/utils.test.js | 353 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 353 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tests/utils.test.js
diff --git a/tests/utils.test.js b/tests/utils.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..387a7bd7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utils.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+import {
+ injectStyles,
+ omit,
+ hsva2hsla,
+ hsla2hsva,
+ hsva2rgba,
+ rgba2hsva,
+ rgba2hex,
+ denormalizeHSLA,
+ denormalizeHSVA,
+ denormalizeRGBA,
+ parseColor,
+ stringifyColor,
+ getContainerNode,
+ classNames,
+} from '../src/utils';
+describe('injectStyles(styles, options = {})', () => {
+ it('should inject a new element inside of ', () => {
+ const styles = 'body{ background: #F00; }';
+ injectStyles(styles);
+ const injected = document.querySelector('style');
+ expect(injected.textContent).toBe(styles);
+ });
+ it('should inject a new element with a custom ID if `id` ' +
+ 'option is provided', () => {
+ const styles = 'body{ background: #0F0; }';
+ injectStyles(styles, { id: 'custom-styles' });
+ expect(document.getElementById('custom-styles').textContent).toBe(styles);
+ });
+ it('should not override a element content if provided `id` ' +
+ 'already exists', () => {
+ const styles = 'body{ background: #00F; }';
+ injectStyles(styles, { id: 'custom-styles' });
+ expect(document.getElementById('custom-styles').textContent)
+ .not
+ .toBe(styles);
+ });
+ it('should append a new element after another one if `after` ' +
+ 'option is provided', () => {
+ const styles = 'body{ background: #F0F; }';
+ injectStyles(styles, { id: 'after-styles', after: '#custom-styles' });
+ const nextSibling = document.getElementById('custom-styles').nextSibling;
+ expect(nextSibling).toBe(document.getElementById('after-styles'));
+ expect(nextSibling.textContent).toBe(styles);
+ });
+describe('omit(obj, keys = [])', () => {
+ const obj = { test: true, secondTest: 2 };
+ it('should return an object with omitted keys', () => {
+ const omitted = omit(obj, ['test']);
+ expect(Object.keys(omitted).join(' ')).toBe('secondTest');
+ });
+ it('should return the same keys if omitted key doesn\'t exist ' +
+ 'in object', () => {
+ const omitted = omit(obj, ['doesntExist']);
+ expect(Object.keys(omitted).join(' ')).toBe('test secondTest');
+ });
+ it('should always return a new object', () => {
+ const omitted = omit(obj);
+ expect(omitted).not.toBe(obj);
+ });
+describe('hsva2hsla({ h, s, v, a })', () => {
+ it('should transform simple HSVA values into HSLA', () => {
+ const { h, s, l, a } = hsva2hsla({ h: 360, s: 0.5, v: 0.5, a: 1 });
+ expect(h).toBe(360);
+ expect(s.toFixed(2)).toBe('0.33');
+ expect(l.toFixed(2)).toBe('0.38');
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should set output `s` and `l` to 0 if input `v` is 0', () => {
+ const { h, s, l, a } = hsva2hsla({ h: 360, s: 0.5, v: 0, a: 1 });
+ expect(h).toBe(360);
+ expect(s).toBe(0);
+ expect(l).toBe(0);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should set output `s` and `l` to 1 if input `s` is 0 and input `v` ' +
+ 'is 1', () => {
+ const { h, s, l, a } = hsva2hsla({ h: 360, s: 0, v: 1, a: 1 });
+ expect(h).toBe(360);
+ expect(s).toBe(1);
+ expect(l).toBe(1);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+describe('hsla2hsva({ h, s, l, a })', () => {
+ it('should transform simple HSLA values into HSVA', () => {
+ const { h, s, v, a } = hsla2hsva({ h: 360, s: 0.5, l: 0.5, a: 1 });
+ expect(h).toBe(360);
+ expect(s.toFixed(2)).toBe('0.67');
+ expect(v.toFixed(2)).toBe('0.75');
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should set output `s` and `v` to 0 if input `l` is 0', () => {
+ const { h, s, v, a } = hsla2hsva({ h: 360, s: 0.5, l: 0, a: 1 });
+ expect(h).toBe(360);
+ expect(s).toBe(0);
+ expect(v).toBe(0);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+describe('hsva2rgba({ h, s, v, a })', () => {
+ it('should transform simple HSVA values into RGBA', () => {
+ const { r, g, b, a } = hsva2rgba({ h: 360, s: 0.5, v: 0.5, a: 1 });
+ expect(r).toBe(0.5);
+ expect(g).toBe(0.25);
+ expect(b).toBe(0.25);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+describe('rgba2hsva({ r, g, b, a })', () => {
+ it('should transform simple RGBA values into HSVA', () => {
+ const { h, s, v, a } = rgba2hsva({ r: 0.3, g: 0.7, b: 0.4, a: 1 });
+ expect(h * 360).toBe(135);
+ expect(s.toFixed(2)).toBe('0.57');
+ expect(v.toFixed(2)).toBe('0.70');
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+describe('rgba2hex({ r, g, b, a })', () => {
+ it('should transform simple RGBA values into an HEX string', () => {
+ const hex = rgba2hex({ r: 77, g: 179, b: 102, a: 1 });
+ expect(hex).toBe('#4db366');
+ });
+describe('denormalizeHSLA({ h, s, l, a })', () => {
+ it('should denormalize HSLA 0-1 values', () => {
+ const { h, s, l, a } = denormalizeHSLA({ h: 0.3, s: 0.2, l: 0.5, a: 1 });
+ expect(h).toBe(108);
+ expect(s).toBe(20);
+ expect(l).toBe(50);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+describe('denormalizeHSVA({ h, s, v, a })', () => {
+ it('should denormalize HSVA 0-1 values', () => {
+ const { h, s, v, a } = denormalizeHSVA({ h: 0.3, s: 0.2, v: 0.5, a: 1 });
+ expect(h).toBe(108);
+ expect(s).toBe(20);
+ expect(v).toBe(50);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+describe('denormalizeRGBA({ r, g, b, a })', () => {
+ it('should denormalize RGBA 0-1 values', () => {
+ const { r, g, b, a } = denormalizeRGBA({ r: 0.3, g: 0.2, b: 0.5, a: 1 });
+ expect(r).toBe(77);
+ expect(g).toBe(51);
+ expect(b).toBe(128);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+describe('parseColor(color = "")', () => {
+ it('should parse a rgb(77, 179, 102) color string into HSVA', () => {
+ const { h, s, v, a } = denormalizeHSVA(parseColor('rgb(77, 179, 102)'));
+ expect(h).toBe(135);
+ expect(s).toBe(57);
+ expect(v).toBe(70);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should parse a rgba(77, 179, 102, 0.5) color string into HSVA', () => {
+ const {
+ h, s, v, a,
+ } = denormalizeHSVA(parseColor('rgba(77, 179, 102, 0.5)'));
+ expect(h).toBe(135);
+ expect(s).toBe(57);
+ expect(v).toBe(70);
+ expect(a).toBe(0.5);
+ });
+ it('should parse an hsl(135, 40%, 50%) color string into HSVA', () => {
+ const {
+ h, s, v, a,
+ } = denormalizeHSVA(parseColor('hsl(135, 40%, 50%)'));
+ expect(h).toBe(135);
+ expect(s).toBe(57);
+ expect(v).toBe(70);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should parse an hsla(135, 40%, 50%, 0.5) color string into HSVA', () => {
+ const {
+ h, s, v, a,
+ } = denormalizeHSVA(parseColor('hsla(135, 40%, 50%, 0.5)'));
+ expect(h).toBe(135);
+ expect(s).toBe(57);
+ expect(v).toBe(70);
+ expect(a).toBe(0.5);
+ });
+ it('should parse a #4db366 hex color string into HSVA', () => {
+ const {
+ h, s, v, a,
+ } = denormalizeHSVA(parseColor('#4db366'));
+ expect(h).toBe(135);
+ expect(s).toBe(57);
+ expect(v).toBe(70);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should parse a #FBA hex color string into HSVA', () => {
+ const {
+ h, s, v, a,
+ } = denormalizeHSVA(parseColor('#FBA'));
+ expect(h).toBe(12);
+ expect(s).toBe(33);
+ expect(v).toBe(100);
+ expect(a).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should return null if color scheme is not recognized', () => {
+ const parsed = parseColor('cmyk(0, 0.267, 0.333, 0)');
+ expect(parsed).toBe(null);
+ });
+describe('stringifyColor(color, format = "auto")', () => {
+ it('should automatically stringify hsva values into an hex string', () => {
+ const str = stringifyColor({ h: 0.375, s: 0.57, v: 0.7, a: 1 });
+ expect(str).toBe('#4db366');
+ });
+ it('should automatically stringify hsva values into an rgba string if ' +
+ 'alpha < 1', () => {
+ const str = stringifyColor({ h: 0.375, s: 0.57, v: 0.7, a: 0.5 });
+ expect(str).toBe('rgba(77, 179, 102, 0.5)');
+ });
+ it('should stringify hsva values into an hsl string', () => {
+ const str = stringifyColor({ h: 0.375, s: 0.57, v: 0.7, a: 1 }, 'hsl');
+ expect(str).toBe('hsl(135, 40%, 50%)');
+ });
+ it('should automatically stringify hsva values into an hsla string if ' +
+ 'format is "hsl" and alpha < 1', () => {
+ const str = stringifyColor({ h: 0.375, s: 0.57, v: 0.7, a: 0.5 }, 'hsl');
+ expect(str).toBe('hsla(135, 40%, 50%, 0.5)');
+ });
+ it('should stringify hsva values into an rgb string', () => {
+ const str = stringifyColor({ h: 0.375, s: 0.57, v: 0.7, a: 1 }, 'rgb');
+ expect(str).toBe('rgb(77, 179, 102)');
+ });
+ it('should automatically stringify hsva values into an rgba string if ' +
+ 'format is "rgb" and alpha < 1', () => {
+ const str = stringifyColor({ h: 0.375, s: 0.57, v: 0.7, a: 0.5 }, 'rgb');
+ expect(str).toBe('rgba(77, 179, 102, 0.5)');
+ });
+ it('should stringify hsva values into an hex string', () => {
+ const str = stringifyColor({ h: 0.375, s: 0.57, v: 0.7, a: 1 }, 'hex');
+ expect(str).toBe('#4db366');
+ });
+ it('should ignore alpha when stringifying if output format is hex', () => {
+ const str = stringifyColor({ h: 0.375, s: 0.57, v: 0.7, a: 0.5 }, 'hex');
+ expect(str).toBe('#4db366');
+ });
+describe('getContainerNode(container)', () => {
+ it('should return the same element if passed as argument', () => {
+ const elmt = document.createElement('a');
+ expect(getContainerNode(elmt)).toBe(elmt);
+ });
+ it('should return a new element if container is a string and is not found' +
+ 'in DOM', () => {
+ expect(getContainerNode('stuff')).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('should return an existing element if container is a string and it is ' +
+ 'found in DOM', () => {
+ const body = document.body;
+ expect(getContainerNode('body')).toBe(body);
+ });
+describe('classNames(...classes)', () => {
+ it('should merge arguments into a list of css classes', () => {
+ expect(classNames('test', 'secondTest')).toBe('test secondTest');
+ });
+ it('should ignore falsy arguments when compiling arguments', () => {
+ const secondTest = null;
+ const thirdTest = undefined;
+ const fourthTest = false;
+ expect(classNames('test', secondTest, thirdTest, fourthTest)).toBe('test');
+ });
+ it('should allow to use an object argument to defined classes based on ' +
+ 'conditions', () => {
+ const secondTest = true;
+ expect(classNames('test', { secondTest })).toBe('test secondTest');
+ });
+ it('should merge classes if argument is an array', () => {
+ const thirdTest = false;
+ expect(classNames('test', ['secondTest'], [{ thirdTest }, 'fourthTest']))
+ .toBe('test secondTest fourthTest');
+ });