diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/translations.json b/apps/files/l10n/translations.json index e60a983e44d..d67f85c2e2e 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/translations.json +++ b/apps/files/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"cs":{"%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} byl úspěšně odstraněn","%{name} already exists":"%{name} již existuje","+ New":"+ Nový","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Při načítání odkazu nastala chyba","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"Opravdu chcete odstranit %{numberOfFiles} vybraných souborů?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Opravdu chcete odstranit \"%{file}\"?","Cancel":"Zrušit","Collaborators":"Spolupracovníci","Creating file failed…":"Vytváření souboru selhalo...","Creating folder failed…":"Vytváření složky selhalo...","Delete":"Odstranit","Delete File/Folder":"Smazat Soubor/Složku","Delete selected":"Odstranit vybrané","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Odstranění %{file} selhalo","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Čas vymazání"},"Download":"Stáhnout","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Přetáhněte soubor, abyste ho nahráli do aktuální složky","Expiration date":"Datum vypršení","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název souboru nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Název souboru nemůže končit mezerou","File upload failed…":"Nahrávání souboru selhalo...","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název složky nemůže být \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název složky nemůže být \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název složky nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Název složky nemůže končit mezerou","Home":"Domů","Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Název"},"No Versions available for this file":"Pro tento soubor nejsou dostupné žádné verze","of":"ze","Ok":"Ok","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Rename file %{name}":"Přejmenovat soubor %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Přejmenovat složku %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Načítání soukromého odkazu...","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Obnovení %{file} selhalo","Restore":"Obnovit","Restore selected":"Obnovit vybrané","Search":"Hledat","Search failed":"Hledání selhalo","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Velikost"},"Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"Koš se nepodařilo vysypat","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"Koš byl vysypán","Upload File":"Nahrát soubor","Upload Folder":"Nahrát složku","Versions":"Verze","You have no permission to upload!":"Nemáte oprávnění nahrávat soubory.","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Nemáte dostatek místa pro nahrátí."},"de":{"(me)":"(ich)","(required)":"(benötigt)","%{file} was restored successfully":"%{file} wurde erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} wurde erfolgreich gelöscht","%{name} already exists":"%{name} existiert bereits","%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.":["%{numberOfFiles} Datei wird endgültig gelöscht. Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. ","%{numberOfFiles} Dateien werden endgültig gelöscht. Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. "],"%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted.":["%{numberOfFiles} Datei wird gelöscht.","%{numberOfFiles} Dateien werden gelöscht."],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} hat diesen Ordner zum Upload geteilt.","+ New":"+ Neu","Accept":"Akzeptieren","Add Collaborators":"Mitarbeiter hinzufügen","Add new collaborator by name, email or federation ID's":"Neuen Mitarbeiter mit Name, E-Mail-Adressen oder Federation-IDs hinzufügen","Add public link":"Öffentlichen Link hinzufügen","Adding Collaborators":"Mitarbeiter werden hinzufügt","Additional permissions:":"Zusätzliche Rechte:","Advanced permissions":"Zusätzliche Rechte","All files":"Alle Dateien","Allow creating":"Erstellen erlauben","Allow deleting":"Löschen erlauben","Allow editing":"Editieren erlauben","Allow re-Sharing":"Weiter-Teilen erlauben","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Beim Laden des öffentlichen Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Beim Auflösen des privaten Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","and":"und","Any external collaborator with the respective link can access this resource. No\n sign-in required. Assign a password to avoid unintended document\n exposure.":"Jeder Externe mit einem Link kann auf diese Datei oder diesen Ordner zugreifen. Ein Login ist nicht erforderlich. Ein Passwort sollte vergeben werden um nicht beabsichtigte Zugriffe zu verhindern.","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass sie diese %{numberOfFiles} Dateien löschen wollen?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass sie %{file} löschen wollen?","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Click to open the link":"Zum öffnen des Links bitte klicken.","Collaborator was added":"Mitarbeiter wurde hinzugefügt.","Collaborators":"Mitarbeiter","Continue":"Weiter","Contributor":"Mitarbeiter","Copy private link url":"Kopieren des privaten Links","Copy public link url":"Kopieren des öffentlichen Links","Create Public Link":"Erstellen des öffentlichen Links","Creating file failed…":"Erstellen der Datei fehlgeschlagen…","Creating folder failed…":"Erstellen des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Creating Public Link":"Erstelle den öffentlichen Link","Decline":"Ablehnen","Declined":"Abgelehnt","Delete":"Löschen","Delete File/Folder":"Datei oder Ordner löschen","Delete public link":"Lösche den öffentlichen Link","Delete selected":"Auswahl löschen","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Löschen von %{file} ist fehlgeschlagen","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Zeitpunkt des Löschens"},"Directly shared with collaborators":"Direkt mit Mitarbeitenden geteilt","Directly shared with links":"Direkt mit öffentlichen Links geteilt","Do you want to create a new version?":"Soll eine neue Version erstellt werden?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Soll es überschrieben werden?","Download":"Herunterladen","Download and preview":"Herunterladen und Vorschau","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Ziehen Sie Inhalte per Drag & Drop in den aktuellen Ordner","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload.":"Dateien oder Ordner hierher ziehen oder das \"+Neu\" Feld zum Hochladen benutzen.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Dateien hier fallenlassen oder anklicken zum Selektieren","Edit public link":"Bearbeite öffentlichen Link","Edit, download and preview":"Bearbeiten, Herunterladen und Vorschau","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Papierkorb leeren","Enter new file name…":"Neuen Dateinamen eingeben…","Enter new folder name…":"Neuen Ordnernamen eingeben…","Enter password":"Passwort eingeben","Error while changing share state":"Fehler bei der Änderung der Berechtigungen","Error while deleting \"%{file}\"":"Fehler beim Löschen von \"%{file}\"","Error while deleting \"%{file}\" - the file is locked":"Fehler beim Löschen von \"%{file}\" - Datei ist gesperrt","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Fehler beim Umbennen von \"%{file}\" zu \"%{newName}\"","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Fehler beim Umbennen von \"%{file}\" zu \"%{newName}\" - Datei ist gesperrt","Error while searching.":"Fehler beim Suchen.","Error while sharing.":"Fehler beim Teilen.","Expiration date":"Ablaufdatum","Expiration date:":"Ablaufdatum","Expires":"Läuft ab","Expires %{expires}":"Läuft ab: %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoriten","file":["Datei","Dateien"],"File %{file} already exists.":"Die Datei %{file} existiert bereits.","File name":"Dateiname","File name cannot be empty":"Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \"..\" sein.","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \".\" sein.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Dateiname darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Dateiname darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","File upload failed…":"Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden…","Files":"Dateien","folder":["Ordner","Ordner"],"Folder %{folder} already exists.":"Der Ordner %{folder} existiert bereits..","Folder name":"Ordnername","Folder name cannot be empty":"Der Ordnername darf nicht leer sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \"..\" sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \".\" sein.","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Ordnername darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Ordnername darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","Hide Details":"Details verstecken","Home":"Zuhause","Links":"Links","Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Loading public link…":"Lade öffentlichen Link…","Loading shared files failed…":"Laden geteilter Dateien fehlgeschlagen","Loading trash bin failed…":"Laden des Papierkorbs ist fehlgeschlagen…","Mail recipients":"E-Mail Empfänger","msg":"Nachricht","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Name"},"Name:":"Name:","New Collaborators:":"Neue Mitarbeitende","New file":"Neue Datei","New file…":"Neue Datei…","New folder":"Neuer Ordner","New folder…":"Neuer Ordner…","No public links":"Keine öffentlichen Links","No Versions available for this file":"Für diese Datei sind keine Versionen verfügbar. ","of":"von","Ok":"Ok","Only invited collaborators can use this link.":"Nur eingeladene Mitarbeitende können diese Link verwenden.","Open %{fileName} in":"Öffne %{fileName} in","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Owner":"Besitzer","Password":"Passwort","Password protected":"Geschützt durch Passwort","Password:":"Passwort:","Pending":"Wartend","Personal note":"Persönliche Notiz","Please confirm the deletion of %{ fileName }":"Bitte bestätigen Sie den Löschvorgang von %{ fileName }","Private Link":"Privater Link","Public":{"Short public link indicator":"Öffentlich"},"Public Links":"Öffentlicher Link","Recipients can upload but existing contents are not revealed.":"Empfangende können hochladen, aber existierende Inhalte werden nicht angezeigt.","Recipients can view and download contents.":"Empfangende können Inhalte sehen und herunterladen.","Recipients can view, download and upload contents.":"Empfangende können Inhalte sehen, herunterladen und hochladen.","Recipients can view, download, edit, delete and upload contents.":"Empfänger können Inhalte sehen, herunterladen, hochladen, editieren und löschen.","Remove expiration date":"Entferne Ablaufdatum","Remove password":"Entferne Passwort","Rename":"Umbenennen","Rename file %{name}":"Datei %{name} umbenennen","Rename folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} umbenennen","required":"benötigt","Resharer":"Weiter-Teiler","Resolving private link…":"Auflösen des privaten Links…","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Wiederherstellen von %{fileName} ist fehlgeschlagen.","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Restore selected":"Auswahl wiederherstellen","Role:":"Rolle:","Save Public Link":"Speichere den öffentlichen Link","Save Share":"Freigabe speichern","Saving Public Link":"Speichere den öffentlichen Link","Saving Share":"Speichere Freigabe","Search":"Suchen","Search failed":"Die Suche ist fehlgeschlagen","Select %{type} %{name}":"Auswählen %{type} %{name}","Select all items":"Alle auswählen","Selected collaborators:":"Ausgewählte Mitarbeiter:","Send a copy to myself":"Eine Kopie zu mir schicken","Set detailed permissions":"Detaillierte Rechte festlegen","Share time":{"Share time column in files table":"Erstellungszeit"},"Shared by:":"Geteile von:","Shared with collaborators through one of the parent folders":"Geteilt mit Mitarbeitenden durch einen übergeordneten Ordner","Shared with links through one of the parent folders":"Geteilt mit öffenlichen Links durch einen übergeordneten Ordner","Shared with me":"Mit mir geteilt","Shared with others":"Mit anderen geteilt","Show Details":"Details ansehen","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Größe"},"Status":"Status","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Der Name \"%{name}\" ist bereits vergeben","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Name darf nicht \"..\" sein.","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Name darf nicht \".\" sein.","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Name darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Name darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden","There are no resources in this folder.":"Dieser Ordner hat keinen Inhalt.","There are no resources marked as favorite.":"Keine Inhalte als Favorit markiert.","There is currently an action in progress for this file":"Mit dieser Datei wird momentan gearbeitet","There is currently an action in progress for this folder":"Mit diesem Ordner wird momentan gearbeitet","This item will be deleted permanently. You can’t undo this action.":"Diese Datei wird endgültig gelöscht. Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","This resource is password-protected.":"Diese Ressource ist Passwortgeschützt.","title":"Titel","Trash bin":"Papierkorb","Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"Der Papierkorb konnte nicht geleert werden.","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"Der Papierkorb wurde erfolgreich geleert.","Unknown Role":"Unbekannte Rolle","Updated":{"Short column label in files able for the time at which a file was modified":"Erneuert"},"Upload complete":"Hochladen komplett","Upload failed":"Fehler beim Hochladen","Upload File":"Datei hochladen","Upload Folder":"Ordner hochladen","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Das Hochladen eines Folders ist im Internet Explorer nicht unterstützt.","Upload, edit, delete, download and preview":"Hochladen, Bearbeiten, Löschen, Herunterladen und Vorschau","Uploader":"Hochgeladen von","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Hochladen \"%{ fileName }\"","Uploading %{ count } item":["Hochladen von %{ count } Element","Hochladen von %{ count } Elementen"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Lade Datei \"%{ fileName }\" hoch","Used space:":"Belegter Speicherplatz:","Versions":"Versionen","Via %{folderName}":"Durch %{folderName}","Viewer":"Betrachter","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people.":"Keine der Inhalte wird mit Anderen zusammen bearbeitet.","You are currently not collaborating on other people's resources.":"Zu keinem der Inhalte Anderer zur Zusammenarbeit eingeladen.","You can mark some by clicking on the star icon in the file list.":"Favoriten durch das Klicken auf den Stern in der Liste der Dateien markieren.","You don't have permission to share this %{type}.":"Keine Berechtigung zu teilen %{type}.","You have no permission to upload!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Hochladen!","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Sie haben zum Hochladen nicht genügend Speicherplatz zur Verfügung.","Your trash bin is empty.":"Papierkorb ist leer."},"es":{"(required)":"(requerido)","%{file} was restored successfully":"%{file} fue restaurado con éxito","%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} fue eliminado exitosamente","%{name} already exists":"%{name} ya existe","+ New":"+ Nuevo","Accept":"Aceptar","Add Collaborators":"Añadir Colaboradores","Add new collaborator by name, email or federation ID's":"Agregar un nuevo colaborador por nombre, correo electrónico o ID de federación","Add public link":"Añadir Enlace Público","Adding Collaborators":"Añadiendo colaboradores","Additional permissions:":"Permisos adicionales","Advanced permissions":"Permisos avanzados","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Se ha producido un error al cargar el enlace público","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Un error ocurrió resolviendo el enlace privado ","and":"y","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"¿Está seguro que desea eliminar los %{numberOfFiles} ítems seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Estás seguro de eliminar \"%{file}\"?","Cancel":"Cancelar","Click to open the link":"Click para abrir el enlace","Collaborators":"Colaboradores","Continue":"Continuar","Copy private link url":"Copiar url del enlace privado","Copy public link url":"Copiar url del enlace publico","Create Public Link":"Crear enlace público","Creating file failed…":"Falló la creación de archivo...","Creating folder failed…":"Falló la creación de la carpeta...","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete File/Folder":"Borrar archivo/carpeta","Delete selected":"Eliminar Seleccionado","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Borrado de %{file} falló","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Hora de borrado"},"Download":"Descargar","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Arrastre y suelte para subir contenido a la carpeta actual","Edit public link":"Editar enlace público","Edit, download and preview":"Editar, descargar y previsualizar","Empty trash bin":"Vaciar papelera","Enter password":"Introduzca la contraseña","Expiration date":"Fecha de expiración","Expiration date:":"Fecha de expiración:","Expires":"Expira","Favorites":"Favoritos","file":["archivos","archivos"],"File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre del archivo no puede contener \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre del archivo no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","File upload failed…":"La subida del archivo falló...","folder":["carpetas","carpetas"],"Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede contener \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","Home":"Inicio","Links":"Enlaces","Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","Loading public link…":"Cargando enlace público...","Mail recipients":"Destinatarios de correo","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Nombre"},"New file":"Nuevo archivo","New folder":"Nueva carpeta","No Versions available for this file":"No hay versiones disponibles para este archivo","of":"de","Ok":"Ok","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Password":"Contraseña","Personal note":"Nota personal","Rename file %{name}":"Renombrar archivo %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renombrar carpeta %{name}","required":"requerido","Resolving private link…":"Resolviendo enlace privado...","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Restauración de %{file} falló","Restore":"Restaurar","Restore selected":"Restaurar Seleccionado","Search":"Buscar","Search failed":"Falló la búsqueda","Send a copy to myself":"Enviar una copia a mí mismo","Share time":{"Share time column in files table":"Hora en que se compartió"},"Size":{"Size column in files table":"Tamaño"},"This resource is password-protected.":"Este recurso está protegido por contraseña.","title":"titulo","Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"La papelera no pudo ser vaciada","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"La papelera fue vaciada con éxito","Upload File":"Subir archivo","Upload Folder":"Subir carpeta","Used space:":"Espacio utilizado:","Versions":"Versiones","You have no permission to upload!":"No tienes permisos para subir.","You have not enough space left to upload!":"No tiene suficiente espacio para subir."},"fr":{"%{file} was restored successfully":"%{file} a été réstauré avec succès","%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} a été supprimé avec succès","%{name} already exists":"%{name} est déjà existant","%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.":["%{numberOfFiles} resource will be supprimée immédiatement. Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action.","%{numberOfFiles} resources vont être supprimées. Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action."],"%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted.":["%{numberOfFiles} resource will be supprimée.","%{numberOfFiles} resources vont être supprimées."],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} a partagé ce dossier avec vous pour uploader.","+ New":"+ Nouveau","Accept":"Accepter","Add Collaborators":"Ajouter collaborateurs","Add new collaborator by name, email or federation ID's":"Ajouter un nouveau collaborateur par nom, e-mail ou ID de federation","Add public link":"Ajouter lien public","Adding Collaborators":"Ajouter collaborateurs","Additional permissions:":"Permissions supplémentaires :","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Une erreur est apparue lors du chargement du lien public","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Une erreur est apparue lors de la résolution du lien privé","and":"et","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les %{numberOfFiles} resources selectionnées ?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer \"%{file}\"?","Cancel":"Annuler","Click to open the link":"Cliquer pour ouvrir le lien","Collaborator was added":"Collaborateur a été ajouté","Collaborators":"Collaborateurs","Continue":"Continuer","Copy private link url":"Copier le lien privé","Copy public link url":"Copier le lien public","Create Public Link":"Créer lien public","Creating file failed…":"Echec de création de fichier...","Creating folder failed…":"Echec de création de dossier...","Creating Public Link":"Création lien public","Decline":"Décliner","Declined":"Décliné","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete File/Folder":"Supprimer Fichier/Dossier","Delete public link":"Supprimer lien public","Delete selected":"Supprimer sélection","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Echec de la suppression de %{file}","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Supprimé"},"Directly shared with collaborators":"Partagé directement avec collaborateurs","Directly shared with links":"Partagé directement avec liens","Download":"Télécharger","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Glisser et déplacer pour uploader du contenu dans le dossier courant","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload.":"Glisser fichiers et dossiers ici ou utiliser le bouton \"+ New\" pour uploader.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Déposer des fichiers ici pour uploader ou cliquer pour sélectionner des fichiers","Edit public link":"Editer lien public","Empty trash bin":"Vider la corbeille","Enter new file name…":"Entrer un nom de fichier...","Enter new folder name…":"Entrer un nom de dossier...","Enter password":"Entrer mot de passe","Expiration date":"Date d'éxpiration","Expiration date:":"Date d'expiration :","Expires":"Expire","Favorites":"Favoris","file":["fichier","fichiers"],"File name":"Nom de fichier","File name cannot be empty":"Nom de fichier ne peut pas être vide","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","File upload failed…":"Échec d'upload du fichier...","folder":["dossier","dossiers"],"Folder name":"Nom de dossier","Folder name cannot be empty":"Nom de dossier ne peut pas être vide","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","Home":"Dossier personnel","Links":"Liens","Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","Loading public link…":"Chargement du lien public...","Mail recipients":"Destinataires","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Nom"},"Name:":"Nom :","New Collaborators:":"Nouveaux collaborateurs :","New file":"Nouveau fichier","New file…":"Nouveau fichier...","New folder":"Nouveau dossier","New folder…":"Nouveau dossier...","No public links":"Aucun lien public","No Versions available for this file":"Aucune version n'existe pour ce fichier","of":"de","Ok":"Ok","Only invited collaborators can use this link.":"Seuls les collaborateurs invités peuvent utiliser ce lien","Open %{fileName} in":"Ouvrir ${fileName} dans","Password":"Mot de passe","Password protected":"Protégé par mot de passe","Password:":"Mot de passe :","Pending":"En attente","Personal note":"Note personnelle","Private Link":"Lien privé","Public Links":"Liens publics","Remove expiration date":"Supprimer date d'expiration","Remove password":"Supprimer mot de passe","Rename file %{name}":"Renommer fichier %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renommer dossier %{name}","required":"requis","Resolving private link…":"Résolution du lien privé...","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Échec de restauration du fichier %{file}","Restore":"Restaurer","Restore selected":"Restaurer la selection","Role:":"Role :","Save Public Link":"Enregister lien public","Save Share":"Enregistrer partage","Saving Public Link":"Enregistrement lien public","Saving Share":"Enregistrement partage","Search":"Recherche","Search failed":"Échec de la recherche","Select all items":"Tout sélectionner","Selected collaborators:":"Collaborateurs sélectionnés :","Send a copy to myself":"M'envoyer une copie","Share time":{"Share time column in files table":"Partagé le"},"Shared with collaborators through one of the parent folders":"Partagé avec collaborateurs par l'un des dossiers parents","Shared with links through one of the parent folders":"Partagé avec liens par l'un des dossiers parents","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Taille"},"Status":"État","There are no resources in this folder.":"Il n'y a aucune ressource dans ce dossier","There are no resources marked as favorite.":"Il n'y a aucune ressource marquée comme favorite.","There is currently an action in progress for this file":"Une action est déjà en cours pour ce fichier","There is currently an action in progress for this folder":"Une action est déjà en cours pour ce dossier","This item will be deleted permanently. You can’t undo this action.":"Cette ressource sera supprimée de façon permanent. Vous ne pourrez pas annuler cette action.","This resource is password-protected.":"Cette resource est protégée par mot de passe.","title":"titre","Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"La corbeille n'a pas pu être vidée","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"La corbeille a été vidée avec succès","Unknown Role":"Role inconnu","Updated":{"Short column label in files able for the time at which a file was modified":"Modifié"},"Upload complete":"Upload terminé","Upload File":"Uploader un Fichier","Upload Folder":"Uploader un Dossier","Uploading %{ count } item":["Upload fichier \"%{fileName}\"","Upload %{ count } entrées"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Upload fichier \"%{fileName}\"","Used space:":"Espace utilisé :","Versions":"Versions","Via %{folderName}":"Via %{folderName}","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people.":"Vous ne collaborez actuellement sur aucune ressource avec d'autres personnes.","You are currently not collaborating on other people's resources.":"Vous ne collaborez actuellement sur aucune resource appartenant à d'autres personnes.","You can mark some by clicking on the star icon in the file list.":"Vous pouvez en marquer en cliquant sur l'icône étoile dans la liste de fichiers.","You don't have permission to share this %{type}.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce %{type}","You have no permission to upload!":"Vous n'avez pas la permission d'uploader !","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Vous n'avec pas assez d'espace disponible pour uploader !","Your trash bin is empty.":"Votre corbeille est vide."},"gl":{"(me)":"(eu)","(required)":"(requirido)","%{file} was restored successfully":"%{file} foi restaurado satisfactoriamente","%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} foi eliminado satisfactoriamente","%{name} already exists":"%{name} xa existe","%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.":["%{numberOfFiles} elemento eliminarase inmediatamente. Non poderá desfacer esta acción.","%{numberOfFiles} elementos eliminaranse inmediatamente. Non poderá desfacer esta acción."],"%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted.":["%{numberOfFiles} elemento vai ser eliminado.","%{numberOfFiles} elementos van ser eliminados."],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartiu este cartafol con vostede para envialo","+ New":"+ Novo","Accept":"Aceptar","Add Collaborators":"Engadir colaboradores","Add new collaborator by name, email or federation ID's":"Engadir un novo colaborador por nome, correo ou ID de federación","Add public link":"Engadir ligazón pública","Adding Collaborators":"Engadindo colaboradores","Additional permissions:":"Permisos adicionais","Advanced permissions":"Permisos avanzados","All files":"Todos os ficheiros","Allow creating":"Permitir crear","Allow deleting":"Permitir eliminar","Allow editing":"Permitir editar","Allow re-Sharing":"Permitir volver compartir","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Produciuse un erro ao cargar a ligazón pública","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Produciuse un erro ao resolver a ligazón privada","and":"e","Any external collaborator with the respective link can access this resource. No\n sign-in required. Assign a password to avoid unintended document\n exposure.":"Calquera colaborador externo coa ligazón respectiva pode acceder a este\n recurso. Non é necesario iniciar sesión. Asigne un contrasinal para\n evitar a exposición non desexada do documento.","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"Confirma que quere eliminar os %{numberOfFiles} elementos seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Confirma que quere eliminar «%{file}»?","Cancel":"Cancelar","Click to open the link":"Prema para abrir a ligazón","Collaborator was added":"Engadiuse o colaborador","Collaborators":"Colaboradores","Continue":"Continuar","Contributor":"Colaborador","Copy private link url":"Copiar o URL da ligazón privada","Copy public link url":"Copiar o URL da ligazón pública","Create Public Link":"Crear a ligazón pública","Creating file failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao crear o ficheiro…","Creating folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao crear o cartafol…","Creating Public Link":"Creando a ligazón pública","Decline":"Declinar","Declined":"Declinada","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete File/Folder":"Eliminar ficheiro/cartafol","Delete public link":"Eliminar ligazón pública","Delete selected":"Eliminar o seleccionado","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar %{file}","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Tempo de eliminación"},"Directly shared with collaborators":"Compartida directamente con colaboradores","Directly shared with links":"Compartida directamente con ligazóns","Do you want to create a new version?":"Quere crear unha nova versión?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Quere sobrescribilo?","Download":"Descargar","Download and preview":"Descargar e visionar","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Arrastre e solte para enviar contido ao cartafol actual","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload.":"Arrastre ficheiros e cartafoles aquí ou use o botón «+ Novo» para enviar.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Solte os ficheiros aquí para envialos ou prema para seleccionar ficheiro","Edit public link":"Editar ligazón pública","Edit, download and preview":"Editar, descargar e visionar","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Cesto do lixo baleiro","Enter new file name…":"Insira o nome do novo ficheiro…","Enter new folder name…":"Insira o nome do novo cartafol…","Enter password":"Introduza o contrasinal","Error while changing share state":"Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o estado de compartición","Error while deleting \"%{file}\"":"Produciuse un erro ao eliminar «%{file}»","Error while deleting \"%{file}\" - the file is locked":"Produciuse un erro ao eliminar «%{file}» — o ficheiro está bloqueado","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o nome de «%{file}« a «%{newName}»","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o nome de «%{file}« a «%{newName}» — o ficheiro está bloqueado","Error while searching.":"Produciuse un erro durante a busca.","Error while sharing.":"Produciuse un erro durante a compartición.","Expiration date":"Data de caducidade","Expiration date:":"Data de caducidade:","Expires":"Caduca","Expires %{expires}":"Caduca %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoritos","file":["ficheiro","ficheiros"],"File %{file} already exists.":"Xa existe o ficheiro %{file}.","File name":"Nome de ficheiro","File name cannot be empty":"O nome do ficheiro non pode estar baleiro","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «..»","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «.»","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode conter unha «/»","File name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do ficheiro non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","File upload failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao enviar o ficheiro…","Files":"Ficheiros","folder":["cartafol","cartafoles"],"Folder %{folder} already exists.":"Xa existe o cartafol %{folder}.","Folder name":"Nome do cartafol","Folder name cannot be empty":"O nome do cartafol non pode estar baleiro","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «..»","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «.»","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode conter unha «/»","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do cartafol non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","Hide Details":"Agochar os detalles","Home":"Inicio","Links":"Ligazóns","Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","Loading public link…":"Cargando a ligazón pública…","Loading shared files failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar ficheiros compartidos…","Loading trash bin failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cesto do lixo…","Mail recipients":"Destinatarios de correo","msg":"msx","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Nome"},"Name:":"Nome:","New Collaborators:":"Novos colaboradores:","New file":"Novo ficheiro","New file…":"Novo ficheiro…","New folder":"Novo cartafol","New folder…":"Novo cartafol…","No public links":"Non hai ligazóns públicas","No Versions available for this file":"Non hai versións dispoñíbeis para este ficheiro","of":"de","Ok":"Aceptar","Only invited collaborators can use this link.":"Só os colaboradores convidados poden usar esta ligazón.","Open %{fileName} in":"Abrir %{fileName} en","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Owner":"Propietario","Password":"Contrasinal","Password protected":"Protexido por contrasinal","Password:":"Contrasinal:","Pending":"Pendente","Personal note":"Nota persoal","Please confirm the deletion of %{ fileName }":"Confirme a eliminación de %{ fileName }","Private Link":"Ligazón privada","Public":{"Short public link indicator":"Público"},"Public Links":"Ligazóns públicas","Recipients can upload but existing contents are not revealed.":"Os destinatarios poden enviar, mais non se revelan os contidos existentes.","Recipients can view and download contents.":"Os destinatarios poden ver e descargar contidos.","Recipients can view, download and upload contents.":"Os destinatarios poden ver, descargar e enviar contidos.","Recipients can view, download, edit, delete and upload contents.":"Os destinatarios poden ver, descargar, editar, eliminar e enviar contidos.","Remove expiration date":"Retirar a data de caducidade","Remove password":"Retirar o contrasinal","Rename":"Renomear","Rename file %{name}":"Renomear o ficheiro %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renomear o cartafol %{name}","required":"requirido","Resharer":"Volver compartir","Resolving private link…":"Resolvendo a ligazón privada…","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Produciuse un fallo ao restaurar %{file}","Restore":"Restaurar","Restore selected":"Restaurar o seleccionado","Role:":"Rol:","Save Public Link":"Gardar ligazón pública","Save Share":"Gardar a compartición","Saving Public Link":"Gardando ligazón pública","Saving Share":"Gardando compartición","Search":"Buscar","Search failed":"Produciuse un fallo na busca","Select %{type} %{name}":"Seleccionar %{type} %{name}","Select all items":"Selecciona todos os elementos","Selected collaborators:":"Colaboradores seleccionados:","Send a copy to myself":"Envíame unha copia","Set detailed permissions":"Estabelecer os permisos detallados","Share time":{"Share time column in files table":"Compartir tempo"},"Shared by:":"Compartido por:","Shared with collaborators through one of the parent folders":"Compartido con colaboradores a través dun dos cartafoles pai","Shared with links through one of the parent folders":"Compartido con ligazóns a través dun dos cartafoles pai","Shared with me":"Compartido comigo","Shared with others":"Compartido con outros","Show Details":"Amosar os detalles","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Tamaño"},"Status":"Estado","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"O nome «%{name}» xa está ocupado","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «..»","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «.»","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome non pode conter unha «/»","The name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","There are no resources in this folder.":"Non hai recursos neste cartafol.","There are no resources marked as favorite.":"Non hai recursos marcados como favoritos.","There is currently an action in progress for this file":"Agora hai unha acción en proceso para este ficheiro","There is currently an action in progress for this folder":"Agora hai unha acción en marcha para este cartafol","This item will be deleted permanently. You can’t undo this action.":"Este elemento eliminarase permanentemente. Non pode desfacer esta acción.","This resource is password-protected.":"Este recurso está protexido por contrasinal.","title":"título","Trash bin":"Cesto do lixo","Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"Non foi posíbel baleirar o lixo","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"O lixo foi baleirado satisfactoriamente","Unknown Role":"Rol descoñecido","Updated":{"Short column label in files able for the time at which a file was modified":"Actualizado"},"Upload complete":"Envío completado","Upload failed":"Produciuse un fallo no envío","Upload File":"Enviar ficheiro","Upload Folder":"Enviar cartafol","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"O envío dun cartafol non é compatíbel co Internet Explorer.","Upload, edit, delete, download and preview":"Enviar, editar, eliminar, descargar be visionar","Uploader":"Xestor de envíos","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Enviando «%{ fileName }»","Uploading %{ count } item":["Enviando %{ count } elemento","Enviando %{ count } elementos"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Enviando o ficheiro «%{fileName}»","Used space:":"Espazo usado:","Versions":"Versións","Via %{folderName}":"Mediante %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visor","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people.":"Agora non colabora en ningún dos seus recursos con outras persoas.","You are currently not collaborating on other people's resources.":"Agora non está colaborando cos recursos doutras persoas.","You can mark some by clicking on the star icon in the file list.":"Pode marcar algúns premendo na icona estrela da lista de ficheiros.","You don't have permission to share this %{type}.":"Non ten permiso para compartir este %{type}.","You have no permission to upload!":"Non ten permiso para facer envíos!","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Non dispón de espazo abondo para facer un envío!","Your trash bin is empty.":"O seu cesto do lixo está baleiro."},"it":{}} \ No newline at end of file +{"cs":{"%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} byl úspěšně odstraněn","%{name} already exists":"%{name} již existuje","+ New":"+ Nový","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Při načítání odkazu nastala chyba","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"Opravdu chcete odstranit %{numberOfFiles} vybraných souborů?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Opravdu chcete odstranit \"%{file}\"?","Cancel":"Zrušit","Collaborators":"Spolupracovníci","Creating file failed…":"Vytváření souboru selhalo...","Creating folder failed…":"Vytváření složky selhalo...","Delete":"Odstranit","Delete File/Folder":"Smazat Soubor/Složku","Delete selected":"Odstranit vybrané","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Odstranění %{file} selhalo","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Čas vymazání"},"Do you want to overwrite it?":"Opravdu si přejete přepsat tento soubor?","Download":"Stáhnout","Download and preview":"Stáhnout a zobrazit","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Přetáhněte soubor, abyste ho nahráli do aktuální složky","Editor":"Editor","Error while searching.":"Hledání selhalo.","Error while sharing.":"Sdílení selhalo.","Expiration date":"Datum vypršení","File %{file} already exists.":"Soubor %{file} již existuje.","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název souboru nemůže být \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název souboru nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Název souboru nemůže končit mezerou","File upload failed…":"Nahrávání souboru selhalo...","Files":"Soubory","Folder %{folder} already exists.":"Složka s názvem %{folder} již existuje","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Název složky nemůže být \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Název složky nemůže být \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Název složky nemůže obsahovat \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Název složky nemůže končit mezerou","Home":"Domů","Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Název"},"No Versions available for this file":"Pro tento soubor nejsou dostupné žádné verze","of":"ze","Ok":"Ok","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Owner":"Vlastník","Please confirm the deletion of %{ fileName }":"Prosím potvrďte odstranění %{ fileName }","Rename file %{name}":"Přejmenovat soubor %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Přejmenovat složku %{name}","Resolving private link…":"Načítání soukromého odkazu...","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Obnovení %{file} selhalo","Restore":"Obnovit","Restore selected":"Obnovit vybrané","Search":"Hledat","Search failed":"Hledání selhalo","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Velikost"},"Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"Koš se nepodařilo vysypat","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"Koš byl vysypán","Upload File":"Nahrát soubor","Upload Folder":"Nahrát složku","Upload, edit, delete, download and preview":"Nahrát, upravit, smazat, stáhnout a zobrazit","Versions":"Verze","Viewer":"Divák","You have no permission to upload!":"Nemáte oprávnění nahrávat soubory.","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Nemáte dostatek místa pro nahrátí."},"de":{"(me)":"(ich)","(required)":"(benötigt)","%{file} was restored successfully":"%{file} wurde erfolgreich wiederhergestellt","%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} wurde erfolgreich gelöscht","%{name} already exists":"%{name} existiert bereits","%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.":["%{numberOfFiles} Datei wird endgültig gelöscht. Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. ","%{numberOfFiles} Dateien werden endgültig gelöscht. Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. "],"%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted.":["%{numberOfFiles} Datei wird gelöscht.","%{numberOfFiles} Dateien werden gelöscht."],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} hat diesen Ordner zum Upload geteilt.","+ New":"+ Neu","Accept":"Akzeptieren","Add Collaborators":"Mitarbeiter hinzufügen","Add new collaborator by name, email or federation ID's":"Neuen Mitarbeiter mit Name, E-Mail-Adressen oder Federation-IDs hinzufügen","Add public link":"Öffentlichen Link hinzufügen","Adding Collaborators":"Mitarbeiter werden hinzufügt","Additional permissions:":"Zusätzliche Rechte:","Advanced permissions":"Zusätzliche Rechte","All files":"Alle Dateien","Allow creating":"Erstellen erlauben","Allow deleting":"Löschen erlauben","Allow editing":"Editieren erlauben","Allow re-Sharing":"Weiter-Teilen erlauben","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Beim Laden des öffentlichen Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Beim Auflösen des privaten Links ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.","and":"und","Any external collaborator with the respective link can access this resource. No\n sign-in required. Assign a password to avoid unintended document\n exposure.":"Jeder Externe mit einem Link kann auf diese Datei oder diesen Ordner zugreifen. Ein Login ist nicht erforderlich. Ein Passwort sollte vergeben werden um nicht beabsichtigte Zugriffe zu verhindern.","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass sie diese %{numberOfFiles} Dateien löschen wollen?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Sind Sie sicher, dass sie %{file} löschen wollen?","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Click to open the link":"Zum öffnen des Links bitte klicken.","Collaborator was added":"Mitarbeiter wurde hinzugefügt.","Collaborators":"Mitarbeiter","Continue":"Weiter","Contributor":"Mitarbeiter","Copy private link url":"Kopieren des privaten Links","Copy public link url":"Kopieren des öffentlichen Links","Create Public Link":"Erstellen des öffentlichen Links","Creating file failed…":"Erstellen der Datei fehlgeschlagen…","Creating folder failed…":"Erstellen des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Creating Public Link":"Erstelle den öffentlichen Link","Decline":"Ablehnen","Declined":"Abgelehnt","Delete":"Löschen","Delete File/Folder":"Datei oder Ordner löschen","Delete public link":"Lösche den öffentlichen Link","Delete selected":"Auswahl löschen","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Löschen von %{file} ist fehlgeschlagen","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Zeitpunkt des Löschens"},"Directly shared with collaborators":"Direkt mit Mitarbeitenden geteilt","Directly shared with links":"Direkt mit öffentlichen Links geteilt","Do you want to create a new version?":"Soll eine neue Version erstellt werden?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Soll es überschrieben werden?","Download":"Herunterladen","Download and preview":"Herunterladen und Vorschau","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Ziehen Sie Inhalte per Drag & Drop in den aktuellen Ordner","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload.":"Dateien oder Ordner hierher ziehen oder das \"+Neu\" Feld zum Hochladen benutzen.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Dateien hier fallenlassen oder anklicken zum Selektieren","Edit public link":"Bearbeite öffentlichen Link","Edit, download and preview":"Bearbeiten, Herunterladen und Vorschau","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Papierkorb leeren","Enter new file name…":"Neuen Dateinamen eingeben…","Enter new folder name…":"Neuen Ordnernamen eingeben…","Enter password":"Passwort eingeben","Error while changing share state":"Fehler bei der Änderung der Berechtigungen","Error while deleting \"%{file}\"":"Fehler beim Löschen von \"%{file}\"","Error while deleting \"%{file}\" - the file is locked":"Fehler beim Löschen von \"%{file}\" - Datei ist gesperrt","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Fehler beim Umbennen von \"%{file}\" zu \"%{newName}\"","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Fehler beim Umbennen von \"%{file}\" zu \"%{newName}\" - Datei ist gesperrt","Error while searching.":"Fehler beim Suchen.","Error while sharing.":"Fehler beim Teilen.","Expiration date":"Ablaufdatum","Expiration date:":"Ablaufdatum","Expires":"Läuft ab","Expires %{expires}":"Läuft ab: %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoriten","file":["Datei","Dateien"],"File %{file} already exists.":"Die Datei %{file} existiert bereits.","File name":"Dateiname","File name cannot be empty":"Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \"..\" sein.","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Dateiname darf nicht \".\" sein.","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Dateiname darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Dateiname darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","File upload failed…":"Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden…","Files":"Dateien","folder":["Ordner","Ordner"],"Folder %{folder} already exists.":"Der Ordner %{folder} existiert bereits..","Folder name":"Ordnername","Folder name cannot be empty":"Der Ordnername darf nicht leer sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \"..\" sein.","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Ordnername darf nicht \".\" sein.","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Ordnername darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Ordnername darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden.","Hide Details":"Details verstecken","Home":"Zuhause","Links":"Links","Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Loading public link…":"Lade öffentlichen Link…","Loading shared files failed…":"Laden geteilter Dateien fehlgeschlagen","Loading trash bin failed…":"Laden des Papierkorbs ist fehlgeschlagen…","Mail recipients":"E-Mail Empfänger","msg":"Nachricht","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Name"},"Name:":"Name:","New Collaborators:":"Neue Mitarbeitende","New file":"Neue Datei","New file…":"Neue Datei…","New folder":"Neuer Ordner","New folder…":"Neuer Ordner…","No public links":"Keine öffentlichen Links","No Versions available for this file":"Für diese Datei sind keine Versionen verfügbar. ","of":"von","Ok":"Ok","Only invited collaborators can use this link.":"Nur eingeladene Mitarbeitende können diese Link verwenden.","Open %{fileName} in":"Öffne %{fileName} in","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Owner":"Besitzer","Password":"Passwort","Password protected":"Geschützt durch Passwort","Password:":"Passwort:","Pending":"Wartend","Personal note":"Persönliche Notiz","Please confirm the deletion of %{ fileName }":"Bitte bestätigen Sie den Löschvorgang von %{ fileName }","Private Link":"Privater Link","Public":{"Short public link indicator":"Öffentlich"},"Public Links":"Öffentlicher Link","Recipients can upload but existing contents are not revealed.":"Empfangende können hochladen, aber existierende Inhalte werden nicht angezeigt.","Recipients can view and download contents.":"Empfangende können Inhalte sehen und herunterladen.","Recipients can view, download and upload contents.":"Empfangende können Inhalte sehen, herunterladen und hochladen.","Recipients can view, download, edit, delete and upload contents.":"Empfänger können Inhalte sehen, herunterladen, hochladen, editieren und löschen.","Remove expiration date":"Entferne Ablaufdatum","Remove password":"Entferne Passwort","Rename":"Umbenennen","Rename file %{name}":"Datei %{name} umbenennen","Rename folder %{name}":"Ordner %{name} umbenennen","required":"benötigt","Resharer":"Weiter-Teiler","Resolving private link…":"Auflösen des privaten Links…","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Wiederherstellen von %{fileName} ist fehlgeschlagen.","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Restore selected":"Auswahl wiederherstellen","Role:":"Rolle:","Save Public Link":"Speichere den öffentlichen Link","Save Share":"Freigabe speichern","Saving Public Link":"Speichere den öffentlichen Link","Saving Share":"Speichere Freigabe","Search":"Suchen","Search failed":"Die Suche ist fehlgeschlagen","Select %{type} %{name}":"Auswählen %{type} %{name}","Select all items":"Alle auswählen","Selected collaborators:":"Ausgewählte Mitarbeiter:","Send a copy to myself":"Eine Kopie zu mir schicken","Set detailed permissions":"Detaillierte Rechte festlegen","Share time":{"Share time column in files table":"Erstellungszeit"},"Shared by:":"Geteile von:","Shared with collaborators through one of the parent folders":"Geteilt mit Mitarbeitenden durch einen übergeordneten Ordner","Shared with links through one of the parent folders":"Geteilt mit öffenlichen Links durch einen übergeordneten Ordner","Shared with me":"Mit mir geteilt","Shared with others":"Mit anderen geteilt","Show Details":"Details ansehen","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Größe"},"Status":"Status","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Der Name \"%{name}\" ist bereits vergeben","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Der Name darf nicht \"..\" sein.","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Der Name darf nicht \".\" sein.","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Der Name darf kein \"/\" enthalten.","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Der Name darf nicht mit einem Leerzeichen enden","There are no resources in this folder.":"Dieser Ordner hat keinen Inhalt.","There are no resources marked as favorite.":"Keine Inhalte als Favorit markiert.","There is currently an action in progress for this file":"Mit dieser Datei wird momentan gearbeitet","There is currently an action in progress for this folder":"Mit diesem Ordner wird momentan gearbeitet","This item will be deleted permanently. You can’t undo this action.":"Diese Datei wird endgültig gelöscht. Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","This resource is password-protected.":"Diese Ressource ist Passwortgeschützt.","title":"Titel","Trash bin":"Papierkorb","Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"Der Papierkorb konnte nicht geleert werden.","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"Der Papierkorb wurde erfolgreich geleert.","Unknown Role":"Unbekannte Rolle","Updated":{"Short column label in files able for the time at which a file was modified":"Erneuert"},"Upload complete":"Hochladen komplett","Upload failed":"Fehler beim Hochladen","Upload File":"Datei hochladen","Upload Folder":"Ordner hochladen","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Das Hochladen eines Folders ist im Internet Explorer nicht unterstützt.","Upload, edit, delete, download and preview":"Hochladen, Bearbeiten, Löschen, Herunterladen und Vorschau","Uploader":"Hochgeladen von","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Hochladen \"%{ fileName }\"","Uploading %{ count } item":["Hochladen von %{ count } Element","Hochladen von %{ count } Elementen"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Lade Datei \"%{ fileName }\" hoch","Used space:":"Belegter Speicherplatz:","Versions":"Versionen","Via %{folderName}":"Durch %{folderName}","Viewer":"Betrachter","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people.":"Keine der Inhalte wird mit Anderen zusammen bearbeitet.","You are currently not collaborating on other people's resources.":"Zu keinem der Inhalte Anderer zur Zusammenarbeit eingeladen.","You can mark some by clicking on the star icon in the file list.":"Favoriten durch das Klicken auf den Stern in der Liste der Dateien markieren.","You don't have permission to share this %{type}.":"Keine Berechtigung zu teilen %{type}.","You have no permission to upload!":"Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Hochladen!","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Sie haben zum Hochladen nicht genügend Speicherplatz zur Verfügung.","Your trash bin is empty.":"Papierkorb ist leer."},"es":{"(required)":"(requerido)","%{file} was restored successfully":"%{file} fue restaurado con éxito","%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} fue eliminado exitosamente","%{name} already exists":"%{name} ya existe","+ New":"+ Nuevo","Accept":"Aceptar","Add Collaborators":"Añadir Colaboradores","Add new collaborator by name, email or federation ID's":"Agregar un nuevo colaborador por nombre, correo electrónico o ID de federación","Add public link":"Añadir Enlace Público","Adding Collaborators":"Añadiendo colaboradores","Additional permissions:":"Permisos adicionales","Advanced permissions":"Permisos avanzados","All files":"Todos los archivos","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Se ha producido un error al cargar el enlace público","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Un error ocurrió resolviendo el enlace privado ","and":"y","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"¿Está seguro que desea eliminar los %{numberOfFiles} ítems seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Estás seguro de eliminar \"%{file}\"?","Cancel":"Cancelar","Click to open the link":"Click para abrir el enlace","Collaborators":"Colaboradores","Continue":"Continuar","Contributor":"Colaborador","Copy private link url":"Copiar url del enlace privado","Copy public link url":"Copiar url del enlace publico","Create Public Link":"Crear enlace público","Creating file failed…":"Falló la creación de archivo...","Creating folder failed…":"Falló la creación de la carpeta...","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete File/Folder":"Borrar archivo/carpeta","Delete selected":"Eliminar Seleccionado","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Borrado de %{file} falló","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Hora de borrado"},"Do you want to overwrite it?":"¿Quieres sobreescribirlo?","Download":"Descargar","Download and preview":"Descargar y previsualizar","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Arrastre y suelte para subir contenido a la carpeta actual","Edit public link":"Editar enlace público","Edit, download and preview":"Editar, descargar y previsualizar","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Vaciar papelera","Enter password":"Introduzca la contraseña","Error while searching.":"Error durante la búsqueda.","Error while sharing.":"Error al compartir","Expiration date":"Fecha de expiración","Expiration date:":"Fecha de expiración:","Expires":"Expira","Favorites":"Favoritos","file":["archivos","archivos"],"File %{file} already exists.":"El archivo %{file} ya existe.","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de archivo no puede ser igual a \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre del archivo no puede contener \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre del archivo no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","File upload failed…":"La subida del archivo falló...","Files":"Archivos","folder":["carpetas","carpetas"],"Folder %{folder} already exists.":"La carpeta %{folder} ya existe.","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre de carpeta no puede ser igual a \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede contener \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre de la carpeta no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","Home":"Inicio","Links":"Enlaces","Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","Loading public link…":"Cargando enlace público...","Loading shared files failed…":"Fallo en la carga de archivos compartidos....","Loading trash bin failed…":"Fallo en la carga de la papelera....","Mail recipients":"Destinatarios de correo","msg":"msg","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Nombre"},"New file":"Nuevo archivo","New folder":"Nueva carpeta","No Versions available for this file":"No hay versiones disponibles para este archivo","of":"de","Ok":"Ok","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Owner":"Propietario","Password":"Contraseña","Personal note":"Nota personal","Please confirm the deletion of %{ fileName }":"Por favor confirme el borrado de %{ archivoNombre }","Recipients can view and download contents.":"Los destinatarios pueden ver y descargar contenidos.","Recipients can view, download and upload contents.":"Los destinatarios pueden ver, descargar y cargar contenidos.","Recipients can view, download, edit, delete and upload contents.":"Los destinatarios pueden ver, descargar, editar, borrar y cargar contenidos.","Rename":"Renombrar","Rename file %{name}":"Renombrar archivo %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renombrar carpeta %{name}","required":"requerido","Resolving private link…":"Resolviendo enlace privado...","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Restauración de %{file} falló","Restore":"Restaurar","Restore selected":"Restaurar Seleccionado","Search":"Buscar","Search failed":"Falló la búsqueda","Send a copy to myself":"Enviar una copia a mí mismo","Set detailed permissions":"Definir permisos detallados","Share time":{"Share time column in files table":"Hora en que se compartió"},"Shared with others":"Compartido con otros","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Tamaño"},"The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"El nombre \"%{name}\" ya está tomado","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"El nombre no puede ser igual a \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"El nombre no puede contener \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"El nombre no puede terminar con un espacio en blanco","This resource is password-protected.":"Este recurso está protegido por contraseña.","title":"titulo","Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"La papelera no pudo ser vaciada","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"La papelera fue vaciada con éxito","Upload File":"Subir archivo","Upload Folder":"Subir carpeta","Upload, edit, delete, download and preview":"Subir, editar, eliminar, descargar y previsualizar","Uploader":"Cargador","Used space:":"Espacio utilizado:","Versions":"Versiones","Viewer":"Visor","You have no permission to upload!":"No tienes permisos para subir.","You have not enough space left to upload!":"No tiene suficiente espacio para subir."},"fr":{"%{file} was restored successfully":"%{file} a été réstauré avec succès","%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} a été supprimé avec succès","%{name} already exists":"%{name} est déjà existant","%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.":["%{numberOfFiles} resource will be supprimée immédiatement. Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action.","%{numberOfFiles} resources vont être supprimées. Vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action."],"%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted.":["%{numberOfFiles} resource will be supprimée.","%{numberOfFiles} resources vont être supprimées."],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} a partagé ce dossier avec vous pour uploader.","+ New":"+ Nouveau","Accept":"Accepter","Add Collaborators":"Ajouter collaborateurs","Add new collaborator by name, email or federation ID's":"Ajouter un nouveau collaborateur par nom, e-mail ou ID de federation","Add public link":"Ajouter lien public","Adding Collaborators":"Ajouter collaborateurs","Additional permissions:":"Permissions supplémentaires :","Advanced permissions":"Permissions avancées","All files":"Tous les fichiers","Allow creating":"Autoriser la création","Allow deleting":"Autoriser la suppression","Allow editing":"Autoriser les modifications","Allow re-Sharing":"Autoriser le re-partage","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Une erreur est apparue lors du chargement du lien public","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Une erreur est apparue lors de la résolution du lien privé","and":"et","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les %{numberOfFiles} resources selectionnées ?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer \"%{file}\"?","Cancel":"Annuler","Click to open the link":"Cliquer pour ouvrir le lien","Collaborator was added":"Collaborateur a été ajouté","Collaborators":"Collaborateurs","Continue":"Continuer","Contributor":"Contributeur","Copy private link url":"Copier le lien privé","Copy public link url":"Copier le lien public","Create Public Link":"Créer lien public","Creating file failed…":"Echec de création de fichier...","Creating folder failed…":"Echec de création de dossier...","Creating Public Link":"Création lien public","Decline":"Décliner","Declined":"Décliné","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete File/Folder":"Supprimer Fichier/Dossier","Delete public link":"Supprimer lien public","Delete selected":"Supprimer sélection","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Echec de la suppression de %{file}","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Supprimé"},"Directly shared with collaborators":"Partagé directement avec collaborateurs","Directly shared with links":"Partagé directement avec liens","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Voulez-vous l'écraser ?","Download":"Télécharger","Download and preview":"Téléchargé et visualiser","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Glisser et déplacer pour uploader du contenu dans le dossier courant","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload.":"Glisser fichiers et dossiers ici ou utiliser le bouton \"+ New\" pour uploader.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Déposer des fichiers ici pour uploader ou cliquer pour sélectionner des fichiers","Edit public link":"Editer lien public","Edit, download and preview":"Modifier, télécharger et visualiser","Editor":"Éditeur","Empty trash bin":"Vider la corbeille","Enter new file name…":"Entrer un nom de fichier...","Enter new folder name…":"Entrer un nom de dossier...","Enter password":"Entrer mot de passe","Error while changing share state":"Erreur lors du changement d'état du partagé","Error while deleting \"%{file}\"":"Erreur lors de la suppression de \"%{file}\"","Error while deleting \"%{file}\" - the file is locked":"Erreur lors de la suppression de \"%{file}\" - le fichier est verrouillé","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Erreur lors du renommage de \"%{file}\" en \"%{newName}\"","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Erreur lors du renommage de \"%{file}\" en \"%{newName}\" - le fichier est verrouillé","Error while searching.":"Erreur apparue lors de la recherche.","Error while sharing.":"Erreur apparue lors du partage.","Expiration date":"Date d'éxpiration","Expiration date:":"Date d'expiration :","Expires":"Expire","Favorites":"Favoris","file":["fichier","fichiers"],"File %{file} already exists.":"Fichier %{file} existe déja.","File name":"Nom de fichier","File name cannot be empty":"Nom de fichier ne peut pas être vide","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \"..\"","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas être \".\"","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","File name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du fichier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","File upload failed…":"Échec d'upload du fichier...","Files":"Fichiers","folder":["dossier","dossiers"],"Folder %{folder} already exists.":"Dossier %{folder} existe déjà","Folder name":"Nom de dossier","Folder name cannot be empty":"Nom de dossier ne peut pas être vide","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \"..\"","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas être \".\"","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom du dossier ne peut pas se terminer avec un espace","Home":"Dossier personnel","Links":"Liens","Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","Loading public link…":"Chargement du lien public...","Loading shared files failed…":"Échec de chargement des fichiers partagés","Loading trash bin failed…":"Échec de chargement de la corbeille","Mail recipients":"Destinataires","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Nom"},"Name:":"Nom :","New Collaborators:":"Nouveaux collaborateurs :","New file":"Nouveau fichier","New file…":"Nouveau fichier...","New folder":"Nouveau dossier","New folder…":"Nouveau dossier...","No public links":"Aucun lien public","No Versions available for this file":"Aucune version n'existe pour ce fichier","of":"de","Ok":"Ok","Only invited collaborators can use this link.":"Seuls les collaborateurs invités peuvent utiliser ce lien","Open %{fileName} in":"Ouvrir ${fileName} dans","Owner":"Propriétaire","Password":"Mot de passe","Password protected":"Protégé par mot de passe","Password:":"Mot de passe :","Pending":"En attente","Personal note":"Note personnelle","Please confirm the deletion of %{ fileName }":"Veuillez confirmer la suppression de %{ fileName }","Private Link":"Lien privé","Public Links":"Liens publics","Recipients can upload but existing contents are not revealed.":"Destinataires peuvent uploader mais le contenu existant n'est pas visible.","Recipients can view and download contents.":"Destinataires peuvent lister et télécharger le contenu.","Recipients can view, download and upload contents.":"Destinataires peuvent lister, télécharger et uploader du contenu.","Recipients can view, download, edit, delete and upload contents.":"Destinataires peuvent lister, télécharger, modifier, supprimer et uploader du contenu.","Remove expiration date":"Supprimer date d'expiration","Remove password":"Supprimer mot de passe","Rename":"Renommer","Rename file %{name}":"Renommer fichier %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renommer dossier %{name}","required":"requis","Resharer":"Partageur","Resolving private link…":"Résolution du lien privé...","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Échec de restauration du fichier %{file}","Restore":"Restaurer","Restore selected":"Restaurer la selection","Role:":"Role :","Save Public Link":"Enregister lien public","Save Share":"Enregistrer partage","Saving Public Link":"Enregistrement lien public","Saving Share":"Enregistrement partage","Search":"Recherche","Search failed":"Échec de la recherche","Select all items":"Tout sélectionner","Selected collaborators:":"Collaborateurs sélectionnés :","Send a copy to myself":"M'envoyer une copie","Set detailed permissions":"Définir des permissions détaillées","Share time":{"Share time column in files table":"Partagé le"},"Shared with collaborators through one of the parent folders":"Partagé avec collaborateurs par l'un des dossiers parents","Shared with links through one of the parent folders":"Partagé avec liens par l'un des dossiers parents","Shared with me":"Partagé avec moi","Shared with others":"Partagé avec autres","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Taille"},"Status":"État","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"Le nom \"%{name}\" existe déjà","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \"..\"","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"Le nom ne peut pas être \".\"","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"Le nom ne peut pas contenir \"/\"","The name cannot end with whitespace":"Le nom ne peut pas finir avec un espace","There are no resources in this folder.":"Il n'y a aucune ressource dans ce dossier","There are no resources marked as favorite.":"Il n'y a aucune ressource marquée comme favorite.","There is currently an action in progress for this file":"Une action est déjà en cours pour ce fichier","There is currently an action in progress for this folder":"Une action est déjà en cours pour ce dossier","This item will be deleted permanently. You can’t undo this action.":"Cette ressource sera supprimée de façon permanent. Vous ne pourrez pas annuler cette action.","This resource is password-protected.":"Cette resource est protégée par mot de passe.","title":"titre","Trash bin":"Corbeille","Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"La corbeille n'a pas pu être vidée","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"La corbeille a été vidée avec succès","Unknown Role":"Role inconnu","Updated":{"Short column label in files able for the time at which a file was modified":"Modifié"},"Upload complete":"Upload terminé","Upload failed":"Upload a échoué","Upload File":"Uploader un Fichier","Upload Folder":"Uploader un Dossier","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"Upload de dossier n'est pas supporté sur Internet Explorer.","Upload, edit, delete, download and preview":"Uploader, modifier, supprimer, télécharger et visualiser","Uploader":"Uploadeur","Uploading %{ count } item":["Upload fichier \"%{fileName}\"","Upload %{ count } entrées"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Upload fichier \"%{fileName}\"","Used space:":"Espace utilisé :","Versions":"Versions","Via %{folderName}":"Via %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visionneur","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people.":"Vous ne collaborez actuellement sur aucune ressource avec d'autres personnes.","You are currently not collaborating on other people's resources.":"Vous ne collaborez actuellement sur aucune resource appartenant à d'autres personnes.","You can mark some by clicking on the star icon in the file list.":"Vous pouvez en marquer en cliquant sur l'icône étoile dans la liste de fichiers.","You don't have permission to share this %{type}.":"Vous n'avez pas la permission de partager ce %{type}","You have no permission to upload!":"Vous n'avez pas la permission d'uploader !","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Vous n'avec pas assez d'espace disponible pour uploader !","Your trash bin is empty.":"Votre corbeille est vide."},"gl":{"(me)":"(eu)","(required)":"(requirido)","%{file} was restored successfully":"%{file} foi restaurado satisfactoriamente","%{file} was successfully deleted":"%{file} foi eliminado satisfactoriamente","%{name} already exists":"%{name} xa existe","%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.":["%{numberOfFiles} elemento eliminarase inmediatamente. Non poderá desfacer esta acción.","%{numberOfFiles} elementos eliminaranse inmediatamente. Non poderá desfacer esta acción."],"%{numberOfFiles} item will be deleted.":["%{numberOfFiles} elemento vai ser eliminado.","%{numberOfFiles} elementos van ser eliminados."],"%{owner} shared this folder with you for uploading":"%{owner} compartiu este cartafol con vostede para envialo","+ New":"+ Novo","Accept":"Aceptar","Add Collaborators":"Engadir colaboradores","Add new collaborator by name, email or federation ID's":"Engadir un novo colaborador por nome, correo ou ID de federación","Add public link":"Engadir ligazón pública","Adding Collaborators":"Engadindo colaboradores","Additional permissions:":"Permisos adicionais","Advanced permissions":"Permisos avanzados","All files":"Todos os ficheiros","Allow creating":"Permitir crear","Allow deleting":"Permitir eliminar","Allow editing":"Permitir editar","Allow re-Sharing":"Permitir volver compartir","An error occurred while loading the public link":"Produciuse un erro ao cargar a ligazón pública","An error occurred while resolving the private link":"Produciuse un erro ao resolver a ligazón privada","and":"e","Any external collaborator with the respective link can access this resource. No\n sign-in required. Assign a password to avoid unintended document\n exposure.":"Calquera colaborador externo coa ligazón respectiva pode acceder a este\n recurso. Non é necesario iniciar sesión. Asigne un contrasinal para\n evitar a exposición non desexada do documento.","Are you sure you want delete %{numberOfFiles} selected items?":"Confirma que quere eliminar os %{numberOfFiles} elementos seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete \"%{file}\"?":"Confirma que quere eliminar «%{file}»?","Cancel":"Cancelar","Click to open the link":"Prema para abrir a ligazón","Collaborator was added":"Engadiuse o colaborador","Collaborators":"Colaboradores","Continue":"Continuar","Contributor":"Colaborador","Copy private link url":"Copiar o URL da ligazón privada","Copy public link url":"Copiar o URL da ligazón pública","Create Public Link":"Crear a ligazón pública","Creating file failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao crear o ficheiro…","Creating folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao crear o cartafol…","Creating Public Link":"Creando a ligazón pública","Decline":"Declinar","Declined":"Declinada","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete File/Folder":"Eliminar ficheiro/cartafol","Delete public link":"Eliminar ligazón pública","Delete selected":"Eliminar o seleccionado","Deletion of %{file} failed":"Produciuse un fallo ao eliminar %{file}","Deletion Time":{"Deletion time column in trashbin files table":"Tempo de eliminación"},"Directly shared with collaborators":"Compartida directamente con colaboradores","Directly shared with links":"Compartida directamente con ligazóns","Do you want to create a new version?":"Quere crear unha nova versión?","Do you want to overwrite it?":"Quere sobrescribilo?","Download":"Descargar","Download and preview":"Descargar e visionar","Drag and drop to upload content into current folder":"Arrastre e solte para enviar contido ao cartafol actual","Drag files and folders here or use the \"+ New\" button to upload.":"Arrastre ficheiros e cartafoles aquí ou use o botón «+ Novo» para enviar.","Drop files here to upload or click to select file":"Solte os ficheiros aquí para envialos ou prema para seleccionar ficheiro","Edit public link":"Editar ligazón pública","Edit, download and preview":"Editar, descargar e visionar","Editor":"Editor","Empty trash bin":"Cesto do lixo baleiro","Enter new file name…":"Insira o nome do novo ficheiro…","Enter new folder name…":"Insira o nome do novo cartafol…","Enter password":"Introduza o contrasinal","Error while changing share state":"Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o estado de compartición","Error while deleting \"%{file}\"":"Produciuse un erro ao eliminar «%{file}»","Error while deleting \"%{file}\" - the file is locked":"Produciuse un erro ao eliminar «%{file}» — o ficheiro está bloqueado","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\"":"Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o nome de «%{file}« a «%{newName}»","Error while renaming \"%{file}\" to \"%{newName}\" - the file is locked":"Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o nome de «%{file}« a «%{newName}» — o ficheiro está bloqueado","Error while searching.":"Produciuse un erro durante a busca.","Error while sharing.":"Produciuse un erro durante a compartición.","Expiration date":"Data de caducidade","Expiration date:":"Data de caducidade:","Expires":"Caduca","Expires %{expires}":"Caduca %{expires}","Favorites":"Favoritos","file":["ficheiro","ficheiros"],"File %{file} already exists.":"Xa existe o ficheiro %{file}.","File name":"Nome de ficheiro","File name cannot be empty":"O nome do ficheiro non pode estar baleiro","File name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «..»","File name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode ser igual a «.»","File name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do ficheiro non pode conter unha «/»","File name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do ficheiro non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","File upload failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao enviar o ficheiro…","Files":"Ficheiros","folder":["cartafol","cartafoles"],"Folder %{folder} already exists.":"Xa existe o cartafol %{folder}.","Folder name":"Nome do cartafol","Folder name cannot be empty":"O nome do cartafol non pode estar baleiro","Folder name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «..»","Folder name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode ser igual a «.»","Folder name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome do cartafol non pode conter unha «/»","Folder name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome do cartafol non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","Hide Details":"Agochar os detalles","Home":"Inicio","Links":"Ligazóns","Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","Loading public link…":"Cargando a ligazón pública…","Loading shared files failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar ficheiros compartidos…","Loading trash bin failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cesto do lixo…","Mail recipients":"Destinatarios de correo","msg":"msx","Name":{"Name column in files table":"Nome"},"Name:":"Nome:","New Collaborators:":"Novos colaboradores:","New file":"Novo ficheiro","New file…":"Novo ficheiro…","New folder":"Novo cartafol","New folder…":"Novo cartafol…","No public links":"Non hai ligazóns públicas","No Versions available for this file":"Non hai versións dispoñíbeis para este ficheiro","of":"de","Ok":"Aceptar","Only invited collaborators can use this link.":"Só os colaboradores convidados poden usar esta ligazón.","Open %{fileName} in":"Abrir %{fileName} en","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Owner":"Propietario","Password":"Contrasinal","Password protected":"Protexido por contrasinal","Password:":"Contrasinal:","Pending":"Pendente","Personal note":"Nota persoal","Please confirm the deletion of %{ fileName }":"Confirme a eliminación de %{ fileName }","Private Link":"Ligazón privada","Public":{"Short public link indicator":"Público"},"Public Links":"Ligazóns públicas","Recipients can upload but existing contents are not revealed.":"Os destinatarios poden enviar, mais non se revelan os contidos existentes.","Recipients can view and download contents.":"Os destinatarios poden ver e descargar contidos.","Recipients can view, download and upload contents.":"Os destinatarios poden ver, descargar e enviar contidos.","Recipients can view, download, edit, delete and upload contents.":"Os destinatarios poden ver, descargar, editar, eliminar e enviar contidos.","Remove expiration date":"Retirar a data de caducidade","Remove password":"Retirar o contrasinal","Rename":"Renomear","Rename file %{name}":"Renomear o ficheiro %{name}","Rename folder %{name}":"Renomear o cartafol %{name}","required":"requirido","Resharer":"Volver compartir","Resolving private link…":"Resolvendo a ligazón privada…","Restoration of %{file} failed":"Produciuse un fallo ao restaurar %{file}","Restore":"Restaurar","Restore selected":"Restaurar o seleccionado","Role:":"Rol:","Save Public Link":"Gardar ligazón pública","Save Share":"Gardar a compartición","Saving Public Link":"Gardando ligazón pública","Saving Share":"Gardando compartición","Search":"Buscar","Search failed":"Produciuse un fallo na busca","Select %{type} %{name}":"Seleccionar %{type} %{name}","Select all items":"Selecciona todos os elementos","Selected collaborators:":"Colaboradores seleccionados:","Send a copy to myself":"Envíame unha copia","Set detailed permissions":"Estabelecer os permisos detallados","Share time":{"Share time column in files table":"Compartir tempo"},"Shared by:":"Compartido por:","Shared with collaborators through one of the parent folders":"Compartido con colaboradores a través dun dos cartafoles pai","Shared with links through one of the parent folders":"Compartido con ligazóns a través dun dos cartafoles pai","Shared with me":"Compartido comigo","Shared with others":"Compartido con outros","Show Details":"Amosar os detalles","Size":{"Size column in files table":"Tamaño"},"Status":"Estado","The name \"%{name}\" is already taken":"O nome «%{name}» xa está ocupado","The name cannot be equal to \"..\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «..»","The name cannot be equal to \".\"":"O nome non pode ser igual a «.»","The name cannot contain \"/\"":"O nome non pode conter unha «/»","The name cannot end with whitespace":"O nome non pode rematar cun espazo en branco","There are no resources in this folder.":"Non hai recursos neste cartafol.","There are no resources marked as favorite.":"Non hai recursos marcados como favoritos.","There is currently an action in progress for this file":"Agora hai unha acción en proceso para este ficheiro","There is currently an action in progress for this folder":"Agora hai unha acción en marcha para este cartafol","This item will be deleted permanently. You can’t undo this action.":"Este elemento eliminarase permanentemente. Non pode desfacer esta acción.","This resource is password-protected.":"Este recurso está protexido por contrasinal.","title":"título","Trash bin":"Cesto do lixo","Trash bin couldn't be emptied":"Non foi posíbel baleirar o lixo","Trash bin was successfully emptied":"O lixo foi baleirado satisfactoriamente","Unknown Role":"Rol descoñecido","Updated":{"Short column label in files able for the time at which a file was modified":"Actualizado"},"Upload complete":"Envío completado","Upload failed":"Produciuse un fallo no envío","Upload File":"Enviar ficheiro","Upload Folder":"Enviar cartafol","Upload of a folder is not supported in Internet Explorer.":"O envío dun cartafol non é compatíbel co Internet Explorer.","Upload, edit, delete, download and preview":"Enviar, editar, eliminar, descargar be visionar","Uploader":"Xestor de envíos","Uploading \"%{ fileName }\"":"Enviando «%{ fileName }»","Uploading %{ count } item":["Enviando %{ count } elemento","Enviando %{ count } elementos"],"Uploading file \"%{fileName}\"":"Enviando o ficheiro «%{fileName}»","Used space:":"Espazo usado:","Versions":"Versións","Via %{folderName}":"Mediante %{folderName}","Viewer":"Visor","You are currently not collaborating on any of your resources with other people.":"Agora non colabora en ningún dos seus recursos con outras persoas.","You are currently not collaborating on other people's resources.":"Agora non está colaborando cos recursos doutras persoas.","You can mark some by clicking on the star icon in the file list.":"Pode marcar algúns premendo na icona estrela da lista de ficheiros.","You don't have permission to share this %{type}.":"Non ten permiso para compartir este %{type}.","You have no permission to upload!":"Non ten permiso para facer envíos!","You have not enough space left to upload!":"Non dispón de espazo abondo para facer un envío!","Your trash bin is empty.":"O seu cesto do lixo está baleiro."},"it":{}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/media-viewer/l10n/translations.json b/apps/media-viewer/l10n/translations.json index 901855689a5..942decbf13e 100644 --- a/apps/media-viewer/l10n/translations.json +++ b/apps/media-viewer/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"cs":{"of":"ze"},"de":{"Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","of":"von"},"es":{"of":"de"},"fr":{"of":"sur"},"gl":{"Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","of":"de"},"it":{}} \ No newline at end of file +{"cs":{"Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","of":"ze"},"de":{"Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","of":"von"},"es":{"Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","of":"de"},"fr":{"Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","of":"sur"},"gl":{"Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","of":"de"},"it":{}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/l10n/translations.json b/l10n/translations.json index f1129cad40e..7d7f378f599 100644 --- a/l10n/translations.json +++ b/l10n/translations.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"cs":{"Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informace o účtu","Display name:":"Zobrazované jméno:","Email:":"Email:","Groups membership:":"Členem skupin:","Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","Menu":"Menu","No email has been set up":"Žádná emailová adresa nebyla nastavena","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Stiskněte prosím tlačítko dole pro udělení oprávnění a zpřístupněte tak svá data.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Prosím vydržte chvíli. Probíhá přesměrování.","Redirecting":"Přesměrování","Username:":"Uživatelské jméno:","You are not part of any group":"Nejste členem žádné skupiny"},"de":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Achtung: Damit werden Sie von allen Anwendungen, die Sie mit Ihrem aktuellen Benutzer in diesem Browser ausführen, abgemeldet.","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Kontoinformationen","Authentication failed":"Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen","Display name:":"Anzeigename","documentation":"Dokumentation","Download failed":"Fehler beim herunterladen","Email:":"E-Mail:","For help visit our":"Für Hilfe besuche unsere","Groups membership:":"Grupppenzugehörigkeiten:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Wenn Sie sich mit einem anderen Benutzer anmelden möchten, gehen Sie bitte zu exit.","Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Log out":"Abmelden","Login":"Login","Login Error":"Fehler beim Login","Manage your account":"Verwalten Sie Ihr Benutzerkonto","Menu":"Menü","Missing config":"Fehlende Konfiguration","navItem":"navItem","No email has been set up":"Es wurde noch keine E-Mail eingerichtet","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass config.json existiert.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um sich zu authentifizieren und auf Ihre Daten zuzugreifen.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator, wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin besteht.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Falls diese Meldung fehlerhaft erscheint bitte die Systemverwaltung kontaktieren.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Bitte einen Moment Geduld. Sie werden weitergeleitet.","Redirecting":"Weiterleiten","this":"dies","Username:":"Benutzername:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Willkommen zu %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Keine Berechtigung zur Benutzung dieser Applikation.","You are not part of any group":" Sie gehören keiner Gruppe an."},"es":{"Account":"Cuenta","Account Information":"Información de cuenta","Authentication failed":"Fallo de autenticación","Display name:":"Nombre a mostrar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Descarga fallida","Email:":"Correo electrónico:","For help visit our":"Para ayuda visite nuestra","Groups membership:":"Membresía grupal:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Si deseas entrar con un nombre de usuario distinto por favor procede a salir.","Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","Log out":"Salir","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Login Error":"Error de inicio de sesión","Manage your account":"Administra tu cuenta","Menu":"Menú","Missing config":"Falta la configuración","navItem":"navItem","No email has been set up":"No se ha establecido ningún correo electrónico","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Por favor, compruebe si existe el archivo config.json.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Pulse el botón para autenticarse y ganar acceso a sus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contacta con el administrador si el error persiste","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póngase en contacto con su administrador si cree que este mensaje aparece por error.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Por favor espere. Lo estamos redireccionando.","Redirecting":"Redireccionando","this":"Esto","Username:":"Usuario:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenido a %{productName} ","You are not allowed to use this application.":"No se le permite usar esta aplicación.","You are not part of any group":"No eres parte de ningún grupo"},"fr":{"Account":"Compte","Account Information":"Informations de compte","Authentication failed":"Error d'authentification","Display name:":"Nom affiché :","documentation":"documentation","Email:":"E-mail :","Groups membership:":"Appartenance aux groupes :","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Pour vous connecter avec un utilisateur différent, veuillez procéder à la sortie.","Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Login":"Se connecter","Login Error":"Erreur de connection","Manage your account":"Modifier votre compte","Menu":"Menu","Missing config":"Configuration manquante","No email has been set up":"Pas d'adresse e-mail configurée","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Veuillez vérifier que le fichier config.json existe.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Veuillez cliquer le button ci-dessous pour vous authentifier et obtenir accès à vos données.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si cette erreur persiste.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si vous pensez que ce message apparaît par erreur.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Veuillez patienter. Redirection en cours.","Redirecting":"Redirection en cours","Username:":"Nom d'utilisateur :","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenue sur %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser cette application.","You are not part of any group":"Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe"},"gl":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Atención: isto desconectarase de todas as aplicacións que estean\n a executarse neste navegador co seu usuario actual.","Account":"Conta","Account Information":"Información da conta","Authentication failed":"Produciuse un fallo de autenticación","Display name:":"Nome para amosar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Produciuse un fallo na descarga","Email:":"Correo-e:","For help visit our":"Para obter axuda visite o noso","Groups membership:":"Pertenza a grupos:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Se quere iniciar sesión cun usuario diferente, proceda a saír.","Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","Log out":"Saír","Login":"Acceso","Login Error":"Produciuse un erro de acceso","Manage your account":"Administrar a súa conta","Menu":"Menú","Missing config":"Falta a configuración","No email has been set up":"Non se configurou ningún correo-e","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Comprobe se existe o ficheiro config.json.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Prema no botón de embaixo para autenticarse e obter acceso aos seus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se persiste o erro.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se cre que esta mensaxe aparece por erro.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Agarde un chisco. Está a ser redirixido.","Redirecting":"Redirixindo","this":"este","Username:":"Nome de usuario:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Benvido a %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Non ten permiso para empregar esta aplicación","You are not part of any group":"Vostede non forma parte de ningún grupo"},"it":{}} \ No newline at end of file +{"cs":{"Account":"Účet","Account Information":"Informace o účtu","Display name:":"Zobrazované jméno:","Email:":"Email:","Groups membership:":"Členem skupin:","Loading folder failed…":"Načítání složky selhalo...","Menu":"Menu","No email has been set up":"Žádná emailová adresa nebyla nastavena","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Stiskněte prosím tlačítko dole pro udělení oprávnění a zpřístupněte tak svá data.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Prosím vydržte chvíli. Probíhá přesměrování.","Redirecting":"Přesměrování","Username:":"Uživatelské jméno:","You are not part of any group":"Nejste členem žádné skupiny"},"de":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Achtung: Damit werden Sie von allen Anwendungen, die Sie mit Ihrem aktuellen Benutzer in diesem Browser ausführen, abgemeldet.","Account":"Konto","Account Information":"Kontoinformationen","Authentication failed":"Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen","Display name:":"Anzeigename","documentation":"Dokumentation","Download failed":"Fehler beim herunterladen","Email:":"E-Mail:","For help visit our":"Für Hilfe besuche unsere","Groups membership:":"Grupppenzugehörigkeiten:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Wenn Sie sich mit einem anderen Benutzer anmelden möchten, gehen Sie bitte zu exit.","Loading folder failed…":"Laden des Ordners fehlgeschlagen…","Log out":"Abmelden","Login":"Login","Login Error":"Fehler beim Login","Manage your account":"Verwalten Sie Ihr Benutzerkonto","Menu":"Menü","Missing config":"Fehlende Konfiguration","navItem":"navItem","No email has been set up":"Es wurde noch keine E-Mail eingerichtet","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass config.json existiert.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um sich zu authentifizieren und auf Ihre Daten zuzugreifen.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator, wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin besteht.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Falls diese Meldung fehlerhaft erscheint bitte die Systemverwaltung kontaktieren.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Bitte einen Moment Geduld. Sie werden weitergeleitet.","Redirecting":"Weiterleiten","this":"dies","Username:":"Benutzername:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Willkommen zu %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Keine Berechtigung zur Benutzung dieser Applikation.","You are not part of any group":" Sie gehören keiner Gruppe an."},"es":{"Account":"Cuenta","Account Information":"Información de cuenta","Authentication failed":"Fallo de autenticación","Display name:":"Nombre a mostrar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Descarga fallida","Email:":"Correo electrónico:","For help visit our":"Para ayuda visite nuestra","Groups membership:":"Membresía grupal:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Si deseas entrar con un nombre de usuario distinto por favor procede a salir.","Loading folder failed…":"Falló la subida de la carpeta...","Log out":"Salir","Login":"Iniciar sesión","Login Error":"Error de inicio de sesión","Manage your account":"Administra tu cuenta","Menu":"Menú","Missing config":"Falta la configuración","navItem":"navItem","No email has been set up":"No se ha establecido ningún correo electrónico","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Por favor, compruebe si existe el archivo config.json.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Pulse el botón para autenticarse y ganar acceso a sus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Contacta con el administrador si el error persiste","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póngase en contacto con su administrador si cree que este mensaje aparece por error.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Por favor espere. Lo estamos redireccionando.","Redirecting":"Redireccionando","this":"Esto","Username:":"Usuario:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenido a %{productName} ","You are not allowed to use this application.":"No se le permite usar esta aplicación.","You are not part of any group":"No eres parte de ningún grupo"},"fr":{"Account":"Compte","Account Information":"Informations de compte","Authentication failed":"Error d'authentification","Display name:":"Nom affiché :","documentation":"documentation","Download failed":"Echec de téléchargement","Email:":"E-mail :","Groups membership:":"Appartenance aux groupes :","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Pour vous connecter avec un utilisateur différent, veuillez procéder à la sortie.","Loading folder failed…":"Erreur de chargement du dossier…","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Login":"Se connecter","Login Error":"Erreur de connection","Manage your account":"Modifier votre compte","Menu":"Menu","Missing config":"Configuration manquante","No email has been set up":"Pas d'adresse e-mail configurée","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Veuillez vérifier que le fichier config.json existe.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Veuillez cliquer le button ci-dessous pour vous authentifier et obtenir accès à vos données.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si cette erreur persiste.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur si vous pensez que ce message apparaît par erreur.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Veuillez patienter. Redirection en cours.","Redirecting":"Redirection en cours","Username:":"Nom d'utilisateur :","Welcome to %{productName}":"Bienvenue sur %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser cette application.","You are not part of any group":"Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe"},"gl":{"Attention: this will log you out from all applications you are running in\n this browser with your current user.":"Atención: isto desconectarase de todas as aplicacións que estean\n a executarse neste navegador co seu usuario actual.","Account":"Conta","Account Information":"Información da conta","Authentication failed":"Produciuse un fallo de autenticación","Display name:":"Nome para amosar","documentation":"documentación","Download failed":"Produciuse un fallo na descarga","Email:":"Correo-e:","For help visit our":"Para obter axuda visite o noso","Groups membership:":"Pertenza a grupos:","If you like to login with a different user please proceed to exit.":"Se quere iniciar sesión cun usuario diferente, proceda a saír.","Loading folder failed…":"Produciuse un fallo ao cargar o cartafol…","Log out":"Saír","Login":"Acceso","Login Error":"Produciuse un erro de acceso","Manage your account":"Administrar a súa conta","Menu":"Menú","Missing config":"Falta a configuración","No email has been set up":"Non se configurou ningún correo-e","ownCloud":"ownCloud","Please check if file config.json exists.":"Comprobe se existe o ficheiro config.json.","Please click the button below to authenticate and get access to your data.":"Prema no botón de embaixo para autenticarse e obter acceso aos seus datos.","Please contact the administrator if this error persists.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se persiste o erro.","Please contact your administrator if you think this message shows up in error.":"Póñase en contacto co seu administrador se cre que esta mensaxe aparece por erro.","Please wait a while. You are being redirected.":"Agarde un chisco. Está a ser redirixido.","Redirecting":"Redirixindo","this":"este","Username:":"Nome de usuario:","Welcome to %{productName}":"Benvido a %{productName}","You are not allowed to use this application.":"Non ten permiso para empregar esta aplicación","You are not part of any group":"Vostede non forma parte de ningún grupo"},"it":{}} \ No newline at end of file