diff --git a/packages/bun-types/bun-test.d.ts b/packages/bun-types/bun-test.d.ts
index c620050eca83d3..56d847b74bee6a 100644
--- a/packages/bun-types/bun-test.d.ts
+++ b/packages/bun-types/bun-test.d.ts
@@ -341,6 +341,15 @@ declare module "bun:test" {
      * expect(undefined).toBeDefined(); // fail
     toBeDefined(): void;
+     /**
+     * Asserts that the expected value is an instance of value
+     *
+     * @example
+     * expect([]).toBeInstanceOf(Array);
+     * expect(null).toBeInstanceOf(Array); // fail
+     */
+    toBeInstanceOf(value: Function): void;
      * Asserts that a value is `undefined`.
diff --git a/src/bun.js/test/jest.zig b/src/bun.js/test/jest.zig
index 5571294c7ce831..2cb86c4f72afcf 100644
--- a/src/bun.js/test/jest.zig
+++ b/src/bun.js/test/jest.zig
@@ -2080,6 +2080,70 @@ pub const Expect = struct {
         return .zero;
+    pub fn toBeInstanceOf(this: *Expect, globalObject: *JSC.JSGlobalObject, callFrame: *JSC.CallFrame) callconv(.C) JSValue {
+        defer this.postMatch(globalObject);
+        const thisValue = callFrame.this();
+        const _arguments = callFrame.arguments(1);
+        const arguments: []const JSValue = _arguments.ptr[0.._arguments.len];
+        if (arguments.len < 1) {
+            globalObject.throwInvalidArguments("toBeInstanceOf() requires 1 argument", .{});
+            return .zero;
+        }
+        if (this.scope.tests.items.len <= this.test_id) {
+            globalObject.throw("toBeInstanceOf() must be called in a test", .{});
+            return .zero;
+        }
+        active_test_expectation_counter.actual += 1;
+        const expected_value = arguments[0];
+        if (!expected_value.jsType().isFunction()) {
+            var fmt = JSC.ZigConsoleClient.Formatter{ .globalThis = globalObject, .quote_strings = true };
+            globalObject.throw("Expected value must be a function: {any}", .{expected_value.toFmt(globalObject, &fmt)});
+            return .zero;
+        }
+        expected_value.ensureStillAlive();
+        const value = Expect.capturedValueGetCached(thisValue) orelse {
+            globalObject.throw("Internal consistency error: the expect(value) was garbage collected but it should not have been!", .{});
+            return .zero;
+        };
+        value.ensureStillAlive();
+        const not = this.op.contains(.not);
+        var pass = value.isInstanceOf(globalObject, expected_value);
+        if (not) pass = !pass;
+        if (pass) return thisValue;
+        // handle failure
+        var formatter = JSC.ZigConsoleClient.Formatter{ .globalThis = globalObject, .quote_strings = true };
+        const value_fmt = value.toFmt(globalObject, &formatter);
+        if (not) {
+            const received_line = "Received: <red>{any}<r>\n";
+            const fmt = comptime getSignature("toBeInstanceOf", "", true) ++ "\n\n" ++ received_line;
+            if (Output.enable_ansi_colors) {
+                globalObject.throw(Output.prettyFmt(fmt, true), .{value_fmt});
+                return .zero;
+            }
+            globalObject.throw(Output.prettyFmt(fmt, false), .{value_fmt});
+            return .zero;
+        }
+        const received_line = "Received: <red>{any}<r>\n";
+        const fmt = comptime getSignature("toBeInstanceOf", "", false) ++ "\n\n" ++ received_line;
+        if (Output.enable_ansi_colors) {
+            globalObject.throw(Output.prettyFmt(fmt, true), .{value_fmt});
+            return .zero;
+        }
+        globalObject.throw(Output.prettyFmt(fmt, false), .{value_fmt});
+        return .zero;
+    }
     pub const toHaveBeenCalledTimes = notImplementedJSCFn;
     pub const toHaveBeenCalledWith = notImplementedJSCFn;
     pub const toHaveBeenLastCalledWith = notImplementedJSCFn;
@@ -2089,7 +2153,6 @@ pub const Expect = struct {
     pub const toHaveLastReturnedWith = notImplementedJSCFn;
     pub const toHaveNthReturnedWith = notImplementedJSCFn;
     pub const toBeCloseTo = notImplementedJSCFn;
-    pub const toBeInstanceOf = notImplementedJSCFn;
     pub const toContainEqual = notImplementedJSCFn;
     pub const toMatch = notImplementedJSCFn;
     pub const toMatchObject = notImplementedJSCFn;
diff --git a/test/bun.js/bun-test/matchers.test.ts b/test/bun.js/bun-test/matchers.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..8322c55a6a3a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/bun.js/bun-test/matchers.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { describe, expect, test } from "bun:test";
+describe("different kinds of matchers", () => {
+  test("toBeInstanceOf", () => {
+    expect({}).toBeInstanceOf(Object);
+    expect(new String("test")).toBeInstanceOf(String);
+    expect(() => {}).toBeInstanceOf(Function);
+    class A {}
+    expect(new A()).toBeInstanceOf(A);
+  });
\ No newline at end of file